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Author Topic: Steam Official Announcement Thread (50.11 Edition!)  (Read 456168 times)

Eric Blank

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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #390 on: September 01, 2022, 01:44:58 pm »

Simon's stuff is great, glad its getting included!
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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #391 on: September 01, 2022, 04:27:09 pm »

Drink, Industry, the mysterious third composer for the Premium Dwarf Fortress Soundtrack, and that one time Bay 12 spilled secrets on a live mic!

(Official News from the Kitfox Discord plus a bonus from me.)

Hey folks!

An update to yesterday's Steam Community Update was posted this morning and pushed out to all the subscribers to the Kitfox Discord's DF official news channel (#mayors-office).

Quote from:  Alexandra


Today at 11:11 AM

Hey folks.

We wanted to correct some errors and omissions from yesterday’s Dwarf Fortress Soundtrack update. Firstly, we failed to announce Águeda Macias as the third composer featured on two of the tracks with Dabu and Simon. She makes a lot of really cool video game music and you can find all her work at

Secondly there was a typo with one of the song titles: Drink & Industry is the correct title of the third song in the soundtrack announcement video. Apologies to the composers and to you for getting this wrong.

As a special bonus, some very eagle-eyed viewers of /u/BlindiRL may have noticed there was a *tiny edit* made to the VOD of one of the interviews with Tarn and Zach. I happen to have clipped and downloaded it to save for posterity.

"Ooooh!" "Did I just fuck up?"

(Turn sound on.)

Team Bug Fix!


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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #392 on: September 14, 2022, 12:49:26 pm »

Steam Community Update 14 September 2022: We went to PAX West!


My brother Tarn and I recently returned from PAX West, an entire 30 minute ferry ride across the Puget Sound in Seattle. There we met with the Kitfox community manager, Alexandra, who introduced us to the crowd waiting to see the first ever live demonstration of the new Steam version of Dwarf Fortress! The link to the show can be found here (, where you can listen and watch as we take a ponderous tour through the new controls and give away the Easter eggs - spoilers!

I would like to thank Alexandra and the many fans who showed up in person to visit with us. Extensive Influencer BlindIRL also came out to meet us. His many Fortresses online are an inspiration, including one that aims to span a thousand years! He and the many other streamers have kept our project afloat for almost 20 years and it soon will be accessible to all.

- Zach

Hi everyone!

It's Alexandra, just wanted to thank everyone who talked to us at PAX and everyone online who watched online. We did not have a booth this year so it might have been hard to find us but hopefully we will be back with one for next con! Now that the game is in a more showable state, we can start making more video updates and hopefully working a lot more with any Dwarf Fortress content creators so stay tuned!




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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #393 on: September 17, 2022, 03:40:48 pm »

Haven't posted in the upper boards in a long time. Basically swore off DF until the Steam release. So after seeing the PAX presentation, it's my first time really seeing all the work together in a more or less complete package. And I'm giddy, giddy like the majority of new game releases do not make me anymore. Giddy like you're starting to go to your other friend groups and rant about DF (again) giddy. I absolutely cannot wait to throw money at you guys!

Also really great to hear about Simon. His were some of the tracks for Soundsense that I added to my forever playlists and libraries.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2022, 04:00:56 pm by nenjin »
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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #394 on: September 28, 2022, 11:49:20 am »

Steam Community Update 28 September 2022: The Workshops are on fire!

Full text:


We're continuing along with the art.  The last bit we need to update is the buildings.  Jacob has put together some amazing workshops.  Their color reflects the material they are made from.  Here are twelve different workshops made from three different woods.

These workshops were built in a volcano, sadly. Watch the destructive power of lava here:

- Tarn


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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #395 on: October 12, 2022, 01:16:07 pm »

Steam Community Update 12 October 2022: "Losing is Fun... for Everyone! 😈"

Full text:

Losing is Fun... for Everyone! 😈

Dwarf Fortress has the well-earned title of being one of the most torturous games to learn. There is a lot going on, even after we changed all the ridiculous keyboard commands and replaced the Matrix-like interface with some understandable, and awesome, pixel art. It still needs something. Something to ease the need to head straight to a wiki just to understand what's going on. The answer is the tutorial of course.

To make the tutorial all it can be, we found the ultimate play tester: my wife Annie. There are a lot of base-building games out there now, enough to make Dwarf Fortress easier to get into. She doesn't play any of them. The closest she gets to DF is Overcooked 2. After one failed attempt with the original, the latest version of the tutorial allowed her to get good enough at the game to tunnel under a bog and drown her fortress.

Our aim is to make this level of play achievable by anyone. We want the world to be able to lose this game and have fun doing it.

