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Author Topic: Thob Goes to the Surface  (Read 63695 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thob Goes to the Surface: Part IV
« Reply #135 on: April 13, 2021, 10:33:34 am »

Horseclimax was a professional gelder before?

I think he is secretly trolling the party about the whole thing lol


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thob Goes to the Surface: Part IV
« Reply #136 on: April 20, 2021, 09:09:27 am »

That's very nice art!

“It’s no good denying it,” said Perom, “I am a necromancer—as are several of my fellows here. But before you go poking those weapons at us, please hear me out. We’re not the people we once were—everything’s changed.”
   “It certainly has,” said Alisa, “and you’re to blame for it!”
   “With respect, sir,” said the law-giver, “you can only imagine how great the change is. I lived in those days. I saw the rise of my folk, and their fall—of which I was, indeed, the cause. That does something to a man. I will tell you what has happened in the intervening centuries; then you can decide what to do with us.”
   “Well,” said Thob, “you seem sincere enough. But keep those hands where I can see them!”
   “Of course,” said Perom, taking a seat. And he began his tale…

*     *     *

I was born nine hundred and sixty-three years ago, in the castle of Rewarddangle, of which I became Baron in my twenty-third year. I was a dutiful vassal of the Nation, ever willing to fight in its wars.
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But so much battle, so early in life, took its toll: I became fearful of death, afraid that the True Honor, our goddess of mercy, would punish me for the blood I had shed. So I turned to the coven of Loge Testsavior, the first and oldest of the necromancers, and one of his dark company took me as apprentice and taught me the secrets of eternal life.
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Free, so I thought, from fear of death, I grew proud and scornful of mere mortals. I joined Loge’s attack on the Elves of the Soaked Glade and the humans of the Strong Empire. When we overran Weakenedpelt I was in the vanguard. I can still hear the screams of my victims…
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…as I changed them into the mutant beasts I called…
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   “You certainly have a… way with names,” said Thob.
   “Don’t interrupt!” said Perom. “I’m trying to be remorseful!”

Our campaign of undeath continued as, swollen with the arrogance of immortality, I turned on my own people. The Prestigious Nation reeled from our attacks; I followed the advancing army and took lordship over Authoredlathered.
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It was then, in the moment of my triumph, that the divine judgment I had always feared fell upon me. Our holds were swarmed by goblins, attacking in huge numbers that we could not push back. They ransacked my hall and took me prisoner.
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For two hundred years I languished in the dark pits—more than two lifetimes of men I spent, a prisoner and plaything of the cruel goblins. It was less than I deserved… but it was enough to turn me from my past wickedness.

I was not the only necromancer whom the goblins captured. When our tower, Kindledsteel, fell to the Lost Sins they imprisoned many others—among them Loge himself, and Loge’s apprentice and lover Sothbod Prairiecolored.
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In his imprisonment Loge turned to worship of the True Honor, pleading forgiveness. She granted it: Loge escaped the goblins and fled into the vast swampy wilderness of the east. Sothbod escaped likewise some years later, and somehow—miraculously, I expect—found Loge’s camp.
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Finally, I too was smiled upon; I eluded my captors and took to the wilds, where I also encountered my old comrades.
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We three determined to do all we could to right our wrongs. We expected that the Prestigious Nation was no more—that we were all that was left. So we assumed the leadership of our ancient people.
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Of course, if we truly wished to resurrect out nation, well, we needed more people. And, er… well, there was only one way to do that.
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And they had children, and they had children… and pretty soon, as eternity goes, we had enough for a settlement.
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   “You… bred the Nation back to life?” said Alisa, incredulous.
   “With only three ancestors?” said Strodno, appalled.
   “Well, essentially yes. We had new blood now and then—folks captured by the goblins who escaped sometimes wound up in our growing camp—but for the most part its was just us three immortals.”

Our band grew and grew over the generations. We trained for war, we took up arms: we would take the fight to the enemies of humanity, especially the undead. In the southern lands humans and dwarves were still fighting their own plague of necromancers, and we offered our swords to aid them.
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For centuries we battled alongside our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren… and so on. It was in one of these battles that Loge fell, bravely aiding the humans he had once tried to destroy against the undead army of Onget Netyells.
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   “Onget Netyells?” said Thob. “The witch-queen of Brightplums? I know her—well, I know of her, anyways. She has that jewel you want, right Strodno?”
   “That’s the one,” said Strodno. “You fought her army, Perom?”
   “Many times. We could never break them, but at least we fought them to a standstill.”

