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Author Topic: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.05 Released  (Read 264030 times)

Toady One

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Dwarf Fortress 0.47.05 Released
« on: January 28, 2021, 06:34:51 pm »

Download (Click refresh on your browser if it doesn't show up)

Here's an interim release - this is a fixer-upper for the old version, and not related at all to the new graphical stuff.  This isn't meant to address everything of course, or even most things, and we'll be cleaning up a lot more bugs and issues for the Premium release itself.  This one gets rid of some long-standing crashes and also attempts to address most of what we learned from the stress discussion from the forum.  There are still a few unmet needs (which don't contribute much to stress, but are an eyesore), and a few outstanding ideas related to winning sieges, ending wars and unattended children, but we'll need larger changes there that are better integrated with the Premium work.

It's always a little weird splitting the bug fixes into the two major/minor categories, but especially here, where the stress changes add up to a lot, so the division below is particularly arbitrary on that score.

Major bug fixes
   (*) Fixed w.g. crash related to dark fortress civs having fixed positions not held by demons
   (*) Fixed zero-size creature crash
   (*) Fixed off-site werebirth crash
   (*) Stopped visitors from siding against fort in any conflict where the fort's tame megabeasts are involved
   (*) Made cave adaption negative effects less frequent
   (*) Made people get used to seeing dead bodies
   (*) Stopped corpse raising, shapeshifting and non-living non-vampire visitors
   (*) Made basic friendships easier to form for slow-to-love people

Other bug fixes/tweaks
   (*) Made people that work outside a lot get used to bad weather
   (*) Made valuable food satisfy good meal thought in addition to preferences
   (*) Added some additional dwarf chat types to meet some other needs and reduce stress
   (*) Stopped many minor thoughts from forming memories
   (*) Removed stress from migrants (e.g. ones from old forts)
   (*) Vengefulness is no longer stressful (as it was mainly related to defending others from attacking animals)
   (*) Changed balance of migrant professions
   (*) Patched one form of military item corruption on load (root cause not identified)
   (*) Expulsion exception 'child not present' now only applies to minor children
   (*) Fixed MUNDANE and HAS_ANY_CAN_SWIM for interactions/transformations
The Toad, a Natural Resource:  Preserve yours today!


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.05 Released
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2021, 06:56:08 pm »

Awesome set of bug fixes and quality of life tweaks! Thanks Toady.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.05 Released
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2021, 06:58:01 pm »

Download (Click refresh on your browser if it doesn't show up)

Here's an interim release - this is a fixer-upper for the old version, and not related at all to the new graphical stuff.  This isn't meant to address everything of course, or even most things, and we'll be cleaning up a lot more bugs and issues for the Premium release itself.  This one gets rid of some long-standing crashes and also attempts to address most of what we learned from the stress discussion from the forum.  There are still a few unmet needs (which don't contribute much to stress, but are an eyesore), and a few outstanding ideas related to winning sieges, ending wars and unattended children, but we'll need larger changes there that are better integrated with the Premium work.

It's always a little weird splitting the bug fixes into the two major/minor categories, but especially here, where the stress changes add up to a lot, so the division below is particularly arbitrary on that score.

Major bug fixes
   (*) Fixed w.g. crash related to dark fortress civs having fixed positions not held by demons
   (*) Fixed zero-size creature crash
   (*) Fixed off-site werebirth crash
   (*) Stopped visitors from siding against fort in any conflict where the fort's tame megabeasts are involved
   (*) Made cave adaption negative effects less frequent
   (*) Made people get used to seeing dead bodies
   (*) Stopped corpse raising, shapeshifting and non-living non-vampire visitors
   (*) Made basic friendships easier to form for slow-to-love people

