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Author Topic: *We need your help to save the noobs!*  (Read 106697 times)


  • The Natural
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*We need your help to save the noobs!*
« on: October 30, 2019, 07:34:23 pm »

Hi Dorfs,

We started a thread a couple days ago about how to fix what was wrong will the stress system and got a lot of great feedback and I hope to continue to learn from it.  This question is more general.  How do we stop potential players from giving up right away.

We are aiming to fix as much of the UI and graphics issues as we can going into the Steam release coming up after the Villains release, so this question isn't so much about that.  What I mean is more basic than that.  For instance:

We never really knew that were-creatures were such a problem for new players.  This is because I think no one really knew it was a design flaw.  It's not a bug so we didn't pay attention to it.  It obviously ruined a lot of peoples fun.  They are set to come once you have 20 dwarves, which is way too soon.  We have since changed that for the next release.

That really spooked me as to what other game breaking design flaws are out there waiting to ruin everything.  Starting a fortress should be relatively easy given the right embark.  People will think these problems are features unless we get the right input. 

Thanks again,
and Congratulations to the Generous.
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Re: *We need your help to save the noobs!*
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2019, 07:55:23 pm »

Hey there Zach hope things are going well health wise for you :)

Werebeasts never really bothered me, i just locked up my fortress when they came.

However, i have some adventure mode complaints if that is alright. I love adventure mode but the issues with it can be very stark at times.

I have played dwarf fortress for going on 8-9 years now  and so i hope this adventure mode feedback is actually considered seriously:

1. Water instantly freezing has killed several of my adventurers and that can be incredibly frustrating. Because one second i'm swimming, next i'm encased in ice. And i  like to put alot of time into perfectly customizing my adventurer. Its just a really silly way to die and it would be better if ice froze slowly, eg it warned you and it took some time for it to actually freeze so i could get out of the water instead of one second its fine and the next its suddenly ice.

2. Also, why don't all shops in towns accept their own civilizations currency, that can be just annoying if you built up currency and want to buy a sword or something in a city that you know accepts the coins you have only to find out they dont accept the coins of their own civilization in that one shop.

3. The "you are a killer" thing in adventure mode needs to be reworded badly i mentioned this in FOTF before and tarn said he was open to changing it, so i hope he does, it makes sense if its murder (and they do call you a "murderer" when it is actual murder) but if you kill a beast or something the NPCS will always say "you are a killer" and its so stark compared to anything else even if that kill is like a cyclops or something, and that has come up many times on the adventurer sub forum with (new) players thinking npcs think they are a murderer or bad person  for killing a beast when really it just means "you took a life (be it a beast or a human, or a bandit or whatever) They will be like "you are a killer, you are also a defender of the helpless" and crap like that and its just strange that the killer part takes priority over anything else and sometimes even is the only thing said even if what you killed was a bandit or a monster its just worded badly so badly that it confuses new adventure mode players all the time. From my experience from catching streams/lets plays/being on that subforum. I have seen SO MANY people just get incredibly frustrated and kill everything/quit after they see that after they like kill a bandit/monster because to them it feels like the game, is giving them a huge fat middle finger for their efforts when it really shouldn't.

4. Please allow us to filter rumors better in the rumors screen, having to scroll through to look for specific kills is a nightmare. And it definitely puts off new Adventure Mode players and even veteran ones.

5. Minor gripe,  when you create a new identity it gives you a massive list of gods but no information about them,  unlike what it doe sin fort mode, that would be a nice QOL feature (If it actually gave you some info, like their spheres). It also gives a massive list of civs and no information about them. (It would be nice if it at leasttold you what race made the civilization)

6. Fix bragging, bragging barely does anything instead you always have to bring up specific rumors/tell stories for people to care about your kills. And those screens as i said earlier have their own issues that need to be addressed. I have seen new players try to brag and have nothing happen to their reputation and they quit because of this.