*     *     *

   He paused. “Well,” he said, “that’s about the size of it. A few months ago we decided to finally see how our ancient homeland was faring, and whether we might come to reclaim it. It is… disappointingly full of goblins. But there are, I think, enough abandoned places that we might be able to live and grow, until eventually we are able to challenge the Lost Sins.”
   “Where’s the rest of your, uh, family?” asked Cañar. “You must have a large contingent after so long.”
   “They’re back at our camp in the swamp, waiting for news,” said the law-giver. “There—I’ve explained ourselves to you, as best I could. What shall it be?”
   Alisa frowned. “Let me get this straight. For the past six hundred years, you’ve been breeding and training an army to fight the undead and reclaim the Prestigious Nation?”
   Perom nodded.
   “I can’t tell whether to be impressed or disgusted,” said Alisa. “But do you really think it atones for what you did?”
   “If I may, Alisa,” said Strodno. “All of your people’s enemies—undead and goblins—are immortals. Their leaders will have centuries of experience and skill over any human. If your leaders had the same, like Perom here, that might serve you well. And he’ll know better than anyone else what the undead are capable of, and can prepare for it.”
   “Besides,” said Cañar, “what would we gain by killing them? If they’re willing to help, they may be the best hope we have.”
   Alisa growled. “Fine,” he said, “but you’re no king of mine. If, and when, we restore the Nation, we’ll give it a proper, mortal king, like the gods intended.”
   “Well!” said Thob, “glad that’s settled. But if you don’t mind, Mr. Horse… you know, I’d like to be going before someone else decides to freak out and ‘reflexively’ raise the dead. Besides—there’s booze to find yet!”
   “And gems to recover,” said Strodno.

And with that I'll take another little hiatus, because I've reached the end of my pre-played content. I like to have a buffer of several updates before I post one, so that I know better where the story is going. I'll get three or four episodes played, then I'll resume the story - and hopefully soon Thob gets his drink!
Thob Goes to the Surface (Adventure Mode story, in progress)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thob Goes to the Surface: Part IV
« Reply #137 on: April 20, 2021, 08:20:20 pm »

Any update on this is an absolute treat.
Also 'Horseclimax' Fist' is so far my favorite name for any necro experiment.

Take your time!
Really hoping Thob finds his booze!

King Zultan

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Re: Thob Goes to the Surface: Part IV
« Reply #138 on: April 21, 2021, 03:40:00 am »

I'm willing to wait for up dates for this, as they're always good ones.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thob Goes to the Surface: Part V
« Reply #139 on: May 25, 2021, 12:25:48 pm »

Into the Wild

The cities of the southwest, near Thob’s home, were barren and boozeless; and these northern lands were overrun by teetotaling goblins. To the east Thob knew of nothing but the great swamp and its greenskin inhabitants. But he had heard rumors of a yet-living dwarven realm, far in the southeast, and a fortress that still housed his bearded brethren—and where there were dwarves, surely there must be drink!
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None of his companions had ever been to these far lands, and the journey promised to take many days through trackless country. But they had no other choice.

They didn’t go far before danger caught up with them, in the form of a skinny cave dragon:
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What the beast was doing up here on the surface Thob could only guess. It charged the party; Alisa, predictably, fled for his life, but the others (even the wounded Cañar) rushed to do battle. The dragon aimed a sharp talon right at Thob’s eye, but Cañar delivered an impressive kick to the monster’s head that interrupted its swipe. Strodno’s sword ripped into the creature’s guts, and Thob swung his pick into its throat, gouging the jugular:
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Strodno was getting into it. She kept shouting about her past kills, as if the dragon could understand and be intimidated:
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They hacked at the dragon until it lay still, having bled out on the grass. Strodno wiped the blood from her sword, swung it around, and slid it effortlessly back into its sheath. “Another one bites the dust,” she said. She really was getting into this.
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The next day they crossed into the Swamp of Cavities, a vast wetland presumably named for the many muddy holes that dotted its reedy fields (though it might also be a crack at the local goblins’ dental hygiene). The sky was dark with clouds and the air full of falling snow that obscured their vision.
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   “You know, Thob,” said Strodno as they marched along. “I used to think your whole nickname thing—you know, ‘Thob the Mysterious’—was a bit silly… but I’m coming around to it. After all, famous monster hunters like ourselves ought to have really unique names, to stand out in the stories and all.”
   “Any good ones come to mind?” Thob asked.
   “Well,” said the goblin, “how about…”
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   “That’s… unique, alright.”

