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Author Topic: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01 Released  (Read 105258 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01 Released
« Reply #105 on: January 30, 2020, 10:41:16 am »

I have a feeling this is not what the priest meant when he said "hand in marriage". lol It seems King Asėn married a hand in the end of his life, after having this hand as a lover for 2 years. I swear, Dwarf Fortress bugs are hilarious lol

Ah, I just saw that the hand of Udir has a name. It's "Goden Limbmined the hand of Udir, deceased spouse, b. 256 d. 379". This was on the Related Historical Figures part of Asėn's file. Could be that a hand of Udir is a revived corpse or something.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2020, 10:43:31 am by VABritto »


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01 Released
« Reply #106 on: January 30, 2020, 10:49:14 am »

How do you use the party tactics mode? Where you control all the party member's actions, I mean.
Love, scriver~


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01 Released
« Reply #107 on: January 30, 2020, 11:08:55 am »

I got a handful of CTD in world generation today - I was generating pocket sized worlds for 125 years, and often they'd occur between years 70 and 100. Didn't know you guys were collecting seeds. It happened pretty rarely. Maybe 1 in 30 generations.

I think there's something wrong with site ownership. In a world I generated, a monastery is called 'a Kobold monastery' on the world map. It was founded by a human, of a human civ and religion. A kobold joined the monastery in the most recent Legends event.

I've also seen a few 'kobold hamlets' which I thought was basically impossible. It seems to me the ownership title is being grabbed up by the latest settler. Anyone else experienced this?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01 Released
« Reply #108 on: January 30, 2020, 11:09:37 am »

Ah, I just saw that the hand of Udir has a name. It's "Goden Limbmined the hand of Udir, deceased spouse, b. 256 d. 379". This was on the Related Historical Figures part of Asėn's file. Could be that a hand of Udir is a revived corpse or something.
Hand of Udir might be one of the autogenerated abomination names, which makes this kinda adorable. Person got captured, experimented on, transformed into an abomination, but despite all that was able to snatch themselves a royal and get married.

Scriver, haven't figured that out myself yet, but according to the ? screen the related key is 'E'.
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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01 Released
« Reply #109 on: January 30, 2020, 11:37:44 am »

I got a handful of CTD in world generation today - I was generating pocket sized worlds for 125 years, and often they'd occur between years 70 and 100. Didn't know you guys were collecting seeds. It happened pretty rarely. Maybe 1 in 30 generations.

I think there's something wrong with site ownership. In a world I generated, a monastery is called 'a Kobold monastery' on the world map. It was founded by a human, of a human civ and religion. A kobold joined the monastery in the most recent Legends event.

I've also seen a few 'kobold hamlets' which I thought was basically impossible. It seems to me the ownership title is being grabbed up by the latest settler. Anyone else experienced this?

Maybe, that or the population was completely reduced to nothing then a kobold moved in. I have seen that kind of thing happen in previous versions.
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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01 Released
« Reply #110 on: January 30, 2020, 11:39:27 am »

Congrats on the new release!


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01 Released
« Reply #111 on: January 30, 2020, 11:55:18 am »

@Therahedwig - Most likely, yeah!

On another note, I have just gone through the entire royal lineage of one of my civs. I am very happy to see that now it seems royal succession seems a bit more consistent than before. In this particular civ, every one of the royals I got had children and except for one case they passed the throne from parent to child. The one case in question is actually King Asėn, that I wrote about earlier. But in his case I was even more impressed, because he survived all his kids, but then his grandson, King Tekkud II, assumed the throne after him. It seems that dwarves are finally preferring the royal line with a good degree of consistency now! In older builds I remember that if a King died without an immediate child, the crown simply passed to some other rando with no degree of relationship to him and most of the times  no obvious reason why they were chosen. Now it seems things are more consistent. This particular lineage of Kings has been extent and unbroken from game start till the year 550, so it is pretty consistent.

Another civ I was monitoring also had a consistent lineage right up until their last Kings died just 13 years after assuming the throne, killed in an invasion and impaled on hazel wood pikes. After that the crown was passed to a rando called King Datan. But the interesting thing is that while the first royal lineage lasted there was no coups or any attempt at dethroning them, but as soon as the rando appeared we got a coup. King Datan was dethroned after 59 years in power by a group of Goblins being supported by some dwarven colaborators. Now here's the interesting part: When that goblin Queen died in battle, the one to assume the throne was the nephew of the deposed random King. A guy named King Olon. But get this, he was deposed by the same faction that deposed his uncle. And the faction leader this time decided to crown himself King (he was a goblin too). King Atu. After that King Atu suffered a coup by a relative of his called Dang, and Dang put King Atu's grand-niece on the throne, Queen Ngom. Then Dang did a coup on her and made himself King. All in all, this all feels very Game of Throne-y and you can feel the family intrigue happening. Might be just coincidence, but it does feel like Dwarf Fortress is a lot more aware of familial relations.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01 Released
« Reply #112 on: January 30, 2020, 11:59:23 am »

@Therahedwig - Most likely, yeah!

