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Author Topic: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)  (Read 503516 times)


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1695 on: March 03, 2022, 10:04:07 am »

Please sign me up for a turn. I've been away from the forums for a long time, but I contributed to the first museum like 9 years ago!


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1696 on: March 03, 2022, 02:52:32 pm »

Sweet! I'll be able to start tomorrow night! (Midterms finish tomorrow, so this is great timing.)
A beautiful lesbian trans lass, I'll punch ya dork.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1697 on: March 03, 2022, 02:55:22 pm »

Please sign me up for a turn. I've been away from the forums for a long time, but I contributed to the first museum like 9 years ago!

Welcome back!


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1698 on: March 03, 2022, 03:04:56 pm »

Sweet! I'll be able to start tomorrow night! (Midterms finish tomorrow, so this is great timing.)

Ayy nice, best of luck with your midturns and the world :)
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1699 on: March 03, 2022, 06:41:54 pm »


Zed Apocalypse Undead Infection Mini Mod
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1700 on: March 04, 2022, 08:17:43 am »

To be fair, as horrendous as Kosoth's Omon Blight is, the sentinel event in the change of Ages was probably Moldath chopping the head off the last remaining Roc who had evaded him decades ago.

I had hoped to kill it and reanimate it as a mount, which would be metal AF, but he ended up decapitating it....
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1701 on: March 04, 2022, 09:11:36 am »

"Moldath III", Prologue, Turn 73

A Treatise On Necromancy, by Moldath Mournsaints.

Now, dear reader, I would consider myself to be a learned dwarf. After so many years travelling the lands of Orid Xem in search of knowledge, and from perusing the records of those adventurers come before me, I have created a list, nay a treatise, on the arts of necromancy. In the history of this world, there have been twelve sacred slabs created. These slabs are gifts from the very gods themselves, imparting great knowledge upon their readers. And is not the pursuit of knowledge the most glorious ambition of any creature?

And so it is that I have come to list this treatise, a compendium of knowledge, for any brave and inquisitive mind to follow in my learned footsteps...

  • 1. Dustbone the Fated Oblivion (Gifted by Warosp the Fated Urn) - Current location is unfortunately unknown. It is rumoured to have been lost in the Plain Hill in the year 703. Last seen by Oddom Girdergrove, before she was beheaded by Bil Hammertome
  • 2. Fatalurn the Hag of Dying (Gifted by the mighty and venerable Ala) - Found by mortal men, currently stored in a dwarven fortress. This slab is still available, to those who look. Seek out Ashcinders!
  • 3. Fatedpusses (Gifted by Gopet the Putrid Cyst) - This fine slab was gifted to the famous Museum by the heroic adventurer known as Lonelythrall the Hideous. Though, I have to admit, I could not find it per se, when last I searched that fine establishment. Perhaps it has been spirited away?
  • 4. Frothbone (Gifted by the most omniescent Ala) - Ahhh, Frothbone. Rightly in the hands of the Coven of Frothing, or so I thought. Some fiendish scorpion took it from its rightful place and it now appears to be quite lost, somewhere in the Quick Steppes. Such a shame, for of all the slabs, dear readers, this is my favoured.
  • 5. Gallpaddles the Spittle of Juice (Gifted by Agwa) - Now this slab is one of my more recent aquisitions. It currently resides where I can keep a rotten eye on it. Search in Stockadeoutrage!
  • 6. Roastfierce (Gifted by Kas Bannershocked) - This slab, too, appears to have been gifted to the Museum by Erith Whippedumbral and Nom the Cheese. It is quite challenging to find in amongst the detritus of this place, but I am lead to believe it resides there still. As an aside, an interesting story my fellows - the dwarf known as Erith Whippedumbral was in fact raised into undeath on more than one occasion, and on her last rising took the name The Divine Fight, or Nabasbardum. Would it surprise you to know that many of the adventurers of this world now wear fine bone crafts hewn by this Nabasbardum, including a particular crown submitted by a jovial young wolf man not so long ago!
  • 7. Shadowbury (Gifted by the Adalatir deity Tithleth) - This slab was unfortunately lost before I was born, in 703. Much like Dustbone, it was lost after Oddom Girdergrove was slain by Bil Hammertome.
  • 8. Stabbedwring (Gifted by kas Bannershocked) - Previously stored in the monastery Hoodconstructs, no sign of this slab has been seen since 754. It is considered lost, but these artifacts have a habit of finding their way back home...
  • 9. The Certain Urns (Gifted by an unknown Deity) - Would it surprise you to learn that King Bralbaard found this slab, within the very Museum itself, in 700? He took it to Treatyseed with the intent to destroy it, but that task was later completed by none other than Bil Hammertome. He cast the thing into the volcano the Hearth of Burials, where now the fort of Ironwards the Strifeful Hollows stands.
  • 10. The Fragrant Burial (Gifted by Tarem) - Found in the clutches of Cog Wildnesswork the necromancer in his tower of Glazedriven, by the curiously named dwarf adventurer Th4dwarfy1 Shieldtempests. Sadly, he did not get to use the powers he learned, having been shortly after struck down by an elf of all things...
  • 11. The Putrid Juice (Gifted by Eslim) - This slab is known to me. It resides in Ashcinders. Perhaps a brave adventurer willing to brave the traps of that place will uncover the story of how it came to be there?
  • 12. The Unholy Evil (Gifted by the prolific Ala) - Yet another slab lost to the world. This gift of Ala was thrown into the volcano The East Fountain, above the ancient fort of Keyconjure by the misguided adventurer Glloyd Ancientborn the Round.

