Dwarf Fortress > DF Adventure Mode Discussion

Turn off 'alt + y' attack confirmation


The confirm pause is really slowing the momentum of my slaughter.

AFAIK, best you can do is change the binding to something easier to input. I use 'y'.

Press Escape, choose Key Bindings, Adventurer, scroll down to "Attack, Confirm", Add binding, delete old binding.


--- Quote from: Ziusudra on August 18, 2018, 08:03:35 pm ---AFAIK, best you can do is change the binding to something easier to input. I use 'y'.

Press Escape, choose Key Bindings, Adventurer, scroll down to "Attack, Confirm", Add binding, delete old binding.

--- End quote ---

Waaaaa! DF has changeable key bindingt? The last place I would go to is the menu to figure stuff out. '?' menu is useful though.


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