Another run, archer centaur, this time with high search. It was much more fun when you didnt have to run a circle in each single room, but the hidden rooms are fun, it would really help to have some kind of auto-search the walls of this room so you dont have to manually run around each single piece of wall in the dungeon, which is quite a bit of unfun time. Really was much better when all I had to do was peek a look into the room to see if there is something or not and run to the next one.
Also, is Michwan unkillable? I challenged her again, got her to start running (forgot to put anchor trap and no way to do it after challenging her so Im stuck with her teleporting?) so I took out my living slingshot and every 1-2 shots I kill her, but she just uses her die-hard talent to regenerate each single time, I killed her for at least 50 times by now, and she is still shooting at me, she truly has some godlike regeneration. Also wish there was a way to make character also have regeneration like that, would be probably too OP though... right now I take 1k+ turns to heal to full even with regeneration equipment (or do they stack if you have multiple?).
I also cheated a bit by replicating the save files and after challenging few more gods I can tell that they are etremely uneven in their strength, spider god was super easy, gooze god slightlz harder but still quite easy, lich(Nolrad) hard and Michwan... well... Michwan.
It also kinda sucks that you cannot do ranged attacks with throwable weapons against enemies in melee range even with the close ranged trait... would have used double throwing axes instead of a bow if this were a thing

Also, enhancement scrolls are basically useless, there are too few good items in a run, and the chance of losing them is just too high given the potentially small reward of them being enhanced.
Another thing which seems kind of vague is how often you get talents if you have some kind of bonus to your mind, most importantly the bonus from lone wolf, as that adds to your base mind.
P.S. Are the default gods the same each time or are they random generated? I reset the pantheon once and they were the same, so I guess they are fixed?