Dwarf Fortress > DF Gameplay Questions

How to encourage dwarfs to claim specific items as personal

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This question is not about giving armor/weapon in military.

In short I have a unhappy dwarf, so I made a aluminum figurine to lower her stress level(she prefers figurines and aluminum metal).

How can I give her this figurine? I think this question must been asked before by new players, but it seems that there aren't any threads about item claiming as personal item. I have read from wiki that it seems that dwarfs can randomly claim various items. If I can't directly give item for dwarf, how can I encourage dwarf to claim specific item?

Currently she possesses own bedroom with wooden chest.(I am saying this, because I assume that dwarfs may store personal items similar how soldiers store items into weapon rack and armor rack)

This is a guess...

Lock her in a room with the figurine, a bed, food and drink. Set up three 1 tile stockpiles all set to accept the figurine. Link the three stockpiles to give to each other (forming a loop, a to b, b to c, and c to a). Being the only one in the room, she will begin carrying the figurine from one stockpile to another, possibly choosing to claim it as an item at some point in time.

Well i guess this might work, but doesn't the creator of the game made a easier way to do this?

No, the creator of the game makes the dwarfiest way to do this.

As far as I understand, dorfs only claim wearable trinkets, and if that's the case it won't be claimed. There was a bug causing dorfs to claim items made out of desired materials, but that bug was squashed (fortunately, as dwarves move very slowly when having taken half the diorite large pots in the fortress...).

The stockpile trick works for wearable trinkets, though (but you only need 2 stockpiles, both giving to each other).

The preference for figurines comes into play if a dorf becomes a noble, in which the bugger will spew mandates to produce figurines and then forbid export of them...


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