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Author Topic: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The End of Dwarfdom  (Read 39514 times)


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - New Game New Rules! Come and Join!
« Reply #270 on: November 22, 2023, 06:25:37 am »

In the final days of their adventures Kanil and his friends would check in on others. The child Ilosp, who was only 7 years of age, was already being trained by her tribe as a recruit in it's military. A grim prospect, but this was the way of the tribes and gangs of these free lands.

Mispi began his training back with Ingish at their base. Meanwhile Kanil, Ersi and Nemo spent several days venturing the lands going into villages and wiping out the last of the zombies in many of them.

It was in these days as the lost lands of man were once more laid bare for his taking that Nemo earned himself a title: the Mystical Hatchets of Crushing
Finally, in a temporary retirement Kanil would spend his days instructing the boy Mispi in being a warrior and man. Life seemed good for all of them.

The Waking of Tumam Rushrulemad
Ambience: In lands far west and north dwells many cursed beasts. Many times larger than their regular counterparts and many times more hostile to all humanoids of the world.

It is a miserable land that consumes many except for one.
The white stork man Tumam sleeps. He sleeps miserably without blanket or bed rolling around in discomfort as dreams he will not recall when he wakens torment him.

When he does waken in the morning with the dew coating his body he gets up and looks around with fresh confusion in his eyes. He hears voices all around him and inside him, but he cannot see anything.
"What happened?"
The more Tumam tries to remember the more he is aware of a fog or perhaps even a wall around the deeper recesses of his memory.
"Who are we?"
Regardless, he clearly knows his name and he takes a moment to take stock of himself.

As well as speaks with the voices some.

Tumam was aware that this location he had been in was important, but not how long he had been here. There were no shelters constructed or anything denoting habitation.
"What is this place to us?"
Tumam feels a deep pull in his soul. Something calls to him and tells him to head south

He flings himself into the air high above the trees and looks on the world below to see what he can see:
He recognizes the great gouges in the earth of the goblin pits. Where mean creatures dug and tore at the earth until scars that are visible from this far away can be seen and identified.
"Why can we clearly recall goblins and pits, but not who we are?"
This might be the direction he wishes to go, but Tumam does not wish to see those blasted places. He flies south

On his way he finds a camp ground. Nothing survives out here very long: This tumam does remember.
The fact that someone was trying to survive here means a potential threat and so Tumam carefully flies down first going above the camp and gently setting down in the middle.

The camp was clearly a goblin camp and the goblins were all dead. Butchered and rotting where they were. As Tumam stared at the corpses he had a strange feeling pressing against his skull like a hand patting the edges of his cranium.
As it turns out the goblins had a whole treasure trove of chests and bags they were transporting. Probably stolen.
Tumam was far too small to wear anything goblin or any of their treasure and so he settled for the few items he could carry and a bronze Morningstar and shield. He was still traveling in the nude.

Following his compulsions Tumam ventured further south then east to a city nestled at the foot of a mountain. The sign called it Oarpassionate. This place was also familiar, but also different. It felt wrong.
"How do we know this place?"
He ventured in and heard a child shouting trying to sound like an adult. The creature wore a uniform of some sort of military. Tumam walked past it as it shouted at a different traveler and he introduced himself to an adult citizen.

The dwarf looked him up and down "Tumam Rushrulemad? That's not funny. Mind who you joke with. I am Inid Squareroared" The creature bows slightly at us "This humble servant of the Spry greets you"
"The Spry? We know that one. God of death, birth and rebirth"
While Tumam meant it for a mental conversation with his voices he accidentally said it aloud and the dwarf nodded "Indeed. Glory days are long gone for this city and our people so you'll find many worshiping the Spry calling out for his mercy in final days or for a kind and propserous rebirth for us all"
Tumam nods and begins heading away while the quizzical dwarf says in parting "You be careful here. People are jumpy and times are hard since the riots"
Tumam nods and keeps walking all the way to the tavern. He sits with his platinum flask now filled with whip vine wine and drinks which does a lot for his mood.
"What now? I suppose we should sit here for some time and figure out what this feeling is and what it wants us to do here"
"Something about that dwarf's face. We felt something strange looking upon their faces. What feeling was this?"

You can respond anytime you want not just when prompted. You're a voice in his head he cannot control so talk when you want. You also can respond to one prompt and not another as Tumam has no control of his voices or when they will interfere. You also don't have to make sense or be ethical. Just have fun!

