Since it looks like we've got most of our crew voting for it, I will be adding [TRAINABLE] to the entry for ducks in the raws.
Journal of Expedition Leader PsychoAngel
It is the first of Limestone. I worry that we may not be ready for the caravan from the mountainhome.
Well, I suppose it's never too late to make gold nest boxes, right? Gonna want to deck out our ducks soon, anyway.
The caravan arrives on the 16th, and I realize I never appointed a broker. Silly me.
I order some nest boxes and extra eggs be brought to the depot for trade. Hopefully we can make some more before the caravan moves on.
At the moment, I can only get one anvil, one bin of cloth, and one bin of leather with my current goods.
Then I begin the meeting with the Liaison. There is too much going on in the world for him to tell me outright apparently. He hands me a stack of papers detailing the goings-on.
I tell the liaison that iron ore and coal-bearing stones are our most wanted items, however he says their stocks only have a surplus of iron. I will not be able to negotiate for Bituminous Coal or Lignite, at least not this year, and this worries me. They do seem to have plenty of coal coke and charcoal, so I request those at highest priority as well. A few other odds and ends are requested, but not at priority.
Their requests of us are things such as battle axes, instruments, and other such things that we have no time to make.
Thus concludes my meeting with the liaison. Farewell, Kol.
On the 22nd, just after the meeting, another wave of migrants arrives at Wavebirds. I will briefly interview them for census then continue my training.
Again, none of them seem to have any inclination to join the militia.
More nest boxes have been completed, so I have Etun negotiate another trade. This time we can afford much more. We trade many nest boxes for more cloth and leather, some picks, another anvil, and various fruits and meats.
Several days pass with everyone working at their best.
On the 9th of Sandstone, our first set of ducklings hatch. Wavebirds celebrates the birth of the great little waddlers.

It has begun.
A few days later, even more hatch.
Soon, the nests will be empty, and the fields shall be rife with ducks.I accidentally got overzealous when reassigning the ducks to their new pasture, leaving some of the nests without an incubating parent.
On the 21st, not long after the ducks hatch, the merchants leave to return to the mountainhome.
Some of the ducks have taken a liking to following some of the workers around. We are trying to get them settled in with the others, but they just don't seem to want to leave the dining hall. This took until the seventh of Timber, much too long. I can't stay mad at them, though.
I order more citizen rooms to be excavated and walls to be fixed where necessary. We will be ready for any amount of new workers for quite some time.
The rest of Timber passes quietly, and winter takes hold of the fortress.
That will do it for today's update. Questions, comments, and requests are always welcome.