Dwarf Fortress > DF Adventure Mode Discussion

How hearth-person invite works?

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My Dwarf has built own site and zoned it as "Main Hall". There was a popup on screen announcing him as its lord. I tried claiming lairs before, but it wasn't working but creating new groups for my dwarf to be lord. This time after creation of 3rd group it worked finally. So, next step would be to invite some dwarves to be guards, right?

Clicking "invite listener to become a hearthperson" results always in "I cannot accept this honor. I am sorry".

I tried in local fortress and starting Hillock. No soldiers, no peasants, no woodcutters, no none. Not even local meadhall's drunks want to become hearth-persons. What am I doing wrong?

In starting Hillock: legendary hero, feared killer and legendary hunter.
In civilization: legendary hero and feared killer.

I tried asking also in a hillock without any standings, which belongs to different dwarven civilization, which however has standings: legendary hero, feared killer and legendary hunter. Also negative.

My hero is in social skills:

talented persuader,
talented judge of intent,
dabbling intimidator,
novice flatterer,
talented speaker,

and in attributes:

above average linguistic ability,
above average empathy,
above average social awareness.

I have also 5 adventure followers: 2 recruits and 3 axedwarves.

What am I doing wrong? Is there something special I have to accomplish to be able to invite someone to become hearth-person and guard my adventurer's site?

How hearth-person works? Are there some limits set for how many hearth-persons/adventurers/performers/travelers you can have? If so, then what are those for my adventurer?

I have solved the mystery of inviting hearth-persons!

Player needs to click "bring up specific incident or rumor", then wait through 1 min of DF freeze on 4ghz cpu... When DF starts responding again, then write down "conflict fight"... then scroll about dozen pages down to find description about slaying some famous wild beast. Then invite works finally.

What a horrible process. Particularly, when DF freezes, but thanks magic filter somehow still doable.

Question still standing is:
1. Should I somehow equip with armor and weapon the hearth-person for the guard duty?
2. How many hearth people can serve under my rule?
3. I have only 8 beds in my Main Hall, but do those matter in adventure mode?

Also... I've been to human hamlet...

4. Why Dwarves have no pouches for moneys? If economic system ever will be introduced, shouldn't they have a pouch? Also... how come Dwarves can not wear money pouches? There is no "large" size on these pouches.

I don't know if it is a bug or not... All dwarven soldiers, I ever encountered in my now 1 month old adventure, are on "important mission" and can not be recruited into following my adventures. Even if they are already successfully invited to be a hearthperson.

I resorted to recruit into adventure peasants, mostly woodcutters, as they come with battleaxes and got them into full metal gear. I also invited successfully all my companions into being hearthperson. It didn't change a thing.

What is more puzzling is, those peasants whom I invited as hearthpersons, but not into adventuring, just stay in their regular place. They do not set to guard my camp for example or any of those 2 lairs I claimed either.

I am little confused what hearthperson does in adventure and what benefits are of having hearthpersons...

There's basically no point to them beyond that the game will select a new lord from the heartspeople after you die, and I guess they try to defend the camp. I did have one situation where recruiting all heartspeople from a town meant that there were no squad captains to defend the town so it got captured in the week after my aventurer died. The game is unfinished.

being a hearthsperson is more like being an elite guard. Getting one probably makes it easier to claim sites without making a new Civ every time, being a lord means you can ask and or demand for tributes from other lords and set up agreements.
which the whole thing dips into the messing around with the world that slowly being added back in.

Getting peasants to become hearthspersons mean they live a daily life in their town then move to protect the small micro camp of some lord.
retiring and unretiring will net you some local nobles or folks to hang out at the site.

it probably helps that Becoming a hearthsperson is a difficult task of kissing up to a lord going from a peasant than it is to just starting as one.
then again it's possible to become a lieutenant and any other noble position that is appointed by someone else.


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