Winter2nd Moonstone, 111Brave miner Urist Kelamud takes on squad of fish. Sadly does not survive…
4th Moonstone, 111Gems not being cut, look into issue. Find grave of Tonnot XCVIII, looks like died two years ago… Nickname not respected on memorial slab for some reason, maybe engraver had grudge.
Will assign replacements, some novices, hopefully will not mess up gems…
7th Moonstone, 111SYPIAC, previous overseer tried to wrestle fish in water, another overseer falls… Dangerous times…
No… Even mother was killed by fish…
Fish must be dealt with. Too many marching to death. Maybe problem is civilian access to fish tree… Archery pillar marksdwarves are slow but effective, different solution takes time too… Fish tree is too fortified for melee solution anyway, surrounded by water and high up. Will try cut off outside access to tree…
True problem reveals self. Path to tree is now blocked by other tree, workers cannot get back to fortress. Fish are using advanced tree tactics, truly despicable…
11th Moonstone, 111Marksdwarf Tekkud, blinded by rage, climbs into tree, but thousand fish attack is too powerful.
Tree cannot be cut, trunk is in water. But what if… Cut stone instead…
16th Moonstone, 111Plan is in motion, to cut away roots of trees, should solve tree problem.
19th Moonstone, 111Plan has failed, roots go to sides as well, cannot dig out roots without flooding mining area…
New plan. Very simple this time. Will dig above tree, drop magma down chute, magma burns down tree, maybe fish also.
2nd Opal, 111Fish are deploying advanced counterattack! Must have heard plan, set cavern door on fire!

Advanced fish tactics.

Posted guards barely escape.
But no… There was half squad posted at cavern entrance to guard against fish. Would have noticed fish attack… Sabotage?
4th Opal, 111Burnt corpses showing up in fortress… Advanced fish biochemical weapon? Would explain fire at door… No need to show self if transmitted with air…
6th Opal, 111More dead, no flames this time. Hopefully just… Old age? Heart condition? Have to get to bottom of this…
Ah, fellow scholar with screams of pain! Entire left hand is melted already!
No… No, no, no no no…
Too late, glove is fused with hand… A terrible death…
16th Opal, 111Rest of burning clothes found and forbidden. No more burnt corpses reported. About eight people died from hot fashion… Eelsucker… Clever brute… But production cannot stop, most other cloth was already sold to humans and dwarves… Every dwarf is already wearing some Eelsucker silk clothes. No, simply more caution in the future.
19th Opal, 111After trouble with miners getting scared, magma chute is done. Tree bursts in glorious flame!
But even as tree burns and branches are dropping, more fish are coming. No matter, all will burn!
As tree continues to collapse, fish try to escape.
Fish are not so fearsome on dry land. Tree still stands, barely, so next magma spill is scheduled. Yes, age of fish will soon end.
5th Obsidian, 111More magma was dropped, but tree is already burnt, no flames this time… Maybe a pump is needed, something for next overseer to consider.
More fish arrive, tree still stands, situation is same as when started…
8th Obsidian, 111Spothrib arrives, right next to fish tree.
But dies in seconds…
20th Obsidian, 111Angry ghosts now… Luckily not too battered. Slab will be engraved.
Engineer Oddom makes artifact, with sheep wool… Understandable hesitation to use Eelsucker silk…
1st Granite, 112New year comes again. Overseer position will be passed on. Good, so many failures, maybe not fit to be overseer...
Was thinking of leaving fortress during last months, due to many mistakes as overseer. But no, too cowardly.
Have to stay. Responsible thing to do. Have to suffer own consequences. And... Cannot leave mother... Have to bury, at least.
Yep, turns out Eelsucker silk is magmaproof. Truly a flawless material 
so you're saying, with enough patience, we could construct a magma-proof suit?
who volunteers for testing
Well you kind of got your wish, the clothes are magma proof, but the dwarves wearing them are not.
So the next step is replacing all skin with Eelsucker silk and seeing if that fixes it

What a story with the clothes eh? Turns out that it might be good that clothes normally burn.
Could also just check that your glove isn't full of magma before putting it on, but I guess that isn't dwarfy enough.
At least the clothiers aren't angry about lost masterworks...
But the silk is still flawless! It's just that flawed beings might struggle to wear it (and survive) sometimes.
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