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Author Topic: Steam Official Announcement Thread (50.11 Edition!)  (Read 456323 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #345 on: March 25, 2022, 06:38:03 am »

ok so doesn't legend mode have a hide undiscovered info from the player option(this might be a world param thing) for folks who want to play with out having all that info revealed to them and having to slowly discover the stuff by themselves?
I thought I would I had never hear my daughter's escapades from some boy...
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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #346 on: March 25, 2022, 01:12:21 pm »

ok so doesn't legend mode have a hide undiscovered info from the player option(this might be a world param thing) for folks who want to play with out having all that info revealed to them and having to slowly discover the stuff by themselves?

From d_init configuration.

Code: [Select]
If you'd prefer to leave the history behind every engraving for your adventurers to discover, then set this to NO.


Works great on paper, and historically in the context of the game dwarves have made and engraved some nifty stuff but a real-time legends hook (or hooks to common objects for context) would definitely need a interim option, maybe just a informational cache of subjects that are relevant to the civilization's views, knowledge, rumors and reports following a dropdown legends mode reference, without the repetitiveness turning this off currently gives. (mayor was elected x of x year, and repeat sole overblown probably only event until end of time)

That's how i'd tackle it, but im not sure if its actually a serious topic of conversation rather than a off-topic nibble. It'll be strange to see the day when a player loads up a description of a creature/diety on a statue they found and "a image of a skeletal dog, it is a unknown entity" as players are very used to always having the information, usually just a name to hand.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2022, 01:13:57 pm by FantasticDorf »


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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #347 on: March 30, 2022, 11:38:54 am »


We've been working through the remaining tabs on the dwarf character sheets. One of our objectives is to surface some information that has been difficult to find.

These are the relationships and personality traits of Kikrost the planter. She has several very strong friendships, and you can see in the personality tab that the romance she started with Geshud a few years ago has made her a more joyful person.

(These item images aren't yet updated.) Notice here that poor Zon has three sutures. We can get some more information about the procedure over on the health tab.

Here's Zon's full medical history, and if we want to know how the injury came about we can zip over to check the combat logs.

This baron has been reading in the library!

If we want to know more about the culture, we can also access a wealth of details from the knowledge tab.

When dwarves experience circumstances, there's a chance for the emotion/thought to be saved as a memory. This can cause lesser but recurring emotions and can also change their personalities (as with Kikrust above.) Previously, the player had to cobble together a dwarf's memories from their seasonal thoughts and personality changes, and most memories were not visible most of the time.  Now we have this simple chronology.

- Tarn
« Last Edit: March 30, 2022, 03:05:12 pm by kitfoxgames »


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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #348 on: April 13, 2022, 10:07:08 am »

These are new pictures of the wooden weapons grown by the elves. The haughty protectors of the forest would never harm plant nor beast without cause, but beware! Should your dwarves fell too many precious trees, the elves would have a bone to pick with you... and they never waste the flesh of the prey they kill!

Here we have the new picture Jacob drew of a tombstone.

It's a memorial slab to Kel Balancedclasps, located in a storage room adjacent the drowning chamber where she died (bin palettes also by Jacob.) Would you like to know more about Kel? Would you like to know how crazy Dwarf Fortress actually is? I did a little research in Legends Mode and this is what I found:

The dwarf Kel Balancedclaps began her career as a scout in the army based out of the fortress Letterrough. During half a dozen assaults on the Dark Fortress she and the dwarf fighter Zasit Showerall became lovers. They were soon parted as Kel had to flee to the Hills of Uniting, where she became a spy. Her life of intrigue didn't last long as she was fooled by the goblin Ngoso and was forced to flee again and ended up in my fortress, the fortress of Ragsprays.

It was at that time that Kel redeemed herself, creating the artifact crown "Spiritcrushes," only to be murdered by the dwarf Minkot Browngild in a drunken brawl. Minkot had been convicted (by me) a dozen times for fighting in the tavern and had served half a year in the dungeon. Shortly after being released, Minkot happened to run into Kel who had just forged the wonderous crown.

It was at the half-completed drowning chamber where she died, a place meant only to kill goblin invaders. Minkot happened to attack her, probably the first dwarf he saw, and she dodged the swing, falling off the bridge into the water. I didn't notice for the longest time, and she returned to the fortress as an angry ghost. All I could do was place the tombstone where she died and put her spirit to rest.

- Zach


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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #349 on: April 27, 2022, 08:27:22 pm »

Steam Community Update 27 April 2022: "Animals are People Too. No, really."

Full text:

Animals are People Too. No, really.

A new artist joins the team, and we show some excellent animal-people

Hey folks!

Tanya here, while Alexandra is on vacation. Meanwhile, Tarn and Zach are heads-down integrating interface into their various menus, because... drumroll please... we have an artist working on making new icons and interface elements! In fact, she's a new artist, so please welcome Carolyn Jong, a Dwarf Fortress player and pixel artist, as well as Guido (perhaps better-known among some sprite artists as Neorice). Carolyn, Jacob, and Guido will all work together to get the game fully art-ified.