When the clouds and snow finally parted the party caught sight of an imposing tower, much taller and larger than the necromancer towers Thob had seen, and surrounded by dozens of smaller fortifications and a maze of earthworks. This was the goblin fortress of Poisonwarned, the gateway, so to speak, into the homeland of the Lost Sins.
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   “We’d better steer clear,” said Cañar. “Their patrols scout the area constantly. Four adventurers will look like easy pickings for a squad of goblins.”
   They passed as near as they dared to the dark fortress, unmolested, emerging from the swamp onto a broad plain to the south. A few hours’ journey ahead they spotted an old palisaded fort seated on a small knoll. It seemed abandoned, though in reasonably good condition, and Thob wondered if it’d make a good shelter for the night.
   Searching among the fort’s buildings, however, Thob suddenly heard the noise of footsteps from within—and then, voices.
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Cautiously opening the door, he looked in to see a little band of goblins at their ease in the dormitory:
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Only one was armed, so they must not be soldiers of the Lost Sins. They wore what Alisa recognized as human-style clothing of the Strong Empire, including a strange headgear of wrapped cloth.
   They were wary of Thob’s party, but he introduced himself friendly-like, and they did the same. One called himself the “chief” of the “Everlasting Girdle-Council,” which was rather a grand name for a rag-tag gang of five. His name, as best Thob could make out, was Ngoso Ngososnungo—he seemed to have some trouble pronouncing it, probably due to his conspicuous lack of nose:
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Despite his human clothes, Ngoso was goblin through-and-through: he proudly proclaimed his lineage from a certain “Smunstu Swallowwitches” who led a short and murderous life in the goblin homeland of old:
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He knew rumors, also, of current-day affairs in the Lost Sins, particularly the expansionary campaigns of the Master, a shadowy figure named Pabat Murderdance, or “The Rainy Bird”:
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Thob wasn’t sure what an “underworld spire” was, but with a name like “The Towers of Vomit” he wasn’t sure he wanted to find out.
   Another goblin introduced himself as Amane Adelafawara—an Elvish name, Cañar said—and offered the party a blessing in the name of the True Honor, goddess of mercy. He claimed to be on a pilgrimage, but when pressed didn’t seem very sure of his itinerary. “I go as the goddess moves me,” he said.
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   Thob asked the remaining goblins about the local area, hoping to find some settlements nearby, but apart from a few caves the lands were empty for many miles. Alisa, meanwhile, did what he did best…
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…but the pilgrim was a fine conversationalist, and salved the human’s easily-bruised ego:
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Thob didn’t feel entirely welcome at the goblins’ fort, and as no better lodgings were to be had nearby the party camped nearby in the plains. The night drew on, and the northern cold with it; their little campfire crackled in the gathering gloom.
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Thob Goes to the Surface (Adventure Mode story, in progress)

King Zultan

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Re: Thob Goes to the Surface: Part V
« Reply #140 on: May 26, 2021, 03:20:16 am »

Dwarven controlled lands in a distant country, it seems there is some hope for Thob's quest after all.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thob Goes to the Surface: Part V
« Reply #141 on: June 09, 2021, 01:29:44 pm »

In the morning a few odd-looking creatures stood gathered near the camp, watching the adventurers with interest—some new kind of necromatic experiments, Thob guessed, for what else could be so evidently an amalgam of other animals? They had deer-like heads atop a man’s torso, with the strong legs of hares and a long tail like a dog; they stood upright, but moved either on all fours or in short hops; and some, he noticed, even had a little pocket in their belly fur!
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They seemed peaceful now, but their strong arms and large claws made Thob unwilling to try their patience. The party broke camp and set out quickly.

