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  • Bay Watcher
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A bearded tavern keeper is standing behind a bar. He is wiping a mug in his hand with a piece of cloth, his eyes are close as he does his monotonous work at  hand. Across from the tavern keeper is a passed out patron his table is littered with empty mugs some even rolled off the table and into the floor producing a clanging sound when it hit the wooden floorboard. Surprisingly  this didn't bother the tavern keeper or the patron's sleep. At the back of the tavern is a bulletin board that has fliers pinned to it.  these fliers range from quest to local news. However one flier stuck out from the rest. At the bottom of the paper, is a red logo of a monster head being impaled by a sword. The title in bold fonts reads, "Join the monster hunter guild" and what follow after...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


This is basically an adventure succession game where we hunt down  monsters and beast to gain rep in a monster hunter guild. I will notify to everyone that I wanted to increase the difficulty, so I threw in Spellcraft,  Aeromore expansion, and diforge. I mainly just took their weapons, ores, spells, and monsters, and left out the civs from these mods. I increased the amount of megabeast, semi-beast, and titans to 500. So there wont be any shortage of monsters to kill for sometime. I will also have a post that will be dedicated to keeping records of every player's kill count, I'm currently thinking of a ranking system, where with enough kills you'll be given a title that reflects your skills . You'll also get a statue made after you and it will be place in the hall of beast.

this will work like your usual succession game,  you have a week to hunt down at least one beast,  when you have killed your first, you are to bring it to our guild house, it can be the corpse of the monster, or a part of the monster. When you register your first  and give us and update, I will update the record and place it under your adventurer's name it's best to register your first monster before you decide to hunt down another one, because if you die before registering your first kill your adventurer will not be a member of the monster hunter guild, so keep that in mind. I would prefer for every player to write a story of their adventurers hunting down the beast, but it's not needed. You can simply just screenshot what you have killed and give us a short update of your hunt. and of course, you can only play as a hero or a peasant, no demigod.  oh! and you can make  forts if you want,  humans are playable here by the way.
also! don't cheat! remember losing is fun. So please don't save scum, if you die, you die, you can just ask another turn and make another player.

I am a bit excited about this, and I am curious to see how this ASG develops into. With all that said.



1. C rank - 1 kill - enlisted hunter
2. B rank - 5 kill - experience hunter
3. A rank - 10 kills - veteran hunter
4. S rank - 15 kills - head hunter
5. SS rank - 30 kills - supreme hunter
6. SSS rank 50 kills - Avatar of Kima

(When you hit S rank, you'll get a statue made in your honor and it will be place in the hall beast, at SSS rank a shrine will be built outside the guild house, I am thinking of placing them at the side of the road, so  when travellers pass by can take a look of the great heroes of the monster hunter guild )

AfterPost: You are allow to have a party of 5 peasants or a party of 2 heroes. Recruiting NPC is allow also, but only up to two. If you decide to take the party route, then you must name your party, so when your party submit their spoil, I can just write on the guild record as under one name.

Afterpost 2:  So I made some changes. You don't necessarily need to bring your spoil to the guild house to become a member. Rumors will simply spread of your slaying and it will eventually reached the guild where you'll become a member. IF you want, you could drop a spoil or two to the guild, but it's no longer required.


1. Luckyowl
2. Quantum Drop
3. Eric Blank
4.Travis Bickle
5.delphonso-play in progress...
« Last Edit: November 04, 2020, 04:01:47 pm by Luckyowl »


  • Bay Watcher
  • menaces with spikes of pine
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PTW - might take a turn in the future.


  • Bay Watcher
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awesome idea. I'll have to sign on for a turn, maybe later this week. I assume you're taking the first turn as we speak?

Quantum Drop

  • Bay Watcher
  • Deep Sixed.
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I'm signing up for a turn immediately.
I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.


  • Bay Watcher
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PTW - might take a turn in the future.
I hope you decide to take a turn, The more the merrier!

awesome idea. I'll have to sign on for a turn, maybe later this week. I assume you're taking the first turn as we speak?

yeah, gonna start later today, every turn will  end on Tuesday, and I hope you sign up! it's always nice to have more players around.

