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Author Topic: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro 2 | Design Phase T6  (Read 20750 times)


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro 2 | Design Phase T1
« Reply #60 on: April 26, 2022, 05:15:32 am »

I will do difficulty checks only if a proposal is radically different from previously checked proposals- if it is not feasible for you to make an educated guess as to the difficulty. That is not the case for your War Lobsters.
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro 2 | Design Phase T1
« Reply #61 on: April 26, 2022, 07:14:30 am »

We've had a few Influence Designs proposed, such as the Gift of the Tullikan, Spirits of Misdeed, and the Worms. Here's a couple more.

Quote from: Lawkeeper's Medallion
In their natural form, these medallions are small bronze discs on a deachable leather cord, embossed with images of Muu. However this is only visible if something has gone wrong, for they are enchanted with a strong illusion spell. This causes the viewer to see them as any of a number of regional identification tokens used by law enforcement, crime syndicates and guilds (as chosen by the bearer of the Medallion when it is presented). It may thus take the form of a badge, signet ring, legal papers or the like.

Quote from: Weight of the Hivemind
In a contest of mental strength, being able to gang up on your opponent is a valuable asset. Once a target has been identified, the lead will start assaulting their mind fortress, and by synchronising their thoughts through identical verbal and somatic action, additional members can join the siege. This way mentally powerful learners can be dominated and controlled, allowing for either an unnoticed entry, a lapse in memory, or enslaving the unfortunate to the Hive mind.


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro 2
« Reply #62 on: April 26, 2022, 07:50:32 am »

Goats of Golgotha

Design Proposal:
Worms of Muu- subtle version

Quote from: Worms in the Box
Subtle Worms of Muu: (1) TricMagic
Goats of Golgotha: (1) TricMagic
Cause Goats. They will be pretty good in the Mesas, Hills, and Urbs, along with decent routes in the Steppes. Goats, after all, can eat anything.(including humans.)
We can likely take advantage of the Fjords with aquatic cav, if their riders can survive underwater. Honestly that Gillyreef idea to give our forces a way to survive without breathing is decent-ish, and would also help in the marshes.(as would said aquatic cav)


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro 2 | Revision Phase T0
« Reply #63 on: April 26, 2022, 12:57:07 pm »

It's a classic story, the plucky hero calls out the powers that be on their corruption. The powers try them on falsified charges, and our hero gives an impassioned speech to the court, their rhetoric is flawless, their logic is sound, their head rolls off the chopping block. The callous may be troubled while trying to sleep for a couple nights, the sympathetic may be motivated to do some small thing, but in the end the world turns as it ever has.
What if it didn't though? What if that martyr's death was the catalyst for a spell that could bring even the most cold-hearted to repentance? The Gadfly is the fruit of this dream. Take someone who has been wronged by their society and is willing to die to set it right, train them heavily in rhetoric on the specific issue they were wronged in, and slowly weave the magic into them bit by bit. By the end you'll have a master rhetorician on a single issue, no matter as they're one use anyway, who is willing to start trouble with the authorities until they're brought to capital punishment, whether that is being burned at the stake for heresy or being forced to drink poison for "damaging public morals." When they do meet their end, aside from the rhetoric, they must be stoically defiant unto death. This image of them will be burned into the mind of all who gaze upon their execution by the spell. This image will haunt the callous for as long as they continue their evil ways, and will inspire the sympathetic to fully commit to their cause.
Check was requested, and this is sufficiently exotic to warrant one.
This boils down to a ritual with a lot of prepwork, with a human life as extra fuel. A willing sacrifice can provide a fair chunk of energy. The ultimate effect is not especially complex or earth-shattering; influences the thoughts and feelings of large but not huge group of people. I'd call it a Normal design, with the end result being Rare, unit size 1 (partly due to the effort required, partly because it would lose poignancy if repeated too often).

