==The Community Monsters Pack==
version 3
Welcome welcome!
This here little mod is just an itty bitty pack containing a couple creatures from some well-known (at least at thier time,) Succession Forts in Dwarf Fortress's bygone ages. This isn't really some major de facto overhaul like say, Teh LOLmod or huge sweeping addons like ZM5's output. Instead, these creatures often served as a major gimmick to their forts and often appeared in otherwise only very lightly to moderately modded games.
The current contents are compatible with v47.05 and v50.xx, but lack graphics support. If there's a volunteer out there willing to make them (or teach me how graphics work,) they may be added at a later time.
Currently the pack has modules featuring the following. Documentation will follow, which can also be found in their readme files included with the modules.
- Spawn of Holistic of 40d's Syrupleaf and 34.11's Spearbreakers fame, and includes weapons and variants that were meant for the sequel-that-never-was.
- The Nothings of 31.25's Nomekast, along with an alternate version referred to as Pulsates instead.
- Sankites, directly inspired by Sankis the Mad of v.23a's Boatmurdered!, as well as the various depictions of evil dwarves in other mods and the chaos dwarfs of Warhammer.
- House Frogs, taken from Mr Frog directly as an alternative to cats! Ribbit.
- Mugbots, inspired by the mug-related shanigans of Spearbreakers.
- War Mules, the ability to train mules and donkeys for battle derived from v31.25 era's Matul Remrit/Bravemule. Trumpet was the good mule.
- Pearl Iron, a material inspired by the story of Mong Kima. Better than normal iron, worse than steel.
- Blood of Nemo and Nemotium, said to be the material essence of a dwarven champion from Headshoots.
This adds Three (technically four) variants of that hated, twisted creature.
- Spawn of Holistic: the civ-level version that will try to steal your shit and come to kill your people. They set up in fortresses (presumably ones they destroyed,) and are lead by hive kings and queens. The things also breed like crazy.
- Wild Spawn: Displayed as Spawn of Holistic in-game, as there is no functional difference between them and their organized brethren. They can be found roaming all through the caverns and in smaller numbers above ground.
- Greater Spawn: a wild creature found in cavern 3. Large, cruel, and hungry for dwarven blood.
- Uberspawn: Demon spawn who are the largest and meanest of thier kind found in hell itself.
Dwarves are susceptible to Spawnitis/Spawn fever, a condition that is caused by suffering a skin-breaking bite much like a werebeast curse. For other races, the danger they pose is purely from thier raw physical might. To be killed they need to be pulped, bisected, or have their obsidian hearts damaged in some way.
I've made very minor description changes, but they are otherwise simply up-to-date variants of the Spawn used in Spearbreakers.
Weapons based on the failed succession fortress of Spearbreakers and the ability to craft novelty and oversized mug items for export. These weapons are the following and exclusive.
Motoraxe: A one-handed axe with the slashing surface of a great axe.
Motorsword: It's basically a generic chainsword, comparable to a longsword.
Fighting Mug: A mug-shaped beating implement.
Mug-hammer: A warhammer with a larger impact and velocity modifier, the head of which is stylized to resemble a fist grasping a mug.
Two-handed Mug-hammer: A two-handed version of the mug-hammer.
=Ranged and Ammo=
Disc Launcher: A shoulder-fired crossbow that fires ammo versions of large serrated discs.
Mug Launcher: A shoulder-fired pneumatic launcher resembling a mixture of a rocket launcher and a mug that fires overly long novelty airfoil mugs.
Mug Bow: A crossbow that fires airfoil mugs at damaging velocities.
=Other stuff=
Novelty Mug and Oversized Novelty Mug: Various decorative and silly mugs of different shapes and their comically long cousins as export items, produced in sets of three at the craftsman workshop.
Greater and Uberspawn as well as free-roaming regular spawn along with the weapons were slated to appear in a sequel fort that never got off the ground, sad to say.
The Nothings of the community story fort Nomekast, "Godsaved."
For simplicity's sake, winged and standard Nothings have been merged into a single creature.
The Classic Nothings retain their original name, insane population size and description, though their cluster number has been trimmed to something a little less performance intensive, they have a proper creature tile in ASCII (rather than a void) and they can be found everywhere as a perpetual plague on the land due to their functionally infinite numbers.
The Pulsates are modified to be more reasonable in some areas, but fiercer in others having a fanged bite attack and changes to their size, description and different tile. They can also be found both above and below ground. They are also numerous, but not functionally infinite, meaning one could theoretically engage in a war of extermination against the Pulsates in a given area by simply killing a few thousand of them.
