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Author Topic: MOOK: Such sights to see  (Read 480580 times)


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Re: MOOK: Old Yeller and New Screamer.
« Reply #450 on: March 08, 2019, 07:44:13 pm »

"Must've missed it. My bad, I still have to set up this commlink. Did anyone check out lab 2 yet? I've found this piece of paper with a login and a password, and I think it's probably for a terminal there. Not that we've got much reason to go check it out anymore I think, since the dog is already dead."
"What? What does the dog have to do with computer terminals? Come on, last time I snooped on some egghead's compuiter, they had pinball. I bet the next one at least has, like, space invaders or something."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MOOK: Old Yeller and New Screamer.
« Reply #451 on: March 10, 2019, 02:09:37 pm »

Spoiler:  Kerberos (click to show/hide)

Calmly reload my rifle, walk up to the slain beast, and empty the new magazine into it.
Kerberos [2,6] unloads a full magazine of ammo into the dog thing, filing it full of new holes and splattering viscous ichor all over himself.

Find somewhere I can plug my adapter (make sure it's not a power plug first) and see what data I can pull, either on this project in general or where they keep the good loot.

EDIT: Oh! But first, call my scientist friend to see if he survived his rescue team's arrival. If he did, he might be able to just tell me the answers and if he didn't he might have some loot. So win-win either way

Pathos reconnects with Bill Pelican and again the image of the scientist fills the screen.

"Howdy. I heard quite a ruckus out there. Is the coast clear? Did I miss the party?"

Pathos lets Bill know that indeed the coast does look clear in lab 1.

"Ah, good good good. I'm gonna come out now. Do me a favor and tell your friends out there not to add superfluous ventilation ports to my otherwise structurally sound chassis. Discount model though it may be, I am fond of it."

Pathos lets everyone know whats happening and heads to lab 1 before giving Bill the all clear. A moment later one of the cabinets on a side wall opens and a man steps out with his hands raised. Bill is wearing a lab coat over a white coverall suit and his hands at least are both prosthetics. He looks around a bit and then sees Pathos. He waves  and walks over, carefully stepping round the dead dog thing.

"Had yourselves a great time it looks like." He says, before noticing Jengo. "Most of you at least."

He claps his hands together. "So, what are the chances you've already dealt with the issues in lab 3 and now we're off for a nice frothy glass of memory degrading fun-time beverage?"

Make a fresh pot of coffee. About the best thing I've used my modest technical expertise for yet.

Ed, in attempting to make coffee, somehow starts a small fire that quickly engulfs the coffee maker and spreads to the non-dairy creamer and napkins. The fire alarms start blaring a moment later.

Spoiler: medic n°2 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: SPOILED FOR GIRTH (click to show/hide)

Loot everything from Clem then see if there is way to go to the guys chasing the dog.

(Clem is still not dead by the way. You can transfer the inventory to yours based on his last post I guess)

Steve strips everything useful off Clem and then heads into lab one to join the cluster of people hanging around.  Some scientist looking guy makes finger guns at him as he walks in. Steve is not sure why or what that means.

"How? Just how did you even manage to shoot yourself?"

Save Jengo from bleeding out.
Spoiler: Heather Reid (click to show/hide)
No! Blood! Stay in there! Stay in your home! Desperately try not to bleed out on the first day of my new job. That's just unprofessional.

"How? Just how did you even manage to shoot yourself?"

"Glub gasp. Sorry... Sorry... Glub."

Spoiler: Punished Jengo (click to show/hide)
"Can you....spare a cup of....blood..."

Through use of a significant number of bandaids, sutures, disinfectant, and gauze Heather manages to stop the bleeding, but Jengo still took a high caliber round straight through the chest so bleeding ain't the only problem. All this stabilization is effectively mommy's kisses  vs a shattered femur if you catch my drift,  dear reader. Gonna need stronger stuff to really get him back on his feet.

Try to get Clem's sidearm in case there are more monsters running amok.