I'm signing up for a turn immediately.
oh, lovely! you were pretty good at hunting those demons back at Braalaad's museum III, I wouldn't be surprise if you reach SSS rank just in your first turn alone, in the monster hunter guild.


  • Bay Watcher
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Ostri Ocnanithpa - C rank - Enlisted Hunter - 1

Shadu Dawnroars - B rank - Experience Hunter - 6

« Last Edit: October 23, 2020, 09:21:08 pm by Luckyowl »


  • Bay Watcher
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Deep within the thick forest. A man adorn in a beat up bronze breastplate armor, skirt covering his bottom parts, and socks and sandals protecting his feet . A leather backpack is beside him. The man has an open journal on his lap and is thinking what to write,  and after much thought. The man began to  write… 



I guess it finally happened, I got kicked out  from my home at dwellerplays just a few hours ago. The mayor  had enough of my antics, and beating that good for nothing clothier, who lost my damn crossbow, was the last straw for that weak chin Mayor. Now, I'm homeless, Who need a bunch of weak puppies like them. I'm a damn ranger I can fend for myself, those damn fool are going starve without me, and I honestly don't give a damn.

Thanks to that  clothier for losing my crossbow, I was force to use this glaive that was once owned by my wasteful father…sadly, I have to thank him for teaching me how to use this. Probably the only good  thing  that drunk of a father had done for me. I honestly didn't shed a tear when he passed away. He was nothing but a wannabe monster hunter who blamed me for his failures and beat me to a bloody pulp to distress his frustration. My father had no one but me, and when he fell ill I was the one who had to take care of him. I can not express how much I wanted to strangle him in his sleep, but still I took care of him, and you would think the old man would've had a change of heart, but that old geezer was even more belligerent than ever. When that illness finally took a hold of the old man, in his final breath, he had the gall to call me a failure and that I should've never been born. After I buried him in an unmarked grave, I looked at his final resting place, this was all his life ever was.

I'm done with that place, and my father. Now that I am a vagabond, I need  to figure out what to do from here. I  heard rumor of a monster hunter guild far north . I've  known about the guild  for  sometime now I even read one of their small fliers at the tavern back at Flankcalms, rambling on about saving the world, and the  vanguard of blah blah, the only thing I am interested is the promise of good meals,  drinks, and a place to sleep, and all while  becoming a far better monster hunter, my father could've never have aspire to be.


Ostri closes his journal, and got  up from the ground. He looked up, and saw the sun was in the eastern sky. Ostri, knew of a settlement nearby, and is currently on his way there, he figures, that someone in that hamlet might know about a beast's location. Ostri got his backpack from the ground and strap it to his back, and began to journey through the dense green forest.

Ostri didn’t really mind the long silent march to the  settlement. He is of course a ranger, so the green scenery doesn't really awe him nor does it frighten him.
 hours have passed, and from the far distance peeking from the tree trunks, Ostri can make out farmed land. As Ostri got closer, he saw a splinter wooden sign staked to the ground at the side of the dirt road, that reads, "Welcome to Pagehandles "

Ostri now can make out a small settlement of smooth stone houses a top a hill just over the bridge.

Travelling through the bridge, Ostri was intersected by a group of monks who nodded at him,  and said something about, a god is with him, Ostri didn't really say anything to the monks nor did he care to stop and be lecture about some god. 

Ostri cross the bridge, and made it to the hamlet proper. From afar it looked rather large, but up close it was rather small.

 Sadly, talking to the locals of this site, didn't yield him any  direction to a monster, They knew about a beast,  But they can't really direct Ostri to them. Ostri looked at the sky and from the look of it, he still has time until sunset. Ostri asked one of the resident of pagehandles, if they knew about nearby settlement. The  resident who was a farmer said that there is a settlement down south called Dwellersplay. Ostri tried to contain is animosity about the place and in a flat calm tone said  he is from there. When Ostri said that, the farmer scratched his head and said that the nearest place are the forest retreats to the  northeast. Ostri didn't really like those snotty elves, but they must know something about a beast or two. So off Ostri went travelling through the forest once more.

