Team Dwarftress 2: Tales of Warfare and Hats! Version! - Poot.Features:
- 9 unique color-coded teams!
- Zombies and Robots who are hellbent on destroying everything that moves!
- Loads of new weapons!
- HATS!!
- Plenty of new armors and cosmetics!
- Sandviches!
RED (Reliable Excavation Demolition): Formed by Redmond Mann, the RED team is constantly fighting against the BLU team for the gravel pits, among other things. The RED team is purely a cover for front for an organization that secretly owns half of the worlds governments.
BLU (Builders League Unite): Formed by Blutarch Mann, the BLU team is constantly fighting against the RED team for the gravel pits, among other things. The BLU team, like the RED team, is a cover for an organization that secretly owns half of the worlds governments.
GRN (Geographic Reconstruction Network): An independent organization that focuses on preserving nature and setting up natural parks and reserves. They are well known for being friendlier and more caring towards others when compared to the other teams.
YLW (Yard Logistics Workers): Hardy and skilled, the YLW team are hard works and skilled merchants who travel the world selling their wares and products. They are known for not getting along with the GRN team due to their conflicting natures.
ORG (Origin Ralpha Gamma): The ORG team are an enigma, with their strange weaponry and superiority complex that often causes the other teams to both be amazed by their technology but hate them for jeers and acts of violence.
PRL (Peoples Righteous League): An odd team that appeared suddenly out of what seems to be thin air. The PRL team, who call themselves the 'Peoples Righteous League', claim to be seeking assistant fighting an interstellar body called the 'Combine', which are said to conquer planets and force the inhabitants to submit to them.
GRY (Gregarious Renouncing Yokes): A team of mind-broken mercenaries that we’re hired by Gray Mann before he started manufacturing the Mannbots. While they might seem dull due to their mental state they are still more then able to fire and maintain weaponry, create and wear armor, and sock you in the face if you get too close.
WHT (Wholesome Hearty Legionaries): While the GRN team is said to be friendlier then the other teams the WHT team takes the cake for being the most caring and thoughtful of the teams.
BLK (Brute Likened Killers): The lowest of the low, the worst of the worst, the BLK team are the embodiment of hatred and malice, torture and misery, nothing will stop the storm of bloodshed they bring with them... but can you change that?
Non-Human 'Teams':
Mann Bots: Robots manufactured by Gray Mann that have gained at least partial-sentience. While they might have a sliver of true sentience, this doesn't stop their hatred for humanity.
Team ZOM: Deceased members of BLU team that have been reanimated through unknown means. While they seem to retain a smidgen of their former intelligence they still can't resist the taste of living flesh.
Other Entities:
Australians: An advanced subrace of humans that have grown in strength from Australium.
- Firearms:
Sniper Rifles: Deadly at any range, the Sniper Rifle is often fired from the back-lines to fend off incoming enemies.
Shotguns: Formidable at close range, shotguns can rip flesh apart like nothing when up-close but often miss when fired at someone from afar.
Pistols: Cheap and easy to produce, pistols are a go-to backup weapon when your out of ammo in your main one.
Revolvers: While a tiny bit more expensive then regular pistols, revolvers are a deadlier then an average pistol.
Submachine Guns: Rapid fire and bullet spread is the main advantage of SMGs, surely even the blindest of men will be able to hit something with this.
Scatterguns: Smaller, stronger, but more costly, the scattergun is an improved version of the shotgun in most ways.
Force-a-Natures: The most powerful shotty on the list, the Force-a-Nature can easily blow your enemy to shreds, especially up close.
Miniguns: The weapon of choice for powerful soldiers and bald Russians, the Minigun can rip your enemies to shred in seconds at the cost of resources and a steady stream of more resources to keep it loaded.
- Projectile Weapons:
Dart Rifles (Sydney Sleeper): An alternative to the Sniper Rifle for those who are going non-lethal, the projectiles are fast and easier to use but not nearly as deadly as bullets.
