Good idea on the popcap. nothing hurts succession games more than when they become unplayably laggy!
Welcome to Locktorch. Thickly wooded lowlands, near a hillside. No doubt minerals underneath our boots.

Doren, the Miner, gets to work chopping the sod into makeshift stairs, leading down into the bedrock layers. Olon, the Woodworker, cuts down an ample swath of trees with surprising alacrity. All manner of small critters and birds are disturbed by the felling, but there is plenty of forest to go around. At least, for now.
Dumat, the Fisherdwarf, comments about the lack of flowing water. After some struggle he pulls a miniscule pond turtle out from one of the murky pools. He is disappointed his skills will not be of much use.

Iron ore is struck soon after the digging begins, making Asob our Metalcrafter very happy indeed. He begins burning charcoal in a topside furnace.
Etur the Planter is busy gathering edibles from the forest undergrowth. Avuz, our expedition leader, helps with this.

The stone is layered as follows: first Chert, then Siltstone, followed by lignite-rich Limestone and then Rock Salt below that. The dwarves have yet to dig any deeper.
Two migrants arrived that summer, an engraver named Tholtig and a stonecrafter named Lokum. Work continued on the moat, and muddy work it was.

Late summer was spent constructing the palisade, and harvesting wild berries. As autumn arrived we began thinking about the coming trade caravans. Luckily, the year had been spent making small wooden figurines whenever possible, and these might go for a fair amount with the mountainhome dwarves.

Caverns... almost ruined my plans. But we worked with stone blocks to plug the gaps in the new, grand dining hall.

The expedition leader Avuz caught a glimmer in his eye. He demanded silk, but we had none, and the caverns had no natural spiders present, and so no webs to harvest. He screamed all winter before going berserk in the spring, where he was cut down by one of the miners.

Udil the Gem Cutter gave birth to a girl, that spring, along with Monom the Blacksmith. Udil was married to Urist the Herbalist, while Monom was paired with Lor the Lye Maker (and baby maker, apparently. . .)

Then , a different Udil, a human, and an evil one, coming for our amulet, the first artifact, a very important object, the crossbow strikes the miner recruit in the lung, but quickly they retaliate with a swing of the pick... trading lung for lung the battle is on!!

Udil quickly died after the dwarves dogpiled him and choked him to death. A foul, jealous creature indeed. The first of many?
From that year onward, time passed quickly as work was completed. Hauling, smoothing, digging, organizing. Many many bars of iron were made and turned into steel, however I had little chance to direct the dwarves to turn this steel into useful goods - that will fall to my successor.
A little bat, doomed by the cat's claw:
In winter, the moat freezes over:
Autumn colors!
A road lined with cinnabar statues leads away from the moat and palisade:
A large amount of rather unremarkable artifacts were created, about eight total. Those that were small enough were place on a pedestal in a vault, whereas the furniture sized pieces (a pig iron sarcophagus, a copper hatch, and a wooden statue) were all placed in the center of the grand dining hall, for later use elsewhere if need be.
Three years have passed since I started. The population stands at 37 and the dwarves are generally content, though four of them are showing signs of depression. The fortress is steady in terms of food and supplies, and there is little violence to speak of as the caverns are closed off. We have reports of rat creatures lurking below and so would rather avoid that mess.
The elves, the humans, and of course the mountainhome have all sent caravans.
save here: final overview of the lower fortress: