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Was it all a dream?

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Author Topic: Longnight the Umbral Souls: Building the largest world conquest fort series  (Read 39909 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Longnight the Umbral Souls: Building the largest world conquest fort series
« Reply #480 on: January 29, 2025, 11:42:29 am »

Here's some thoughts after my turn:

It occured to me that we've destroyed the environment, now we're building a dark tower in the middle, with deep industrial tunnels underneath. Did we build Isengard?

Honestly the only thing we are missing is lava flowing on the surface, but I definitely don't want to put that kind of effort in lol


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Longnight the Umbral Souls: Building the largest world conquest fort series
« Reply #481 on: February 01, 2025, 03:51:06 am »

i played for like 4 minutes and we were immediately attacked by a werelizard. two dwarves, 'Rat' and an unnamed human, are infected and will be quarantined, but its quite a violent start to the turn. 'Jschlatt' killed the beast.

may I ask what the intention was of building roads on the second level aboveground? are we truly attempting to construct a dwarven parking garage? ?

fps is minimal but that's to be expected.

more tomorrow!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Longnight the Umbral Souls: Building the largest world conquest fort series
« Reply #482 on: February 01, 2025, 07:39:14 am »

may I ask what the intention was of building roads on the second level aboveground? are we truly attempting to construct a dwarven parking garage? ?

fps is minimal but that's to be expected.

There is no purpose, besides the casual madness of Thob and the other dwarves

What could be done for FPS? My recommendation is to send as many of the low-skill, low-happiness citizens to Cryptrush as possible. We don't really need a lot of grunt work anymore besides megaprojects. Also butcher more ostriches, there's so many of them

Maybe if we can sell junk items to traders? Or just atom smash items. Though atoms mashing masterwork clothes upsets the clothiers... Or use the corpse decay DFhack command? I don't know how it works because i didn't use it
« Last Edit: February 01, 2025, 07:42:32 am by Otto_K »
Succession fort runs!
Gateheaven Saga by Maloy
Bannerblunts / Fightquests / Dungeonrooms

Salvadaddy — 29.12.2023, Fightquests
A zombie butterfly man chitin in THE PIT got killed by a falling olm remains lmao


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Longnight the Umbral Souls: Building the largest world conquest fort series
« Reply #483 on: February 01, 2025, 08:02:49 am »

Definitely atom smash!

If we can conquer one site we can send master clothiers away while we atomsmash and then use messenger to recruit them back
Or just not care about how they feel lol

The roof for the surface mainly started because on my turn most of the fortress building was done other than steel production and training the military

I also saw our military getting sick from the sun so I was like "Oh I will build a roof for them. Why not?"
Takes too long to haul all those bodies so having miasma in the fort was something I wanted to avoid


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Longnight the Umbral Souls: Building the largest world conquest fort series
« Reply #484 on: February 01, 2025, 05:01:29 pm »

The strength of the masterwork destruction thought is proportional to the number of masterworks that the craftsdwarf has produced. So if you clothier has produced thousands of masterworks, he won't be very upset when you smash a few dozen.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Longnight the Umbral Souls: Building the largest world conquest fort series
« Reply #485 on: February 02, 2025, 06:12:06 am »

When you arrive at Longnight they give you a new name.
I was given the name 'Mirrormirror'.

Like most migrants I was given training in warfare. Instructed to select a weapon, I chose to train with the battle axe.

I now hold the second position of the fighting squad known as The Last Dragon, under the command of captain 'Sensualbowel'.

Life is average and I only wish I could see more of my friends and family.

It is ironic but I now believe that peace is preferable to war, after experiencing violent trauma two years previous. I will not go into detail here..


It is late Spring of 184 and Longnight has been attacked by a horrible transfigured beast, a werelizard, who crawled down from the desert hills and tore apart one of the visiting poets. Our squad responded with great haste and arrived in time to fight the creature. Two more were wounded, infected with the were-curse, but we eventually struck down this lizard thing. 

