In the beginning there was nothing. Then there was a ruleset. And it was ok, I guess. The Ruleset was RTD standard and was carved in stone and presented to the people. At ballistic speeds. 1: Divine Fuckery
2: Failure and Insults
3: Less Omnipotent and Impotent
4: Worthy of a minor following
5: Praise, worship, virgin sacrifice
6: Ending a drought with a rain of ebola blood.And the people, after picking bits of stone from their faces, thought that it was indeed, alright. But they wanted more. So a hierarchy of gods was created, to increase backstabbing and assholery.There are three levels of god: Major, Minor, and Demi. Major gods can control big shit and lots of stuff. Like the shape of the planet or making sentient life or occasionally boning human women to create horrific half divine offspring.
Minor gods can control other shit. Like being patrons of actions or controlling the harvest of an area. Or getting drunk and telling people to also get drunk.
Demi-gods can't control shit, but they're basically super powered beings so they can still influence the world personally. Usually via murder if history is any indication.
And the people rejoiced, at lightning bolt point, but quietly whispered that it would be fun if gods could fuck each other over somehow. So they were turned to piles of ash. But as the ash was being swept up, the rules were updated, just for dramatic irony.
Gods have powerPower is how gods get shit done. Major gods start with 10, have max 20. Minor start with 5, have max 10, and Demi start with 0 and have max 5. Power can be used to add bonuses to rolls. 1 for +1, 3 for +2, 6 for +3. It can be applied to any roll, but has to be applied BEFORE the roll. Gods get power by doing things in the world, like being worshiped, feared, or generally doing influential things. You can lose power by having things associated with you destroyed, desecrated, or beaten in a sick rap battle.
Power lets gods fuck with each other. If a god does something, another god can try to reverse/stop it by paying an amount of power equal to the roll of the other god + any power that god used to make the roll. Power can also be used to forcibly remove gods from their positions. A god can offer a challenge to any other god and the two will secretly wager an amount of power. The one who wagers the smallest loses, and they can be kicked out and replaced by the winner, demoted a level, or even killed if they're a demi-god vs a major god. Here's the fun part though: That wager can include power from other gods and can exceed the normal max. Both sides have to pay their wagers regardless of who wins.
And the charred skeletons agreed that it was good.
The first five people become major gods. The second five become minor. The rest are demigods. Here's a sheet.
God Level:
Sphere (If major or minor god):
Description: Major and minor gods can basically look like whatever they want and change it as an action. Demi gods are stuck with one appearance.
Notes: This section is for notes either about yourself or stuff I tell you to add to it. Used to keep track of various things.
Each turn is 10 years. Include me on any sneaky PMs.
Universe map, as is.
Major Gods
Borkle, He-Who-Punches-Your-Face (LordPorkins)
Manor (Doomblade)
Sucker, Demon of Entropy (Paris)
Credst (Tankkit)
Vurol (Ombragon)
Ep (Enemy Post)
Anaconda (Egan)
Hectorclese (Hector13)
Enal (kitrougard)
Lilith (Coolrune)

Baba Chik (Trinculoisdead)
Thorn (Roseheart)
Ultra (Irony owl)
Aigresaur (aigre)
Vijiriwek (Sy)