Speaking of which, Guido drew a few new strangers we can show you. Asked about them, Zach says "Deep under the ground, and in the farthest wilds, there are strange people. Like feral beasts they spend most of their time thinking about food and romance, ignoring the irrelevant, such as your dwarves. For they are not ordinary people... they are animal people. It's best to keep your distance and let them be, for one day they may come to you looking for adventure!"

So, feast your eyes on some top-tier animals and the animal-people they correspond to:

Tarn particularly likes the snowy owl person, and called them, "a good chonky floof". We can all agree.

What animal-people are you looking forward to most? Any favorites from your playing in Classic? Tomorrow, I'll try to prioritize showing a preview of at least the first few answers in the comments in a reply, assuming those exist somewhere in the sprite sheet I have...!

OK going back to work,
Tanya (Captain of Kitfox Games)

If you're subscribed to the Dwarf Fortress newsletter, you might have seen this post some hours earlier in your email inbox.. though I suppose it also didn't properly explain who Guido is, and the image would have been less... polished, let's say. You win some, you lose some.
Team Bug Fix!

Eric Blank

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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #350 on: April 28, 2022, 06:37:07 pm »

Honestly looking forward to dingo people. I once had a fort full of dingo people I dfhacked into becoming citizens, they had lots of kids and ended up being like half the population, it was adorable.

We have many stories of animal people like an albatross woman, a black bear man (or two?), an insane monkey man, a crow man, I personally played a wolf woman, and many others I've forgotten, in the Museum III game. The first and second didn't have any I don't think, older versions of the game where animal people either didn't exist or weren't playable

Oh, the cocktoach man looks kinda weird though; it looks like both his head and thorax are just pasted over the top of the tunic sprite. It would look much better if it was just the head segment protruding from the tunic. And if he had eyes!
« Last Edit: April 28, 2022, 07:40:55 pm by Eric Blank »
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.

Timeless Bob

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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #351 on: April 30, 2022, 09:31:08 am »

These sprites are amazing, but I do wonder if Toady is going to add a line in tombstones about creators that die from NOT creating artifacts.  Something like "Fell into madness creating <Name of artifact>" rather than "Creator of <Name of artifact>.  That small bit always irks me about tombstones - mentioning artifacts that were never made.  As an adventurer searching retired/fallen dwarven fortresses, that would be maddening.
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #352 on: May 11, 2022, 01:51:39 pm »

Steam Community Update 11 May 2022: "How to Make a Platypus Statue"

full text:


We're continuing to work through the last fortress management menus.  Here I'll go through an example of the job details menu.

Depending on the kind of job, you can set further details about it.  Clothing can be sized for creatures other than dwarves, decorations can be specified, and many items can be made using particular materials.  This rock statue job can have the stone specified and you can even set the image the artisan depicts.

I'll pick marble here from the list of materials.  Materials that are available are listed on the top, but you can also set the job to use materials you're planning to have available later.

I want a statue of a platypus thinking about stuff, and I can set that up here.  You don't need to fully specify the image.  If you want the artist to make an image of their choice concerning a historical figure or site, you can do that too.  You can also tell them to recreate the symbol of your civilization or group, or go with the default and let them do whatever they want.

We name the image using the dwarven language.  There's only one grammatical form currently, but it's enough for us to specify a variety of names.

Finally we can pick a spot for the statue and admire it!

- Tarn


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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #353 on: May 25, 2022, 11:29:21 am »

Steam Community Update 25 May 2022: Zach's Great Golden Crossbow Caper

Full text:

This is the anatomy of a bug that wasn't, and an opportunity to show you how detailed and precise Dwarf Fortress is to the extreme. It is the story of a golden crossbow called Katdiriteb. The weapon was the first unique treasure created in my fortress of Riverdeath, a settlement named after the drowning trap I was using to test pressure plates. The tale of intrigue was decades in the making, revealed by interrogating the surviving conspirators and cheating by looking up the principals in Legends mode.

It all began years ago in 26, when a dwarf named Dakost Busttrust became Captain of the Guard in the nearby capital of Caveclouts. Almost immediately afterward an underworld of necromancers lurking in a nearby tower began to try and turn him to a life of evil. It was his respect of the law, the same quality that made him a good law dwarf, that saved him from temptation. Alas, all things must pass into the night.

It was vanity and his own obsession with mortality that caused Dakost to give up the honest life. In his declining years he went to explain his problem to the necromancer Ineth Kekimmosus. That was the day, in the year 90, Daskost became a villain and his moral flaws became the defining part of his personality.

The dwarven civilization, of which Caveclouts was part, had been at war with the goblins of Hatredmourns for many years when Dakost met Mistem Taderith in 59, three decades before Dakost turned. There, their friendship was forged as they stormed the wicked fort where the goblin warlord had his arm bitten off by one of their war alligators. Mistem was a violent and greedy dwarf, so when the villain Daskot came to her years later she accepted his bribe and in 92 became his professional thief.