Quote from: Weight of the Hivemind
In a contest of mental strength, being able to gang up on your opponent is a valuable asset. Once a target has been identified, the lead will start assaulting their mind fortress, and by synchronising their thoughts through identical verbal and somatic action, additional members can join the siege. This way mentally powerful learners can be dominated and controlled, allowing for either an unnoticed entry, a lapse in memory, or enslaving the unfortunate to the Hive mind.
A difficulty check was requested for this as well (and the medallion, but I won't do that one). For this design, I first have a question: what hivemind? The Sea Servants one, or a new one made for this design? If the former, that would be quite tricky, since it would mean changing the nature of the Sea Servant hivemind quite a lot. If the latter... it would also be tricky, and I'd want more details on what kind of hivemind this would be.
As for the rest of the design, a basic single-target indefinite-mind-control spell would be Hard and Uncommon (and obviously the spell working would depend on the magical/mental defences of the target). Making it a multi-caster ritual can reduce the rarity to Common, but wouldn't make it any easier in this case- while it allows for a simpler brute-force approach, it also requires developing the necessary framework to let multiple casters cooperate.
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro 2 | Design Phase T1
« Reply #64 on: April 26, 2022, 01:16:01 pm »

The spell is supposed to allow one or more casters to work together and thus form a temporary "hivemind" to make one high mind-strength assault on a target, rather than a team making multiple low-strength assaults in concert.


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro 2 | Design Phase T1
« Reply #65 on: April 26, 2022, 01:44:14 pm »

Lesser Charm of Sharing
A piece of ivory carved with half-forgotten runes Muu thought up, made in the Forge of Cleansing into an amulet. Through sympathetic magic, it attunes to the wearer, which can then reach out to nearby Charms and form a telepathic link. This allows the sharing of emotions, words, senses, and memories between people, though each successive stage is harder to learn, with only mages capable of sharing and receiving memories. It's a rudimentary form of a hivemind with a limited range of effect, that actually needs to be activated by the owner's "will to connect with others". However these charms will prove useful both in combat as unit squads can learn to work more closely together in training, and among initiates we collect in influence lanes as a hidden messaging system, as well as a way to foster community trust and goodwill. So many people are alone in their head, and being able to connect with others will be a great asset in paving the way forward towards a world free of sorrow, where all understand one another.
... Sadly, this Charm does have it's drawbacks. Sufficient losses could shatter the morale of troops who have trained together. Thankfully the Sea Servants offer a way forward for these lost souls, though further refinement would be needed, as right now the Sea Servants' own Hivemind overwhelms someone using the Charm. Further research is required to make this dream a true reality. (Use of the Lesser Charm of Sharing causes mental bleeding between participants, enhancing it's positive effects on the mind. It's not enough to really do anything to someone who isn't interested in joining the cult, and the charm doesn't work at all when one side of the link is hostile or mentally abusive.)

[The Charm of Sharing is currently only used during training to improve cooperation and coordination between cultists, though will be deployed to influence lanes more normally as a symbol of trust and/or initiation to foster Community between people.]

Ninja. Anyway, have a charm. Sharing is Caring, and all that jazz.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2022, 01:46:26 pm by TricMagic »


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro 2 | Design Phase T1
« Reply #66 on: April 26, 2022, 11:37:59 pm »

Known in mainland Thpenos as Thneskites, or roughly "people of dying", and frankly that's way more pronouncable than the island names so we'll go with it. Back when Chegitha was merely declining instead of declined, They sent hosts northward, extracting tributes of fish, mutton, and cheese to alleviate some famine. The tactics used to extract tribute were remarkably brutal, and resentment was building to a breaking point.
A cutler walks out of their shop, their latest work kept under their coat. The Chegithan commander notices the flash of the blade and buries his sword in The Cutler's gut, but the first knife had pierced his liver. Soon after, the second slashed his throat.
This inspired other assassinations throughout the island, each one adding its own improvements as the Chegithans created defenses. Ritual bindings to limit bloodloss from fighting with bodyguards, greatly improved bladework, and once these early Thneskites started actually surviving these attacks, a set of taboos to bind them. The most important of these being to never hurt a child.
Now that Muu has taken them under her care, she has given them a gift in the form of a minor mutation that slows their perception of time for a few seconds at will. This hasn't seemed to have affected their personalities much, but they tend to be cold and curt anyway, partly because of what they do, partly because their taboos restrict speaking unnecessarily.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2022, 07:13:23 am by m1895 »