It would seem that the budding seeker of knowledge will have to travel far and wide to relocate these ancient depositories of knowledge. Who among you is up to this task?
« Last Edit: August 15, 2023, 01:27:36 pm by kesperan »
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1702 on: March 04, 2022, 09:19:00 am »

I just find it incredibly epic that you just walked in and changed the entire era of the world, passed along the file and are gonna fill us in later lol

There's just something epic about that and I look forward to the write up of it to come

Lurker Z

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1703 on: March 04, 2022, 12:49:08 pm »

Moldath has now surpassed Avolition in most notable kills.

On another note, regarding Moldath,
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I specifically remember sealing him as well as the other refugees each in a sealed room (or did I forget to with him?).

Forgot to mention, there goes the roc race. Ah well.

Looks like Moldath lost the honor to have the 666th page on the wiki, he'll have to settle for 667th.

About my horse,  Mestthos Lovermachines: I'm pretty sure that I bought him during character generation, so that would be quite different from whatever caused Pis to appear.
That's why I mentioned my discovery is mostly (or completely) useless/irrelevant: it's a piece of data that exists unrelated to anything else. I made the comparison with your horse to show that the order of generation probably holds true with the appearing of historical figures in the game, as your horse was generated after you, and Pis was generated after Kom, so it's not just the game putting random characters in random order. I just found it curious that the demon appeared just one character after Kom, but I doubt there's any causation.

Regarding Golden Age, that's interesting. I'm almost surprised it took over a century and a half for it to happen, considering the killing rampages some of the adventurers went on.

Regarding Age of the Goblin, I doubt we'll get there. We're more likely to get into the human age (Fairy Tales?) at the rate the goblins are whittled down. Especially as the hate on goblins seems to have become contagious amongst the adventurers - and from what I remember we only had one goblin adventurer, and that one claimed to be the reincarnated demon of its civilization (the one that wasn't Shoveth or Egu). Even if someone doesn't go Apocalypse Bear on the elves again, the humans outmatch anything but the goblins in number.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2022, 03:12:28 pm by Lurker Z »
Sigtext updated 13-03-2024.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1704 on: March 04, 2022, 01:06:45 pm »

I noticed, i commend you on your goblin slaying skills. Will have to claim the title back next turn. Also i see you noticed Frothbone. Its not truly lost but got to stop Ala spread.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2022, 01:08:20 pm by AvolitionBrit »
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1705 on: March 04, 2022, 04:11:53 pm »

To be fair, as horrendous as Kosoth's Omon Blight is, the sentinel event in the change of Ages was probably Moldath chopping the head off the last remaining Roc who had evaded him decades ago.

I had hoped to kill it and reanimate it as a mount, which would be metal AF, but he ended up decapitating it....

actually probably also that too

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1706 on: March 06, 2022, 12:37:46 pm »

"Moldath III", Part I, Turn 73

10th Felsite 858

Perhaps you will have read of my previous adventurers? if not, please allow me to introduce myself. I am Moldath Mournsaints. I was not strictly born on Orid Xem, and I have no parents. I used to be an amulet, but that is another story all together. I am a dwarf, a necromancer, and a vampire, and I am troubled by a terrible affliction. The Rot. It is not clear when it first took hold; I suspect now it is the result of the foul magic of a wight. When my flesh rotted away, I was tortured and flayed by amateur surgeons. My eyes failed me, and I was bitter and twisted. I became the Blind Sadist. Angry and hopeless, I was desperate for a way out. I discovered religion! Needless to say, where previously I considered myself an atheist, I am now a devout follower of Ala, for the Lord of Balance, Blight and Death has given me a new life, as a Fell One. Some even called me the Prophet of Froth!