The sun rose to mid-morning as they crossed over the fields. On their way they encountered an unlikely sight: a lone goblin, clad only in nature’s garb save for a few crude adornments of bone and hair:
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Thob worried he might be some crazed savage or feral goblin, but he approached the travelers without hostility and responded politely to Thob’s hail. He called himself Båx Blackgulf, and said he was traveling to Handygrown.
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   “We just came from there,” said Thob. “There’s not much to it—mostly abandoned.”
   “It’s for my job. I’m to be the representative up there.”
   “Representative? Of whom?”
   The goblin gave him a suspicious look. “Who wants to know?”
   “Just curious.”
   But Båx seemed unconvinced. “You ask too many questions, dwarf,” he said, and without another word turned away and left.
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Thob never found out why he was naked—but perhaps he didn’t want to know, after all.

Later that day the party crossed a sandy basin, a parched spot amid the fields around:
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Across the sand the fields continued; further on they became wetter and wetter until once again they were in the marshes. Dusk found them beside the frozen waters of a wide stream, the upper reaches of a great river that flowed northward through the swamp.
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If they followed this stream, Thob thought, they must hit the mountains eventually—and where there were mountains, there would surely be dwarves!
   They made camp for the night beside the river. Alisa was grumbling as they worked, angry as usual about all the arguments that he started, and also muttering about the weather. “Don’t get so worked up over it,” said Thob.
   “Worked up? Me?” said the human. “I’m not worked up about anything.”
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   “Oh… well, it just seemed…”
   “I. Am not. Upset.
   “… right. I can see that.” Alisa turned away and lay down, still muttering.

Thob’s sleep was interrupted by a prickling sensation from his mustache: it always tingled when danger was nigh, even when he couldn’t see it, a sense he guessed had developed during his many years as a miner in the caverns. He got up and took a careful look around the swamp, but saw nothing but trees. Then he looked over the edge of the steep riverbank, down to where the frozen waters lay like a floor of ice:
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A pack of large—nay, giant dog-like creatures surveyed the flickering campfire from below. Some more dire cousins of the fearsome hyenas he had faced in the south, perhaps? The beasts apparently hadn’t spotted the party yet and weren’t aggressive, but Thob was not eager to try his strength against such large predators. He roused his companions quietly, and they all withdrew from the riverbank to a (hopefully) safe distance. Even here, he noticed, the wildlife was conspicuously bigger than it should be:
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To avoid being taken by surprise in the night, Cañar suggested they do as the elves: climb the nearby trees and sleep among the branches, where the “dingoes” (so she called them) couldn’t reach. So they did; it wasn’t the most comfortable bed Thob ever had, but at last he managed to get to sleep…

… only to be awakened an hour later by the same tingling sensation, accompanied by snarling and yipping from below:
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These, fortunately, were normal-sized dingoes, no bigger than hyenas. And they couldn’t actually reach the companions, but they waited: at some time the party would have to come down. And in the meantime there’d be no sleeping with all the noise. “Only one thing for it,” said Thob, “we’ve got to get rid of them!”
   “How?” asked Strodno. “We can’t reach them from up here.”
   This was true: they hadn’t a bow among them, or even a pile of stones to chuck. “Then we’ll just have to go down to their level!” said Thob. And, deaf to their shouts of “No, Thob, that’s crazy,” the dwarf leapt down from the branches into the midst of the dingo pack, swinging his pick.
   The humble pick was really a magnificent weapon, he mused, as the first dingo’s head went flying. A terrifying weapon, too: with a single swing that made even Thob’s stomach lurch a little, the next dingo he unseamed from the nave to the chaps:
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The other creatures now began to flee for their lives, but few things are more vengeful than a sober dwarf tired of having his sleep interrupted. Thob chased down the stragglers and put them all to the pick, unfurling a carpet of dead dingoes beneath the tree limbs:
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Not the pleasantest place to stay the night, he guessed, but perhaps it would act as a warning to any other marauding wildlife. “Sleep in the trees, indeed,” Thob grumbled. He hoped more than ever to find a drink soon—the sooner he did, the sooner he’d be back in the sane world, underground.
Thob Goes to the Surface (Adventure Mode story, in progress)

King Zultan

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Re: Thob Goes to the Surface: Part V
« Reply #142 on: June 10, 2021, 04:02:53 am »

Thob: Dingo Destroyer!
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Thob Goes to the Surface: Part V
« Reply #143 on: July 02, 2021, 08:55:11 am »

The journey south continued, following the course of the river. At last, Thob could see mountain peaks in the distance.
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The river ran through a dry, sandy basin. Several streams pooled together here in a small lake – nowhere near the size of the mighty ocean, and fresh rather than salty water.
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It reminded Thob of the cavern pools of his home – which meant he was leery of getting too close. The others, however, thought it might be “fun” to walk along the lakeshore. Evidently none of them had been pulled under by a pond grabber recently. But he had to admit that the sun rippling from the faint waves in the water was rather charming.
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He still kept his distance though. Every so often he heard a snatch of conversation from his fellows as they walked along:
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That night they camped in the fields south of the lake. Strodno suggested that a ring of campfires might be better than just one for deterring nighttime dingo attacks.
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It seemed to work, because Thob awoke safely the next morning after an uninterrupted sleep.