I recently made acquaintances with the Mayor, 'Jennifer', and the manager, 'McCoy', and both have begun to share various details of the fortress bureaucracy over our weekly tavern meetings. It has become apparent that 'McCoy' is the more serious leader, as 'Jennifer' seems content to lock herself in the modest library and read various treatises.

'McCoy' appears concerned about general labor priorities. Our farmers are overworked… the hoard of Ostriches takes so much of their time in training and egg collecting. Longnight has over 1200 of the (admittedly delicious, admittedly gigantic) eggs stored up. More than enough for a few years of eating. Talk of the town was that the ostriches would soon be culled to only a handful of adults. .

On that same theme, the food stocks were overflowing, with more than enough total meals and drink-pots to fullfill our modest needs for decades to come. The brewers and cooks would be given a vacation from their labors and tasked with more important things.

What were those important things? 'McCoy' filled me in - the fortress needed clothing, badly, as well as a volunteer crew of haulers to clean up the horrible corpse situation topside. The battle ramp, where many elven corpses rested after our last few sieges, was practically clogged with those skeletal remains..

I suggested we build a magma pump from the great sea below the caverns, to burn away this refuse, but 'McCoy' was hesistant. Such a project would take many months if not years and was fraught with difficulties.

It took many many beers to convince him otherwise, but it was done.. and construction of the magma pump stack began later that week.

The weavers reported the heavy smoke filtering into the lower tunnels. Apparently, a fire was raging in the third cavern layer. It was unclear what ignited the blaze.

Both me and 'McCoy' decided there were a few too many bards, dancers, and poets hanging around the place. A great deal of them seemed unhappy to be here, in fact, so we sent the grumpier-looking ones to live at Cryptrush.

The magma pump digging crew ran into disaster. They had been ordered to ignore any warm stone in order to speed up construction but this proved a terrible decision when a previously unknown magma inlet was pierced. Four miners now faced a wall of flowing molten stone.. including 'McCoy' the manager himself!

All of them escaped, luckily, though their boots were singed by the time they made it to the nearby staircase.

Around this time, a third mysterious spire was discovered near the northwestern corner of the fortress.

'Rat', who had been infected with werecurse the previous full moon, refused to cooperate with the orders to confine themselves to their bedroom, and instead went and transformed in the middle of the kitchens. .

Unib Skinnyletters the master armorer was at the ready and quickly cut the lizard to pieces, earning a new title 'Killer of Lizards'. Unib's quick attack saved the fortress from a pandemic of cursed lizards.

It was mid-Summer when 'Shash' attacked, a great one-eyed firefly.

My squad was first on the scene, and I charged the midnight blue beast with my masterwork steel battleaxe. The giant insect was hacked to pieces with little effort.

Placement of the iron pumps began in late Summer of 184.

'McCoy' described plans for that winter, once the magma stack was complete, to continue digging out the mysterious gem-filled spires that wound their way up from the underworld. Three had been discovered so far.

It was the 11th of Galena when Enkos Greatestsculpted the Radiant Esteem the Giant attacked Longnight. Enkos approached from the east. Two squads, including my own, were sent to engage the titan.

As was usually the case, a stray poet by the name of Lene Sensuallulls was chased by the giant. However, this poet managed to duck through the legs of Enkos and double back towards the fortress, saving their own life.

Soon, Iden Coallures the Hammer Lord appeared and moved to fight Enkos, near the small pool of water and temple known as The Heliotrope Grove.

Iden was joined by Iteb Whipbraves the Spearmaster and it took less than a dozen strikes to bring down the naked fleshy titan. Iteb complained about the harsh sunlight and grew dizzy from the effects of cave adaptation… such were the petty concerns of the great weapon masters of Longnight.

The elves attacked in early Autumn. At first just three squads, then five, then ten. A full army of wood-equipped forest dwellers at our gates.