Deep within the forest,  Ostri  notice that the sun is starting to set.

 This made Ostri grumble, he thought that by now, he could've reached the site. But from the looks of it, Ostri is going to have rest out here  in the wild.
Ostri  has no trouble sleeping on the ground, what bothers him, is that being out in the wild force him to be more alert of his surrounding, when Ostri just wants a good night sleep without having to be arms ready for anything or anyone who might ambush him from the forest.
With no time to waste, Ostri  collected some twigs and fallen branches to start up a campfire.
The night was fairly calm, Ostri slept with his glaive held tightly around his arm. But was still able to get a decent night rest.

The next morning Ostri snuffed out the fire and continued his journey. Hours passed and Ostri notice that it's getting darker, even though it's well within the late morning, Ostri looked up to the sky and notice that the clouds were grey and a low rumble could be heard  from the sky. Just as Ostri began to realize what this mean, rain began to pour on him, and Ostri's face was red like a cherry.  He cursed the sky gods for this travesty,  but  he still kept on treking through, he won't let rain stop him from having a good place to rest.

Time has passed and   he finally made it to a forest retreat. The rain was still pouring hard.  But that didn’t stop Ostri , as he travel deep within the site,  he can make out some tables and chairs thrown around, above from those tables and chairs he can see a branches that are acting like a roof, sheltering  the furnitures beneath , . In excitement, he ran to it and took shelter. Ostri took a gander of the place, he  notice two elves were looking at him funny and  he also noticed lined up barrels behind the elves. One seemed to be geared with some sort of training armor, and training bow, is she some sort of recruit or something?  The other had this fancy crystal mail shirt, training gauntlets, and a staff. Ostri looked at the elf with the staff and greeted him. The elf  greeted back and all of a sudden the elf  began to shake violently embracing his staff, from his  shaken lips he  muttered something about, a  town is going to be destroyed by some god . Ostri asked what's that about, and the elf  apologize to Orstri and said he can see events that will happen in the future, but it happens in random burst. Ostri rolled his eyes, and started asking the elf if he knew any beast to hunt and the elf nodded and spoke of a spider den ruled by something called the Naraxyte spider.  At night the beast  kidnaps elves, humans, and dwarves alike and carry them back to it's den in order to feed it's spiderling. Sounds like something Ostri can handle.

 He thanked the weird elf and off Ostri went. Treking through the rainy forest  with a goal in mind.

After treking through the boring forest once more, and having to sleep in the wilderness again. Ostri finally reached a settlement just when the sun began to set. He asked one of the locals if he can crash in their place, and they allowed him to sleep in.  From his one night sleeping buddy he  learned that the hamlet he resting at is  being harass by some  bandit group.

Ostri, didn't really care about the  whole thing. Ostri just gave his artificial, "that's terrifying " and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Then he was rudely awaken by a banging sound at the front door. A deep voice man outside the door, screamed. "Come out, new comer!" Ostri assumed it was him that he was referring. So he got up and answer the door.

Ostri notice  4 armed men were staring down on him. A lasher who was enraged looked at Ostri and demanded him to leave the site or give up his weapon. Ostri was annoyed by this ultimatum, but chose to leave, only for the sake of these bandits.

The lasher and some other guy followed Ostri out the hamlet demanding  him to give up his glaive. Ostri's has reached is breaking point, and when that lasher began to throw insults at Ostri, it finally boiled over. Ostri turned around and went for a powerful punch to the lasher stomach. The lasher saw the move and quickly dodge Ostri's attack. The lasher gave a sinister smile   and  told the other bandit, "Leave, I can handle him." he strapped his whip behind his back and lowered into a fighting stance. Ostri followed suit.  As  both fighters circled around each other with their respective fighting stance, Ostri took the moment to read his opponent