The river wound into the southeast, into the thickets of a dense swamp. It was difficult to see far in these woods, but just to the east the party spotted another cluster of towers and earthworks – an outpost of some goblin realm.
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Another day’s march ended at nightfall. They made camp beside one of the innumerable murky pools of the swamp. The party was tired after the long journey, and no one wanted the bother of setting up a ring of fires tonight. “Probably not necessary,” said Cañar with a yawn. “I think we’ve made it out of dingo country.” That suited Thob just fine.

Of course, they had not made it out of dingo country, as Thob found out when he was jarred from sleep by some all-too-familiar barking.
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At least this time the whole party joined in the fray. Pick, sword, and lash struck at the charging hounds to drive them away. Alisa, however, chose a different tactic. He pounced gracefully (so he thought) at one of the beasts, planted his foot in the mud, slipped, and fell into the nearby pool. Adding injury to insult, the angry dingo jumped in beside the human and bit him squarely on the nose, leaving a very nasty cut. And on top of it all, it appeared that Alisa couldn’t swim!
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It was up to the others to put down the rest of the dingoes. Fortunately Alisa hadn’t fallen too far from the bank, and was able after some struggling to pull himself up, breathless, into the reeds. “You ought to be more careful,” said Strodno as she wrapped a scrap of linen around his mangled nose. The soggy human merely sulked and muttered.

All the next day the party ventured south through goblin country. The greenskins had colonized the upper reaches of the river, so they followed its course now only at a distance.
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All that day and some of the next they trudged through the swamp, until at last they saw the mountains rising just to the south, across the stream. And, in the distant east, Thob thought he could make out the shape of an old dwarven fortress!
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The land opened up into a broad plain dotted with some scattered villages – another human folk here in the south? Perhaps they had survived the undead wars that had devastated the rest of the world?
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They were almost free of goblin territory now. But as they worked their way to the edge of the swamp they became aware of something behind them, apparently following them:
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   “Probably a goblin patrol,” said Strodno. “We’ve got to keep moving – hopefully we can outpace them.”
   But the goblins, or whoever they were, were persistent. They followed the party at an equal pace out into the plains, where Thob saw just ahead a few buildings of stone beside a stream: a monastery, unless he missed his guess.
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Hoping to lose their tail, the party slipped in among and into the abandoned structures. Peering out from the doorway, Thob saw that their pursuers had stopped at the edge of the compound. “Waiting for us to come out,” said Cañar. “They don’t want to follow us in and risk an ambush.”
   “Looks like our chance,” said Thob.
   Ducking into the shadow of the old dormitory, the party managed to evade sight and slip away to the south, leaving the patrol waiting beside the monastery. The episode had cost them a few hours, though, and they weren’t able to make the dwarven fortress by nightfall, so they camped in the plains. Even from here, though, they could see many more settlements, both human and dwarven.
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Thob Goes to the Surface (Adventure Mode story, in progress)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thob Goes to the Surface: Part V
« Reply #144 on: July 02, 2021, 07:49:36 pm »

Those are settled fortresses! Is Thob's journey at an end?

King Zultan

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Re: Thob Goes to the Surface: Part V
« Reply #145 on: July 03, 2021, 03:02:53 am »

The time for booze is nearing!
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thob Goes to the Surface: Part V
« Reply #146 on: July 19, 2021, 11:30:54 am »

Are you still updating this story, Loam? Just read it through and I'm positively enthralled (necro pun not intended).

Also I'd venture a guess that even if he finds booze here, Thob won't just walk away from this whole epic quest for the leadership of the human race that he's found himself wrapped up in. Thob's journey, I suspect, is very far from over.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2021, 11:45:17 am by PlumpHelmetMan »
It's actually pretty terrifying to think about having all of your fat melt off into grease because you started sweating too much.