Other bug fixes/tweaks
   (*) Made people that work outside a lot get used to bad weather
   (*) Made valuable food satisfy good meal thought in addition to preferences
   (*) Added some additional dwarf chat types to meet some other needs and reduce stress
   (*) Stopped many minor thoughts from forming memories
   (*) Removed stress from migrants (e.g. ones from old forts)
   (*) Vengefulness is no longer stressful (as it was mainly related to defending others from attacking animals)
   (*) Changed balance of migrant professions
   (*) Patched one form of military item corruption on load (root cause not identified)
   (*) Expulsion exception 'child not present' now only applies to minor children
   (*) Fixed MUNDANE and HAS_ANY_CAN_SWIM for interactions/transformations
"Stopped corpse raising, shapeshifting and non-living non-vampire visitors"

Does this only apply to vanilla interaction-based creatures like necromancers and ghouls or does it also apply to custom civilized visitors with NOT_LIVING or corpse animating abilities? If the latter, it sounds like it'll mess with a lot of mods.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.05 Released
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2021, 06:59:49 pm »

So how does it check for invalid visitors? Like, is it looking for hardcoded interactions, CAN_DO_INTERACTION, a specific combination or creature tokens, or what? And how does it screen for necromancers while letting vampires in?

Oh, ZM5 already asked basically the same thing just now, but yeah I'm curious too. XD
« Last Edit: January 28, 2021, 09:00:21 pm by Random_Dragon »
On DF Wiki · On DFFD

"Hey idiots, someone hacked my account to call you all idiots! Wasn't me you idiots!" seems to stretch credulity a bit.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.05 Released
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2021, 07:12:04 pm »

Thank you ! This will make the forts much less vulnerable to tantrum spirale and invasion of red arrows ! Thanks a bunch !


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.05 Released
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2021, 07:18:48 pm »

ok so had to check yeah it seems like adventurers making a guild hall will still crash the game. so there still a potential chance of someone stumbling and losing progress or an adventurer on that one.
I thought I would I had never hear my daughter's escapades from some boy...
"body swapping and YOU!"
Adventure in baby making!Adv Homes


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.05 Released
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2021, 07:24:17 pm »

Thank you Toady Number One and Mr. Three Toes!
FPS in Gravearmor (925+ dwarves) is 2-5 (v0.47.05 lives on).
"I've never really had issues with the old DF interface (I mean, I loved even 'umkh'!)" ... brewer bob
As we say in France: "ah, l'amour toujours l'amour"... François D.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.05 Released
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2021, 07:30:44 pm »

Giant desert scorpions will return, one of these days. A man can dream, can't he?
On DF Wiki · On DFFD

"Hey idiots, someone hacked my account to call you all idiots! Wasn't me you idiots!" seems to stretch credulity a bit.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.05 Released
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2021, 08:04:15 pm »

Giant desert scorpions will return, one of these days. A man can dream, can't he?

I clicked on the DF Anouncements forum, saw that you were the most recent post, and somehow -somehow- I just knew you were going to mentions GDSs, even without opening the thread! :P

Edit:  on a side note, did you do anything to fix the problem where hunters and fisherdwarves ignore their needs and just keep fishing and hunting until they tantrum and eventually go insane?
« Last Edit: January 28, 2021, 08:07:00 pm by A_Curious_Cat »
Really hoping somebody puts this in their signature.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.05 Released
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2021, 09:00:08 pm »

I clicked on the DF Anouncements forum, saw that you were the most recent post, and somehow -somehow- I just knew you were going to mentions GDSs, even without opening the thread! :P

It was inevitable.
On DF Wiki · On DFFD

"Hey idiots, someone hacked my account to call you all idiots! Wasn't me you idiots!" seems to stretch credulity a bit.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.05 Released
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2021, 09:23:15 pm »

So, the Child Not Present bug still occurs for all those stressed parents who's children have been kidnapped by goblins? That's a pity. Hopefully the friend enhancements keep their despair from getting too suicidal.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.05 Released
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2021, 09:40:44 pm »

Download (Click refresh on your browser if it doesn't show up)

Here's an interim release - this is a fixer-upper for the old version, and not related at all to the new graphical stuff.  This isn't meant to address everything of course, or even most things, and we'll be cleaning up a lot more bugs and issues for the Premium release itself.  This one gets rid of some long-standing crashes and also attempts to address most of what we learned from the stress discussion from the forum.  There are still a few unmet needs (which don't contribute much to stress, but are an eyesore), and a few outstanding ideas related to winning sieges, ending wars and unattended children, but we'll need larger changes there that are better integrated with the Premium work.