This time Osta Glummonstrous the goblin Spearmaster led the charge, a volunteer citizen and valiant fighter, and was quickly followed by two other volunteers: the elves Omo Bearwonder and Tira Roarspine.

The elves were brave to attack us as they did, but foolish all the same, and were decimated by the steel-clad warriors of Longnight. Their war leopards were shy of battle and failed to affect the attack in any way, with most slinking around the perimeter of our fortress or running away after the main round of combat was over.

Apparently the elves and goblins had begun to coordinate, as a day later a gigantic goblin siege arrived. They requested to parley but this was denied, and the squads were sent in to fight back the horde.

This fight was much mroe dangerous as the goblins were equipped with iron, and had hired a number of human and dwarven mercenaries to fight on their side.

Iteb, Unib (Killer of the Werelizard 'Rat') and 'Suitor' were injured during the fight as their squad arrived early, taking on hundreds of goblins against all odds.

The wounded were recovered as the remaining goblins were cut down by reinforcements.

The pump stack would require power, of course, and a series of waterwheels were built on the surface stream, housed in a half-wall of copper. A long power shaft was built to reach the pump stack to the north.

It was in early Winter when 'Elfybeans' arrived and suggested Longnight had earned its right to establish itself as an official land of the realm.

It was decided to promote Otto_K III to the role of baron, as it only made sense after their years of service as Militia Commander of Longnight.

On the 7th of Moonstone, a weremongoose attacked. Quemer Judgedsabre managed to sneak within only a few paces of the main entrance before being discovered.

Unfortunately, it was my friend 'McCoy' who was caught off guard, busy hauling trash from the scene of the last battle. 'McCoy' rushed to the south, but the mongoose was lithe and sprinted after her.

Amazingly, and to her credit, 'McCoy' always kept a masterwork steel pick at her side, and turned to fight for her life. In only three quick strikes she removed the weremongoose's head from its shoulders.

In late Winter, a glorious artifact was produced by one of the bards, who was overcome by a strange mood. A golden anvil Nomal Ebal, 'The Staff of Reverence', was encircled with bands of pyrites and spikes of gold, rat leather and diorite.

Work continued on the magma stack throughout the winter season. A large resevoir was constructed near the battle ramp entrance to provide a stock of magma for any uses future overseers might imagine. As well, the rotating mechanisms that powered the stack were covered in copper and glass plating.

The glass industry boomed during this time and the flooring of the mid-lake temple was completed by end of winter.

 It was early Spring when the elves returned to attack our mechanistic projects. Luddites, all of them!

'Jschlatt' lurked in the copper plated tube that housed the axle, and by lurked, I mean slept. . it took a few arrows to wake the powerful warrior from their slumber.

It was here, backed up against the copper wall, that 'Jschlatt' fought for his life, taking many wounds despite his martial trance. The odds were terrible - 1 v 50 - and the elves full of hatred for the Captain of the Guard.

Reinforcements arrived, a handful of other fighters, and 'Oasis' valiantly defended the wounded Captain by literally standing over his body and blocking arrows and swordstrikes.

Soon, the elves were defeated in entirety, with all that remained of their ambush being a bloody pile of dismembered corpses and a whole lotta dead leopards. .

All dwarves survived, though 'Jschlatt' would need care in the hospital for the many superficial wounds suffered at the hands of the elves.

It was right after this battle with the elves that the goblins arrived, a full siege. They requested parley but - us dwarves do not speak with the traitorous goblins.

It just so happened that our main military force was positioned right next to their entrance party, and the battle commenced immediately.

Wave after wave of disorganized goblins were destroyed at the edge of our territory. It was a slaughter..

It was during this battle that I took a major wound to the spine, and a part of my skull was dented after a goblin's hammer crashed down upon my helm. Much of the rest of Spring remains foggy due to this head injury but I was treated by the most skilled of doctors and soon returned to duty.

