The wind blows across the craggy hills, chilly as it ever was
The stars and sky shielded by an unnatural fog
The creaking of wheels, the soft bellowing of the pack animals, and the crunch of gravel beneath seven pairs of feet echo dimly through the fog
The lead figure suddenly holds his hand up, and the small group halts.
He looks down at his map, soaked from the wet and barely able to read it
This is the place
"We'll set up here. Tie up the animals and grab the picks. This is our new home."
A screech is heard in the distance...
Doomhollow: The Doom Saga - Book III
Oh hello there. New migrant eh? Oh don't you worry laddie, we'll get you sorted out in no time. Here in Doomhollow we don't ask ye questions, we accept all, those with beautiful long beards or those who are just now sproutin' hairs on their chins. What's that ye ask? Can ye lead this place? Well Laddie, ye be in luck, see anyone who be crazy enuff to take up the hat of overseer can do so if the' please. We keep a nice 'n pretty list of the madmen over on that wall there, feel free to check it, or if ye dare, mark yer name down too.
- TheImmortalRyukan
- Flame52
Imic- Travis Bickle
DrazothPsychoAngelscourge728MoonyTheDwarf- Staalo
Ryukan- Eniteris
- KickAssAndGiggle
- Blueturtle
- BearvsGiantBear
- Travis Bickle
- Flame52
- Emperor Sheev
Now 'ere in Doomhollow, we 'ave a few rules ye need to follow. Fer starters...
- Standard 1 in-game Year turns with 2 week window to finish your turn
- No Fortress ruining allowed, unless accidental, subject to judgement by the OP
- Be Courteous with the Roleplaying, talk things out in Messages or DMs before making posts that affect other players
Now then laddie, I hope ye 'aven't got many more questions. If ye do, feel free ta ask, I'm sure Me or another of the boys 'ill get ta ye. I hope ye enjoy yer stay 'er ein ol' Doomhollow... oh, if ye hear any strange whisperin's or the like in te walls, just ignore 'em, they tend to go away after a bit, and stay clear of any dark or less traveled bits of the fort without a friend or two, never know what crazy 'ead might snatch ye up and feed ya to te crundles.
The design of the fortress is likely the product of a thoughtless and diseased mind.
Eniteris, just a nasty gash on the neck. Nothing life-threatening. Some sutures and he'll be fine.
Don't mind me, I'm just bleeding out the carotid, I'm fine, I can walk it off. No big deal.
10th Hematite: It’s only now that I realize you ALREADY had a garbage dump in the form of a lava hole. This kind of thing should be covered in the orientation packet, guys.
Also, there should be an orientation packet.
What I thought was verdant grass successfully growing underground in the heart of the fort is definitely vomit lit by the sunrise.
What was left to oversee? Even the ghosts were insane.
- Year 1 - Beginning Delvings. Ryu turns a third of the Fort into Glassmakers.
- Year 2 - Flame takes charge and undoes some of the... questionable design choices made by his predecessor.
- Year 3 - Doc unwittingly takes ownership of the Rutile hat and attempts to whip the fortress into order. Dark whispers begin infiltrating the fortress...
- Year 4 - Staalo takes up the hat and inherits a Vampire Problem. A Dragon comes and the desert burns.
- Year 5 - Eniteris takes the helm just as the Goblins start to appear in larger numbers.
- Year 6 - KAAG unwilling assumes the Overseership and proceeds to whip the Fort back into shape just in time for Christmas.
- Year 7 - BlueTurtle gains the Rutile Hat and manages to attract the Monarch; Doomhollow is now the Mountainhome. Also more than one cave-in.
- Year 8 - BearsvsGiantBear rises up to tackle the fort's mental health issues. Stress levels are reduced and a massive new asylum is built.
- Year 9 - Doc once again takes control and continues their predecessor's work of throwing ill mannered dwarves into the asylum. The Militia is reformed into the Legion.
- Year 10 - The Fort descends into madness. Long running mental issues finally spill over, and terrors from below join the horns of war from above. Doom has finally come...
- Year 10 [Ending] - Sheeve recounts the final moments of Doomhollow, as even the ghosts turn to insanity amid the howls of demons.
Thus ends the Fortress of Doomhollow, may their tortured souls eventually find peace.
Welcome to Doomhollow, Part Three of the Doom Saga and a long time coming. This third Part is set in the same continuity as the rest, but I wanted a fresh start for this one, so some old faces might show up, but they'll have to contend with the new people for top billing. If you're new here and have no idea what I'm rambling on about, excellent! Just know that the Doom Saga is a traditionally very Roleplaying heavy series focused on various factions and shadow play for dominance in the fortress and beyond. If you truly want to know the full story so far, feel free to read the First Part of this Tale, Doomforests, located in the Hall of Legends. If you would prefer jumping in blind, then go for it, it's the new blood that keeps this Saga fresh and alive.
So Roleplay Responsibly y'all and Have Fun