14th Slate
Slow going on the trap building, mechanisms aren't being built and installed fast enough
I'm not sure what I am supposed to be looking at.
There are so many ways you have made a massive mistake that will come to haunt you. Your name shall go down in history as "Smunstu the already-dead".
Indeed, your determination is kinda impressive, and also completely suicidal.
Picture found scrawled on a beehive in dried bloodYou are literally running towards the zombie hangout spots.

And here we have the exact moment when she realizes that she ran into both zombies and dingoes, and decides to get out of here.
Be careful around the dingoes, I think they can smell fear.

And here we see the dingoes take pursuit of their natural prey,
gobelinus obliviosusThe goblin tries evasive manuvers...

... only to end up closer and between the dingoes and zombies, I guess she may be hoping they stay away from each-other and therefore her.
Unfortunately, zombie humans are faster than she is.

She did not last long.

With her dead, the zombies go after some tougher prey.
I run out of refined coal, which is annoying. Our supplies of wood are inaccesable due to being on the wrong side of the drawbridge in the caverns. I briefly open the bridge, but stop when the forgotten beast "Gened" comes running towards us.

Speaking of which, Gened has decided to fight every creature in the caverns.

And has become very injured in the process. I think he may be killable.
Get the militia, it's time to find out. Open the drawbridge!

Wait, where is he?


Eliminated by a draltha, what a way to go. He basically fought everything until finally being killed.
Does nobody at this fort have basic survival instincts?