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King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - New Game New Rules! Come and Join!
« Reply #271 on: November 23, 2023, 05:09:06 am »

"What happened?"
Probably got drunk and passed out in the woods while naked.

"Who are we?"
Some kind of naked bird man apparently.

"What is this place to us?"
No idea.

"Why can we clearly recall goblins and pits, but not who we are?"
Hit our head, who knows.

"How do we know this place?"
No idea I just got here.

"What now? I suppose we should sit here for some time and figure out what this feeling is and what it wants us to do here"
"Something about that dwarf's face. We felt something strange looking upon their faces. What feeling was this?"

Sitting and thinking sounds like a good idea. Also can I punch the dwarf in the face as that's what I feel like doing.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - New Game New Rules! Come and Join!
« Reply #272 on: November 29, 2023, 07:32:16 am »

Tumam nurses a couple of mugs of whip vine wine as simply sits and...thinks!

No matter how hard he tries the fog in his mind does not seem to clear and since his arrival in this city his mind has felt like a raging ocean on top of that. Churning and churning preventing him from deeply focusing.

The wine helps dull the sensation, but also makes it harder to think.

The tavern appeared completely abandoned before, but another strange dwarf approached him. Tumam was thoroughly annoyed with dwarves at the moment, and was still considering going to find that previous dwarf to punch him in the face.
This dwarf was dressed in dark clothing with a scraggly distended beard. It had a strange gleam in it's eyes as it spoke "Head bothering ye, mister?"
How does he know?
Another inner thought accidentally expressed aloud "Can see from the way ye hold yer head and look around. Got some fuzziness and not the fun kind, eh?"
Tumam nods unsure what to say to the dwarf. In fact, words didn't seem to want to come out. There was something about this dwarf...something important?
Why are we having trouble speaking? Who is he? Does it even matter?

The dwarf grinned wolfishly and set down a fresh mug of red wine. Drink it, it's part of our special reserves, it'll help with yer head"
Tumam sipped the bartender's proffered brew and it was very delicious. Periodic inebriation was a deep desire of Tumam's, the bird man realized.

As the bird man drank the bartender sat across from him "What brings ye to this blasted place?"
Tumam still struggles with words, but struggles out "A feeling."
The dwarf closes his eyes and nods "I see. I see. This place feel to riots over the last couple of months. Loyalists to the king fought with those loyal to the necromancer goddess Cor after the undead captain that ruled the city was killed by heroes" the dwarf pronounced the word heroes in a mocking tone
The name Cor stands out to us too. Why?
"The necromancer followers won. Ain't even any undead in this town, but dwarves thought it was safer to just tow the line and serve them anyhow. Pathetic really. Recruited abunch of tribal ant people from a nearby cave colony to help defend the city now"
The dwarf noticed Tumam's attention slipping
"Can I give ye some advice? My master, gods keep him, used to teach me that we ain't our true selves. None of us are. We're a mish mash of desires and expectations others be tellin' us to carry. It only be by dropping these that we find what we really are at the bottom, and just like ye be draining that mug ye be finding yerself. Myself be telling ye that ye should listen to those feelings. See where they take you and what happens next"
Is that even good advice for an amnesiac?
Tumam drains his mug and stumbles off to find that dwarf to go punch in the face.

He finds it and attempts to punch the creature in the face, but it quickly dodges back and pulls out a knife "Back off or I'll gut you!" Tumam is annoyed and swings again, but the dwarf dodges again and sprints away. It is far faster than we are.

It sprints downward into the city proper. With little else to do Tumam stumbles along after it passing other city residents. He reaches the main part of the city filled with animals, traders, artists and criers. Although he was not here a couple of months ago it has dimmed measurably in activity since the heroes came here.
Tumam stumbles down a hallway and sees one of the ant soldiers the ugly dwarf mentioned.

"H-hello" Tumam slurs out
The creature with it's spear in both hands chitters in it's own language at first, but then switches to the dwarven "Greetings. Keep out of trouble, drunk" and keeps walking past him

Tumam stumbles into a storefront on a whim. It seems to be a grocery store of some kind and inside is the same dwarf he saw earlier. Alone.
Tumam stumbles over and punches at it again, but the dwarf dodges and pulls out his iron knife "No more warnings. Gonna butcher and roast you, bird"
The dwarf is substantially more handy at dodging and striking than Tumam, thankfully even after all the traveling he still isn't even a little tired.
Still he can't land a blow and he feels the frustration welling up inside him. He narrowly dodges a knife thrust from the dwarf and Tumam is angry and scared at this dwarf.
In a moment the anger in him wells up and as he lifts his fist to strike him in the nose instead foul energy flares in his chest, flows into his arm and shoots out into the butcher pile.