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro 2 | Design Phase T1
« Reply #67 on: April 27, 2022, 03:38:54 am »

I want influence designs this turn, as we did nothing but combat last turn. Gadflies are cool, and I don't think anyone's done anything like it before so I want to see how Nuke plays it. And I also want experience in mind control and mind merging, as that plays into our theme.

Cavalry can wait, but I agree it's something we should do. The Worms are another variation of "thing that makes you wanna do Good". Useful, but I'd like to sound out how we're doing on the lanes first

Quote from: Design a thing!
Subtle Worms of Muu: (1) TricMagic
Goats of Golgotha: (1) TricMagic
Gadflies: (1) Kashyyk
Weight of the Hivemind: (1) Kashyyk


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro 2 | Design Phase T1
« Reply #68 on: April 27, 2022, 07:37:54 am »

... I do think nothing stops the demons from just killing the ones performing the mind control. Also it's not exactly good is it? We should instead lure them into our grasp. As is, this spell does allow mind control, but uh.. It's not really adding them to the hivemind is it, it's just domination and subjugation, which weakens it overall since we have to keep it up.



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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro 2 | Design Phase T1
« Reply #69 on: April 27, 2022, 08:22:18 am »

The spell is intend to control neutral actors in Influence lanes, not be used mid-combat (although maybe the Cultists will find a use), and from other games in this series, it is possible to straight up enslave someone by breaking their will. This will let us force people with authority to do what we want, which will give us influence, and by working together we can punch above our weight to dominate high mind-strength people who will likely be in key positions. It's also our first foray into mond-control, and mind-merging.


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro 2 | Design Phase T1
« Reply #70 on: April 27, 2022, 08:38:27 am »

If one is going to control someone, you might as well just break them of any will to resist.

Muu's Will
A spell that taps into the Good given to cultists by Muu and amplifies it until it is strong enough to sear the soul. Touching another with this abyssal darkness can allow one to break the target of any will to resist the caster and Muu herself, leaving an obedient slave. Against evil-aligned beings, it will instead cause great damage to the soul of the target, potentially burning weaker ones away.

Kashkk, pretty sure this does the same exact thing as yours. Which is kinda why I don't like it. A slave has no ability to adapt to situations. So we either end up with something very obvious, or have to constantly apply it which has it's own type of problems. This isn't mind-merging, it mind-breaking. While there may be similarities, it's a bit too evil for my taste.


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro 2 | Design Phase T1
« Reply #71 on: April 27, 2022, 11:05:36 am »

Splitting the difference here, as I can understand wanting to shore up influence, but also the whole "mindbreaking Neutral Actors" thing skeeves me out a bit.
'Sides, food often would get served at public executions, gives some synergy with the eggs.
Quote from: Design a thing!
Subtle Worms of Muu: (2) TricMagic, m1895
Goats of Golgotha: (1) TricMagic
Gadflies: (2) Kashyyk, m1895
Weight of the Hivemind: (1) Kashyyk

The Sea-Boars rise to your call, Mistress! The great, black-scaled beasts appear again the morning after they are slain! That sounds very useful for combat? W-well uh, about that.
Sćhrímnir are immortal yes, but that immortality is under geas, they may never willfully kill anyone, even in self-defense. The primary purpose of their immortality is well, to serve as an eternal supply of food. Their meat provides a good source of protein that is hard to source inland, aside from being fresh, and that always improves people's moods.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2022, 05:13:02 pm by m1895 »