Rescue Rangers: What might seem like a shotgun at first will turn out to actually be a shotgun-like weapon that launches sharp projectiles that stick to the enemy.
Crusader Crossbows: A crossbow that fires syringes, 'nuff said.
Syringe Guns: A machine gun-like weapon that fires bursts of syringes at your enemy, 'nuff said.
Nail Guns: A well known construction tool turned into a deadly weapon that sends nails towards your enemies, the nails will obviously be hard to take out of your enemies unless if you got a hammer to pry them out with.
Huntsman: An improved recurve bow, deadlier but more expensive then a regular bow.
Fortified Compound: An even more improved upon compound bow, fires arrows faster then the Huntsman.
Grenade Launchers: A deadly weapon that fires pellet-shaped grenades, both deadly and expensive.
Loose Cannon: An old cannon that has been repurposed into a handheld explosive weapon. Extremely deadly but slow.
Rocket Launchers: A large, extremely dangerous weapon that fires explosive rockets towards your enemy. Slow but extremely useful.
- Melee Weapons:
Fish Kill: A fish wrapped in something, pretty embarrassing to get killed by.
Fish Whacker (cut TF2 weapon): A club, that's about it.
Pipe (cut TF2 weapon): A metal pipe, a simple weapon.
Fire axe: A axe usually used for cutting down objects turned into a deadly weapon, powerful and not too expensive.
Wrench: A wrench used in construction that can be turned into a weapon in an instant.
Southern Hospitality: A wrench with some added on properties that increase its use as a weapon. Deadlier and and barely any more expensive to produce.
Spanner: A smaller wrench that isn't that great of a weapon but can be produced en mass for dirt cheap.
Scrumpy Bottle: A bottle turned into a weapon, would be better suited in a bar-fight then on the battlefield.
Rum Bottle: Ditto.
Crowbar: Another tool turned into a weapon of death, can be used in multiple ways, such as stabbing or bludgeoning.
Pain Train: A plank of wood with a nail ran through it, a deadly improvised weapon. Cheap to produce.
Claw Hammer: Another tool turned into a weapon of death. Cheap to produce en mass.
Necro Smasher (Training Weapon): A large, wooden hammer with a hand attached to it.
Hatchet: A small camping hatchet turned into a quick weapon. Can be used for woodcutting.
Eviction Notice: Brass knuckles with small spikes embedded in the ridges, deadly and quick to use.
Fists of (Insert Metal Here): Large, metal fists that can easily break your face in.
Gunslinger: A single, bionic hand that can also easily break your face in.
Warrior's Spirit: The claws of a wild beast attached to a makeshift grip.
Bone Saw: A bone saw commonly used in hospitals around the world, both fast and deadly.
Vita-Saw: A mixture of a bone saw and a syringe, an odd but functional weapon.
Ubersaw: What could be called a remodel of the Vita-Saw, the Ubersaw is quite the weapon for the aspiring battle Medic.
Syringe (cut TF2 weapon): A large syringe that has been turned into a makeshift dagger. Cheap.
Market Gardener: A entrenching spade that has been sharpened in the middle.
Spade: A basic entrenching spade.
Butterfly Knife: A small knife that can be easily concealed and used to stab your enemies in the back when they aren't looking.
Conniver's Kunai: A Japanese kunai. Better and slightly more costly to produce.
Kukri: A small, curved blade that can be used for both attacking and cutting plants.
Tribalman's Shiv (Training Weapon): A wooden kukri with a thin, sharp blade.
Prinny Machete: A large, blocky machete that roughly takes the form of a blade with ridges down the curve of it.
Three-Rune Blade: A shortsword in all but name.
(Nessie's) Nine-Iron: A large nine-iron club that has been turned into some odd edged weapon.
Frying Pan: BANG!! Cheap to produce.
