1st Hematite, year 15
It is my turn to rule Locktorch, and honestly this is a beautiful fortress. For all of its eccentricities, all craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality!
My goals are to make a nice library with a supply chain, engrave stuff, improve logistics and efficiency, and maybe make a drowning chamber.
It seems to me that many miscarriages of justice have occurred here at Locktorch. To allow more to occur, I have designated an unused space as a dungeon. Prisoners shall have very fine beds and steel chains to look at, and a well engraved floor!
I notice that Dumat Ganglabors was accused of the murder of Ume Nesefuri in the year of 12 (Human), and a LOT of disorderly conduct. But he has good skills, and I like him. So I pin the murder on Ume, and the disorderly conduct on guests i don't like. I've ordered Dumat's room to be engraved, and some nice new furniture. Maybe that will fix his mood. Everyone is happy!

Dumat actually seems more angry now. But he will thank me later.
Noticing a bizarre lack of shoes, I have decided to make shoes for everyone! Everyone deserves a shoe. At least one.
This is a scary FB. I'm glad the caves are sealed.

Before long he is joined by many more.
Seeing we have a Legendary Engraver, Tholtig Bodicecites, i have decided to start engraving some of the residential spaces. This will boost dwarf moods, allowing them to suffer more stress than ever before.
I'm going to start up that new library, and the book industry for it. It will probably take a while, buti t will be fun to document our fortress with books!
The tavern keeper has been found dead. He was beaten as punishment for Attacking a duck, and managed to make it to bed before dying from unknown causes, probably blood loss. Rest in peace Onget Postcoppers, I will pin crimes like that on humans next time. His replacement will hopefully not assault customers.
First artifact, and a pretty cool one! It has a picture of the Baron on it.

To address the issue of so many dwarves being sad about not having a place to pray in, I opened up the The Bronze Temple to all faiths.
I have noticed that there are a lot fewer acts of random violence now that I've engraved violent peoples' homes. I guess the moral of the story is to reward violence.
At the suggestion of one of the forum users, and the consent of Our Lord Chicken, I have raised the population cap to 70 to allow for even more fun! Also I really do think we need the labor force.
The first foreign scholar has visited on the 19th of Opal. The first during my rule, at least. I hope many more will follow.
The elves have come to tell me not to cut down trees. They don't understand the meaning of industry. In response I commissioned the following statue to make myself feel better:

Suddenly there are a lot of chickens everywhere. I don't know why.

I have set up special stockpiles for high quality goods to be decorated with gems. I got tired of them decorating half-broken socks. These feed into a single jeweler workshop, which decorates stuff indefinitely, and can only be used by our best gem setter. This should generate an absurd amount of wealth for the fortress going forward.
To celebrate me being in charge for an entire year, an Ettin has decided to attack! No doubt drawn to our massive wealth that I have been building. I have put high quality engravings on every home, and the most trafficked areas. I have also set up traffic to prefer these pretty areas, to make people more happy.

The Ettin is easily Killed by Nod Abpalon. But Nod Abpalon keeps tantruming and murdering people after killing the Ettin (trauma??). I gave him a new dining room and am putting him to work training, maybe he will stop?

I have created a drowning chamber, the ultimate defense against invaders. Now we could provoke the human nations, and mine the precious humanite! The drowning chamber locks enemies inside, and fills itself with water. There is an exterior lock so that you can lock their entire army in without the entire thing being in the chamber, they will still go forward to attack a chicken on a rope. The water can be dumped into the caverns, or recycled. It could use a few improvements, and is a little crude. But hopefully, if any of my successors face a siege, they will find it handy.
It works and is effective… but the steam version of dwarf fortress doesn't show water on top of drawbridges ☹️. There are ways to improve it, like increasing the throughput of the water, or making a smaller chamber if this one turns out to be too big.

I have successfully bred hundreds of chickens. We love chickens.
Our first books have been written! And what's more, they're writing about Locktorch. The Iron-Library is complete! Along with a book production chain.

Nod Continues to be a murdering maniac. At this point, there is only one course of action, and that is death. I nicknamed him after myself, to mark my failure for future generations. Here is his final rap sheet:

3 Years in, and I just saw my first goblin visitor. I figured they were extinct from their absence!
I have completed my goals, and it's time for me to retire, on the 5th of Sandstone, Year 18. Some Dwarves have died, mostly homocide and insanity from moods, but the important things are the death machines we made along the way. Thank you all for this experience, you have all made amazing things in this fortress, and I hope that I have left it a little better than I found it.

If nothing else, I managed to increase the value of the fort, so future turns will have more !!FUN!!

Note to my successor:
Kill some of these chickens. There are SO MANY. We also don't need as many scholars as I assigned. I've set up a lot of work orders, because I like to automate my forts. They should be alright, though the messages get annoying. Good Luck!
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