Finally... > Roll To Dodge

Roll to Nomic

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Immutable rules:
1. Mutable rules can be changed and deleted
2. Players can add rules
3. Rules are changed and deleted when I update
4. Each player may only add one rule per turn
5. Every time a rule is changed or added, I roll a d6 to determine how well it'll be implemented
6. Player added rules start off as mutable
Mutable rules:
1. The same die I roll to determine how well a rule is implemented will determine how much points the player gets for changing or adding the rule
2. The first player with -100 prestige wins
4. Players may trade -12 points to add a +1 to changing, adding or deleting rules for 3 turns
5. Players can't trade points for fame
6. D6 explode (on a roll of six, roll again thrice and add it to the result)
7. Players can't vote to remove rules and have to remove rules directly
8. If 2 or more players agree that a mutable rule should become immutable, it becomes immutable.
9. Mutable rules become less enthusiastic from overshots, being only in lower case.
10. Players can trade points for prestige at 5 to 1.5.
11. Every time the GM posts a turn, she gains points equal to the total of the die rolls in the turn multiplied by 1.25.
12. A random mutable rule cannot be rerolled at the start of a turn.
13. The player who points out a rules error is awarded 5 points.
14. Players can't spend prestige to gain negative points.
15. There will be no matchup or battle phases
16. each player may have 30 characters, created by giving their character a name. each turn, in addition to whatever else the player does, they may submit an action for their character to perform, with the outcome determined by d6 roll.
17. The World the characters come from is a fantasy setting where every mythical creature exists
18. If the GM has difficulty writing a turn due to excessive rules or characters, the GM may remove up to a quarter of the rules or characters.
19. Each time a rule is enforced, it gains one tally mark. When a mutable rule has 100 tally marks, it is deleted, unless it involves or affects characters, in which case it is made immutable and takes affect above other rules
20. Points can't be spent in the shop to give characters items.
21. Characters start with 3 hit points each
23. When a player's character or characters interact with another player's character or characters, both players gain 10 points, 5 fame, and 5 prestige.
24. Potatoes can't be gained.
25. Potatoes can not exist as they are a myth.
26. Characters gain 1 Hit Point each turn.
27. characters cannot have more than 8 hit points
28. Deleting a rule will also be rolled for using a d6. Failure will result in the rule becoming strengthened and anything less than total success will result in only partial removal or lessening of the rule in question. A 6 would not be total success and would invert the rule.
29. Characters may be given, forget or learn new skills and jobs. The addition or removal of one costs points, 5 points for a minor skill, 10 points to gain a standard job, 20 points to advance a job into an ascended job.
30. Every single character has a strength and dexterity stat which starts at 0.
31. Rules have effect so long as they contain a number of words which is prime.
32. There is a cap of 2000 total for character stats.
33. I gain 999,000,000 points. Any points I lose in any way are immediately regained.
34. Characters also have no inelegance stat that starts at zero.

"No rule added by a player counts for their own victory."

Whenever a player adds or changes a rule, Megam0nkey gets 1 point

Any rule which employs any kind of discrimination (name, etc.), instead affects all players


--- Quote from: Devastator on December 09, 2023, 11:33:45 am ---"No rule added by a player counts for their own victory."

--- End quote ---
Rule added: Players cannot add any rule that counts for every player's victory

--- Quote from: Megam0nkey on December 09, 2023, 11:35:45 am ---Whenever a player adds or changes a rule, Megam0nkey gets 1 point

--- End quote ---
Error: Contradicts previous rule(s)

--- Quote from: Strif3 on December 09, 2023, 11:43:57 am ---Any rule which employs any kind of discrimination (name, etc.), instead affects all players

--- End quote ---
Rule added: All rules that employs any kind of discrimination instead applies to everything
Points Chart:
Devastator: 6
Strif3: 6


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