Dwarf Fortress > DF Adventure Mode Discussion



How do I get more arrows?  I've been to many human towns and none of them sold arrows.  I've also been to many elven and dwarven towns without seeing merchants.  Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough.  Help?

Toady One:
For now you'll have to take them from people and critters that don't want to give them to you, or scrounge them from the dead.

Good to know.  I guess I'll just throw things instead for now.

I have noticed though, that throwing bolts and arrows seems to be as damaging as firing them, and they don't break when thrown!Bolts/arrows are darts to me.

yes, and sometimes, thrown arrows(or other weapons?) will show a "shot and killed" message.  :eek: BTW, a legendary thrower is also quite deadly, I used to kill a minotaur with only small rock pieces.


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