- Zach

A note from Kitfox, our publisher: Very soon, Alexandra will be starting a streaming video series on learning this new version of Dwarf Fortress! Follow along and get ready to stock up on knowledge at our Twitch or YouTube channels .
Team Bug Fix!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #396 on: November 01, 2022, 09:55:49 am »

Steam Community Update 1 November 2022: "Release Date Announcement 📢 Dwarf Fortress Update News" (Updated Roadmap!)

Full text:

After years of hard work, we are thrilled to announce that the highly anticipated, and newly inviting Steam and PC release of the fabled Dwarf Fortress will release on December 6 2022 for $29.99 USD! Watch the release date trailer on Youtube:

We are so excited to share the news, we know it was not easy waiting. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding!   

We will still want be as transparent as possible about the game's development and wanted to provide an updated roadmap.

As we suspected back in February, we won't be able to squeeze in everything we'd have liked without the potential of a major delay. So here's a bit more information about where we are and where we're going:


We're implementing a few last creature and building graphics and fixing more bugs. We already know for sure that launch will include Legends mode.

We're not totally sure whether we'll have Arena mode or Steam Workshop integration or Classic mode at launch, but we do know all are very very close and already partially working. So those three things might end up in the launch or they might end up being patched in in the weeks after.


For the months following launch, we have more graphics we want to add. We'd like specific graphics for more plants (evergreens, real world plants, etc), for example, and we'd also love to put in images for baby animals instead of just scaling down the adult versions. Kittens and red panda cubs and giant eaglets!

We're also not able to approach Mac and Linux by ourselves, since we've never notarized a Mac build or managed Linux libraries, and will need to get help with that to do it properly. But obviously we'd love to get that whole pipeline working so people can play on non-Windows computers.

And of course we'll do whatever necessary work there is to stabilize the release post-launch.


It will take a lot of effort and tons of special menus and interface, but Adventure mode is the biggest thing on the horizon that's missing from launch.

Around the same time as Adventure mode, maybe a bit before or after, we'll probably also put in Steam Achievements. We'll complete the work on villain systems and armies and sieges we were pondering before premium DF work began.

After that, we'll probably enter a lengthier development cycle, designing and coordinating work around the next big improvements to the map system, preparing the game for the addition of procedurally generated myths and magic systems. Some of these additions will take months by themselves, or longer, but we'll see how all that is shaping up when we get there.

Thanks for your enduring patience! We're hoping for a smooth and cheerful launch, thanks to the help of everybody keeping things running: the mods, volunteers, Kitfox, Valve, and our players and supporters. Not too much longer before you too can Strike the Earth!

-Tarn & Zach + Kitfox
Team Bug Fix!


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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #397 on: November 01, 2022, 11:58:54 am »

that was a wonderful trailer. I have had many friends over the years bounce of DF for one reason or another, but this trailer has sold them entirely on the idea of learning the game again.


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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #398 on: November 01, 2022, 07:54:04 pm »'s the release announcement!
Oh doesn't apply to me!

I know what I'm doing on Dec. 6th: Crying. Probably literally. I have Linux.


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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #399 on: November 02, 2022, 04:08:08 am »

I've heard there are Windows emulators for Linux, but I don't know if they're any good or not.  One of the downsides of Linux / Mac I suppose...

Mr Crabman

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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #400 on: November 02, 2022, 04:42:14 am »

Proton (used to play Windows games on Linux, and it's not an emulator) is generally very good; this game has no anticheat, so that's like 99% of the likely problem gone.


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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #401 on: November 02, 2022, 07:33:39 am »

Unfortunately, WINE (which proton depends upon) is a somewhat hefty piece of software, so it may still be out of reach for some people.

How do i use sigtext properly?

Mr Crabman

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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #402 on: November 02, 2022, 08:08:21 am »

Unfortunately, WINE (which proton depends upon) is a somewhat hefty piece of software, so it may still be out of reach for some people.

Hefty how? Many games run faster under Proton than they do in Windows even, and performance impacts are rarely significant in my experience.


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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #403 on: November 02, 2022, 08:47:58 am »

I was going to say WINE. Back in the old days, I used it for DF on my Linux machine while my Windows one was busy on other things, and it was comparable in performance. (Not sure when a Linux-specific install appeared, but I didn't realise there was one until after I no longer might have needed it.) Both required lengthy worldgens, like "leave it overnight" times, in that era - and my tolerance for low gamespeed has been noted elsewhere, so take that as you will.

But I've not actually WINEd (or used DF on Linux) for some years, now, so not sure how it currently works. Or not.


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Re: Steam Official Announcement Thread (0.47.05 Edition!)
« Reply #404 on: November 02, 2022, 10:41:25 am »

I've recovered my Forum Account from over a decade ago to come here and say I'm very excited about the Steam release!
I'm back!
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