Also, if there isn't, the token MAGICAL will be useful for summons, since it has no actul use AFAIK.
A bit of a pain that the summoning interaction happens to have the limitation of "only random creatures not on the blacklist", but if it can be made to consistently spawn a debug creature and transform it/give it interactions, it'll open up a whooole lot of interaction loops that I believe were entirely dependent on dfhack before to work i think.
So we could use the MAGICAL token on the debug creature which then gets transformed into the appropriate creature with a secondary transformation (assuming you can target just summoned creatures?). If you can't target just summoned creatures, maybe you could spread an AOE effect with an instant syndrome that only transforms the debug creature (maybe using the TRAILING_VAPOR_FLOW aimed at the summon location, or the new weather effect to summon a mist which only transforms the debug creature?
The summons argument takes multiple restrictions right? So you could use the MAGICAL token in conjunction with tokens that have minimal effects on newly summoned creatures to further specify the desired summons. Actually, since you can also blacklist tokens, you can get 2^tokens number of specifiable summons based on the exact combination of and presence/absence of tokens.
Good point. NO_AUTUMN works as a summon limiter, and it has no effects on creatures that don't appear anywhere naturally, I believe.
I assume that NO_SPRING, NO_SUMMER, and NO_WINTER would also work.
EDIT: By the way, SMALL_RACE is not a creature token, but giving a creature the class SMALL_RACE doesn't seem to allow them to be summoned that way.
I have no idea why SMALL_RACE is a forbidden flag in the example.