Ostri does admit that the lasher's physic is superb to his, but that doesn't scare Ostri,  for Ostri knew, the bigger you are the harder you fall. The lasher continued to throw insults, but Ostri didn't give in to the man's insult, and while the arrogant lasher  spew bullshit from his mouth,  Ostri saw an opening and struck the lasher in the stomach. The muscular lasher gasp for air, Ostri  retraced his fist from lasher's stomach, and his eyes were sharp and focus. The lasher, stumbled to catch a breathe, and when he regained balance, that cocky smile of his turned into uncontrolled rage. The lasher explosively charged towards Ostri, randomly punching in all direction, Ostri dodge every barrage the lasher threw, and in those barrages, Ostri was able to see an opening, and went for powerful fist to the lasher's stomach. The lasher fell to the ground  and vomited. Ostri looked at the weak lasher, and told him, he was nothing but a dog, and continued his journey into the night.

But the lasher was not done with him, while Ostri had his back  turned, the lasher wipe the vomit from his mouth, got up,  and   charged right into Ostri. Ostri being to full of himself failed to react in time, resulting on the muscular man grabbing ostri's feet with his left lower arm and brought ostri to the ground. Ostri tried to escape from his grasp, but it was like having your foot caught in a bear trap, the lasher threw flurry of  punches with  his right hand to Ostri's face, legs, and arms. Ostri was unable to dodge them and took the full impact of the lasher's fist. Eventually Ostri was able to wiggle himself  out of the lasher's  grasp. Ostri got up from the ground, his face all bruised and bleeding. He got up,  spat the blood from his mouth and got into a trembling boxing stance. The muscular man lowered to a  confident wrestling stance.

Ostri  and the  lasher circle around for a while, then Ostri saw an opening and went for the lasher's stomach, but the lasher notice the attack and quickly dodged it in time. The lasher tried to go for another grab, but Ostri notice and barely dodged it. Ostri senses started to recover and he was no longer stunned, Ostri pissed off that someone was able chip a piece of his armor, but unlike the lasher, he didn't went into an explosive rage, instead, he became more calm, and tried to think of a better plan to win this fight. Then Ostri notice the lasher weak stance, sure lowering himself, might help him guard his stomach,   but it won't protect your head, Ostri  rush forward aiming for lasher's face. The lasher notice and tried to guard his face, Ostri smile, and directed his fist towards the man stomach, a gave a powerful Stot Abodsuto!(Surprise gut attack!) to the lasher's stomach. The lasher laid in the floor in a pool of his own vomit.  Ostri looked over the knocked out Lasher in disgust, and left. 

Somehow the Lasher regained consciousness, but it seems  like he has lost his sanity…

The lasher lash ostri, but  it missed Ostri,  Ostri jumped and turned around and like a bullet threw 5 daggers that punctured the lasher's  upper body, hands, arms and legs. When his last dagger struck his left leg, the Lasher screamed in pain and fell to the ground dropping his sliver whip. Ostri went up to the lasher, and looked into the lasher's  frighten eyes. With no remorse, Ostri drew his glaive and said to the lasher, "You're nothing but a dog who need to be put down." The lasher eyes widen and tried to beg  for mercy, but his final word failed to reach Ostri's ears, as Ostri dig his glaive deep into the lasher throat, making the lasher convulse and gurgle blood from his mouth. 

Ostri looted a legging and  mask the Lasher was wearing. Ostri don't like killing nor does like using weapons to fight, he felt all you need is a fist to fight. But when that lasher drew out a sliver whip, he knew he had to end this fight quickly.  from the distance, Ostri can hear footsteps coming to his direction, damn, thought ostri, the lasher scream must've alerted them. Ostri quickly fled into the night, since he know he can't fight all 3 of them after sustaining some injury from the lasher's attack

Ostri spent his night sleeping in wilderness, with his  glaive ready, if any of those bandits shows up, but they never did, and so the next morning. Ostri head to further north to the spider den.

As he travel further north he notice a  large castle with some houses surrounding the castle, Ostri has  found a town, and a town also has a tavern to sleep, and booze to drink, and the spider den is only about an hour away, so  there's no real rush to go to the spider den for now. Ostri  enter the town at the front of the town had wooden signed that read, "Welcome to stablestill" and Ostri was relief to be surrounded by that was  familiar to him, the busy streets, the market drowned in merchants screams.