Conscientious Objector (Training Weapon): A wooden sign. That is literally it.
Crossing Guard: A large crossing sign that has been retooled into a brutal weapon.
Memory Maker: This camera is the ultimate multi-tool for your artistic ventures in the world of photography!
Boston Basher: A wooden club with metal spikes that have been reinforced with metal bands.
Disciplinary Action: A riding crop turned into a weapon. Stings like the underworld.
Freedom Staff: A broken aquila turned into a improvised blunt weapon.
Eyelander: A battle-worn claymore, might be possessed. Might be.
Claidhaemh mor: A large zweihander, deadlier and longer then the Eyelander, but more expensive.
Half-Zatoichi: A katana that only the most honor-bound of warriors wield into battle.
Persian Persuader: A larger form of the scimitar, deadlier but more expensive.
Scotsman's Skullcutter: A large axe
Sledgehammer: A sledgehammer that pyromaniacs use to bash people's heads in.
Neon Annihilator: A neon sign turned into a blunt weapon.
Back Scratcher (called Garden Rake in-game): A rake that has been turned into a brutal weapon. Remember to scratch hard and fast to get those hard to reach spots!
Bat: A metal baseball bat. Cheap.
Sandman Bat (Training Weapon): A wooden bat with a brand name etched into it.
Futuristic Weaponry (Exclusive to ORG Team):
Cow Mangler 5000: A large, retro-futuristic RPG-like device that fires large, concentrated beams of energy. (In-game it acts as a better rocket launcher)
Pomson 6000: A retro-futuristic rifle that fires long concentrated beams of energy. (In-game it acts as a better rifle for the ORG Team)
Mule Molester 600: A retro-futuristic version of the Force-A-Nature that fires laser-infused buckshots. (In-game it acts as a better shotgun for the ORG Team)
Manmelter 3600 ZX: An odd flare gun-like weapon that fires condensed fireballs. (In-game it acts as a better flare gun)
Righteous Bison: A small handgun-like weapon that fires small condensed beams of energy. (In-game it acts as a better pistol)
Eureka Effect: A wrench that has been augmented with highly advanced technology. (Would allow the user to teleport if we were able to add interactions to weapons)
Batsaber: Pretty self explanatory.
Third Degree: A retro-futuristic fire axe.
Unique Weapons:
Saxxy: A statue made out of pure Australium. Packs a wallop, especially for its relatively small size. -NEW!-
Painis Cupcake (Megabeast): A classic Freak. A strong, wicked Soldier who has gained god-like strength and endurance. Has the ability to spit shovels.
Ass Pancakes (Semi-megabeast): A Scout freak. Has impressive combat skills and high agility. Can use Bonk! Atomic Punch for a quick escape from battle.
Seeman (Night Hunter): A Demoman freak. Another strong freak who will travel the world converting unsuspecting victims in Seeldiers. Can use their legendary Seefist in combat.
Magic Mann (Megabeast): Another Scout freak. This freak has gained powerful magical powers that it uses in combat to slaughter those who try to stop his rampage. Has the ability to fly. He also still has the trademark speed of Scouts if he so happens to hit the ground.
Magic Mann's abilities:
Amplus Tripudio: Magic Mann chants magical words and causes his target to dance uncontrollably. Causes erratic behavior, disco fever, and dizziness.
Fulgur Magicae: Magic Mann launches lightning essence at his enemies. Can cause impaired function of limbs or organs, pain, swelling, blisters, and numbness.
Energy Blast: Magic Mann launches balls of pure magical energy from his palms. Can cause minor damage.
In Caligine Ex Inferis: Magic Mann exhales a cloud of demonic gas that causes bleeding and pain to its victims.
Joker Scout (Semi-Megabeast): Yet another Scout freak. Joker Scout has an arsenal of magical attacks alongside the speedy nature of normal scouts, but unlike most other freaks he still is more or less a normal human and thus has the weaknesses that any other mortal would.