7. You knew this was coming, add meals to taverns, right now its impossible to meet the "fine meal" need in adventure mode outside of going to a player fort in adventure mode which is an issue

8. This is a big one, this bug was fixed but it resurfaced, you cant sleep in your abandoned fortresses anymore, and that is terribly annoying. Also it re-randomizing item placement every time you go there with an adventurer can be a bigger pain especially if you are trying to recover an artifact that wasn't on a pedastal

One thing i am very happy with though in order to balance out my negativity is that you added pinning events in the Q screen which is super duper handy! Please do more stuff like that.

Sorry if i came off as a bit irritated in that third bullet point, but i have seen so many new adventure mode players get so frustrated over that little thing that to me its a really clear usability issue. And i'm sure other forum folks could corroborate what im seeing with new players and that issue. (ill keep adding as a think of issues)

I think these suggestions would go a long way towards making adventure mode more noob friendly.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2019, 06:24:53 pm by Untrustedlife »
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Re: *We need your help to save the noobs!*
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2019, 09:54:54 pm »

It's really great to see you and Toady are becoming so invested in improving the game in fundamental ways beyond adding new features (not that the new features aren't awesome). :)

Anyway, I definitely second what Untrustedlife said about the gods and civs screen for secret identities since that's been a bit of a thorn in my side as well (particularly if I'm disguised as a prophet I usually want to know whether I'm choosing a god appropriate for the civilization I'm infiltrating, more an issue of roleplaying than game functionality but still).
It's actually pretty terrifying to think about having all of your fat melt off into grease because you started sweating too much.


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Re: *We need your help to save the noobs!*
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2019, 10:11:24 pm »

Please make that werebeast trigger adjustable. If there's nothing to attack you besides a fleeing kobold and an irate hippo in the early part of the game it's gonna get boring quickly.

Now, pushing the game to make previous fortress inhabitants visit new player fortresses over every other site in the world is really killing the game. And it's not just an immersion issue.

Oh, succumbed to werebeast Fun, ha ha. New fortress on the other side of the world, migrant wave appears full of the werebeasts from the last place. No more games in this world then. Rage quit. Same for the chronically depressed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: *We need your help to save the noobs!*
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2019, 10:24:43 pm »


Thanks for making these feedback threads.  I played Dwarf fortress a bit earlier this year and have kept up on the forums and updates ever since.  These threads convinced me to make an account to comment.  Please don't take this as I only made an account to complain; I want to be part of offering good feedback that can help make the game better.  I think its a great game and intend to play it more when some more developments have been made.

For me, as still a semi-new player who plays almost exclusively in fort mode, a few things stick out:

First, to your statement about werebeasts.  Eh, not that big of a problem for me.  I think I lost one fort to a werebeast outbreak before I realized I needed walls and archers.  Even then, it was borderline !FUN! going out like that.  It hasn't been a problem since I got better defenses.

Now, corpse thoughts.  This is sort of addressed in your other thread on bad thoughts too, but this was the worst thing for me when I was new.  I can get through a large battle unscathed only to end up with a bunch of tantruming Dwarves because they had to haul some corpses away.  Especially if you don't build an (optionally atom smashing) corpse pit, you're pretty much doomed here.  Even proper corpse management only delays the inevitable.  Battles are !FUN!.  Winning battles is !FUN.  Losing battles is !FUN!.  Your fort melting down because you cleaned up some dead Goblins isn't.

Also, loyalty cascades.  I'm not saying they should go away, but they happen for reasons that are often way beyond the player's control, with no real warning signs, and no real way of stopping them.  You just kinda notice your Dwarfs are murdering eachother and hope for the best.  I think its a great concept, but maybe some way for the player to get involved to limit the damage or to prevent the situation with judicious hammering, etc.?  As a new player, my Dwarves suddenly turning on one another and then not even realizing why until I thumb through logs post-mortem isn't a great time.