From the bloody mound of bodies rises a horse, a cat, and a guineahen. They sprint after and surround the dwarf as it screams "AAAAHHH the dead rise!"
The three animals kick, bite and scratch the dwarf who tries to fight valiantly. Finally, it tries to run again, but a swift kick from the horses snaps the bone in it's left leg.
They all remain in a tangle for awhile as Tumam remains shocked by the experience.

Tumam hears sounds outside though, someone is coming, and this dwarf saw him do this. Reacting in a moment Tumam drew the morningstar and crushed the creature's skull in killing it.

Four more dwarves run in a moment after and seeing the undead they all shout, draw their knives and charge.
They are able to kill the animals while Tumam watches drunkely, but not before one more dwarf has his head kicked in by the horse.

The three survivors, panting and injured look from one to the other "The dead have returned" one whispers
Another looks at Tumam "You! did you see where they came from?!"
Tumam shrugs
Another dwarf claps a hand on one's shoulder "Come let us go and tell the general!" He points at the last dwarf "Remain here and see if you can get anything out of the white stork man"

Tumam stood there awkwardly after those two left
This could be bad?

Despite the urgency of the situation Tumam felt a deep blood red desire to continue the work. The one dwarf remaining stared at him with obvious fear. As Tumam approached and drew his weapons the dwarf spoke "It was you, wasn't it? Don't even try it. They'll be back with more of us and you'll only land yourself in a hole attacking me"
Tumam tried it.
The two fought for a long time as Tumam bashed his body again and again with morningstar. Eventually though his weapon got lodged into the dwarf's chest cavity and he was forced to fight with shield only. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't get the weapon back and so he kept beating the dwarf with his shield over and over and over again! He'd block a fist and then bash him again! The dwarf was panting heavily, but Tumam didn't even feel tired.
Finally, he got his morningstar out and beat the dwarf again and again with it. Finally, a sickening crack against his chest as deep bludgeoning damage was dealt directly to the dwarf's heart. The creature punched at Tumam again and again as it weakened.
Tumam no longer fought, only blocked, as he watched the creature swing and swing. Eventually it fell to the ground, but still attempted to punch and scratch at him as it finally died in a pool of it's own blood.

Well, now what? Those other two dwarves are going to get help and we are standing in a very incriminating spot.

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King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - New Game New Rules! Come and Join!
« Reply #273 on: November 30, 2023, 03:03:55 am »

How does he know?
He probably guessed, that's what people at taverns do.

Why are we having trouble speaking? Who is he? Does it even matter?
Do you even know how to talk? He's some guy that just started talking to us. Probably doesn't matter what hey says or does.

The name Cor stands out to us too. Why?
Probably was important to you but not to me as I have no idea who that is.

Is that even good advice for an amnesiac?
Not really, you get rid of that stuff and there won't be anything left in your head.

From the bloody mound of bodies rises a horse, a cat, and a guineahen. They sprint after and surround the dwarf as it screams "AAAAHHH the dead rise!"
It's really convenient that they showed up and attacked that dwarf instead of you, they're also kill stealers, guess it doesn't matter that much since you killed that other guy.

This could be bad?

Well, now what? Those other two dwarves are going to get help and we are standing in a very incriminating spot.
Well it's your mess and you've got to deal with the consequences of your actions, I only said to punch the guy not get dead things top murder him.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - New Game New Rules! Come and Join!
« Reply #274 on: November 30, 2023, 04:11:00 pm »

Glad to see this is still active
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - New Game New Rules! Come and Join!
« Reply #275 on: December 02, 2023, 05:55:27 am »

Glad to see this is still active
Going strong friend! I aim to be in the age of twilight by steam release adventure mode giving us one more age to reach before Fairy Tales!