When I settled in the abandoned human castle of Spicetrails, a short day's travel east of the fabled mountain, it was with hopes of a quiet retirement. That was in the autumn of 826. The years of torture and servitude in the horrible island fort of Ancientlibrary were not something I wished to repeat. For a while I lived the life of a hermit. I was unmolested, and content. Fate, it seems, had other plans. Perhaps driven by the endless yearning for fresh blood, I find myself tempted back into the world, and in the early spring of 841 I found myself drawn to dwarven civilisation once more.

Eskôn, Clearmasters, was not by then a new fort - it had been founded way back in 794. The Armors of Diamond were a stout folk, and yet seemingly obsessed by a diamond pedestal of some provenance. The fort itself was seemingly built atop the ruins of an older site - the monastery Wanderedhorses, a shrine of Bikda. My life in Eskôn started simply enough. I took the name of Ilral Palaceverse, a ranger and bonecarver, and was welcomed by the simple folks there. I am ashamed it took only 48 hours for the first dwarf to be found, drained of blood.

It did not take them long to accuse me; the outsider. Despite my protestations, they sentenced me to the hammer and the chain. Fifty hammerstrokes in all. In the end, they chained me up like some beak dog with a nickel silver chain, in the dungeon. I decided then to escape from this fort. Coming here had clearly been a mistake. It took only eighteen short months for me to gnaw through the chain and escape from Eskôn, amidst the chaos of an unexplained cave in, and luckily I managed to find my old armour and ... thank Ala! Godenrigoth! The adamantine scimitar, perfect as the day it was gifted to Kajeth Fatecrypts by Ala himself.

After leaving Eskôn, I head to a place I might find sanctuary - Kikrostzar, Stockadeoutrage. Perhaps King Tobul will remember I gifted him that artifact spear, and grant me asylum from the justice-hungry Walled Dye? The dwarves there at least were happy to see me, and I managed, for once, to keep a low profile.

When King Tobul died at the ripe age of 182, without spouse or issue, Queen Ral Diamondoiled was named his succesor. This made my position here a little less clear... Queen Ral had no relationship with this outsider, and so I decided I needed a way to ingratiate myself!
« Last Edit: August 15, 2023, 01:29:54 pm by kesperan »
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.

Lurker Z

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1707 on: March 06, 2022, 02:18:58 pm »

When my flesh rotted away, I was tortured and flayed by amateur surgeons. My eyes failed me, and I was bitter and twisted. I became the Blind Sadist. Angry and hopeless, I was desperate for a way out. I discovered religion! Needless to say, where previously I considered myself an atheist, I am now a devout follower of Ala, for the Lord of Balance, Blight and Death has given me a new life, as a Fell One. Some even called me the Prophey of Froth!


and so I decided I needed a way to ingratiate myself!
Ah man, that's an ominous start!

Also, is he delusional, lying through his teeth or does he really believe things went down like that in Eskôn? He forgot Kikrost saved him from the hammers and entreated with him ceaselessly about his art of undeath, even tried to heal him. A shame he left with such a bad view of lovely Eskôn.

Great writing style, looking forward for more.
Sigtext updated 13-03-2024.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1708 on: March 06, 2022, 02:39:31 pm »

Also, is he delusional, lying through his teeth or does he really believe things went down like that in Eskôn?

Well, he is a self confessed sadist, who's brain has rotted away. He feels he is the victim, despite clearly murdering three dudes in Eskôn almost as soon as he arrived. I think he is probably an unreliable narrator...
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1709 on: March 08, 2022, 08:33:10 am »

I have been having a look through Legend Viewer while preparing the write-up for my last turn, and noticed something.

Avolition Holyblood's kill count isn't accurate on QD's table - it looks like he joined the fort of Falsetower in 853, drained 23 dwarves of blood, then went on another goblin slaying rampage during Avolitions last turn in the year 858 (the one with the penguin man and mushroom people, who died in 849).

I'm not meaning to cause trouble here but are we allowing multiple adventure turns during our week now?
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.
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