Finally, FPS death.  This is what ultimately caused me to stop playing.  It got me waaaay sooner than I expected at first when I was still a very new player.  But this game is a ton of fun and I didn't want to give up right away.  So, I read up and learned about how A* works.  I read all the threads over the years about it here and on reddit.  I turned off things like temperature and cleaned tiles with dwarf hack.  And I went back and built new forts with FPS-efficiency in mind.  But heres the thing.  The entire game very quickly became about preventing FPS death.  The werebeasts, the corpse thoughts, the loyalty cascades...they're all just afterthoughts compared to the constant threat of FPS death.  I can't build things to look cool, I have to build them to be optimal for the pathing algo.  Armies, livestock, sieges, water features, its all severely limited by framerate.  It really sucks a lot of the fun out of the game and, sooner or later, FPS death gets me anyways.  Really, this is my biggest gripe and the thing thats preventing me from firing up a fort right now - I could tolerate everything else including the UI if things just ran a little better.  I actually bought an i7-8700 largely to see how much more performance I could get out of this game.  Results were not stellar.

Good luck with this, I hope this is constructive and helps you fine tune the game.  Great game you have here, best thing I've ever played for free.99!
« Last Edit: October 30, 2019, 10:28:48 pm by DontMineYellowSnow »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: *We need your help to save the noobs!*
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2019, 10:55:04 pm »

7. You knew this was coming, add meals to taverns, right now its impossible to meet the "fine meal" need in adventure mode outside of going to a player fort in adventure mode which is an issue

The worst part about this is that the proposed solution wouldn't actually help because the player is being mislead. It has nothing to do with prepared meals, but instead involves eating a favorite food. IIRC, adventurers don't even have favorites.
Reading his name would trigger it. Thinking of him would trigger it. No other circumstances would trigger it- it was strictly related to the concept of Bill Clinton entering the conscious mind.

THE xTROLL FUR SOCKx RUSE WAS A........... DISTACTION        the carp HAVE the wagon

A wizard has turned you into a wagon. This was inevitable (Y/y)?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: *We need your help to save the noobs!*
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2019, 12:23:40 am »

How do we stop potential players from giving up right away.

1) Something like a tutorial or 'easy mode' that serves as a guided introduction to the various systems, necessary tasks, and menu items.
2) You could bake hints (or links to help) for various scenarios into the flavor text for various events. E.g., "The werebeast Ugublabla approaches, lock your doors! Her bite spreads the curse of Phil, god of thistles. Press X to learn more about werebeasts".
3) It might be worthwhile to spend some time enhancing the in-game help or wiki. I've become very frustrated in the past when trying to figure out semi-necessary tasks like setting up military squad schedules from a combination of wiki articles, youtube videos, and years of forum lore. 
4) In a similar vein, it might be a good use of time to occasionally publish documentation on how systems are expected to work. For instance, socializing, food and trinket preferences, needs/stress, etc. Discovery is fun, but a surge of new players might find authoritative documentation helpful.
5) Improve the basic experience by fixing long standing but low priority bugs. For instance, the lack of healing tokens on cartilage, nails, and hair tokens. Or animal healthcare. New players are unlikely to be impressed by a bug, no matter how old it is.

Finally: Love this game, praise the makers!


Fleeting Frames

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Re: *We need your help to save the noobs!*
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2019, 02:04:27 am »

Some of these are obvious and even suggestions, but since you asked...

 ‣ Old, but still important: In the past day,  I think I've explained how do stairs and ramps work like three times to a different newbie each time, and had them check whether they accidentally broke pathing between parts of forts and have all things (orders, stockpiles, jobs, burrows, etc.) set for hauling.

There's alread suggestions for more tooltips; there's already example utility for checking pathing map. But neither of those are included by default.

(When doing tutorials for steam, this would be appropriate to look at. The distinction between, say, woodcrafter, carpenter, and trapper (wooden traps) isn't necessarily obvious.)

 ‣ Another thing is hostile defaults that are essentially newbie traps:

-- The whole build menu being useless at start with play now. Maybe intended, but not friendly.   

-- Necromancers can come early, much like werebeasts: this might not be desired behaviour. 

-- Default 0 reserved barrel.

Ex: Had a newbie rq on me when they looked "I have barrels, plumps are rotting in the fields, plenty of idlers, why won't they brew and just let them rot".

-- Default carry backpacks + store food in them in rooms when going to civilian uniform = miasma.

(Has caught even long-term players.)

-- Auto Collect Webs is useful but just sends dwarves into caverns without them knowing in the hands of newbies.

