the 17th of Slate, in the year 8
Dumat Ganglabors uncovered the second cavern layer
a cavern filled with water
One week later a forgotten beast arrived

Fortunately, it was well separated from the dwarves, and wandered the first cavern slaughtering rodent men.
Cutting down logs in the walls of the tavern caused a cave-in, leading to the unfortunate demise of Woodworker Olon Ekastkubuk.
On the 14th of Hematite, a group of human merchants arrived. Upon discussion with the Merchants Guild Liaison, we requested Hens and Roosters, as well as various types of sand. In exchange they indicated a desire for shields/bucklers and prepared meals. Meanwhile, a hidden project was underway…
On the 20th of Hematite we discovered the 3rd cavern layer, and quickly sealed off the flooded cavern.
16th of Malachite, a migrant wave, bringing our popualtion to 47.
19th of Malachite, warm stone located at floor -63, praise the miners!
Progress is underway!

The matchmaking suite has been built and lavishly appointed! For the glory of Thaklitast!

The 13th of Limestone, year 8:
12th of sandstone, year 8
Migrants have arrived, rounding our population at 50. No more shall arrive, save those born in the village.
15th of Timber, HFS spoiler
Doren releases an Armadillo Clown. He is slain, but not before heavily wounding the Thing and bravely locking it away behind a hatch. The evil is contained… for now.
26th of Moonstone. It is complete. It shall serve as our barracks. Perhaps later we shall put it to a use of grander design.

15th slate year 9, the Forgotten Beast Necate arrives. A being composed of flame, the first cavern layer is set alight. It engages in a great battle with Zekrim, who has killed two other forgotten beasts who entered his territory. This battle proves to be a stalemate, as the nickel giant cannot hurt that which is incorporeal, and the flames do little against Zekrim’s metal body.
On the 14th of Limestone, year 10, the outpost liaison Minkot Dastotelis offers Locktorch an opportunity to baronship. Naturally we accept, recommending Melbil our Expedition Leader to the position.
By the 20th of moonstone year 10, Zekrim’s battle with Necate has ended. The fire snail is nowhere to be found, and Zekrim’s kills do not count her amongst his number. Whence she went, only Armok knows.
One by one the monster hunters are expelled, as they serve no purpose in our humble barony.
As the winter of 10 arrives and the moat freezes over, we take a moment to reflect on our achievements. A doctors guildhall has been constructed, as well as the establishment of a healthy chicken flock. Many new artifacts have been made, and our strong militia has contacted and received tribute from a number of neighboring civilizations. Locktorch is now a barony, and her halls overflow with drink and food. Our defenses are stronger than ever, with a trio of ballistae overseeing the bridge. Deep in the depths
clowns still lurk, and adamantium calls.
Dynasty ended 17th Obsidian, year 10.