Dwarf Fortress > DF Suggestions

Generalized Art


"Art" should be RAW-ified so that modders can define art projects themselves, e.g. modding in artful lavish meals, artful paintings, syndromes, etc.
For example, a tag called [ARTFUL:IMAGE:COLORLESS] would make the item practically have an engraving on it, while [ARTFUL:LITERATURE:COLORED] could be applied to picture books.
Perhaps modders should be allowed to defined their own "art types" via some mad-libs-esque syntax.

All for broadening Art in the Game so +1

There are some fantasy creatures which exist in the raws solely so they can show up in engravings and art. This can be expanded by modders - though the chances of them showing up are pretty low (just because of the huge amount of animals that could be drawn). Presumably some clever word play could introduce a lot as far as engravings go.

Likewise, I think expanding art in the game is still an excellent idea and would like to see it in some way.


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