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Author Topic: Israel-Gaza/Palestine war thread  (Read 30927 times)

Loud Whispers

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Re: Israel-Gaza/Palestine war thread
« Reply #45 on: December 10, 2023, 09:17:12 am »


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Re: Israel-Gaza/Palestine war thread
« Reply #46 on: December 10, 2023, 09:49:40 am »

And what human alive would tolerate being treated like Jews were treated on Oct 7? Sorry, some restrained topless men don't impress me after all the footage I have seen both from Israel and Ukraine. It is A WAR. Don't apply peacetime logic and morals to it.
They ought to be pitied! They are already on a course for self-destruction! They do not need help from us. We need to redress our wounds, help our people, rebuild our cities!


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Re: Israel-Gaza/Palestine war thread
« Reply #47 on: December 10, 2023, 09:53:24 am »

A much better way to kill them all off would have been to make them all get 30 years of education and given them all smartphones and social media instead.

They have(had) smartphones and social media and universities and stuff. By no means rich, with all international aid, they lived decent lives economically speaking. Their GDP per capita was close to other countries of the region like Egypt or Lebanon and better than most countries in Africa. By no means, Gaza was a dirt-poor open-air concentration camp living in terrible conditions.

What you need to make some countries produce fewer babies... - to give women the right to control their reproduction.
Of course! Homeless people aren't starving, freezing and suffering, they have smartphones. That's a great metric for how well-off someone is. As is GDP, it's not like GDP fails as a measure of economic health. I'm living in a country that has a really high GDP. I mean we have a GDP per capita of around 100,000 USD here! We're so wealthy! Which is why I'm a 30-year-old man living with my parents and my younger brother because we can't afford (despite decent jobs) places of our own.

Sarcasm aside the population statistics of Gaza are clearly indicative of an undeveloped country. Somewhere without reliable access to clean water, food, and medical supplies will always have a very high proportion of children. It's something we've seen in every single underdeveloped country. As access to clean water, food, and medicine improves the population explodes because deaths slow down but reproduction doesn't. Then the population starts skewing slightly older as time moves on. If the improved access to those things continues then reproduction will begin slowing down. It is something we've seen play out again and again, in country after country, irregardless of almost all other factors. The fact that gaza's population is 50% children by itself should be damning.

Loud Whispers

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Re: Israel-Gaza/Palestine war thread
« Reply #48 on: December 10, 2023, 11:25:31 am »

And what human alive would tolerate being treated like Jews were treated on Oct 7? Sorry, some restrained topless men don't impress me after all the footage I have seen both from Israel and Ukraine. It is A WAR. Don't apply peacetime logic and morals to it.

You seem pretty unhinged m8 ngl


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Re: Israel-Gaza/Palestine war thread
« Reply #49 on: December 10, 2023, 12:04:17 pm »

And what human alive would tolerate being treated like Jews were treated on Oct 7? Sorry, some restrained topless men don't impress me after all the footage I have seen both from Israel and Ukraine. It is A WAR. Don't apply peacetime logic and morals to it.

You seem pretty unhinged m8 ngl
Well, 2 years of a brutal war in your country tend to do that to a person... You can't even imagine how unhinged I am by the standards of people living in safe peaceful places and making moral judgments for people who do not.

Even if I accept the claim that Israel is just randomly detaining all men of fighting age (but then why we haven't seen such photos from the beginning?) it is a justified military tactic in a hostile urban environment - detain all men who may be combatants until proven otherwise. And those men aren't beaten, aren't tortured, aren't raped. Like, I dunno, Ukrainians on occupied territories. But somehow this mild, by standards of war, treatment is something "impossible to tolerate".

Just by laws of probability, many of those partially naked men, directly or indirectly participated in an act of utter barbarity on Oct 7th and face the consequences of their EVIL actions. And yes, not all of them participated in it but it is how social species work - if part of your "tribe" does stuff, you'll face consequences, too.

Also, I just realized that should tides somehow change and Ukraine will start retaking our urban armies, using tactics similar to the ones used by Israel in Gaza City we will be soooo demonized.
They ought to be pitied! They are already on a course for self-destruction! They do not need help from us. We need to redress our wounds, help our people, rebuild our cities!

