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Author Topic: [50.xx] Rhenaya's Drow - unofficial branch  (Read 5482 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gnot a gnelf
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[50.xx] Rhenaya's Drow - unofficial branch
« on: August 10, 2021, 03:40:47 pm »

Rhenaya's Drow mod, updated for 50.14, also changed up quite a bit

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Features! (click to show/hide)

Rhenaya's Drow mod has been one of my favorites since the time when I was compiling a modpack that ended with a big fort that I shared on this here forum, and it was all fine and dandy, BUT... Playing as the drow, I've noticed certain little things that bothered me, like the faerie fire being too strong, too little variation in names, unnecessary items, etc.

What has actually been changed?

Spoiler: OBSERVE! (click to show/hide)

What happens next?

Hell if I know. So far my own additions were minimal, and I pretty much did everything I wanted to see done. I could just keep fixing bugs that people report and update once the new DF is out, or I could keep adding monsters from Underdark. Maybe bonus modules for duergars and svirfneblins? I'll think about it.

Where's the graphics?

I don't deal in graphics, have no understanding of it whatsoever, and even if I understood it all, I'm artistically impaired. No idea if whatever was packed in Mediterraneo's version was up to date either, but probably not. If the mod is to get some tiles done, someone would have to do everything for me, and I can't just ask someone to do it for me. That means no graphics anytime soon.

The mod was originally made by Rhenaya, later picked up by Mediterraneo who kept it up to date.
If you ever offered your help or feedback to either of them, you have my deepest thanks too.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2024, 03:15:01 am by SQman »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [47.05] Rhenaya's Drow - unofficial branch
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2021, 07:13:13 am »

Cool. Will be checking this out.

Something that I've been thinking about, as I only found out about it recently, is how dfHack has a plugin that allows for poisoned weapons.
Could be something worth investigating as an add-on for drow.

Hmm, getting an error about being unable to open the downloaded file. Needed to update my 7Zip program, lol.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2021, 07:18:25 am by Kat »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gnot a gnelf
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Re: [47.05] Rhenaya's Drow - unofficial branch
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2021, 02:38:31 am »

Weapon poisoning semms to have been attempted at some point but either didn't make it to the final draft, or the script got borked.
I prefer my mods DFhack free, though I could try to steal poisoning reactions from some other mod and release an alternate version, a branch of a branch if you will.

In the 'What's going on in your modding' I outlined my ideas for some secrets (spider prophet and demonweb warlock), and a simple religion/alchemy system which includes purifying poison into alcohol, transforming blood into rubies, and creating draegloths.
But for now I'll focus on other mods, namely Miscmod! and Cavern Fauna, but this is no thread to talk about that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [47.05] Rhenaya's Drow - unofficial branch
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2021, 10:14:03 am »

Weapon poisoning semms to have been attempted at some point but either didn't make it to the final draft, or the script got borked.
I prefer my mods DFhack free, though I could try to steal poisoning reactions from some other mod and release an alternate version, a branch of a branch if you will.

Comes default with any version of dfhack, if you need a fresh download for the mod, 47.05-r2 is the same as any previous for fetching the splatter "tutorial" as well as a few other bells and whistles. Without DFhack the named reaction which is the "hook" doing the splattering action won't fire, then after that you have to add the reaction to the entity you want to be able to with [PERMITTED_REACTION] without a product for fortress use.

Code: [Select]
Talking of [PERMITTED_REACTION] you've left some of your WIP PERMITTED_REACTION:MED_DROW_ARMOR_FULL] esque code on your panopoly reaction file.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [47.05] Rhenaya's Drow - unofficial branch
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2021, 10:19:43 am »

PERMITTED_REACTION:MED_DROW_ARMOR_FULL] esque code on your panopoly reaction file.

I was wondering about that. I was under the impression that reactions that produced gauntlets/gloves had a problem that required dfHack to fix, in that reactions didn't produce a properly-handed pair - i.e. a left and a right. Had that been fixed, or is that still the case ?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [47.05] Rhenaya's Drow - unofficial branch
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2021, 11:42:18 am »

PERMITTED_REACTION:MED_DROW_ARMOR_FULL] esque code on your panopoly reaction file.