For now we act as the disembodied voices of a deeply traumatized and powerful historical figure
Also observing the carnage you left behind on your adventure is so cool to follow up on


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - New Game New Rules! Come and Join!
« Reply #276 on: December 02, 2023, 03:34:28 pm »

I have a strange talent for killing goblins in interesting ways. Would love to pick up the save again if you need any help
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - New Game New Rules! Come and Join!
« Reply #277 on: December 08, 2023, 06:03:56 am »

So I keep backup saves in case a save ever gets corrupted. I do not keep copies of saves on other hard drives or websites though which came back to get me.

Had a major hard drive error on my pc so it won’t even boot up. Fortunately my friend has a hard drive reader and he retrieved my files. Also my PC may still be under warranty so it’ll be free to fix if so!

Either way though I’ve been sort of distracted so no update lol

King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - New Game New Rules! Come and Join!
« Reply #278 on: December 09, 2023, 02:04:34 am »

Dang sorry to hear that happened, at least you were able to save your files and can get the computer fixed for free.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - New Game New Rules! Come and Join!
« Reply #279 on: December 10, 2023, 06:08:56 pm »

Yeah sorry to hear that, there are some free softwares you can use to image the drive and explore the image. Might be able to recovery any files you lost.
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - New Game New Rules! Come and Join!
« Reply #280 on: December 15, 2023, 06:56:07 am »

We will press ahead! Thankfully this game isn't hard to run on smaller worlds so I can play on my laptop while the part for my pc comes in.

I have a strange talent for killing goblins in interesting ways. Would love to pick up the save again if you need any help
I'll probably take you up on that! Once dwarves are out I THINK it will become age of twilight.
From there we need to wipe out elves and then clean up any outliers that might be keeping us from entering fairy tales. It will turn into a game of percentages at the end probably!


Tumam stood over the bodies of the disgusting dwarves he murdered. Fear was creeping into him as the entire area outside this room had seemed to go quiet. Everyone knew something terrible had happened, or at least they probably knew!
Do they know?
It was time for a quiet getaway. As Tumam exited the room the hallways were silent although in a distant room he could just make out the quiet mutterings of a dwarf complaining about politics to another listener. Somehow knowing that business was going as usual somewhere brought some calm to the bird.

He reached the stairwell and stared down where it would lead him deeper into the fortress. That was exactly where he shouldn't go, but he felt deep inside that is where he should go. He would have to return at a safer time and knowing this the bird flew upwards up the stairwell and out of the fortress.

It was late evening with the beautiful starlight sky giving him decent vision in the dark and Tumam kept fleeing; as for some reason he did not tire. He also did not understand what he did to those corpses either, although it felt both sickly and satisfying to do.

The bird continued by road for a few hours until he found a strange structure. The architecture was clearly not dwarven and the way the stone was wrought seemed unnatural.

Strewn all about were corpses of strange creatures.
What is this place and what are these things?
Tumam felt strange looking at the corpses and he couldn't explain these feelings
What does he feel?

Once more he felt the power surging from his chest to his arms, although this time it waited for his release, and in this moment Tumam realized he did not have to flee. That he could find his answers still!

His new host surged forward into the strange building where a living monstrosity fought them tooth and nail slaying two.
This beast deeply impressed Tumam with it's savage speed and power. He named it, Liracamoye, GreatestFrenzies and it rose to life as a Wraith instead of a zombie

With his new host he returned to Oarpassionate and on the way they massacred an iguana. "Oh well. I could use a pet" thought Tumam with his mind having developed some small sense of self.

His forces surged in at dawn taking the dwarves by surprise. The king himself was on the surface meeting with religious dignitaries and they held the line well against his forces, but ultimately all fell. Taking a few of his minions with them whose corpses were now beyond raising.
Unfortunate, but the wraith continued to bring great ruin and so Tumam pressed on adding a horse to their forces.

This was a good idea, right?
The stairwell was a nightmare where a goblin warrior was able to fight one zombie at a time and killed Tumam's iguana.
Tumam recognized the goblin's armor. He knew it was important...somehow and somewhere in his ruined mind.

He raised a cat hoping it could replace his newly found and lost iguana and they broke through into the main residential area.
As they broke through a memory returned to Tumam.
I was being held in prison. Here in this city. This city. It was my home, but they put me in prison? Why? The memory won't tell me, yet. But I am chained to the floor staring out into nothing, but darkness. It is always so dark in dwarf homes. Here I will rot forever; That much I do know. Then I hear the tumble and rumble as the lock turns and the loud creaking as my cell opens and torch light floods in. The figure leans it's head in and smiles at me, not the malicious cruel smiles of my captors, but a friendly one. He unlocks my shackles and offers me his hand saying "Come on, Tumb. Let's get out of here".
The memory fades away, but Tumam knows that if he can reach deeper into the city, as he felt he should earlier, he will find more.
Here is where the dwarven counter-attack truly happened.
Dwarves from below, the same place Tumam wished to go, surged from behind as dwarves from the residential area charged his remaining zombies.

