Space cows:Flying creatures that look like a cross between porpoises and cows. They also live in space.
The Alliance:The government of Earth and its allied planets. Democratic, employs a tangled bureaucracy.
The Seven:Ancient goat demon gods that threaten the very universe itself.
Modified roomba army:Destroyed, then repaired. Now a dapper fox hunting club.
Perfect space cow:Confused.
Vacuum vermin:

Space Cow regiment XA-72e:Military space cows.
Sir William R. Washingtonson:president of the Dapper Gentlemen's Association.
Crew of the Moloko:Anoymous crewmembers bravely exploring the unknown. Military units have been trained in Imperial Guard techniques.
Platonic milk:Just a friend.
Space Animal Rescue Center:Protecting animal rights, IN SPACE.
Honey badger man:Don't care.
St. Peter:Stands at the pearly gates.
Silence's pet basilisk, Douge:

Valkyries:Choosers of the slain.
Repair nanobots:Born to fix things and devour their creator.
DNA thief:Mysterious figure that steals DNA.
Infinity Dairy expert:Cursed with knowledge.
Sreratv:A culture known for their excellent bank security and expertise in economic matters.
Rickshaw couple:Grumpy, arbitrarily cruel.
Squidward:Son of Thainos.
Other Children of Thainos:"Big stone one, stealthy one, girl one and other girl one that's blue but isn't my favorite daughter."
Wildebeest:Gnu animals.
Army of Thainos:Generic alien monsters in the employ of Thainos.
R'ccc:A famous tentacle creature.
Droogs:Ultra-violent thugs.
ABOMINATION:A terrifying monster genetically engineered by Dr. Bob.
The undead:"When there's no more room in Hell..."
Demons:A common sight in these games.
Giants:Guardians of the Ninth Circle of Hell.
Men of Leng:Inhuman slavers who sail galleys with black sails in the Dreamlands.
Moon beasts:The nightmarish masters of the Men of Leng.
Chupacabras:Mythical creatures from Central America. They are said to drink the blood of goats. They are also quite possibly the most dangerous animals on the planet.
Repair station AI:Overseer of a repair station.
Self-Defense cybernetics:The little posthuman augment that could.
Ivan Drazhanovic:Dr. Bob's teacher.
Jeff Goldblum:Life, uh, finds a way.
Independence natives:Minions of Jeff Goldblum. They are said to possess a mysterious link to their ruler.
Mutant rats:Rats mutated by the Moloko's engine fuel.
The T. rex:When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth
Void nightmares:Monsters from the void.
Droog vampire:A powerful vampire sired by Boris.
Azathoth:The nuclear chaos at the center of all things.

Time Lords:Doctor who?
Vampire conspiracy network:Inhabitants of a World of Darkness.
Cervidae mutants:A diverse group of countless artificial creatures unleashed on the homeworld of the deer people.
Alliance High Command:The democratically elected leaders of the Alliance.
Eldritch creatures:Monsters from beyond.
Anonymous Time Lord:A Time Lord that Shaun angered with an attempt to steal her TARDIS.
Afterlife fishers:A fishing crew illegally harvesting souls from the tentacle creature afterlife.
Alpha and Omega squads:Best commandos in the Alliance.
Fishing boat captain:A grizzled tentacle-creature soul hunter who once had his leg bitten off by a ghost.
Mutant Bob:A version of Dr. Bob destroyed by his own unrestricted experiments.
Cult of the Seven:Ancient followers of the Seven.
Mad scientist:


Dracula:The OG vampire.
Vampire council:The vampire leadership.
UberBob:The greatest Bob in all the timelines.
Doc Brown:The inventor of time travel.
Imperium of Man:For the Emprah!
The guard:Poor guy who got talked at.
Emperor of Mankind:Ruler of the Imperium.
Ordos Chronos:Imperium timecops.
Imperial cult:A religion devoted to worship of the Emperor of Mankind. A few supporters have appeared on this timeline's Earth. They mostly like to shout about HERESY and the EMPRAH.
Gamora:Thainos' favorite daughter.
Guardians of the Galaxy:Space outlaws.
Nyarlathotep.Eliphas the Inheritor:Blood for the blood god!
The Fates:The beings who spin the threads of destiny.
Thainos' evil army:A giant horde of callbacks to previous adventures involving minimalism and/or milk.
Sentient giraffes:A surprisingly common race in the Milky Way, representing about 16% of the total population. Most of this is concentrated in the Camelopardalis constellation.