A dreary locale, minimal décor, and a simple table and pair of seats. Sydia wasn't a room designer, but she didn't have a high opinion of places such as this. Places with not a shred of creativity; focused entirely on function over style. But, she had no room to complain, not anymore. Her bound wrists spoke the truth about that.
Still, as Sydia sat in her seat, she couldn't help but glance at the wall: Specifically the one where she knew her captors were watching her. Yet again, they had brought her here for what she could only assume was another set of questioning. As if she hadn't been completely clear with her answers. They asked who she had killed, where she had killed them... Everything that was needed to make a fool proof case against her. And she had answered honestly: After all, it was unbecoming of her to lie. She had nothing to be ashamed of anyway.
After all, she was merely pursuing her craft.
The sudden opening of a door jolted Sydia from her thoughts, her eyes instantly snapping towards the door, while the rest of her body remained eerily motionless... At least, before she tilted her head in confusion, based entirely off of the woman's looks, uniform, and introduction, "This is new" she said bluntly, bringing up her bound hands and resting them on the table in front of her, "I had expected another questioner, not a fair General. May I ask what this sudden work offer is for, Miss Rayze?"