-- Claim other dead is similar, expect can result in cancellation spam that I know has resulted in fort quitting at least once. Also, the distinction between claiming bodies and claiming dead isn't clear - the first should be renamed to "dwarves bury fortress members" (or something clearer if that isn't accurate).

 ‣ There are similarly some dangerous key overlaps:

-- Burrow menu key and restrict burrow key being both w, so easy to accidentally set.

-- Orders menu Gather and Ignore are same length word, so accidental toggles are easy to miss.

Of these, d-o-r dropping the d and going into refuse menu might be most common.

There's probably many others that I can't think of right now.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2019, 02:07:26 am by Fleeting Frames »


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Re: *We need your help to save the noobs!*
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2019, 02:16:43 am »

Military schedule screen is nigh-incomprehensible for a beginner, even with the wiki.
Mostly because it's hard to understand where the orders are listed, how many orders you already have, how to switch to orders and back, and whether you are on the orders screen at all.

So here are a few suggestions:

1) Show numbers for each order. Like this: 1. Train, 2. Train, ..., 10. Train, rather than just Train, Train, ..., Train.
Otherwise it's too hard to determine how many orders you already have.

2) Put a horizontal line separator between the line starting with n: Name grid cell and the line where the first order is displayed.

3) Change "Tab: Order list" into something more comprehensible and attention-grabbing, like "Tab: Switch to Order list".
Maybe put it in the middle of the line I suggested in 2).

4) When a month in a schedule or an order is selected, highlight the background of the entire line to something like dark gray instead of black.
That way it'll be more clear whether you're on the schedule screen or the orders screen.
But really, highlighting the background of a selected item on the menu could make all of the menus more intuitive.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2019, 02:18:57 am by HmH »


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Re: *We need your help to save the noobs!*
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2019, 02:47:16 am »

I would like to echo the thanks for these threads.  They are really awesome.

I actually have a suggestion for FPS death that I should probably put in the suggestions area, but I'll put it here since I'm typing.  It's a bit technical, but... I noticed that when something is pathing somewhere and something *blocks* the path, the entity automatically realises this and changes its path.  You can see this most easily by opening up a drawbridge and seeing the seige run to your fortress.  Closing the drawbridge stops everyone in their tracks *even if they can't see the drawbridge*.  What this tells me is that every entity on the map is path finding *on every tick*.  I currently believe that almost all FPS problems are actually pathing related (maybe unjustified) and possibly there is an easy (and beneficial) fix here.  Allow the entities to store their entire path after they get their "job".  Don't recalculate the path unless they try to go some place that isn't pathable, or they have reached the goal.  This will give more realistic pathing (creatures wander up to the bridge and stop once the get there), and also give a pretty dramatic increase in performace.  I realise there a a *lot* of edge conditions (how do they know to start pathing in the first place -- possible do pathing checks with a binary backoff, etc) but I'll bet donuts to dollars that this will help a lot (donuts cost more than a dollar now, right?)

Having said that (and lost my audience, probably ;-) ), I think the biggest thing that turns off potential noobs is stuff that appears like it should work, but doesn't for various reasons.  If you go through the huge list of bugs on Mantis, prioritise them and fix them (including doing regression tests before you release), it will go an absolutely *massive* way towards helping the noobs.  There are soooo many placeholders and just plain broken stuff that it's incredibly taxing to keep it all in your head to figure out what to do.  In my other post on the other thread I mentioned that many players need to keep the wiki open at all times just to find the work around for every single problem.  It's just untenable for most casual game players.  If it appears like it should work, then it must work.

I really wish you all sorts of good luck with this.  It's a big challenge to expand the player base in this way, but I think you guys are up to it!  Obviously it won't be perfect ever, but I'm quite sure you can steadily move towards a more polished and comfortable gaming experience for all players.


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Re: *We need your help to save the noobs!*
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2019, 06:39:39 am »

It's good to see the deluge in the first thread hasn't discouraged you!

- Channeling, as mentioned earlier, takes quite a bit to understand. I think my second fortress was more or less dedicated to get that to work as the first one repeatedly had dorfs dying to cave-ins when trying to channel a hilltop into a mesa. I don't know how to communicate how ramp digging works and what makes ramps passable (as well as their magic ability to shift directions they ramp up to suit what's above) in a useful pedagogic manner, though.

