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Author Topic: Ideas for Community Fort: Forum member elections for control of the fort.  (Read 803 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Community Fort idea: Dorfen Political Satire, hopefully of a non-inflammatory variety

An example post probably illustrates the case for this fort best:

"My fellow boot-tomesians, as I have stated since a time before time, I am a staunch conservative. I was born to a long line of boot-tomesian citizens and Scarlet Party loyalists. Do not be swayed by the detractions and slander made by my short-bearded opponent, who claims that my background and current identity are an alias, and that I was not raised in Boottomes, but in the dank pits of the dark fortress of Foulcursed, to a family of goblin baby-snatchers. Ha ha, nothing could possibly be further from the truth! Why, the issue with the last name recorded for me in legends mode is nothing more than a simple error caused by the modded raw files, nothing more. So repeat after me, "I am a staunch Scarlet-Party Dwarf, and I support the construction of rock millstones, and prohibitions on the exporting of leather boots!"

"If elected president, I promise the good people of Boottomes that I will double our production of rock millstones, prohibit leather boots from being exported, increase military spending, and take a tough-on-crime approach to the drunks in our tavern who keep knocking over the **** still. Our current president {forum member:x} has ignored this issue for too long, and we must stop the senseless repeated and intermittent interruption to our fort's liquor supply."

"Furthermore, I promise the good people of Boottomes, that I vow to preserve our lumber freedoms, which have been endowed to us by åblel, the lustrous boats of tricking, the dwarven grasshopper god of fishing, oceans, persuasion, and lust. As a fort we must stand up to the tyranny of the elves, in order to safeguard these rights. And as a sort of big tough guy kind-of looking dwarf, I promise you to do just that!"

"No trees, no smithing. No booze, no labor!"

So the idea here is to try and come up with a novel approach for a community fort, wherein player turns are won via elections, rather than being guaranteed through a traditional first come, first served basis. The whole premise of the fort is that whenever a forum member's corresponding npc dorf citizen wins a presidential election, they gain control of the fort for a turn, which consequently serves as a win for their party. Presidents would get a commissioned statue of themselves placed in the hall of presidents, which would be apart of a single colored fort government headquarters.

Term limits have to be set in place, in order to prevent one particular player from monopolizing all of the turns. Each year is a term, any one npc/player combo is allowed up to two terms. After two terms are fulfilled, that player npc is exiled, in order to prevent them from being reelected a third time, and the player is free to pick an unnamed citizen to become their representative.

Some raw modifications can made in order to help appropriately reskin the fort. Creating a president noble position and so forth. However, it's unclear in terms of what specific predefined government/noble positions and parameters could also be added to the raws, in order to facilitate the greatest comedic yields from the fortress.

Players, once nominated by their player party, are free (and actually encouraged) to role play out their dorf's presidential campaigns. Like, roleplaying an actual smear campaign against a dorfen unit by one of the forum member sounds like it be very entertaining.
For specifics on how this would work in practice, each year the two major player/forum member factions will nominate whichever forum member within their party's ranks has the dwarf unit with the highest number of social skills out of all of their units. Then the two parties "compete", however they want to do that, in whatever political process people come up with, and whoever gets the win takes the turn for the next year. The unit becomes fort president for a year, and they are able to personally assign their new cabinet of fort nobles, which most likely comprises the other participants in the thread, who have also supported their campaign.

I'm not sure if theres a way to have citizens ELECT a citizen from a narrow list of eligible nobles, rather than whoever happens to be most popular at any one particular time. Like having two [appointed_by:position_x] positions for [candidate_red] and [candidate_blue], which can be determined by forum members, for who they want running for the national election, would be sweet. Whoever is in charge of the turn is also responsible for assigning the eligible candidates noble positions to whatever the thread members decide.

Thoughts, comments, suggestions on how best to modify the Mountain entities noble position to facilitate the mod? Alternatively, the politics of the fort could rely less on rigid adherence on pre-defined game mechanics implemented through the mod, and more on a simple and naturally refined process involving thread participant's input and feedback over time, provided enough interest is warranted. The only real downside with going completely with the latter is the missed opportunity for facilitating some satisfying boilerplate context.

As an example of what organically defined player election process for determining presidential elections might look like:
  I.) Presidential Elections:
    The forum members, after much arguing, decided elections that would decide the presidency are won by:
       1.) Having two quantum stone stockpiles directly next to one another, of equal distance to an open door.
            1a.) One stockpile containing 100 boulders of cobaltite.
            1b.) One stockpile containing 100 boulders of cinnabar.
       2.) Come election day, all items in both of these two stockpiles are to be designated for dumping.
           2a.) After 2 days time, the door to the quantum stone stockpiles is locked, and the vote boulders are counted.[/i]
       3.) President is determined, they become the active player, and a stone statue is made to commemorate the specific election and its
            rules. The following year, same deal, but the rules might change based on what the players agree to.

Here, the only thing that needs to be modded is the name for the mayor's position, and the candidate's unique individual noble positions. As cool as it is though, it forfeits use of the game's built-in election mechanic for nobles with [ELECTED] positions, which logs that a hist_fig won an election in legends mode.

(Question: I believe that without DFHack, elected noble positions are no longer able to be manually reassigned by the player. Is this confirmed?)
« Last Edit: July 07, 2023, 02:07:52 pm by dikbutdagrate »


  • Bay Watcher
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Whats the interest from people on this?

The fort doesn't really work unless enough people are engaging with the thread. And I think at least minimum of at least four players are required to even start it.


  • Bay Watcher
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well then, nice idea. there was a similar fortress where elections occurred but AFAIK they never modded raws to facilitate. I am not experienced in modding, really..

interest? always - sign me up. it sounds fun. however - the forums are quiet these days. you might try the discord server or reddit to drum up support. it seems that the community no longer exists in any central space as it once did on Bay12.



  • Bay Watcher
  • More GG more skill
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Its true what dikbut says about needing some active peoplqe paying attention...
But I'll be one of them  ;D
Dwarf me if this goes ahead
I am quite looking forward to the next 20 or 30 years or so of developmental madness


  • Bay Watcher
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Alright, well thats three people who want in.

If people have ideas for what should be modded in, go ahead and jot those ideas down in the thread.