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro 2 | Revision Phase T0
« Reply #72 on: April 27, 2022, 06:21:39 pm »

Quote from: Barricade Coral
Design: Barricade Coral
So, here's something we learned from Muu: Coral, those colorful branching sea-rocks? They're alive! And what's more than that, they aren't even plants, they're animals! Fun-facts out of the way, Muu has delivered an ingenious way to make use of these fascinating creatures. The Barricade Coral comes in the form of small "Polyps", which can take root under the water. These polyps feed on Good, when Good is actively fed to them(generally only possible with direct infusion from our spellcasters and Muu) they will begin to grow their coral shell rapidly, forming a smooth wall on the outward facing side, which slopes downwards and grows craggier toward the 'inward' side, meaning the side it was fed from.

This, in essence, allows us to create walls rapidly in preparation for battle, which we can then climb over with comparative ease while our opponents will be forced to break through or go around entirely. And without being regularly maintained with further Good, these walls will starve and crumble, which does distract our spellcasters somewhat, but also means our enemies will not be able to take these fortifications for themselves.

Quote from: Trapper Worms
Design: Trapper Worm
When Muu showed us the ten foot long, burrowing, chitinous death-worm with razor jaws capable of biting smaller creatures clean in half and with a venom that causes the location of the bite to be numb for the rest of your life, we were impressed. When she informed us they were naturally occurring, we were terrified.

The Trapper Worm mutation actually makes very little change to the... horrifying, abominable creature that we have discovered. The four core differences are thus: 1. They are now able to survive and function just as well on land, 2. They are far bulkier, making them substantially harder to kill, though still quite easy compared to something like a person, 3. Their jaws now bite far harder, upgraded from dicing small fish to chopping human bone, and 4. even if their body is bisected along its width, they will be able to live on and regrow, albeit slowly...

Wait what do you mean they already could do that last one?... Sweet Muu...

Ahem, so! The way these worms are used is fairly simple really. Holes are dug around our fortifications, and the worms are placed inside. From there as enemies pass by the Worms lash out and begin attacking, providing a brief but deadly surprise to our foes. With this, they act as living traps, deadly defenses give our enemies pause that we can then capitalize on.

The primary weakness of these creatures however, is rarity. While it takes little effort to change the original worms into Trappers, it takes far more effort to find the creatures, limiting the number of them we can deploy.

Quote from: Mindlink Star
Design: Mindlink Star
Here's an interesting fact, did you know that if you cut the limbs off of some kinds of starfish, those limbs will grow into new starfish? We didn't before, but now we do. Combine this with the work we have done in interconnected minds via the Sea Servants and you have the project we now present; the Mindlink Star.

The Mindlink Star is a mutated form of Starfish. Its limbs are easy to pluck directly off, and will regrow into entire new starfish, albeit lesser ones. These lesser stars do not possess the ability to grow new starfish from their limbs, but will quickly regrow the limbs that they lose instead. The Core Star however, will never regrow its lost limbs.

This is merely the cost to the ability that makes the Mindlink Star a project worth investing in: The five sub-stars grown from the Core Star's limbs have a direct mental connection to each-other, and the Core Star possesses a dominant mental connection to the sub-stars. Of course if this was the entirety of it, then it wouldn't be worth the effort we're putting in. The big thing is that, when a Core or Sub star is stuck to the body somewhere along the skull or spine, it connects that mind into the link as well.

In essence, this means that we can link six-man squads of soldiers together, where they can directly share thoughts and communicate at the speed of thought. This allows vastly heightened degrees of coordination between small groups, provided the clash of personalities isn't too bad. The Core Star in specific meanwhile, essentially designates a "squad leader", as the member with the Core Star is capable of exerting a more direct influence on the other members when needed, carrying a greater mental weight.