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Re: Thob Goes to the Surface: Part V
« Reply #147 on: July 19, 2021, 06:00:41 pm »

Are you still updating this story, Loam? Just read it through and I'm positively enthralled (necro pun not intended).
Your interest has summoned me, it seems!

But yes, I'm still updating it - a lot slower than I'd like to, though. Motivation waxes and wanes, and right now it's pretty low as I'm working on other projects. I fully intend to give Thob's story a good solid ending though... it may just take a while ;D.

It's always good, however, to know people are still reading (and enjoying) the story! Gives me a push to keep posting. Speaking of which...

Thob felt a sort of homecoming as they approached the old dwarven fortress (called “Drummedbrass,” according to the road signs). Bright yellow stone walls jutted from the mountain cliff in seeming welcome. But inside all was quiet – too quiet: the place evidently hadn’t seen much dwarven life for many years.
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With a sigh Thob looked around the empty upper chamber. The tavern, though still in fair condition, was all out of alcohol; the depot held a quantity of old meat and some iron weapons of middling quality, hardly the treasures he expected from a dwarven citadel.
   A temple made of dark stone, named “The Sable Sanctum,” stood in the south wall. And someone had stashed a couple books in here!
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The first was a passable three-page poem, bubbling with cheerfulness; the second was an essay about the eponymous Ducim’s student life. Nothing too interesting, but books were books, and Thob added them to the growing collection in his pack.

Only Thob, of the party, had been in a dwarven fortress before, and Cañar and Alisa had never even been underground before. They were wary of the darkness and the steep descent of the central stairway, but Thob reassured them, leading the party down into the fortress proper. Soon the walls pulled away, opening into a great cavern:
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Just being underground again made Thob more at ease, but the others looked with trepidation at the looming shapes of the spore trees and blood thorns. “How do you stand it down here?” said Alisa. “I can barely see my own hand in front of my face!”
   “What?” said Thob. “I can see perfectly well – better, actually, now that that awful sun isn’t glaring in my eyes.”
   They made their way into the halls of the fortress. All was deserted. Among the corridors and chambers Thob found one room of a type he’d never seen before. It was floored with wood, furnished with tables and chairs, and along one wall stood a row of pedestals displaying finely-cut jewels. A sign over the door gave the name of the place, along with a designation – “Jeweler’s Guild”:
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There were a few more such rooms in the fortress. They found one displaying ornaments of bone…
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… and another full of leather clothing, named for some reason…
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Evidently the dwarves in this part of the world organized their various labors into these “guilds,” though for what reason Thob couldn’t say. But at least they left some neat stuff behind. In the weaponsmith’s guild they found many fine armaments, including a steel spear for Alisa and a sword for Strodno.
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Further down in the fortress Thob heard the sound of footsteps; and, upon entering the main hall, found that the abandoned fort wasn’t entirely abandoned after all.
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A lone goblin, who called herself Båx Menacespies – “a servant of Gicast,” she said.
   “Who’s that?” asked Thob.
   “He is the Lord of Dance, of course. And I am his sacred belly.”
   “Oh, a belly-dancer.”
   Båx didn’t seem to know much of use – not surprising, since she’d been living alone down here for who knew how long. So they took a look around the old treasures the dwarves had left behind, and found several fine pieces of armor: steel boots and a helm for Strodno, a steel breastplate and iron helm for Cañar, and a pair of fine iron greaves for Thob himself. There were a couple books as well: a compassionate treatise on the value of merriment (a worthy value if there was one!), and a long novel titled “Fires,” which was full of purple prose and attempts at satire that came off as mere meanness.

But after searching the main hall the party found nothing else of note, and made to leave Drummedbrass. Thob hoped the next dwarven sites he found were more populous – and preferably peopled by dwarves. It had been too long since he’d seen his own kind.
Thob Goes to the Surface (Adventure Mode story, in progress)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thob Goes to the Surface: Part V
« Reply #148 on: July 19, 2021, 07:32:18 pm »

A bonecrafters' guild called the Girder of Busts? Perhaps they specialized in corsets.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thob Goes to the Surface: Part V
« Reply #149 on: July 19, 2021, 07:52:17 pm »

Ugh...first a goblin belly-dancer and now a corsets trader guild? I never asked for these mental images lmao.
It's actually pretty terrifying to think about having all of your fat melt off into grease because you started sweating too much.
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