On another note, I have just gone through the entire royal lineage of one of my civs. I am very happy to see that now it seems royal succession seems a bit more consistent than before. In this particular civ, every one of the royals I got had children and except for one case they passed the throne from parent to child. The one case in question is actually King Asėn, that I wrote about earlier. But in his case I was even more impressed, because he survived all his kids, but then his grandson, King Tekkud II, assumed the throne after him. It seems that dwarves are finally preferring the royal line with a good degree of consistency now! In older builds I remember that if a King died without an immediate child, the crown simply passed to some other rando with no degree of relationship to him and most of the times  no obvious reason why they were chosen. Now it seems things are more consistent. This particular lineage of Kings has been extent and unbroken from game start till the year 550, so it is pretty consistent.

Another civ I was monitoring also had a consistent lineage right up until their last Kings died just 13 years after assuming the throne, killed in an invasion and impaled on hazel wood pikes. After that the crown was passed to a rando called King Datan. But the interesting thing is that while the first royal lineage lasted there was no coups or any attempt at dethroning them, but as soon as the rando appeared we got a coup. King Datan was dethroned after 59 years in power by a group of Goblins being supported by some dwarven colaborators. Now here's the interesting part: When that goblin Queen died in battle, the one to assume the throne was the nephew of the deposed random King. A guy named King Olon. But get this, he was deposed by the same faction that deposed his uncle. And the faction leader this time decided to crown himself King (he was a goblin too). King Atu. After that King Atu suffered a coup by a relative of his called Dang, and Dang put King Atu's grand-niece on the throne, Queen Ngom. Then Dang did a coup on her and made himself King. All in all, this all feels very Game of Throne-y and you can feel the family intrigue happening. Might be just coincidence, but it does feel like Dwarf Fortress is a lot more aware of familial relations.

Yeah various kinds of succession were added in the world activation release (40.xx) so you will see this sort of thing. Unless it was bugged in 44 or something. If it was bugged good to hear its working consistently now even though i didn't notice it before.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2020, 12:01:26 pm by Untrustedlife »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01 Released
« Reply #113 on: January 30, 2020, 12:07:00 pm »

@Therahedwig - Most likely, yeah!

On another note, I have just gone through the entire royal lineage of one of my civs. I am very happy to see that now it seems royal succession seems a bit more consistent than before. In this particular civ, every one of the royals I got had children and except for one case they passed the throne from parent to child. The one case in question is actually King Asėn, that I wrote about earlier. But in his case I was even more impressed, because he survived all his kids, but then his grandson, King Tekkud II, assumed the throne after him. It seems that dwarves are finally preferring the royal line with a good degree of consistency now! In older builds I remember that if a King died without an immediate child, the crown simply passed to some other rando with no degree of relationship to him and most of the times  no obvious reason why they were chosen. Now it seems things are more consistent. This particular lineage of Kings has been extent and unbroken from game start till the year 550, so it is pretty consistent.

Another civ I was monitoring also had a consistent lineage right up until their last Kings died just 13 years after assuming the throne, killed in an invasion and impaled on hazel wood pikes. After that the crown was passed to a rando called King Datan. But the interesting thing is that while the first royal lineage lasted there was no coups or any attempt at dethroning them, but as soon as the rando appeared we got a coup. King Datan was dethroned after 59 years in power by a group of Goblins being supported by some dwarven colaborators. Now here's the interesting part: When that goblin Queen died in battle, the one to assume the throne was the nephew of the deposed random King. A guy named King Olon. But get this, he was deposed by the same faction that deposed his uncle. And the faction leader this time decided to crown himself King (he was a goblin too). King Atu. After that King Atu suffered a coup by a relative of his called Dang, and Dang put King Atu's grand-niece on the throne, Queen Ngom. Then Dang did a coup on her and made himself King. All in all, this all feels very Game of Throne-y and you can feel the family intrigue happening. Might be just coincidence, but it does feel like Dwarf Fortress is a lot more aware of familial relations.

Yeah various kinds of succession were added in the world activation release (40.xx) so you will see this sort of thing. Unless it was bugged in 44 or something. If it was bugged good to hear its working consistently now even though i didn't notice it before.