Loud Whispers

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Re: Israel-Gaza/Palestine war thread
« Reply #50 on: December 10, 2023, 12:52:31 pm »

Well, 2 years of a brutal war in your country tend to do that to a person... You can't even imagine how unhinged I am by the standards of people living in safe peaceful places and making moral judgments for people who do not.
Ah okay so you have just lost it then

Even if I accept the claim that Israel is just randomly detaining all men of fighting age (but then why we haven't seen such photos from the beginning?)
Because they keep shooting journalists and every time someone posts a link to the UN or Amnesty or a journalist reporting just that you don't read it, don't see it, then call them terrorists anyways. Like some of these vids come from the IDF themselves. They just don't give a fuck

Like look at this video of an IDF soldier grenading a mosque in West Bank. It's a Mosque. In a territory that has no Hamas fighters. And the soldiers are filming themselves to brag about it on social media.

Long before the war the Israeli government has been targeting journalists and their buildings. Like the time they sniped an American journalist and then attacked her funeral

This is why I say you've lost it m8. You're no different from the Z shills who do everything in their power to sow doubt instead of actually having a discussion "it's not true because there's no source, but if there is a source the source is untrustworthy, who knows what even is true, and even if it is true it's okay if we do it"

it is a justified military tactic in a hostile urban environment - detain all men who may be combatants until proven otherwise. And those men aren't beaten, aren't tortured, aren't raped. Like, I dunno, Ukrainians on occupied territories. But somehow this mild, by standards of war, treatment is something "impossible to tolerate".
Imagine you are a Palestinian from Gaza. You are born into siege; your mother has no pain killers for your birth. Your mother was forced at gunpoint to leave her house. Her house now belongs to settlers. You have no clean water, no power, no electricity. If you get ill and develop asthma from breathing in white phosphorous, good fucking luck getting medicine. You live under the reign of a terrorist regime the Israeli government propped up to stop civil government forming. You cannot leave by sea or air, you have no future, everywhere you go is controlled by checkpoints. Your house is destroyed in 2008. You can't rebuild it, you don't even have the concrete for it. Every year you are bombed, monitored, your friends imprisoned and detained without cause, sniped without redress, attacked and killed by settlers... And it's always your fault. You reach the age of 18 in time to finally have your newest home destroyed, just so you can be treated as a military target for the crime of... Being a potential military aged male. You do not know if you will see freedom again, you are stripped naked and brought to a detention camp even though you're not a prisoner of war or a criminal suspect. You have no legal protection, no legal recourse, and you do not know what torture and humiliation you will undergo. When you will be freed. Or when you will be able to return to see if someone else is going to tell you your home isn't your home again

Just by laws of probability, many of those partially naked men, directly or indirectly participated in an act of utter barbarity on Oct 7th and face the consequences of their EVIL actions. And yes, not all of them participated in it but it is how social species work - if part of your "tribe" does stuff, you'll face consequences, too.
I feel dumb. All this time I've been trying to get through to you and you just go up and endorse war crimes against a race because of a terror attack. This has been a total stupid waste of time. You are no different to the boomers I've met who said we should turn Iraq to glass because of 9/11. You're so drunk on revenge you no longer have a sense of right and wrong; no amount of suffering or blood shed will ever be wrong, as long as it's done to the "bad guys." No amount of wrong can be done by the "good guys." You see some horrible shit done and you're all just "haha that supposed to impress me? Are you gonna cry because we took everything from you?"

And just like America's forever wars to kill terrorism, it won't even work. Foremost military superpower had to sit down and negotiate with the Taliban after 20 years of operations. The IDF is not the US military.

Also, I just realized that should tides somehow change and Ukraine will start retaking our urban armies, using tactics similar to the ones used by Israel in Gaza City we will be soooo demonized.
And this surprises you?


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Re: Israel-Gaza/Palestine war thread
« Reply #51 on: December 10, 2023, 01:20:32 pm »

"At least some of those civilians might have participated in combat so we should keep all of them prisoner" isn't a great argument to be perfectly honest.
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
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Well aren't you cheery
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Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.


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Re: Israel-Gaza/Palestine war thread
« Reply #52 on: December 10, 2023, 03:37:19 pm »

Like look at this video of an IDF soldier grenading a mosque in West Bank. It's a Mosque. In a territory that has no Hamas fighters. And the soldiers are filming themselves to brag about it on social media.