I was wondering about that. I was under the impression that reactions that produced gauntlets/gloves had a problem that required dfHack to fix, in that reactions didn't produce a properly-handed pair - i.e. a left and a right. Had that been fixed, or is that still the case ?

Here under "Tweak" plugin for DFhack, set to automatically apply, and does some side things like procure the correct amount per how many the creature needs so it should in theory just be fine.

Its still bugged in vanilla however.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gnot a gnelf
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Re: [47.05] Rhenaya's Drow - unofficial branch
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2022, 01:58:04 pm »

It's been a very very long time, but I've finally got inspired to actually work on this project. this update is centered around two secrets:

Demonweb warlock - a mortal (or a drow, elf, or goblin) who has tapped into the energies of Demonweb Pits through a pact with a powerful entity residing within Demonweb Pits, either Spider Queen herself, or another mighty being. A pact may be struck willingly or as a punishment (because drow are immortal). A warlock has the power to gate a bebilith to fight for them, and summon abyssal energies to unleash eldritch blast.

Spider prophetess - a drow woman who was chosen, sometimes unwillingly, to be an elite agent of Spider Queen herself. They can summon two yochlols, the demonic handmaidens of Lolth, and spray deadly venom from their mouths.

There are only two new creatures introduced:

Spoiler: Bebilith (click to show/hide)

A colossal demonic spider with two sharp blades for tearing the flesh of mortals and demons alike. They have the whole package you might expect from a spider - venom, webs, climbing ability, but they also have damage reduction and enormous size that mundane arachnid lack. They can be found in the deepest parts of the underworld, and they can be tamed by those lucky enough to capture one. Should not be eaten by drow.

Spoiler: Yochlol (click to show/hide)

A pillar-shaped demon composed of waxy yellow slime. They serve Spider Queen with unwavering loyalty, but also answer to her chosen worshippers. They can create sticky yellow webs, inject venom through their many tentacles, and force themselves into the minds of others. They don't appear in the wild, and can only be summoned by spider propethesses.

Code: (changelog) [Select]

1.1 - Secretive update:
-Added bebilith and yochlol;
-Changed (mostly increased) some natural combat skills;
-Gave all spiders chelicerae;
-Fixed driders and scorrows so they actually bite with their teeth;

-Renamed drow rapier to rapier, no idea why it wasn't changed earlier;

-Added demonweb warlock - capable of summoning bebiliths, and casting eldritch blast;
-Added spider prophetess - available only to female drow, capable of summoning yochlols, and spitting potentially deadly venom;

-Removed panoply reactions because gauntlets come out weird without DFhack;

Minor tweaks and fixes

I really want to keep this independend from DFhack, so panoplies either had to go or get changed to have no gauntlets, but that would be against the whole idea of a panoply. Oh well.

What's next?

Religion and alchemy in the form of the spider altar. Transmutation, purifying poison, sacrifice, and creation of draegloths.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gnot a gnelf
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Re: [47.05] Rhenaya's Drow - unofficial branch
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2022, 03:10:20 am »

Reuploaded the mod.

I don't know when I'm going to start working on the alchemy system, if I gotta be honest. A while back I started making the Duergar for this mod, but I've decided that they would be better off in their own mod. For now, enjoy some spiders and crackhead ewoks.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gnot a gnelf
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Re: [50.xx] Rhenaya's Drow - unofficial branch
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2024, 04:27:29 am »

After almost two years of nothing, UPDATE!

It was a particularly grueling process because I wanted to make tokens more consistent according to my current scheme. Could have ended with extensive errorlogs, had I not been extremely careful to prevent it. Modernization was also applied to creatures - spiders got their tarsal claws and pedipalps. Eating vanilla spiders can also end badly for the drow now. Oh yeah, we're in current year now.

Also added four new plants:
-nightlight - a glowing fungus that can be eaten raw, brewed into nightshine or processed into cookable nightlight essence;
-bluecap - a commonly farmed mushroom, edible raw, brewable into drow stout, and millable into drow flour;
-acorn truffle - a delectable fungus, edible raw, brewable into drow brandy, extracted into truffle butter;
-marrult - a fungus that can be brewed into valuable drow green wine.