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Author Topic: Artifact Disposition (updated)  (Read 345 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Artifact Disposition (updated)
« on: October 05, 2023, 03:34:08 am »

I propose that dwarves that produce artifacts should receive either good or bad thoughts depending on what you do with those artifacts.

The dwarves wishes should be made apparent when the artifact is made:

1.  The dwarf claims the item as a family heirloom (see note1):

         The dwarf will attempt to either wear the artifact, wield the artifact, or place it in an owned room (or a container in such a room).            You can also build or display the artifact in a room that is owned by the dwarf.

2.  The dwarf offers the artifact to <site government>:

        The dwarf expects the artifact to either be built or displayed somewhere in the fortress, or you can also assign the artifact to a noble or a member of the militia or the fortress guard. (see note2)

3.  The dwarf offers the artifact to <civ government>:

        This one is a little more complex:

            If you are not the capital or mountainhome, then the dwarf expects you to offer (not sell!) the artifact to the next dwarven caravan from your civ that comes along.

            If you are the capital or the mountainhome, then they expect you to either build the artifact in a room owned by a civilization level noble, or they expect you to assign the item to such a noble.

note1:  I really don't see the practical difference between this and the dwarf simply claiming the artifact for themselves...

*note2:  I'm considering splitting this up into multiple categories.  Possible having different categories for "use" by fortress level nobles and militia/guard.

Edit:  Forum software seems to have posted while I was only halfway through writing the suggestion...
« Last Edit: October 05, 2023, 03:40:21 am by A_Curious_Cat »
Really hoping somebody puts this in their signature.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Artifact Disposition (updated)
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2023, 11:50:25 am »

Off the bat, there are some existing interactions. Having it stolen, or demanded in parley applies negative moodlets as you'd expect, even if its a treasure of the site because it's been transferred out of your site government's grasp like you mention in example 3. I am interested in hearing about your thoughts about dwarves applying some pressure to put them on display, perhaps feeling indignant that the will of the fortress or specific nobles have put it especially out of reach, a bit like alcohol withdrawal.

Dwarves already store their family heirlooms inside boxes/chests/coffers in their personal abodes if they can.

You can say the same about other things, one neat interaction I didn't realise until i poked around in modding, is that all elven force believers know that a titan has been felled and the news makes them sad to hear about it (it could well be connected to their civ desires to see the natural places).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Artifact Disposition (updated)
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2023, 11:24:28 am »

all elven force believers know that a titan has been felled and the news makes them sad to hear about it (it could well be connected to their civ desires to see the natural places).
huh, wow, that’s really neat
and the quadriplegic toothless vampire killed me effortlessly after that
bool IsARealBoy = false
dropping clothes to pick up armor and then dropping armor to pick up clothes like some sort of cyclical forever-striptease
if a year passes, add one to age; social experiment