Disgusting, hate-inducing, unnecessary, unprofessional, zero military necessity. IDF seems to think so too. I failed to google if he (and his superiors) got more serious punishment than suspension. I hope they do. (BTW, I expected an actual grenade, not a flashbang)

Also, are you actually trying to whatabout the massacre of October 7th with THIS?

journalist stuff - I am too lazy to go through that. Israel, most likely, eliminated some hostile propagondists journalists on purpose (not that there is reliable evidence of that), but most are just victims of war or even combatants. Palestinians actively use the status of journalists in their war tactics and many of those are just not journalists at all. Foreign journalists just LOVE that place, and when there are many people of a certain category in a dangerous place, a high number of them will die.

Imagine you are a Palestinian from Gaza...
It sucks. But he should think about why this happened to him and what to do for something similar not to happen again. We are absolutely innocent victims, Israel is pure evil and I should conquer it all are not great answers. And... there are Syrians, Ukrainians, Yemenis, etc who suffer(ed) way more

  You're so drunk on revenge you no longer have a sense of right and wrong; no amount of suffering or blood shed will ever be wrong, as long as it's done to the "bad guys." No amount of wrong can be done by the "good guys." You see some horrible shit done and you're all just "haha that supposed to impress me? Are you gonna cry because we took everything from you?"

Actually... Nope. Not at all. If some Ukrainians will go and violently kill and rape some random Russian civilians I won't celebrate them as freaking heroes. I have moral clarity and know that such barbarity is never justifiable. And, believe it or not, if I see Israeli going door-to-door killing and raping, I won't be supporting that. 

Also, why exactly would I want revenge on Palestinians? because they are pro-Russian? Not that much and them being pro-Russian doesn't influence the Ukrainian-Russian war much if at all. Israel is also somewhat pro-Russian because of many Russian Jew voters.  Israeli politicians have to take them into account. And it influences our war to some degree. By your logic, on Oct 7, I should have been like "Those Jews are getting what they deserve for their friendship with Russia! Hope Bibi is happy about his dealings with Putin!"

And this surprises you?
Actually, yes. It surprises me when armies are demonized for merely waging a war in which enemy civilians die\suffer as if there ways to wage war to avoid it. When everyone is accused of war crimes, actual war crimes lose their meaning.

"At least some of those civilians might have participated in combat so we should keep all of them prisoner" isn't a great argument to be perfectly honest.
When It saves the lives of YOUR soldiers it feels like a way better argument. Also, we are looking at the detaining part, keeping for a prolonged time is another topic entirely.
They ought to be pitied! They are already on a course for self-destruction! They do not need help from us. We need to redress our wounds, help our people, rebuild our cities!

Loud Whispers

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Re: Israel-Gaza/Palestine war thread
« Reply #53 on: December 11, 2023, 08:55:55 am »

Disgusting, hate-inducing, unnecessary, unprofessional, zero military necessity. IDF seems to think so too. I failed to google if he (and his superiors) got more serious punishment than suspension. I hope they do. (BTW, I expected an actual grenade, not a flashbang)

Literally everything that goes on there is disgusting, hate-inducing, unnecessary, unprofessional. It doesn't even matter if it's in an area where Hamas doesn't even exist. It's all just naked terror and land grabbing

Also, are you actually trying to whatabout the massacre of October 7th with THIS?
Ben Shapiro?
God damn man

What human alive would tolerate being treated like a Palestinian
And what human alive would tolerate being treated like Jews were treated on Oct 7? Sorry, some restrained topless men don't impress me after all the footage I have seen both from Israel and Ukraine. It is A WAR. Don't apply peacetime logic and morals to it.
You're the only one trying to 9/11 every discussion about whether we should be cleansing innocent people from the face of the earth for shit they didn't do, just to appease your BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD desire for tribal retribution. How much bloodshed is enough? How much torture finally impresses you? When the Palestinians have finally been evicted from even this refugee camp, and they are like native americans smote to the wind, will you finally say "hmmm perhaps what we did was wrong" as you lie on your deathbed dreaming about how you were big boss because only you were hardcore enough to understand why genociding civilians was totally necessary, source: trust me bro I'm big boss

The fact that you are so hypocritical to decry Russians calling you all Nazis and turning your Ukrainian towns to rubble, then turn around and say "no my war is different to this war, peacetime logic and morals only apply to white people not amalekites" like that brilliant religious atheist in chief is just the icing on the cake. Top fucking show m8

journalist stuff - I am too lazy to go through that. Israel, most likely, eliminated some hostile propagondists journalists on purpose (not that there is reliable evidence of that), but most are just victims of war or even combatants.
Hey there my clever friend you are supporting war crimes again.