After that, if possible, go to the advance team tnat took down the monster and start scanning it. Try to find a long pole of sorts first to poke it with, if after lots of poking it still isn't moving start carefully scanning it, if it is still twitching then goop it. Try to have a gunnerbro covering me while I'm working if at all possible. If no pole found wait until it gets doubletapped thoroughly before scanning, or just stay away for now.

Spoiler: Yagyu d'Aubigny (click to show/hide)
((Gonna have to ask Steve for it since he literally is in control of the body))

Yagyu follows Steve to lab 1 and, after making sufficiently sure that the alien dog thing is dead, pokes it with the scanner. The scanner, designed more for environmental issues than for scanning individual objects, says that there are signs of injured humans in the vicinity along with a large source of extra-dimensional contaminants. Judging from the information it prints out, doggo there is from H.E.L.L. dimension. Also, going off information from the ratios of contaminants it is something called a "Scissor Head".

"Score one for the Corp."

Reload my rifle then keep it aimed at the monster until after Kerberos empties his magazine into it. After that, see if there is anything unusual around the lab.

Spoiler:  Jack Hansan (click to show/hide)
Jack searches around in the wreckage for a few moments and, under some debris, discovers a rather interesting thing. Its a full scale artificial arm, shoulder to hand, for the right arm by the look of it. However, its got something extra in there,  a bulge of metal along the outside edge of the forearm and some sort of locking mechanisms along the length of that side of the hand and the pinky.

Well my managerial expertise can only help so far, go wander off to the nearest break room for coffee and donuts
Murphy wanders into the nearest break room and finds the coffee machine on fire.

This isn't optimal utilization of business assets. Not optimal at all.

Don't reload yet, keep my gun ready, maintining vigil while the others reload.  Scan the room and listen for any more activity.. it might not be all the way dead or there might be more than one.  Be ready to fire if there is any more action.

"Need an engineer in here to make sure it's all dead.  And that this stuff is turned off right."

Spoiler: Spuds (click to show/hide)
Spuds wanders around the room, carefully searching for any hidden threats. Luckily it seems like the place really is safe; at least lab 1. And by safe he of course means that there are no more extradimensional demons here to tear people in half and eat their faces. There's probably still plenty of danger around. Like that paper cutter. Or that stapler.

Loot the Hypodermic Spear and all (six?) cartridges of mystery goo. Leave the printer ink - don't want Finance coming down on my head.

If I have time after that, head to lab one, shake my head sadly at the tragic loss of one Good Dog, then start stuffing said Good Dog into my incinerator. It'll fit, dammit. it'll fit. Eventually.

"Too bad. He'd have made a great mount for Sanitation. I was gonna name him Trolley."

Spoiler: Gambling Hall (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Character Sheet (click to show/hide)

"Ah yes, the ancient janitorial sharp stick!  You shall come in handy when picking up wrappers or impaling malcontents."

Jon takes the spear and the 6 cartridges before heading into lab 1 and starting to incinerate the Scissor Head. The thing has been pretty badly mulched after the spray of close range gunfire so he just loads it into the incinerator in chunks.

”come on Jengo, what are you, a virologist?”
Search the lab. Look for the science guy.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Science guy has found himself, it seems, so Lance searchs the lab for other hidden goodies.

He discovers, among the debris, A fire ax! (d6 melee).

I'mma assume I successfully got a FoF thingamajig.  Added one to my sheet.

Relax a little, seeing that the door is securely closed, and then go guard whichever vulnerable support members of our team aren't in the same room as the giant beartrap dog monster.  Shoot any giant beartrap dog monsters seen, while safely (?) standing behind said expendable support members.

Spoiler: Scared Security (click to show/hide)
((You can assume that. I'm guessing someone would give it to you I don't know. I'm not in charge of other people and their inventory.))

Rezel sticks with redshirt for the moment...though it seems like everyone is heading towards dog town so...its a crap shoot.

