Dwarf Fortress > DF Dwarf Mode Discussion

Carp have mind powers. We are doomed.

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I just had my first ever encounter with carp. I started a fortress near a river filled with carp and hippos. It quickly turned out to be a colossal failure, though that was just poor planning on my part - I had half of my starting dwarves trapped in a water channel. So I decided to abandon and reclaim the site. That's when the horror started.First surprise was when I hit embark and it turned out I get 70 dwarves, all decked out in steel gear and an extra 1000 points to spend. Awesome, I thought, boy are the goblins fucked if they try to attack me now. So we arrive and I get busy with building living quarters for my massive reclaim group. Not so long after the dwarves start to get thirsty and I get spammed with "x cancels drink: interrupted by carp".
What the hell? there are ponds all over the map, just to be sure I designate a few closest to my entrance as water sources, but no. Our carp overlords are calling, we must obey. So 70 dwarves get unhappy thought after unhappy thought from not being able to drink, one or two of them get dragged into the river in front of their buddies' eyes and they're all being dragged into a vicious circle of insanity...
Now it's early summer of my first year and I'm down from 70 dwarves to 23, most of the survivors crippled by berserkers, throwing themselves down the well or just lying down waiting to die...

River water is cleaner than pond water.  If a dwarf is going to drink water, he at least wants to have the cleanest water available.Build a well over one of the ponds.  Dwarven logic dictates that "if it comes from a well, it is clean".  They will then prefer to drink from the well.

Yeah, I did eventually manage to build a well, but it was too late. Next time I'll remember to take some rope on the embark screen.

Alternatively, stick a couple swimmer-soldiers in there.  The water won't be as clean anymore, but I thin you'll be able to look past that.

How did you manage to get that many dwarves on embark? Cheating?


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