- Freezing, also mentioned. I don't embark in areas that freeze/thaws because the instakills of the phase changes. While laborious path restrictions and a liberal application of bridges can usually keep your dorfs off the death traps, visitors, traders, and invaders foul up the map with their drowned bodies (and the stress resulting from this). I don't know how to solve this issue in an efficient manner either.

- Much of the stuff in the first thread, of course.

- I'm rather pessimistic when it comes to the prospects of a good manual to help, as the current norm is to not provide any manual at all with games, and when they are available, people don't seem to read them (although people that expect everything to be intuitive will never have a chance to learn DF: they are simply way outside of a reasonable target audience).
I believe the wiki's starting guide to be a decent way to get started, but fostering a habit to look up things on the wiki may well be the most effective way to get new players to learn how to learn how things work.

- I'd say sieges have a lot of things causing issues for new players:
  - Suddenly you find that you can't order squads to attack in a coherent manner (didn't really matter when chasing wildlife around, but would apply when a were shows up), but you will have to work around it by first gathering the squad behind a corner before you can send them at the enemy or they'll be hacked to pieces one at a time as they arrive. Still, there's no way to get them to disengage or otherwise control them when released as rabid dogs. There are ways to divide and conquer, but you'd have to learn those, which would require you to have reached a middling level of DF competence.
  - X-bow dorfs performing suicide single charges when out of ammo rather than reloading.
  - X-bow dorfs deserting from kill orders (of vengefulness murdering keas) to go training because they would have to move two tiles to get into range of flying targets (or other targets they can't path to).
   - I'd expect every beginner to be caught by the "must have underwear" suicide runs by civilians onto the battlefield when a gobbo is cut down. After having this happening a few times they may learn about burrows and replace suicidal ventures with hauling cancellation spam (i.e. the issue that hauling items from outside of burrows results in spam rather than some kind of temporary suppression of each object rejected for hauling by burrow restrictions, at least for civilian alerts).
   - Instant dorf breaking from the badly needed thrill of killing an enemy when the resultant corpse is seen. Extremely offputting, and covered int the first thread.
   - Corpse induced hauler insanity (covered).
   - Enormous cleanup task taking forever (covered).
   - Kids picking up new underwear (possibly after the civ alert is lifted, if the player has understood how to use those) then deciding that the corpse strewn battlefield is the perfect place for playing (optionally getting a toy to play with before returning). Can be worked around with dedicated kid burrows they're removed from when maturing, but which newbie would realize that's an option?

- A more advanced issue is that walls can be climbed. I'd expect most newbies to think walls would keep enemies out, and that moats are great, rather than places for dorfs and enemies alike to drown after dodging and being a pain to retrieve.

- Dodging through walls tends to come as a nasty surprise, as it can more or less invalidate a fortress design (sparring with a moat or a drop on the other side of the training hall becomes a real, incomprehensible issue ["I keep finding my dorfs dead in the moat" is not an uncommon topic on the forum]).

- Getting hit by infiltrators is a nasty surprise, i.e. huge gangs of military visitors (I've had gangs exceeding the visitor cap in 0.40.12) visiting your early fortress in search of an artifact, one of them leaves and then sneaks back in in an attempt to steal it, and as soon as the one sneaking back in is engaged (by attacking or getting engaged by defenders while deciding to flee) the rest of the gang in the tavern goes hiddenly hostile (some attack, some run around in panic, some continue to socialize, all of them scare civilians, and none of them are displayed as hostile, so they're a pain to hunt down even if you have a militia to hunt them down with). For some reason, infiltrator gang members gradually turn into normal merc and monster slayer visitor over repeat visits if they didn't spring any surprise (the vast majority of the gangs don't cause trouble).

- Understanding that surface farming isn't season dependent while underground farming is is rather counter intuitive, although not a serious problem. However, I'd probably remove season restrictions on underground crops until agriculture is overhauled to remove a needless complication, and I think it's a simple raw change to 6 crops.

That's obviously not a complete list, but what I could think of while writing this post.