 However walking down the streets he came to realized the town lacks a tavern. What a terrible place! Ostri thought to himself. Ostri was hoping to have a peaceful place to write in his journal, but he figure an abandoned house might suffice. Ostri made his way to an abandoned house, and sat  against the interior wall. He pulled out his journal from his backpack, and a prepared meal,  when he was done with his meal, he began to write…



After travelling through the boring forest. I finally was able to find a town, to my disappointment the town lacks a tavern to rest so  I am absolutely pissed off that I have to write this in this  abandoned house. I am actually on a mission to kill this giant spider.Tthe giant spider kidnaps  peasants,  dragging them to it's spider den and  turn them into a cocoon. Pretty disgusting that a thing like that even exist. Taking a look at the map,

 I notice that I am actually few hours away from the site. So it won't be long until I reach the place.

 Although I can be so full of myself sometimes, I must take some time to think of a plan on how to defeat such a foe. I've actually sustained some injury from a dog bite just a while ago, nothing major. Just a dog who didn't know their place.

Going back to my target, If it's a spider it  most likely has some sort of venom, all I got is this bronze breastplate that was once the old man's stuff and some armor  that I looted from a dog. I don't think I am well enough to fight such a foe in my skill level. I was thinking of training a bit just around the border of this town before I head to the spider den.


Ostri close his journal and he got up, left the abandoned house and left the town for some training montage…
« Last Edit: October 14, 2020, 07:01:15 pm by Luckyowl »

Eric Blank

  • Bay Watcher
  • *Remain calm*
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I would like a chance to try this, too! Sounds like fun.
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.

Travis Bickle

  • Bay Watcher
  • *paranoia intensifies*
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I'll take a turn.
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.


  • Bay Watcher
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I'll take a turn.

I would like a chance to try this, too! Sounds like fun.

I added both you guys, can't wait to see your hunting skills!


  • Bay Watcher
  • menaces with spikes of pine
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Heck, chuck me in there too. I'll die to monsters and fail to make it into the Guild.


  • Bay Watcher
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Heck, chuck me in there too. I'll die to monsters and fail to make it into the Guild.

oh, don't think like that, I'm pretty sure you'll make it in. I'm sure of it.


  • Bay Watcher
  • menaces with spikes of pine
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oh, don't think like that, I'm pretty sure you'll make it in. I'm sure of it.

Don't get me wrong - that's just how I enjoy adventure mode.

Edit: I really like this cynical Ostri fellow.
When we make adventurers - are we limited to a single character, or could we make a small group of say...kobolds?
« Last Edit: October 14, 2020, 11:50:47 pm by delphonso »


  • Bay Watcher
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oh, don't think like that, I'm pretty sure you'll make it in. I'm sure of it.
Edit: I really like this cynical Ostri fellow.
When we make adventurers - are we limited to a single character, or could we make a small group of say...kobolds?

Hm,  I should put this in the OP. Yes, you could have a party of...let's say 3-5 peasants and a party of 2 heroes, considering how to tough some of monsters in this world can be. However there is only one rule, you need an awesome monster Hunter group name.


  • Bay Watcher
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3 days have passed since Ostri's last journal entry, and in his hiatus, he has gotten strong.

Along his journey he made himself a bone bow  that he has been using to train his archery, bowman, throwing since he figured that he has keep his distance from the spider in order to win. He  also got this really cool looking cloak from some clothier shop.


 Granted during his training, he did face some issue though, while he was swimming by the river. He was surprise attacked by an enrage hippo. The hippo grabbed Ostri's hip and tried to drag him deep into the water,  but Ostri was able to escape from it's grasp in time, and narrowly made it out of the water. The hippo peak from the water, and Ostri panting and scared shitless he grabbed his bone bow  he left on the ground and shot at the hippo, the arrow flew passed the Hippo, and the hippo submerged itself, never to be seen again.