Especially egregious is that it's targeted against civilians whose job it is to document the war. "Everyone we murder are combatants (source: trust me bro)." This provides a hell of a smokescreen to try and get away with even more war crimes.

Just look at this bellend. Look how he stops the moment he notices the journalist. For they fear not the eyes of God, but only the shutter click of a camera lens.

IDF really quaking in their boots when someone pulls out a high capacity panasonic with that long-distance scope. Better call in the fucking air strike, man's gonna get your close-up of such thrilling military operations as

Eliminating a highly trained 8 year old, master of covert lego block assembly
Pre-meditated murder of three children who could have one day become military-aged males
Killing an 11 year old car passenger in broad daylight for no reason. But did he condemn Hamas?
Flashbang, choke and black bag children for allegedly throwing rocks. IDF is so strong, it can choke the hamas out of children every time they can't prove they're innocent XD
What about the tragic time an Israeli sniper accidentally took a deep breath, adjusted his sights, took aim and pulled the trigger, accidentally releasing a bullet which flew threw the air into a Palestinian 9 year old's head. Although it was definitely an accidental act of war, we must consider whether this child could have been an enemy combatant, or propagandist.

You didn't address the American journalist being killed by a sniper and having her funeral subsequently raided by the IDF but I'm sure you have plenty of dossiers of evidence regarding her moonlight career as a terrorist propagandist that you're just keeping under wraps out of modesty

Palestinians actively use the status of journalists in their war tactics and many of those are just not journalists at all. Foreign journalists just LOVE that place, and when there are many people of a certain category in a dangerous place, a high number of them will die.
Yeah especially if you target them. Where does the IDF train its snipers, its spotters? Did they go to the school of USS Liberty or something? Sheesh

It sucks. But he should think about why this happened to him and what to do for something similar not to happen again.
A father digs through the ruins of his house to try and find his daughter.

You: "Have you considered how this is really your fault?"

We are absolutely innocent victims, Israel is pure evil and I should conquer it all are not great answers. And... there are Syrians, Ukrainians, Yemenis, etc who suffer(ed) way more

Why is it whenever someone like you brings up the suffering of others it is never to advocate for doing more, but instead to advocate for caring less.

Actually... Nope. Not at all. If some Ukrainians will go and violently kill and rape some random Russian civilians I won't celebrate them as freaking heroes. I have moral clarity and know that such barbarity is never justifiable. And, believe it or not, if I see Israeli going door-to-door killing and raping, I won't be supporting that.
Nice to know you have such high moral standards

He responded that in the interests of maintaining warriors' morale and fighting fitness during armed conflict, it was permitted to "satisfy the evil inclination by lying with attractive Gentile women against their will".

His nomination on Monday as the military's head rabbi by its chief of staff revived public debate over Karim.
Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel's best-selling newspaper, weighed in with a front-page headline that read: "New chief military rabbi: rape is permissible in a war".
Karim is the current serving Rabbi for the IDF operation in Gaza and West Bank

For a look into Israel's security forces utilising rape as a tool, these are useful materials: - an academic study into rape allegations, barriers to reporting (both self-imposed and imposed by IDF forces) and the demographics of victims - this one, specifically concerning female Palestinians in Israeli detention - this one, specifically concerning male Palestinians in Israeli detention - Or this one, wherein Israeli security forces raided an NGO after publishing a report from a 15 year old claiming to have been raped by an IDF soldier - or this UN Human Rights report, in which Palestinians were imprisoned neither in civil or military courts, beaten, abused, threatened with rape