It's always a little weird splitting the bug fixes into the two major/minor categories, but especially here, where the stress changes add up to a lot, so the division below is particularly arbitrary on that score.

Major bug fixes
   (*) Fixed w.g. crash related to dark fortress civs having fixed positions not held by demons
   (*) Fixed zero-size creature crash
   (*) Fixed off-site werebirth crash
   (*) Stopped visitors from siding against fort in any conflict where the fort's tame megabeasts are involved
   (*) Made cave adaption negative effects less frequent
   (*) Made people get used to seeing dead bodies
   (*) Stopped corpse raising, shapeshifting and non-living non-vampire visitors
   (*) Made basic friendships easier to form for slow-to-love people

Other bug fixes/tweaks
   (*) Made people that work outside a lot get used to bad weather
   (*) Made valuable food satisfy good meal thought in addition to preferences
   (*) Added some additional dwarf chat types to meet some other needs and reduce stress
   (*) Stopped many minor thoughts from forming memories
   (*) Removed stress from migrants (e.g. ones from old forts)
   (*) Vengefulness is no longer stressful (as it was mainly related to defending others from attacking animals)
   (*) Changed balance of migrant professions
   (*) Patched one form of military item corruption on load (root cause not identified)
   (*) Expulsion exception 'child not present' now only applies to minor children
   (*) Fixed MUNDANE and HAS_ANY_CAN_SWIM for interactions/transformations
"Stopped corpse raising, shapeshifting and non-living non-vampire visitors"

Does this only apply to vanilla interaction-based creatures like necromancers and ghouls or does it also apply to custom civilized visitors with NOT_LIVING or corpse animating abilities? If the latter, it sounds like it'll mess with a lot of mods.
If they were able to visit before the visiting Necromancer bug was introduced, likely they'll still be able to visit.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.05 Released
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2021, 11:50:45 pm »

These are actually going to make a BIG difference to moods.

Flying Teasets

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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.05 Released
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2021, 01:31:39 am »

Very nice!
Flying Teasets is stricken by melancholy!
The USA is a rogue state.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.47.05 Released
« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2021, 03:16:51 am »

What a great suprise this morning, feeling starry eyed that it should make the fort immensely more manageable.

   (*) Stopped corpse raising, shapeshifting and non-living non-vampire visitors

One thing, doesn't this impede the way that [NOT_LIVING] with no particular hostility towards living creatures can operate? If they were a race of psuedo-undead (or just a sentient autonomaton like underground iron-men) contacting and interacting with the 'mortal races' on friendly terms if compatible with their opinions it makes them unable to send visitors to interact. Unlike a [OPPOSED_TO_LIFE] creature actually undead or not who is simply out to destroy them solely and attack on sight unable to control its impulses once the on a mission self-restraint is dropped.

The way [NOT_LIVING] and [OPPOSED_TO_LIFE] interact is interesting because they cancel each other out on a civ-level without [CANNOT_UNDEAD] being thrown into the mix, or even in rare circumstances have the nessecary capacity to ally each other if they believe capable of fostering a friendship or feel pressured into protecting one another.  This little oversight might slightly restrict the magic arc's generation of creatures if for example if the circumstances warrant a race that is free of a mortal coil.

There's also the topic of [CRAZED] visitors who attack that are still a thing that is quite curious was overlooked in favor of whittling necro-guests off lists, but the rest of these patch notes are great.
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