Within moments they were cut down and Tumam was surrounded by enraged and bleeding dwarves.
What do we do now? We have no armor and only weapons

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« Last Edit: December 15, 2023, 07:17:28 am by Maloy »

King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - New Game New Rules! Come and Join!
« Reply #281 on: December 16, 2023, 04:49:29 am »

Do they know?
Maybe they know something maybe they know nothing, who's to say.

What is this place and what are these things?
No idea where where we are I've never been here before, and those things are dead and there for not really that interesting.

What does he feel?
He probably feels fear or something, and he should stop that.

This was a good idea, right?
Starting a war with an army of zombies is always a good idea!

What do we do now? We have no armor and only weapons
Maybe it's time to bravely run away.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - New Game New Rules! Come and Join!
« Reply #282 on: December 19, 2023, 06:36:41 am »

Do they know?

Don't underestimate a dwarf's ability to ignore what's going on to focus on their own little problems - like when they get rained on.

What is this place and what are these things?

Insidious and insipid little monsters. Enemies! Although right now they're useful.
Whoever came through here before was formidable

What does he feel?
Disgusting. Our enemies are disgusting to behold.

What do we do now? We have no armor and only weapons
Flee, you fool!
You're too weak and incompetent to fight these creatures!
We need more dead to follow us and you need to train.
Ah! IF only we could find some armor! one poor sword swing and it's over!


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Holiday Special
« Reply #283 on: December 25, 2023, 12:28:23 am »

Every dwarf who lived in Whisperletter loved Dwarfmas

But the Stork man who flew in far from the north, DID NOT!

Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason.

It could be his head wasn't screwed on just right.

It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight.

But I think that the most likely reason of all,

May have been that his head had two other voices in it

Whatever the reason, His heart or his shoes,

He stood there on Christmas Eve, hating the dwarves,

Staring down from his cave with a sour, Bird-like frown,

At the warm lighted windows below in their town.

For he knew every dwarf down in Whisperletter beneath,

Was busy now, hanging a mistletoe wreath.

"And they're hanging their stockings!" he snarled with a sneer,

"Tomorrow is Dwarfmas! It's practically here!"

Then he growled, with his stork feathers nervously drumming,

"I MUST find some way to stop Dwarfmas from coming!"

For Tomorrow, he knew, all the dwarf girls and boys,

Would wake bright and early. They'd rush for their crafts!

"I MUST stop this Dwarfmas from coming! But HOW?"

Then he got an idea! An awful idea!


"I know just what to do!" The white stork laughed in his throat.

and he scurried off to the darkest pits in the land.

That evening 'twas the night before Dwarfmas

and all through the fort,
not a creature was stirring,
not even a cat,
The stockings were hung by the wood furnace with care,
in hopes that St. Urist soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
while visions of plump helmet men danced in their heads.

And Mama in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap.

When out at the gate there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.

Away to the window I flew like a flash,
tore open the shutter, and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
gave the lustre of midday to objects below,

when, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but an ungodly horde of all manner of dead.

With a giant mayfly, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be the end.

More rapid than eagles, his hordes they came,
and he whistled and shouted and declared our doom:
"Now Dgoblins! Now Dwarfs!
Now Elves and Marmots!
On skeletons!
On Zombies!
On abandoned dead!
To the top of the fort!
To the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away!
Dash away all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
when they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky
so, too, did the gates fly from the press of the horde

Dwarf and goblin did barricade doors,
bonds of brotherhood formed,
from simple state of breathing

Undead brotherhood surged,
Tested against bonds of living hearts,

But this eve life faltered
and a mad stork laughed

'Twas the night before Dwarfmas
and all through the fort,
not a creature was stirring,
not even a cat.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
Proper write up eventually, but Dwarfmas did not go well for the world of Adelaathira haha although we are closer to Fairy Tales

King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - New Game New Rules! Come and Join!
« Reply #284 on: December 27, 2023, 05:43:47 am »

That's a thing of beauty you've made.

Also hope you had a merry Christmas.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?
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