However that wasn't the last of his problem. After finishing his training session, Ostri head back to Stablestill, to the same abandoned house he last wrote. Ostri was one foot in until he heard screams coming from the castle. Ostri quickly dash to the keep to see what's going on. To his horror. What he was greeted by were scattered corpses with their clothes rip to shred.

Ostri drew his bow and got ready for a fight. He enter the keep and the people inside were trembling and shaken by fear. Ostri asked what happened, and one of them muttered, "C-C-Cil, h-he j-just snapped!"

 Ostri looked at all the corpses and couldn't fathom that one person was responsible for all these death. Ostri asked where's the murderer. None of them known where he went. Without any lead, Ostri strapped his bow, and nonchalantly started looting some daggers and knives from the corpses. Ostri left the keep with around 5 new knives and also 25 steel arrows that were just laying around. He retired to the abandoned home, that he sort of turned into his own den. All his junk were scattered around the floor, his father's glaive was posted on the right corner. Ostri felled to the floor and quickly fell asleep.

The next morning Ostri stretched his arms and yawned, he visit the market to see what's their to buy. While there, he notice that the captain of the guard with two soilders beside her were asking about Ostri's whereabouts. Ostri quickly sneaked, among the commoners, and got closer to hear what's going on.

"We are looking for a man named Ostri Ocnanithpa, he's wanted for looting from corpses and several cases of killing live stocks. Do you know of his whereabouts?"

"Not really familiar by that name, could be that  squatter who've been sleeping at that abandoned house over there." the commoner point to where Ostri been sleeping. And the Captain of the Guard thanked the commoner and with her two soilders following behind, The captain of the guard headed to the abandoned place.

Ostri knew he was in deep shit, without a second thought he fled the town leaving most of his belonging at that abandoned house, in his escape he could hear from the distance. "He's over there! That's the squatter!" Ostri didn't flinch nor looked back. He just kept running. Ostri was then able to make out footsteps getting closer behind him. Ostri quickly hid himself behind some trees and of course it was the captain of the guards  and her two soilders looking for him.

"damnit! I saw him, he was right here." said the captain of the guard.
Ostri slipped by the trees and was able to escape from the site.

Ostri staggered through the thick forest always stopping to see if he was being followed. Every time he thinks the coast is clear, The captain of the guard and her two recruits would be right behind Ostri rears. Ostri's annoyed on how relentless these people were. So in the cover of the thick forest he drew some daggers he had left on him and threw them to the captain of the guard.

She yelped in pain and fell to the ground, her two other goons drew their spears looking in all direction wandering where it came from. Ostri hoped that the knife attack  might slow them down a bit. Ostri fled deeper into the woods.

 After some time has passed, it seemed like Ostri was able to escape from the captain of the guard and her henchman. Ostri looked up to the sky and notice that the sun was about to set. Ostri decided to take rest by a tree and slept for the night.

The next morning, Ostri continued his journey, not knowing where he was going eventually  he was out of the forest and was now in the hill of roots. A sandy landscape with a few trees sparsely scattered.  From  the far distance, Ostri was able to make out pillars erected to the sky. Ostri, curious, decided to see what it was. When he got close to the place, he felt some sort of ancient forgotten aura. Ostri unstrapped his bow, he felt something was with him. A powerful bird cry pierce the silence sky behind him.

The giant monster  expel some sort of gas, Ostri jumped from the gas's path,  turned around quickly drew his bow and fired at the beast.

A perfect strike! It pierce it's lung. The bird screeched and staggerly  flew up into the sky, Ostri with bow in hand fled  further into the plains as he dodges a barrage of the titan  glob attack.

Ostri then reached his quiver and was getting ready to shoot another arrow. When ostri reached for an arrow, he notice that it was empty.