It is, as many things are, not perfect of course. While there is no direct sub-conscious memory leakage, stray thoughts can occasionally lead to slight identity confusion off the battlefield. Not only that but, as we mentioned, clashing personalities is a notable issue. While it's something we will work to mitigate by aiming to pick Star Squads based on compatibility, it can cause the direct opposite of the intended coordination effects if these clashes do occur. Thirdly, the Sub-stars can only be so far from the Core before they lose the connection, about a couple dozen meters. And finally, which isn't so much an issue with the Stars as it is the rest of our forces, we have no real leaders who can properly make full use of the Core Stars, limiting their effectiveness.

The next designs lore doesn't quite work yet, it's meant to be something we work on a bit later, but it felt poignant to know how hard it would be to try while we still have the chance to learn such a thing. But first, a story:

A little girl holds tight to her father's arm, tears streaming down her face. "Please don't go daddy!"

The man kneels, placing a hand upon her head. "I have to, little star." He responds. "They need me out there."

This man was a soldier. Once a militiaman for the village after a pirate raid, now one for the cult of Muu. He remembered the monsters who took the life of his wife, his darling little Cassandra's mother. He didn't want to see anyone suffer like that again, and yet now there was an army raising in the south, an army of monsters in human skin lead by a devil. If they reached their home...

"B-but I don't want to be alone!" Cassandra sobbed. And he held her close.

"You won't be. You'll be here with friends. Curt and Merry, they'll watch out for you, and you'll be able to play with your friend Mikey whenever you want. Isn't that nice?"

"But why do you have to go? Why can't you stay?"

"They're hurting people out there. The bad guys. I won't let them reach us, I won't let them hurt you too."

The girls grip loosened, she sniffles. "P-promise you'll come back. Promise you won't let them hurt you!" She cried out.

The man's breath hitched. He hesitated... then nodded. "Okay, I won't let them. And I'll always come back to you. Now go on, I have to get going."

Slowly, steadily, the girl let go, and she ran over to the two waiting a short distance away.

"I'll come back." The man muttered to himself, as he turned away, to step onto the ship.
Some time later
It was raining. It often rained, but today it felt all the heavier. Cassandra sprinted through the rain, her body soaking wet, down to the shore. She had to see the ships, she had to see her dad.

She watched as they pulled in to dock. Soldiers and Servants alike streamed out. She waited, she waited. She didn't see his face. They started wheeling out the bodies. He was just one of the people moving the carts right? That's why he was behind the others right?

... but it was only Sea Servants pulling the carts.

The Sea Servant ritual
The bodies were arrayed along the shore, Muu presiding over the ritual. These souls had offered their very bodies and minds for the service of the village. She bent down towards the final body, a gruff man, his heart had been pierced clean through. She prepared the flesh...

And a voice interrupted. Not in words, but wails. The cries of a child, running out onto the beach. The girl dropped to her knees, in front of the body. She grip its hand, and cried.

"You said they wouldn't hurt you! You said you'd come back!"

The crowd looked on in shock. None wanted to doubt the benevolence of their Angel, but none knew how she would react. As Muu paused, several closed their eyes. She reached towards the girl, took her in her hands... and cradled her close. Muu finished the ritual with her remaining arm and, as the bodies were sent out to their burial at sea, Muu sunk into the water as well, the girl held close. Those present waited for some time, but when neither surfaced, they gradually moved on.

Muu would not surface for some time, indeed, there were those who had worried they'd offended their Angel in some way, that she had left them. But then, as the new Sea Servants emerged, so too did Muu, and she was not alone. Behind her the sea swelled, as a massive shape pushed up from the water, like an enormous sea rock uprooted from its resting place below. And from a large opening on the stone-like object, a figure emerged...

Quote from: The Abyssal Witch, Chasm
Champion Design: Children of Muu- The Abyssal Witch, Chasm
Chasm, or some say Cas, is the first of what would come to be known as the Children of Muu. Those selected by Muu directly, raised up and remade by her very own hands into something greater than what they once were. Chasm is a massive humanoid snail, rivaling Muu in size even excluding her enormous shell. Her body is soft, smooth, and with shapes lacking in definition from additional layers of blubbery flesh, her 'hair' being a similar, off-color substance. A coating of rock and various corals covers her shell that covers most of her lower half, with vents and gaps across its surface that aid in her methods.