Reports of torture as a means of extracting confessions arguably began early in the occupation, on evidence for the first decade. In June 1977 the Sunday Times claimed torture was used against the Arab population of the occupied territories. In early 1978 an employee of the US Consulate in East Jerusalem, Alexandra Johnson, sent two cables detailing evidence Israeli authorities were systematically using torture on West Bank suspects in Nablus, Ramallah, Hebron and the Russian compound of Jerusalem. Early reports indicated detainees were stripped naked and subject for long periods to cold showers or cold air ventilation. People were hung from meat hooks in Hebron and Ramallah. She concluded torture was applied at three rising levels of maltreatment, (a) level one: daily beatings with fists and sticks; (b) level two: alternate immersions of the victim in hot and cold water, beating of genitals and interrogation about twice daily over several hours; (c) level three: rotating teams of interrogators working on a nude person under detention by applying electrical devices, high frequency sonic noise, refrigeration, prolonged hanging by the hands or feet, and inserting objects into their penises or rectums. This last level was used on those who refused at earlier levels to denounce other Palestinians. 78% of a sample of 40 detainees in 1985 said they had been sexually molested, and 67% stated they had been humiliated on religious grounds. Former inmates of the secret detention centre Camp 1391, whose existence is not even officially acknowledged, claim sexual harassment, even rape, forms part of the interrogation techniques. The first important study was conducted by the first Palestinian NGO, al-Haq, in 1986, which focused on practices at the Al Fara'a Detention Centre.
It's a good thing journalists have only managed to survive filming IDF destroying their homes, killing their children, attacking their religious sites and hospitals, telling them to evacuate into convoys (only to blow up them up), cut off their water and power. Because otherwise you might have to start thinking

Reminds me of when they seized a Palestinian man, branded him with a star of david and then arrested the Palestinian when he reported being abused
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
How much more can you just overlook

Also, why exactly would I want revenge on Palestinians? because they are pro-Russian? Not that much and them being pro-Russian doesn't influence the Ukrainian-Russian war much if at all. Israel is also somewhat pro-Russian because of many Russian Jew voters.  Israeli politicians have to take them into account. And it influences our war to some degree. By your logic, on Oct 7, I should have been like "Those Jews are getting what they deserve for their friendship with Russia! Hope Bibi is happy about his dealings with Putin!"
You tell me. You don't have any basis for anything you support here, you just show up and throw mud at everything and everyone without ever once trying to justify your own position. It's just "there is no evidence IDF does anything wrong, but if there is evidence, the journalists are propagandists, and even if they weren't terrorists, the truth is it was an accident, but even if it wasn't an accident it was justified and you're just peace-afflicted civvies who don't understand my enlightened warrior sage kung fu which definitely excuses murder"

Actually, yes. It surprises me when armies are demonized for merely waging a war in which enemy civilians die\suffer as if there ways to wage war to avoid it. When everyone is accused of war crimes, actual war crimes lose their meaning.
Okay boss maybe you shouldn't support targeting civilians and journalists because:

it is a justified military tactic in a hostile urban environment - detain all men who may be combatants until proven otherwise. And those men aren't beaten, aren't tortured, aren't raped.
Targeting civilians until they're proven civilians (lmao what) is a war crime boss, as is beating them, torturing them and raping them.

Just by laws of probability, many of those partially naked men, directly or indirectly participated in an act of utter barbarity on Oct 7th and face the consequences of their EVIL actions. And yes, not all of them participated in it but it is how social species work - if part of your "tribe" does stuff, you'll face consequences, too.
Targeting civilians because they share the same race as a terrorist group is a war crime boss. Like imagine if the British treated the Irish the same way the Israelis treated Palestinians. IRA nearly killed our head of state. What was the response? Turn Ireland into glass? Pft, no. Police investigation. Imagine if everyone thought like you

"Ahhhh ISIS drove another truck through a Christmas market, we need to nuke Saudi Arabia, Carthago delenda est aaaaaaaa how dare you we need to kill everyone" [guns down children] I am defending myself!!! [blows up your house] you are endangering me [walks towards you] BACK AWAY NOW [destroys your assault olive trees]

When It saves the lives of YOUR soldiers it feels like a way better argument. Also, we are looking at the detaining part, keeping for a prolonged time is another topic entirely.
"Why did you war crimes?"
"It felt good"  8)

Civilian proportion of deaths is higher than the average in all world conflicts in 20th century, data suggests
Haaretz published an analysis by Yagil Levy, a sociology professor at the Open University of Israel, which found that in three earlier campaigns in Gaza, in the period from 2012-22, the ratio of civilian deaths to the total of those killed in airstrikes hovered at about 40%. That ratio declined to 33% in a bombing campaign earlier this year, called Operation Shield and Arrow.