Please note that these creatures are not designed to be used together.
The Sankites are a race of evil dwarves inspired by a combination of Sankis the Mad of Boatmurdered fame and the Chaos Dwarfs (or Dawi'zharr if you prefer,) of Warhammer Fantasy.
They have attributes similar to dwarves with a few exceptions: They have higher endurance on average, but worse intuition and creativity and next to no empathy compared to an average dwarf. They also tend to have hair that is black or shades of gray.
Their religious spheres are also expanded by contrast, including four additional spheres.
- Death
- War
- Fire
- Thralldom
Their noble titles are different.
- Viscounts: Equivalent to Barons or human Petty Lords if using SVE.
- Margaves: Equivalent to Counts or human Lords if using SVE.
- Archdukes: Equivalent to Dukes or human High Lords if using SVE.
- Overseers: The rulers of their societies bear the title of Overseer.
They also have their own equipment, listed below.
!!WARNING!! As dwarves, they have access to steel and other materials available to dwarves if using SVE. As such they will often be *extremely* heavily armored, necessitating high quality arms and armor and good training to defeat their melee fighters in direct confrontations.
- Faceless Helm: A great helm with a flat face and only small holes to see through.
- Slit Helm: Same as the above with a narrow slit instead.
- Tusked Helm: A helmet fashioned to resemble an elephant's skull
- Apeskull Helm: A helmet fashioned to resemble a mandrill skull
- Dogskull Helm: A helmet fashioned to resemble a dog's skull
- Chimney helm: A tall helmet with a lit torch in the top.
- Tapered Chimney Helm: The same but tapers to a slight point.
- Spiked helms: Chimney, Slit, standard and faceless helms but spiker and therefore eviler. Spiked helms are also available to goblins.
- Smelter's Helm: Basically a welder's mask. Furnace Helms are also available to dwarves and humans.
- Shardmail: Sankite scale armor with rough scales designed to resemble rough tusk-based scales or lamellae. Protects the body and upper limbs.
- Sharmail Leggings: sturdy shardmail pants. Can think og them as lamellar greaves.
- Gore-tusk Gorget: Cape-slot item, basically a heavy collar that resembles a pair of elephant tusks.
- Ape-rib Breastplate: Breastplate designed to resemble mandrill ribs.
- Pyre Pauldrons: Cape slot item consisting of pauldrons with small torches attached.
- Steam Pack: A cape-slot item that only protects half the torso (meant to be the back.) A boiler carried around whose sole purposes is generating clouds of steam trailing the wearer.
- Ember Pack: The same as a steam pack, but for smoke.
- Slab Shield: A large tower shield.
- Slab Armor: Thick, bulk plate armor of shoddy make (Boatmurdered wasn't exactly known for its quality smiths.) Doesn't provide full coverage due to the large gaps between plates for articulation.
- Dogtooth Mace: A shittier morningstar, being stylized to look like a metal rod with dog's teeth for spikes.
- Tusk Maul: A chunk of metal shaped into an elephant's tusk.
- Snakefang Dagger: A dagger designed to look like a snake man's fang.
- Femur Maul: A two-handed hammer designed to look like an elephant's thigh bone.
- Dogbone Mace: A mace designed to look like a dog's thigh bone.
- Dwarfskull Mace: Comes in standard and burning versions. A mace with a striking head stylized to look like a dwarf's skull.
- Pyreglaive: A long-barreled musket with a long slashing blade built into the front end for close combat.
- Hailstorm Blunderbuss: A blunderbuss with ammo designed to sever limbs rather than pierce armor.
If using SVE, they will also have access to a large proportion of the same gear and the same materials standard dwarves have access to, with the exception of crown gold.
Adds a 'race' of rogue, drink-dispensing robots made of countless mugs. They steal children (presumably to serve as unwilling customers,) and will assault your fortress in summer and winter, with intent to forcibly administer their thirst-quenching beverages.
Obviously these are not meant to be taken remotely seriously.
Adds a froggy alternative to cats for pest control. Nothing more, nothing less.
Originally made by Mr Frog for v42.04, ported to v50.xx by Splint.
Inspired by the dwarves of Matul Remrit, this mod simply allows mules and donkeys to be trained for battle. This could potentially result in somewhat sillier invasions as they bring herds of war asses to help kick you to death, but I thought it worth including for fun.
In addition to being trainable as war animals, they have also been given innate discipline (4) so they're much less likely to flee from enemies.
The mod's sole outlier at present, Pearl Iron is a type of steel made using shells or bones in place of flux stone, developed by the humans of Mong Kima in their (futile) efforts to uncover the secret of dwarven steel.