As her title states, Chasm is a witch, but she is not just any ordinary witch. Indeed she knows all the(very few) spells we have access to and we doubt she will have any difficulty mastering those we teach in the future, but that is not what makes her the Abyssal Witch. Chasm can control sea creatures. Or, more accurately, those which lack internal bones. Indeed, large, vicious worms dwell within the vents upon her carapace ready to lash out. Barnacles that can fire jets of forceful but otherwise harmless water launch sharp urchins at great distances. Diligent, armored isopods reposition to block incoming attacks. And atop her large stone staff sits a crown of toxic, stinging anemones that cause great pain with a brush.

In a way, Chasm has become a living siege weapon, mobile artillery that defends itself from close range assault just as well. Yet she does have her weaknesses. As would be expected, Chasm is slow. While she can keep pace with our soldiers at a brisk walk, proper marching speeds rapidly outpace her. Her reflexes are dulled, not through idiocy, but through the clouds of arcane and aquatic knowledge fogging her mind. And her body outside of the shell is fragile. The isopods do what they can, but they are limited in number and their claws can dig into the vulnerable flesh they protect when under stress.

Any army that would fight alongside Chasm will need to either slow their pace to match hers or hold out until her arrival, as no cart we could make is large or sturdy enough to carry her to battle. If caught within the enemy army, she must shelter down within her shell, relying on her deadly accompaniment of creatures to fend off foes while our army makes a return push. All that said, she is a beloved and important part of our family under Muu.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2022, 10:04:10 pm by Failbird105 »


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro 2 | Design Phase T1
« Reply #73 on: April 27, 2022, 11:34:43 pm »

Coral Limbs
Loss of limb is an unfortunate fact of life, doubly so for cultists, but such matters need not limit our children.
Coral buds are taken from one of the reefs that dot our islands (it's not like the reefs are going anywhere). The buds are placed in a tidepool of good and their rapid growth is and shaped under an acolytes care. Once finished, these coral limbs look and behave more or less like their fleshy counterparts once attached on the stub and fine tuned. A bit crude looking in some cases, but functional. Certain limbs however, will display qualities that set them apart, graceful features, a beautiful color, and unique pattern that allow them to fetch a high price wherever beauty is valued.


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro 2 | Revision Phase T0
« Reply #74 on: April 28, 2022, 06:40:46 am »

Quote from: Barricade Coral
Design: Barricade Coral
A nautical twist on a basic terrain-shaping spell. Walls are specified to be temporary and not incredibly strong, so not very ambitious. Normal, and for gameplay purposes considered a Common spell.

Quote from: Trapper Worms
Design: Trapper Worm
((For reference, I checked to make sure these things actually exist IRL, and uh, they sure do.))
So, the main mutations being applied here are increased size and the ability to survive out of water. Just the former would be Normal, and the latter doesn't bump it up to Hard. The end result would be considered Rare equipment (not a unit), as no attempt is made to artificially increase supply.

Quote from: The Abyssal Witch, Chasm
Champion Design: Children of Muu- The Abyssal Witch, Chasm
Champions are easier to do than regular designs with the same elements, and are liable to turn out stronger even with an equivalent result (at the cost of being Unique, of course). To break it down, Chasm is:
-An expert spellcaster (I'm assuming intended to be capable of casting Rare spells), something which at this stage would be Impossible for a regular (Rare) unit, merely Hard for a Champion.
-Armed and armoured. Hard for regular design, would be Easy for a Champion.
-Has long-range missile attacks. Normal for a regular design, Trivial for a Champion.
-Very slow, both tactically and strategically. Definitely makes things easier.
Combined, I'd call this a Very Hard proposal.
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