Join the adventurer's guild!
You are already members! The adventurers guild is a mostly global organization that serves to pay you for crushing random encounters around the world. It also taxes settlers and larger organizations.
..although there is the possibility of doing jobs for them, it is something none of you have done before. Sessha, being an internationally famous assassin, much to her dismay, has never really went that way.
Alice spent her career working for the Concordat as a paladin. The kids are young and have been running for too long to have done these kinds of stationary jobs.
You could though. Internationally famous assassin, ex-paladin, blaster-mage and the world's one dragon is absolutely enough muscle to cover just about any job. Although it's drastic overkill, so you probably wouldn't get paid enough. There aren't that many situations where someone really needs four level 12 adventurers.
If resources will be cheaper here than the last stop before the pits, buy four smoke bombs and some mana potions.
Temoris is a major city. Prices here should be stable, compared to what they'll be at the jumping off point. Two mana potions and four smoke bombs is just fine.
One Upgrade in cash remains.3 Potions (Heal 50)
5 Mana Potions (Gain 50 mana)
3 smelling salts (revive at 10%)
2 Antidote herbs (Cure Poison)
4 scan crystals
4 Smoke Bombs
Are there any interesting shops in town, if there are we should visit them, but if there aren't any I say we move on.
Temoris is a major city, although it's not known for piracy like Port Silver, or equipment like Valterre. Losoa has the old imperial remnants, as well as a well-dedicated group of machinists and such, people who have achieved more in some ways than the robots have.
Mosral City on the west coast is the largest city, and Tulia is the safest, with Nikonto being a resource town, having the best access to the dwarven mines of the Western Continent, as well as the great expanse of northern forest.
Temoris, on the other hand, has experts. The lack of a dominant force in the city, combined with its cleanliness, safety, and excellent climate, makes it a very proud city. Many of the world's best scientists and researchers come from here, and the streets are full of retired badasses, people who have come for the calm life.
Indeed, as you pass upwards from the coast, along the paved great road, the stench from the mudflats and breeze from the muck at the seacoast abruptly gives way to the clean winds from the distant mountains. The city itself is fairly ordinary, with two or three story buildings, rooftop gardens, restaurants, and seemingly endless taverns, all on a lovely looking lake full of sailing barges and pleasure boats. Sessha mentions this to you, cautioning that you need to be polite here, as an old man enjoying the sun could be an excellent warrior and the pageboy running errands could be a prodigy working a side job.
It's slightly unnecessary, given the whole 'dragon' thing, but this speech feels automatic. That said..
Do you take a stop to see Willis's father? He lives in the city at this time.