In the first three weeks of the current operation, Swords of Iron, the civilian proportion of total deaths rose to 61%, in what Levy described as “unprecedented killing” for Israeli forces in Gaza. The ratio is significantly higher than the average civilian toll in all the conflicts around the world during the 20th century, in which civilians accounted for about half the dead, according to Levy.

“The broad conclusion is that extensive killing of civilians not only contributes nothing to Israel’s security, but that it also contains the foundations for further undermining it,” Levy concluded. “The Gazans who will emerge from the ruins of their homes and the loss of their families will seek revenge that no security arrangements will be able to withstand.”
Mission accomplished boys. We did it. We finally killed terrorism


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Re: Israel-Gaza/Palestine war thread
« Reply #54 on: December 11, 2023, 09:44:21 am »

Also a thing whatabouting Hamas/Russia misses is that Israel/Ukraine are meant to be our governments allies, receivers of our governments support in ways that Hamas and Russia simply are not. And that
1) makes them a part of our governments sphere of influence
2) means that the our government has a moral culpability in their actions

So if you want our support, then it's only right to expect to be held to our standards. It doesn't matter that Hamas or Russia are worse, they aren't asking for our governments to give them guns. They aren't making our governments directly morally culpable for what they do with our support.

And that includes doing things like trying your damndest to not killing the people that your enemies are taking hostage, just because those hostages happen to be their own citizens. And that's what Hamas do when they put their operations under a school, and what Russia do when they encourage their citizens to move into the occupied Ukrainian cities: They're taking those civilians hostage. So do try not to kill the hostages.

Does that mean we expect you to take actions in a manner that increases the risk to your soldiers lives, but protects 'enemy' civilians? Yes. The life of a soldier is worth less than the life of a civilian, flags be damned. That's the sacrifice a soldier makes when they become a soldier. That's what makes soldiers worthy of respect.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2023, 10:05:06 am by MorleyDev »


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Re: Israel-Gaza/Palestine war thread
« Reply #55 on: December 11, 2023, 09:59:12 am »

Damn, well someone had to have their collar burst at some time.

I think we've been very patient too, a fair amount of emotional involvement had us turning a blind eye, but it just gets worse, at this point I bet we could find nato generals who don't worship the strength of "western" military as much...

How can we argue compassion when might makes right, whatever fitting example we might pull out of our sleeve is bound to be fraught with propagandistic baggage, the kind of which makes you unperceptive to the point being made, we dont have no morally highly contrasting example that happens to have the light shades in the same direction you put your dick in your underwear:

Had the shooters on the maidan aimed for the knees of peaceful protesters, knowing their victims to be so badly blockaded that it's like inflicting an impossible to reimburse debt on their relatives... Maybe then you could understand, but they didn't and now you're too busy with your own war to see clear, strongpoint.


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Re: Israel-Gaza/Palestine war thread
« Reply #56 on: December 11, 2023, 11:46:58 am »

And that includes doing things like trying your damndest to not killing the people that your enemies are taking hostage, just because those hostages happen to be their own citizens. And that's what Hamas do when they put their operations under a school, and what Russia do when they encourage their citizens to move into the occupied Ukrainian cities: They're taking those civilians hostage. So do try not to kill the hostages.

Does that mean we expect you to take actions in a manner that increases the risk to your soldiers lives, but protects 'enemy' civilians? Yes. The life of a soldier is worth less than the life of a civilian, flags be damned. That's the sacrifice a soldier makes when they become a soldier. That's what makes soldiers worthy of respect.
How romanticized. I don't recall the West ever imposing a duty to die a stupid death on their soldiers, let alone conscripts. They certainly wouldn't need to add "beyond the call of duty" to their posthumous award ceremonies.

There's doing your damnedest, and then there's recognizing the reality of war against a perfidious enemy. The laws of war are not written nor intended to be wielded like a cudgel to make your enemy incapable of waging war. Thus doing your damnedest gets limited by reality. Ask not for the impossible, infeasible, nor unreasonable, lest you render the laws of war mere pieces of parchment.