"Aw shit I missed getting to help kill the dog thing."
Go to Lab 1 and see what things I can loot from the lab.
Spoiler: Character Sheet (click to show/hide)
Benny heads into lab 1 and tears a Medkit from the wreckage. Actually he tears it out of the first aid station on the wall near the eyewash station but whatever, close enough.

Edd walks into the lab, heading over to Jon.

"Hey man, how's tricks here? I went to the rec room first in the hopes of there being something good there, but there was barely even any mess to clean up"

Help Jon (ozarck) with incinerating the Good Dog. Then set out to clean the rest of Lab 1 back to OMNITECH Cleanliness Rating compliant level.

Spoiler: Eddrick, Sanitation (click to show/hide)

Edd mops up ichor and then starts hauling debris over into the corner for later disposal.  Cleaning this place up to a reasonable standard is gonna be rather time consuming. That Dog thing sure wrecked the place.

Spoiler: Redshirt (click to show/hide)
Execute the 5-step plan!
Locate Benny.
Acquire card (by force if necessary).
Open door.
Redshirt walks into lab 1, walks over to Benny, and promptly starts shoving his hands into Benny's pockets. Benny squirms and wiggles and shouts for a Lawyer to start filling out sexual harassment paperwork but despite this Redshirt manages to dig the red keycard out of Benny's pocket.  Thus equiped, Redshirt heads back to the huge door and inserts the keycard. The door slides open slowly and with great effort, revealing a short hallway with another every large blast door at the end. The hallway is pure white and brightly lit, or at least thats how it used to be. Now there's blood and body parts everywhere in it, sprayed across the walls, floor and ceiling. The smell is enough to physically send Redshirt and Rezel staggering back a few steps when it hits them.  There's no sign of anything dangerous but there is a faint mechanical noise, like servos moving.

Head to lab 1 and try to acquire some sort of souvenir from the dog-thing before it's incinerated (preferably a tooth), then start cleaning up the place. Loot the corpses before incinerating them, look out for any melee weapons. Also speak to the security guys.
"Security people, attention! You have baton! I need baton! Lend me baton, please!"
Spoiler: Bob (click to show/hide)
Bob wanders into lab 1, an increasingly popular hobby these days, and pries loose a bit of sharp scale from the dead Scissor Head before the entire thing gets incinerated.
A quick search for something melee oriented returns nothing useful aside from, maybe some scalpels and other small knives.

Spoiler: HAZMAT Harry, HMRC (click to show/hide)

Must've forgot to act. Huh.

I guess just....head to where the action is. Get to lab 1, wait for another dog-thing or similar catastrophe to come try to kill us and keep an eye on the environment sensor.
Harry is in lab 1. Don't question it. He just is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MOOK: Old Yeller and New Screamer.
« Reply #452 on: March 10, 2019, 02:21:38 pm »

"Nah, they haven't cleared the other labs yet. Those guys just started chasing the first thing they found, which led them in here. On the bright side, that means you can just go and wait in the break room instead of this depressing place. Snacks?"

Offer information. Offer snacks.
EDIT: Also, escort him out of here before someone does anything stupid.

« Last Edit: March 10, 2019, 05:38:39 pm by Parisbre56 »


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #453 on: March 10, 2019, 02:28:24 pm »

Spoiler: medic n°2 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: SPOILED FOR GIRTH (click to show/hide)

False Alarm Clem is still alive still I will take his containment pods and null rod also pass Clem gun to Yagyu d'Aubigny that wanted it.

Open a medical Kit to help in saving Jengo life

GG, Ziizo. May my spirit live on in your boobs.


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Re: MOOK: Old Yeller and New Screamer.
« Reply #454 on: March 10, 2019, 02:35:22 pm »

"I have good and bad news for you. First the good, you're not going to bleed out, as for the bad, you're not going anywhere. Please transfer all items of importance to me. For safekeeping."

