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Author Topic: Temples, Religions, and Religious Needs: Questions and Clarifications  (Read 612 times)


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile

I'm starting this thread to ask for clarification on some of the intricacies of temple locations and dwarves fulfilling or not fulfilling their religious needs in Fort Mode, because after googling some and looking at the relevant wiki pages, I've either found sparse or contradictory information on a couple of topics. I figure that you, the forum denizens, probably have a very accurate and full picture of how the system works.

Firstly, I've noticed that temple locations can be dedicated not only to a specific diety, but also to a specific sect/cult/religion. What's the distinction between dedicating a temple to a diety vs to a sect which worships that diety? Is it useful to dedicate seperate temples? I believe I've seen a sect member have the thought 'felt zealous performing the rites of [religion name] in an improperly dedicated temple' when in a diety-specified temple. Is that thought not as good or as satisfying?

Secondly, pathing issues. I know that dwarves value proximity very highly during their free time activities. If, for example, a dwarf worships multiple dieties in a fortress with multiple diety-specific temples, will they habitually favor the closest relevant temple, causing unmet needs for worshiping the other dieties? Will a dwarf favor a closer undedicated temple over a more distant dedicated temple, thus resulting in weaker thoughts? Are there other pathing issues to be aware of re:multiple temple forts? What does this imply for placement of multiple temple locations?

Thirdly, I've noticed in one of my games that dwarves with two dieties will worship both dieties at different times in an undedicated temple, but this will only ever fulfill the need for one of the dieties. In the needs tab, it will say 'badly distracted after being unable to pray to [Diety A]' and also 'Unfettered after communing with [Diety B].' This results in that dwarf constantly having the purple 'Pray to Diety A' task in their free time, significantly slowing their response time and preventing them from making friends in the meeting hall/dining area. Why does this occur? What can be done to fulfill each of their diety needs?
« Last Edit: August 19, 2023, 01:12:27 pm by NPK »


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Temples, Religions, and Religious Needs: Questions and Clarifications
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2023, 12:51:59 am »

Firstly, I've noticed that temple locations can be dedicated not only to a specific diety, but also to a specific sect/cult/religion. What's the distinction between dedicating a temple to a diety vs to a sect which worships that diety? Is it useful to dedicate seperate temples? I believe I've seen a sect member have the thought 'felt zealous performing the rites of [religion name] in an improperly dedicated temple' when in a diety-specified temple. Is that thought not as good or as satisfying?

When you get a petition to build a temple, the petition is always from the members of a particular religion (what you call a “sect/cult/religion”).  They expect you to dedicate the temple to the religion that they belong to (and not directly to the deity).  If you need help remembering which religion’s members made the petition, then I suggest that you take a look at the list-agreements command in DFHack.

Thirdly, I've noticed in one of my games that dwarves with two dieties will worship both dieties at different times in an undedicated temple, but this will only ever fulfill the need for one of the dieties. In the needs tab, it will say 'badly distracted after being unable to pray to [Diety A]' and also 'Unfettered after communing with [Diety B].' This results in that dwarf constantly having the purple 'Pray to Diety A' task in their free time, significantly slowing their response time and preventing them from making friends in the meeting hall/dining area. Why does this occur? What can be done to fulfill each of their diety needs?

This is a well-known bug.
Really hoping somebody puts this in their signature.