Heroscape: HERO ARENA
I've got heroScape. Would you like to play heroScape?

King's Hill: A simple map for the playtest.
This will use standard rules, and it will be up to you to look that up, or you can just wing it. There are some exceptions!
These changes were to minimize rolls and keep the scale small.
(This is a playtest, so these rules will be revised if I want to alter the test.)
-Lasts 15 turns, most points wins.
-Join/dropout/rejoin at any time.
-Heroes only, no squads.
-Random units of wildly varying power. You play as 1 hero.
-You get a fraction of an enemy units' points (rounded up) when you do HP damage to it. If a unit heals, only damage past their minimum gives points.
-No order markers. You roll initiative once when spawned. This will be its' permanent initiative stat.
-If you drop out/muligan, half your unit's points (rounded down) are subtracted from your score. Can go negative.
-Units/players will spawn on water tiles and cannot attack or be attacked until they exit. You cannot choose to move onto a water tile.
-You can form alliances. If two players say they will "truce with..." the other, their units share synergy abilities, and move through each other freely.
I'll probably add some kind of shop system to spend accumulated, we'll see...
All players take a turn at the same time. I'm adding a new mechanic for a mode you can change each turn, called 'Stances':
>Balanced: Your default stance. If a unit you planned to attack dies, you will instead attack the nearest unallied unit, unless it would cause you to lose height or enter/leave engagement when you wouldn't have otherwise.
>Defensive: If a unit with higher initiative makes it so your action would cause you to enter/leave engagement with a unit you didn't plan to, you stop before then, and only attack if able.
>Aggressive: If a unit you planned to attack dies, you attack the nearest unallied unit.
Turns will be sent by PM. Sign up by simply posting 'IN'.
My collection is a bit limited, and I will only be adding units to the pool that I feel will fit the expedited format. Units may be removed from the pool if I decide they weren't actually a good fit. Otherwise though, killed units can be redrawn. I'm just going to add to the list as I shuffle through my cards and draw something I think will work, so I won't be listing them in advance. It's a pretty eclectic mix from several different sets.