It got better after a while, but even so it was very very common to see Kings without children or the Kingdom passing to a rando just because the King didn't have any kids at the time (sometimes the kingdom passed to a rando even when the King had kids). Now Kings seem to be a lot more, well, fertile and prolific lol And the crown seems to pass more consistently to their next of kin. What really impressed me was the two abnormal successions I mentioned (King Tekkud II inheriting the throne from his grandfather and King Olon from his uncle). It just feels like it is all more family focused. I think the inclusion of lovers and multiple marriages into the mix also helps. Now Kings don't just live as celibates for the rest of their lives after a spouse dies too early. So they are having more kids.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01 Released
« Reply #114 on: January 30, 2020, 12:18:29 pm »

I have a feeling this is not what the priest meant when he said "hand in marriage". lol It seems King Asėn married a hand in the end of his life, after having this hand as a lover for 2 years. I swear, Dwarf Fortress bugs are hilarious lol

Ah, I just saw that the hand of Udir has a name. It's "Goden Limbmined the hand of Udir, deceased spouse, b. 256 d. 379". This was on the Related Historical Figures part of Asėn's file. Could be that a hand of Udir is a revived corpse or something.
I think its just the game retroactively changing description of Goden from a dwarf to that experiment type. Same thing happens with fort mode dwarves that come back as ghosts or people who were changed into night troll spouses, i.e Urist the dwarf became a night troll's spouse in 100, but all descriptions of him prior to year 100 also refer to him as a night troll's spouse even though he wasnt one yet.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01 Released
« Reply #115 on: January 30, 2020, 12:28:59 pm »

I have a feeling this is not what the priest meant when he said "hand in marriage". lol It seems King Asėn married a hand in the end of his life, after having this hand as a lover for 2 years. I swear, Dwarf Fortress bugs are hilarious lol

Ah, I just saw that the hand of Udir has a name. It's "Goden Limbmined the hand of Udir, deceased spouse, b. 256 d. 379". This was on the Related Historical Figures part of Asėn's file. Could be that a hand of Udir is a revived corpse or something.
I think its just the game retroactively changing description of Goden from a dwarf to that experiment type. Same thing happens with fort mode dwarves that come back as ghosts or people who were changed into night troll spouses, i.e Urist the dwarf became a night troll's spouse in 100, but all descriptions of him prior to year 100 also refer to him as a night troll's spouse even though he wasnt one yet.

Makes sense. It can get confusing at times lol


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01 Released
« Reply #116 on: January 30, 2020, 12:56:38 pm »

Has anyone worked out how to build altars in Fortress mode yet? It's a super common question. They can be created in the Craftdwarf's workshop, for sure.
Team Bug Fix!


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01 Released
« Reply #117 on: January 30, 2020, 01:15:04 pm »

Has anyone worked out how to build altars in Fortress mode yet? It's a super common question. They can be created in the Craftdwarf's workshop, for sure.

They're not constructable, just a piece of world construction or its a UI oversight on Toadys part/placeholder/wasn't aware? To that effect maybe we need a token like [WORLD_GENERATION_ONLY] at the item.txt files to stop it bleeding into Fortress mode

Knight Otu

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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01 Released
« Reply #118 on: January 30, 2020, 01:23:00 pm »

I have yet to test it in depth, but it seems the Dark Fortress position crash has gotten worse - my other modded entities work without a problem, but at least the dark fortress civs appears to cause crashes.

Ed: Added Mantis link.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2020, 03:29:36 pm by Knight Otu »
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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01 Released
« Reply #119 on: January 30, 2020, 01:23:09 pm »


The Mountainhome of one of my dwarven civilizations was taken by demonic forces in the year 80. I looked to find where the Queen would have moved to but I found out that she simply... stayed there. She lived on in the former Mountainhome (now controlled by a goblin civ) until she was expelled years later over religious disagreements. Then I looked up where she went to and thought "Well, at least now I'll know where the new Mountainhome is" but no, she ended up in a Forest Retreat for some reason lol And then I looked up her son and heir and he lived with the Goblins all the way until he became King and then he... continued living there lol Until he was also banished for religious reasons to the same forest retreat his mother lived in. This is rather confusing.

EDIT: Just saw that the granddaughter, who became Queen after her father, lived in a completely different city until she became Queen. After becoming Queen she actually moved to the old Mountainhome even though it is being controlled by goblins! It seems the game still thinks the place is the legitimate Mountainhome even after it was conquered. I also saw that all of them became Members of the Goblin Civ. They are also members of the normal Dwarven civ too though.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2020, 01:27:47 pm by VABritto »
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