The militants intentionally do not wear uniforms distinguishable from civilians. The militants intentionally place their hardware and infrastructure among civilians. The militants intentionally hide themselves among civilians. The militants intentionally force civilians to act as shields.

This perfidy inevitably leads to misidentification and tragedy.

If a soldier spots a plain-clothed individual with a camera, is that a journalist or a forward observer? They can wear "PRESS" all they want, but so can the perfidious militants. Not every journalist is coordinating with the military either to reduce the risk of misidentification.

If a plain-clothed militant dies, it is easy for the next plain-clothed militant to grab their weapon and leave behind a "civilian" corpse.

If militants are present in civilian areas, those areas become legitimate military targets. Just because there are civilians there does not mean the militants get to act with impunity, nor are the scales of proportionality balanced merely with the number of dead. Fire from a building gets fire in return. Infrastructure and vehicles used for military purposes get fire. Civilians that either refuse to or can't leave then pay the price, even if the militants manage to get out in time.

And so on. You can shout from the heavens that no civilians should be killed, that no-one should open fire without a "100% gun-pointed-at-you militant in an open field free of civilians" confirmation, yet a soldier is not expected to hunker down and simply take fire from a militant that surrounds himself with civilians, nor is he expected to not take any steps in making sure that the plain-clothed individual before him isn't a perfidious militant. This is war—a real war—not a police operation nor a medieval larping session.

Any sane man should realize that war is horrid and should be avoided, and then abandon such utopian thoughts when war arrives on their doorstep lest they be killed by their suicide pact. It was "si vis pacem, para bellum" back then, now it's "c'est le guerre."

So how about we stop giving value to such perfidious tactics lest we encourage more of them.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2023, 11:53:13 am by da_nang »
"Deliver yesterday, code today, think tomorrow."
Ceterum censeo Unionem Europaeam esse delendam.
Future supplanter of humanity.


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Re: Israel-Gaza/Palestine war thread
« Reply #57 on: December 11, 2023, 11:55:43 am »

I find it amusing how the discussion tends to drift into the evaluation of my character. Of me lacking empathy. When you guys offer exactly zero empathy to the Israeli side after they experienced a fun mini remake of the Holocaust.

It is also interesting how in response of me pointing out that, in such war, detaining civilians and stripping has very rational military reasons and it is not "we Jews like to do evil stuff to innocent Palestinians" you start flooding me with other things Israeli did which are actually wrong or very wrong or criminally disgustingly wrong as if it changes the evaluation of the particular action. Also, the list itself is full of biased, out of context, exaggerated stuff with each point of the list able to create a long separate discussion but I am absolutely not in the mood to react to this Gish gallop

Another funny part is the whole strategy of trying to change my mind. If you manage to persuade me that Israeli culture is as (or more) poisoned with blind hate, genocidal intentions, fanaticism, etc as Palestinian culture - I still won't take the Palestinian side. I will be like "Hey, guys. Have fun in your war. Please, don't bother normal part of humanity. Refugees who want to get away from this insanity are welcome."

Oh, and while we are here. No. I am not racist to Palestinians. I believe that their culture is poisoned with evil and they need to fix it like Germans once did. It is different to racism because I don't think that the amount of melanin in their skin, form of their noses, or anything in their DNA makes them different from other human beings.

Does Israeli society has its problems that also require fixing? Absofuckinglutely. Are they as deep as Palestinian? No. By any metric no. If Israeli were like Palestinians we would see death camps already. We would see the actual carpet bombing of Gaza. We would see widespread massacres (not individual cases of violence). We would see Israeli justice doing nothing when Israelis commit crimes against Palestinians (it doesn't do nearly enough but Palestinians don't even have a concept of a crime against Israelis) and many other things would be very different.

PS. I humbly ask you to stop discussing my character. Please. Trying to get under my thick skin by mentioning my national traumatic experiences won't do anything good, either.
They ought to be pitied! They are already on a course for self-destruction! They do not need help from us. We need to redress our wounds, help our people, rebuild our cities!


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Re: Israel-Gaza/Palestine war thread
« Reply #58 on: December 11, 2023, 12:54:19 pm »

« Last Edit: December 11, 2023, 01:35:55 pm by dragdeler »

Loud Whispers

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Re: Israel-Gaza/Palestine war thread
« Reply #59 on: December 11, 2023, 12:56:14 pm »

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