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Author Topic: 50. sugg: 'Obedience' skill for MODSKILL01  (Read 21 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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50. sugg: 'Obedience' skill for MODSKILL01
« on: Today at 05:28:03 pm »

Whether its split off on its own or replaces one of the free modskills replacing alchemy, its a simplistic solution to animal taming.

Repeated visits to the trainer builds obedience, when they reach legendary obedience, if they are able they should petition for citizenship, along with other nifty tricks like always being loyal to their master in case of a cascade. More obedient animals have a slower degredation of taming, though cats with [ADOPTS_OWNER] token have no obedience skillgain at all.

In children, when they are experiencing tantrums or refusing to do chores they can be talked out of it by their parents or fortress guards, imparting obedience with a stern talking to and building their resilience for their place in the colony. In adults, obedience has no particular effect, and while activities build it up, reflecting upon it can further manifest a range of personality changes on positive and negative parts of the spectrum, so it might balance out the free child labor force by taking measures to preserve their free spirits.

In this respect, loyalty is much more important to a adult dwarf's life than obedience, as dwarves never actually do what you expect them to.  ;D