@mikekchar: I don't think your suggestion is made on the correct assumptions. I believe dorfs normally follow a pre calculated path until they discover an obstacle, then recalculate a path to the other side of the obstacle (sometimes including climbing even if there's a single tile longer walking path available if the climbing path matches the original one) to then continue on their way (possibly backtracking along the amendment path [it can get really silly when you have two single tile wide corridors between locations and dorfs meet, bump into another, both turn around, meet in the other corridor, turn around...]). I'd expect "major" path changers (such as opening/closing a drawbridge) to instead triggers reexamination of paths to targets than lie on the other side of the obstacle, rather than every path being reevaluated at every step.
When locking doors, I typically see the enemy locked out path all the way up to the door (well, not all the way in the case of building destroyers: they start to attack the door, implying they're not moving into the capture distance of it [the bug that causes building destroyers that get adjacent to an eligible target to fail to move away one step to reach the destruction distance]).


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Re: *We need your help to save the noobs!*
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2019, 07:09:15 am »

I dont have much here. These are the ones off the top of my head:

> barrels reserved should default to 20
> gather refuse from outside should default to on
> seeds should be produced from cooking
> anvils should be available at a smelter (and keas shouldn't be able to steal them lol)
> the build menu should have a priority bar (like designations do)
> mining, woodcutting and hunting shouldn't conflict with military roles
> military uniforms should default to replace clothing


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Re: *We need your help to save the noobs!*
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2019, 07:28:43 am »

> barrels reserved should default to 20
But then they'll wonder why their perfectly good barrels aren't being used to store food.
Reading his name would trigger it. Thinking of him would trigger it. No other circumstances would trigger it- it was strictly related to the concept of Bill Clinton entering the conscious mind.

THE xTROLL FUR SOCKx RUSE WAS A........... DISTACTION        the carp HAVE the wagon

A wizard has turned you into a wagon. This was inevitable (Y/y)?


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Re: *We need your help to save the noobs!*
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2019, 07:32:06 am »

Please make that werebeast trigger adjustable. If there's nothing to attack you besides a fleeing kobold and an irate hippo in the early part of the game it's gonna get boring quickly.
I wish all the invasion triggers were adjustable, really. It would be so cool to get invasions at 20 dwarfs, or to be able to temporarily disable forgotten beasts while you test something out in the caverns.

Really, though, I think the biggest problem most people have is how strange some aspects of the game are in comparison to other games.

A lot of people I know who love watching or hearing about the game went and played it for an hour or two, then just quit and never touched it again because the controls frustrated them too much. A controls tutorial would go a long way in retaining these people, I think.

Another big complaint I've heard is the whole "building" system in DF. Considering almost no other games have DF's level of detail, it can be very frustrating for newbies, because (for example) they generally don't realize that you can't just go and place a chair, you need to build a workshop and make a chair first. I think if a noob mode was implemented the cancellation/impossible message could probably say something like "Needs chair/throne (build at *eligible workshops*)" to remind them.

Also, loyalty cascades.  I'm not saying they should go away, but they happen for reasons that are often way beyond the player's control, with no real warning signs, and no real way of stopping them.  You just kinda notice your Dwarfs are murdering eachother and hope for the best.  I think its a great concept, but maybe some way for the player to get involved to limit the damage or to prevent the situation with judicious hammering, etc.?  As a new player, my Dwarves suddenly turning on one another and then not even realizing why until I thumb through logs post-mortem isn't a great time.

Loyalty cascades are actually a pretty nasty glitch, not a feature. Your military, for example, isn't meant to become enemies of your fort when putting down a hostile citizen. That being said, its probably the glitch I hear the most complaints about. Not sure how much it actually happens nowadays, though.

Ghosts are stored in the balls?[/quote]
also George_Chickens quit fucking my sister


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Re: *We need your help to save the noobs!*
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2019, 07:33:34 am »

Closing the drawbridge stops everyone in their tracks *even if they can't see the drawbridge*.  What this tells me is that every entity on the map is path finding *on every tick*.

It could also mean that every unit recalculates its pathing as soon as something that might cause it to need to do so (such as a drawbridge raising) happens.
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