In the year 102 Mistem came to the fortress of Riverdeath, disguised as the scholar Id Knifescribes, an expert in agriculture. She had heard of the golden crossbow and immediately went to search for an accomplice. She finds the gullible dwarf Rovod Gemsitthob and turns him with flattery, but he is struck down in a freak giant attack in which he kills the giant that killed him.

It was winter of the next year when Mistem, now Id Knifescribes, tries again. This time she threatens the cowardly dwarf gelder Nish Guildvaults into stealing the crossbow for her. She heads back to Caveclouts after arranging to meet Nish for the crossbow in the spring.

(TL/DR) You can skip the background. It's just for those of you who I know will get a kick out of Legends mode.

The handoff. This is where the story collides with my fortress, four years after the default start date of the spring of the year 100. It's standard for villains to find a quiet place for the thief to hand them the stolen treasure. In this case they chose the library. That wasn't smart as the pair were seen by seven people.

It just happens that there are only two ways out of Riverdeath, and after I close the main gate, that leaves the twisting, and twisted, drowning chamber. You can see the thief running for the exit in the south right after the dwarves throw the lever and trap her inside.

Here we see the dwarf calling herself Id Knifescribes, with the artifact golden crossbow Katdiriteb strapped to her body. You can see she is disguised as a scholar interested in farming. I have already interrogated the thief that gave it to her. All that's left is to arrest her, get back the stolen treasure, and question her to get to the bottom of this conspiracy.

This next part is where the game got too clever for it's own good. When we watched Id Knifescribes reach the closed gate at the end of the drowning chamber, she looked confused for a little bit, then turned around and walked about a dozen tiles and just disappeared. I thought to myself, is she like the kobold thieves and became invisible? Did we program the artifact thieves to just path through walls if they get stuck? If so, I had just found a really insidious bug!

No. The truth was far more embarrassing. You can see here, one level above the drowning chamber. There is the closed gate. There is the trapped hatch to the death hallway. Circled in red, you can see down through a hole into the wood paneling below. When I was pulling up trees to build my wooden fort, the roots left a hole in the ground through which Knifescribes escaped. We have since erased this bug from our to-do list.

- Zach

Eric Blank

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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #354 on: May 25, 2022, 05:37:42 pm »

I'm glad to see that bug finally dealt with! I've lost a few forts and a lot of dwarves to invaders crawling down into holes left by tree cutting.
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #355 on: May 25, 2022, 06:16:32 pm »

I'm glad to see that bug finally dealt with! I've lost a few forts and a lot of dwarves to invaders crawling down into holes left by tree cutting.
I'm not sure you're going to be happy about this. I read it as "Whoops, I overpowered thieves to have teleportation abilities, I must add that to the bug-list!" and then a very basic look around and discovery of the acceptable feature of tree-root-holes plus climbing ability, leading to re-removal off that list.

(My habit is to clear-cut any bit of surface that I might dig under in the Z-1 layer, e.g. for farming, so that when I send in the soil-diggers they may get roots (and their "extended view through solid blocks" effect) but undercutting the the prior sits of the tree does not create your mysterious ground-holes. If this isn't actually as foolproof as I think then I'm probably just being lucky. If your 'bug' of roots-then-tree removal is also solved then it won't hurt for me to continue avoiding it. A good clear-cutting before the (now not-complaining) elves arrive, and using much of the timber in temporary stockade walls, also solves another issue that currently doesn't matter but I'll continue to play as if it does. ;) )


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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #356 on: May 26, 2022, 02:23:15 am »

Better to find out like this than with a big siege!

I wonder if placing a ramp under a tree makes for a good emergency entrance.  It'd be much more dramatic than a fake wall (drawbridge), faster to set up, and also gremlin-proof.  But it'd be a single-use, one-time door that requires a treecutter + axe to open.  Oh well, this thought is something to make a separate thread about if somebody feels so inclined.

Eric Blank

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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #357 on: May 26, 2022, 07:54:18 pm »

Yeah, cutting down trees after the tile underneath them has already been excavated has been creating a tile of open space where the tree used to be, I believe ever since the multitile trees were first introduced. If you cut them down before digging, then a hole won't be left behind, you're right. But I have indeed had zombies and goblins crawl down one of those holes after spotting a dwarf through them, it was horrible and embarrassing.
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #358 on: May 26, 2022, 09:33:10 pm »

I think the moment multitile trees were introduced, I was paranoid about ever actually digging into a "root" tile. Would always cut down the tree if I needed to dig that way, and would otherwise just dig around instead.


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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #359 on: May 27, 2022, 01:28:09 am »

They weren't hard to get around, but it fits into the scheme of new player accessibility like the changes to walls so im glad to see them go.  :)

For reference, you could just correlate and mark in blue digging designations the areas if it conflicted with your layout, rather than steaming on ahead, which is a good habit i picked up trying to combat tree holes in being more selective in fortress layout for pacing my expansion so that the workflow doesn't over-emphasise or drag on longer than my dwarves can hold out.
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