Crap! That was his only arrow, he also had no knives on him, since he left most of them back at the abandoned house as well as his glaive. He can be in some serious trouble. Ostri continue to sprint from the monster's breath attack looking for a way to win this fight as he finish his first circle around he notice, the arrow he shot was still intact  and on the floor to the north of him. This was his chance. He sprinted to steel arrow still dodging bird's glob attack. When Ostri made it to the steel arrow quickly lowered himself and grabbed it.

and without any lag continued his sprint through the plains. Ostri  took the arrow from his quiver. he felt like this is chance to get another shot in. Ostri turned around bow drawn and gave a war cry. He  then notice that the bird was gone. Ostri lowered his bow, and looked around, wondering where it went. When Ostri retraced his step he found the once terrifying beast with it's wing splayed and unresponsive.

Well that was easy. Guess that one shot to the lungs was enough to kill the beast. Ostri without hesitation, began to cut open the beast into many pieces. Ostri examines the pieces and wonder what piece should he bring with him. After enough deliberation, he decided on taking one of it's large dark blue feather.

Guess he won't be needing to kill that spider after all. Ostri unmount his backpack and put the feather inside the backpack and also pulled out a large map of Anur Nitom.

Seems like a long journey to the monster hunter guild, but he'll make it no time, he thought.

7 days later….

Ostri has an obstacle in his way, yes, on the map it may seem like you can travel from A to B without any problems, but as Ostri soon learned. That that's not the case.

A massive river stands in his way. Ostri went east  looking for a calmer path, but  there was none. Ostri even got frustrated and tried to swim. But as soon as he swam his hip began to cramp and he nearly went down under, he desperately swam back to shore. Ostri detest hippos now.

Ostri, then decided to travel far west and then go up north, he figured he can just travel through the mountains up north to get to the other side.

As he journey north west, he notice something quite new  to him.

A tall hill  that strench to the heavens, a single tree stood by the edge it's leaves would rustle to breeze down, below was complete darkness . for the first time in ostri's life. He felt aweness to nature. It made him think a lot, and for the first time Ostri broke down into tears and wail like a child. All that pain he kept inside has finally surfaced.

Once Ostri finished wiping his tears and  the snot from his nose. Ostri took a look to his left and notice something.

From the far horizon he can make out a massive campsite that nearly encircled the forest retreat. Could it be an army on their way to the site? Or are these army themselves? Either way, Ostri has no time for this. Ostri got up from the ground and climbed down the hill, he snuck pass the campsite not wishing to alert anyone.

Ostri left elven country and was now in Dwarven land. He entered a  hillocks and  asked one the dwarves in the hillocks if he can rest here for the night. The dwarf turned away from Ostri and pointed to the mountains. "If yer looking for a place to sleep might as well head to the mountainhomes. In there, should be a tavern called the Tummy Craft." Ostri thanked the dwarf and off Ostri went.

Ostri was quite pleased of the dwarven fort. Ostri ran his figure across the fire glassy wall. No wonder dwarves are known for their craftmanship. Sadly, there so called tavern was a bit of a downgrade then what Ostri had expected.

Ostri went to the tavern, poured himself a drink and got wasted. He pulled his journal and began to write.

The Journal of Ostri Ocnanithpa The 10th of Hemitite, 80.

I finally got something for that monster hunter guild, a this blue feather, from some giant bird monster. Of course the fight was fairly easy! One clean arrow shot to the lungs and boom! Dead, and now it's nothing more than a ticket out of vagaboundness.

I part of me wants to write how better I am to my father by hunting down my first beast, but I don't feel like it, maybe it's this booze.  Oh yeah, forgot to mention where I am at. I am currently in some dwarven fort shooting the shit, alone…I always here how much of a party freak the dwarves are, but coming here I am starting reconsider that, or maybe I got the wrong notion of the dwarves. Who knows, I don't care, I am here. With my feather.

Ostri closes his journal, and just sat all by himself. Thinking, really thinking. Ostri then got up from the table and went up stairs. A small hallway and two doors laid in front of him. One at the end of the hallway and another adjacent to the right. Ostri walked to the end of the hallway, opened the creaking wooden door. What Ostri saw in this room made Ostri smile.

A bed! Ostri leaped onto the bed and, slept soundly, all his problems, and his journey ahead dissolved, for finally, Ostri was able to get a good night rest.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2020, 02:01:43 pm by Luckyowl »
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