Joker Scout's abilities:
Earthquake: Joker Scout launches chunks of sandstone at his enemies, causing blunt damage. Can target up to three at a time.
Inferno: Joker Scout incinerates his enemies with a jet of flame. Launches a cone of fire towards the enemy.
BLU Magic: Joker Scout summons magical miniguns to turn his enemies into mince meat, causing severe damage. Can target up to 5 at a time.
Pootis Birds (Animal): Pootis birds are benign, tameable creatures that can be found around the world. They are classified as exotic and have a pet value of 500.
Sentries: Siege weapons. Very buggy and are currently just a proof of concept, use at your own risk.
Merasmus (Ancient Wizards): Mortals who have gained knowledge of long forbidden spells.
Ancient Wizard Abilities:
Ancient Blast: An upgraded version of Energy Blast.
Maledicite Terrae Immolatione Interisse: The Wizard gains the ability to boil the blood of its enemies. Causes intense pain and both vomiting and coughing blood. Has a chance to knock them unconscious as well.
Bomb Ignis: The Wizard gains the ability to launch fire bombs at its opponents. Acts like a fireball.
Lanuae Magicae Effugium: Lets the Wizard "teleport". Simply boosts their speed and lets them hide.
Amplus Tripudio
Future Plans:
- More Weapons!
- Freaks! (The first steps towards adding Freaks has been added, stay tuned for more!)
- Merasmus! (As either a Secret or a Megabeast)
- Secrets based off of certain Freaks!
- The Horseless Headless Horsemann!
- Improved Teams!
Possible Ideas:
- Actual Laser Weapons!
- Maybe Kinda-Functional Medi Guns!
- "Functional" Flamethrowers! (Might actually be possible now)
A big thanks to ZM5 for helping me with a vital problem that caused the game to crash during world gen and for allowing me to use some of his construct files as a base for the Mannbots!

Thanks to NobodyPro for allowing me to use some of her files as a base for some of my own!

Thanks to thefriendlyhacker for allowing me to use their English language file!

Thanks to Valve for making TF2!

Thanks to Weta Workshop for making their awesome item packs for TF2!

Credits to the original creators of the Freaks:
Download: you have an idea or recommendation for the mod? Tell me your idea below!
Changelog: Minor grammatical fix.
0.3.2: 47.05 update. Simply fixes some poor wording in the Pyro's description and allows Aussies and Mercs to pet animals.
0.3.1: 47.04 update. Contains a few changes regarding some of the freaks, as well as a new hat and the pootis birds. Magic Menn now have the [POWER] and [TRAPAVOID] tokens. Painis Cupcakes also have gotten the [NO_CONNECTIONS_FOR_MOVEMENT] token.
0.3.0: Australian update, adds in the Australians and their unique buildings and reactions.
0.2.5: Minor content update, adds in a few more clothing and armor items, one new weapon, a new freak semi-megabeast, and a few fixes and grammatical changes.
0.2.4: Bug fix update, fixes the creature soldier tiles. Also adds in Mann Co. and buffs the freaks a bit. Also changes the English file to actually be English! Added a quick fix that was causing problems with the new English file.
0.2.3: Merasmus Update! Ancient Wizards of chaos will now populate your worlds!
0.2.2: Minor typo fixes.
0.2.1: All Teams can now have strange moods.
0.2: Major Update! Adds sentries (proof of concept), weapons, cosmetics, sentry buster war animals for the Mann Bots, and the first four Freak megabeasts! Minor fixes: fixes some typos I noticed. Minor fix: fixes the Mannbots so they don't have two heads anymore. Small change to the Mannbots so they don't take over half the world during world gen.
0.1.2: 6 new weapons! 1 Projectile Weapon and 5 Melee Weapons! (See Weapons section for the new weapons.)
0.1.1: Market Gardener and Spade changed slightly.
0.1: Initial Release