My job here is done. Wait for Jengo to get up and lead the charge to Lab 3, if he doesn't, "borrow" his rifle, magazines and riot suit. Then proceed to surgically remove the prosthetic arm from the corpse the mutant dog was gnawing on.
Spoiler: Heather Reid (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 10, 2019, 06:06:38 pm by Hotfire90 »


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Re: MOOK: Old Yeller and New Screamer.
« Reply #455 on: March 10, 2019, 03:24:15 pm »

Spoiler: Punished Jengo (click to show/hide)

No! My items! Stay there! Stay in your home! I groan pathetically in protest. "Hey doc, I like money", I blearily say to the scientist man.

"I have good and bad news for you. First the good, you're not going to bleed out, as for the bad, you're not going anywhere. Please transfer all items of importance to me. For safekeeping."

"Bro. Broooooooo those are mine. Cmon man. Doc. Doc. Doc. I need those to secure the facility and stuff. Broooooo"

"Steve! My man. My buddy. My BOY. What's GOOD bro."


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Re: MOOK: Old Yeller and New Screamer.
« Reply #456 on: March 10, 2019, 03:40:47 pm »

"I need them more than you do! You're not going anywhere, so hand them over!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MOOK: Old Yeller and New Screamer.
« Reply #457 on: March 10, 2019, 03:55:34 pm »

"Dude. Dude. Riddle me answer me this. Answer me this. If I don't have my CRITICAL ITEMS how will I do my job? Job of securing the facility? You are compromising the security? Making aliens and bad guys get in huh? The facility? Shame..."


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Re: MOOK: Old Yeller and New Screamer.
« Reply #458 on: March 10, 2019, 04:01:33 pm »

"Alright Mr shoot yourself, get up and lead the charge then."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MOOK: Old Yeller and New Screamer.
« Reply #459 on: March 10, 2019, 05:01:11 pm »

Spoiler:  Kerberos (click to show/hide)
Kerberos, still stained with Scissor Head ichor inserts himself in between Heather and the fallen Jengo.
"Now hold on second, you aren't stealing anything from Jengo here."

"Because I am."

"I want a second gun and he got one. Now fuck-off."

Start looting Jengo for his stuff.

New action later on.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2019, 06:01:38 pm by Yottawhat »
(1) You start forward with determination and certainty. You carry this determination with you right into the gaping crater that opens under your feet. You fall into a pit. The sounds of combat above dim, along with the light from the suns. In the quiet below, you hear some other noises instead.

Radio Controlled

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Re: MOOK: Old Yeller and New Screamer.
« Reply #460 on: March 10, 2019, 05:05:20 pm »

Now that I have scanned a sample of the dogmonster, wave the scanner around to try and see if there are any traces in the air of other monsters that have a similar but distinct scanner signature. Walk around the general area we already secured for this scan.

In case scan turns up negative, check if any goodies at all remained in lab one.

Spoiler: Yagyu d'Aubigny (click to show/hide)

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


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Re: MOOK: Old Yeller and New Screamer.
« Reply #461 on: March 10, 2019, 05:17:21 pm »

"Back off bud, his stuff belongs to me already. You'd best find yourself a different target if you know what's good for you."

Tavik Toth

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Re: MOOK: Old Yeller and New Screamer.
« Reply #462 on: March 10, 2019, 05:28:18 pm »

"Why hello there. I'll just be taking that."

Store the arm somewhere on my body then go up to Kerberos and Reid

"Now what do we have here?"

Spoiler:  Jack Hansan (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 10, 2019, 05:34:42 pm by Tavik Toth »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MOOK: Old Yeller and New Screamer.
« Reply #463 on: March 10, 2019, 05:46:34 pm »

Kerberos waves his hand ineffectively at the two other vultures.

"Shoo, shoo. I'm the one who's gonna loot this corspe, not you!"
(1) You start forward with determination and certainty. You carry this determination with you right into the gaping crater that opens under your feet. You fall into a pit. The sounds of combat above dim, along with the light from the suns. In the quiet below, you hear some other noises instead.

Tavik Toth

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Re: MOOK: Old Yeller and New Screamer.
« Reply #464 on: March 10, 2019, 05:51:27 pm »

"And why are you looting him while he is still alive? At least wait until he's dead."
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