Pearl iron can be produced using either 5 bones or 3 shells and two bars of iron, and two fuel at a smelter. The idea is that while the humans're on the right track, they don't quite know the right ratio of materials and have settled for this result instead of trying in vain to learn the secret of steel from the dwarves, as it's still an upgrade over standard iron.
This material is thus only available to humans.
For reference, the recipe in plain listing is as follows
- Either 5 bone or 3 shell
- 2 iron bars
- 2 coal or coke (one fuel one extra)
- Yield is 2 Pearl Iron bars.
This module adds a pair of new materials in the form of the Blood of Nemo and its refined form, Nemotium.
There is something of an implied folklore around the final duel between Nemo and Holistic Detective in the great and bloody climax of Headshoots, and now the blood spilled upon the land when the detective took his life speckles it in forgotten spaces, granting those who find it a measure of his martial prowess in the form a potent metal.
Nemotium can only be refined by dwarves and will never be brought for trade, though its raw form might sometimes appear in caravans due to its value (as other races have no use for this weird red rock other than making shiny red statuary.) It requires coal, be it for added fuel or to perhaps give it substance again, but the refining process yields 8 bars.
It can be used to make most things aside from ammunition, as it's far too precious to waste that way (and Nemo was a swordsdwarf, not some namby pamby marksdwarf.)
It's strongly advised this metal only be handled by veteran smiths able to ensure exceptional or masterwork quality, as the mineral only has a 5% chance of spawning in naturally-formed obsidian.
v1 - Initial Release
Added the following creatures, items and inorganics
- Spawn of Holistic (Origin: Syrupleaf)
- Spearbreakers Sequel Weapon Pack (Origin: Spearbreakers)
- Nothings/Pulsates (Origin: Nomekast)
v2 - Mugbots, Mules and Mad Dwarves update
Bug fixes
- Fixed some erroneous entries in the serrated disc launcher ammo.
Added the following creatures, items and inorganics
- Sankites (Origin: Boatmurdered/inspired by many variations of evil dwarves, with custom weapons and armor.)
- Pearl Iron (Origin: Mong Kima)
- War Mules (Origin: Matul Remrit, AKA Bravemule)
- House Frogs (Origin: Mr Frog)
- Mugbots (Origin: Spearbreakers)
Changes from v1
- Spearbreakers Weapon Pack split from Spawn of Holstic modules.
- Spawn of Holsitic Modules appropriately truncated to two versions, one with roaming wild spawn and one without.
- More clearly marked all modules with 'Community Monsters,' 'Community Materials,' or 'Community Items.' Internally they're marked as CM Race, Items, Materials or Creatures (or edit, as is the case with War Mules.)
New in v3 - Graphical Monsters Update
- Minor description changes to Pulsates and Spawn of Holistic.
- Graphical Support added for Spawn of Holistic and their variants!
- Graphical Support added for Pulsates and Nothings! No caste-level graphics yet though for the winged pulsates.
Added the following Inorganics
- Blood of Nemo and Nemotium: An incredibly rare and powerful metal, only able to be smelted by dwarves into useable metal. Nemotium is equivalent to Orichalcum, in effectiveness and value, while bearing a deep red coloration. Bear the blood of the great champion well, for it can only be found in naturally formed deposits of obsidian rarely and in single clusters.
Blood of Nemo in other words has a 5% chance of appearing in Obsidian formed naturally, and requires an additional unit of coal to extract it at a smelter, but you get 8 bars of Nemotium from it - nearly enough to fully kit out a single dwarf, assuming you eschew a breastplate and use mail leggings instead of greaves. It can be used to make most things, but not ammunition, as it's simply too precious to waste in such a fashion.
Inspired by the implied folklore of Nemo's duel against Holistic Detective in Syrupleaf.
Please let me know if everything's working! While I have playtested these creatures in the past and run basic arena tests, it's entirely possible there's a typo or a missed entity tag or something in there somewhere that got overlooked.
You can download the mod here.
The following races are planned for the future.
Mountain Barbarians (Spearbreakers)
Scythods (spearbreakers)
Manamaids (Sparbreakers)
I'd like to extend a very special thanks to a handful of people, those being Mr Frog and Nakeen (who kept the spawn up to date over time, even if they're seemingly long-gone,) Hugo the Dwarf for helping with troubleshooting bugs, and ZM5 for the same as well as updating the nothings to work with the present popular releases of v47.05 and v50.xx.
And a very special thanks to Enemy Post, who allowed the Spawn and Nothings to gain graphics that they've never had.