Unfortunately, the dwarf known as 'Will Work For Hats' was killed, not during battle, but instead succumbing to their wounds after the fighting had ended.

The ostriches hatched another group of eggs, despite our best efforts to collect them before this happened. Stray chicks began to roam the kitchens and stockpiles, tripping dwarves here and there, and generally making a nuisance of themselves with their squawking calls.

It was on the 12th of Felsite, 185, almost a year since construction began, when the pump stack was activated. The cistern quickly filled with molten rock, ready for deployment as a trash incinerator. Or other uses.

The ramp floodgate was also lowered, but this resulted in unexpected flooding…the lava raced towards the trade hall and , in fact, the room containing all the control levers responsible for the flooding in the first place!

Yet it was contained by the previously dug drainage channel, thankfully.

On the 21st of Felsite, a werechameleon arrived from the east - sent by the elfs, perhaps? The creature attacked immediately. Many dwarves were outside hauling trash into the new incineration pit and were thus vulnerable to attack.

The were descended upon 'Packmaster Jr', a six year old child. They died to the horrible claws of the transformed beast.

Next target was 'Hartnell' a miner. They were unable to fight back effectively and took grievous injuries, and soon perished.

Next, Adil the poet who quickly bled out.

And another poet Bosa was bit to pieces.

Then Medtob the bard was assaulted - where were the military?!

Finally, 'AvolitionBrit' arrived, yet they seemed to have forgotten their weapon. They descended upon the were with a steel shield only, yet struck hard, exploding the chameleon's hand with their first strike.

The two tusseled for some time before 'Davison' arrived and ended the beast with a sword strike. 'Avolition' took no wounds on account of their superb skill in dodging.

Five citizens had died due to the slow response of the militia..

The werechameleons corpse was unceremoniously dumped into the incineration pit with the rest of the trash.

'McCoy' found a fruitful fishing hole near the new waterwheels.

That summer the dwarves began to dig into the gem-filled geode that was buried under the magma forges. Unfortunately, one of the miners uncovered a terrible demon -  a web-slinging 'blizzard banshee'. 'Gary' was instantly killed by the monster.

'Indy' and 'Sensualbowel' appeared on the scene, in full armor, yet the spider also instantly webbed and killed them. What horror!

Two more dwarves died before Iden arrived, and with a great SMACK he dismembered the spider in one swift blow.

Another demon emerged - a horrible chameleon creature that spat flames! My squad was deployed immediately from our new barracks directly above the geode, but the flame beast was terrible and accurate and multiple fighter were set aflame.

I stood by in horror as they all burnt to death.. the demon itself tackled one of my fellow squadmaates, I couldn't tell who, into a pool of magma.. they were incinerated instantly. There the demon remained, lurking, waiting for us to approach.

We retreated to the barracks but the creature followed. I was struck by a fireball and my skin was  suddenly burning. I screamed in pain and lost all of my senses ....

[The story continues, written in ghostly ink . . ]

My spirit left my desecrated corpse and continued to observe the rampage of the demon. Many more soldiers died. A small child, as well, 'Kesperan III', was caught out near the forges and burnt to a crisp.

Only 'Eccleston' the spearmaster managed to land a few deep strikes, cutting the demon's lungs, before they also were burned.

Over a dozen good soldiers died that day as the beast shot triplicate fireballs and great waves of flames upon the dwarves. Finally, the heroic actions of one Osta Glummonstrous saved the fortress - this goblin spearmaster dove upon the demon and struck true, stabbing the creature's hand apart, and this allowed 'Mechie', Blinder of Cyclopses, to land a killing slashing blow to the demon.

 Osta managed to put out the fire, but suffered terrible wounds from this encounter, and crawled back the hospital with a half-melted upper body.

The strategy would need re-thinking, and a supply of water was created to ensure that, should another flame-spouting demon appear from the depths, the dwarves would at least have a quick option to survive the flames.

Eventually, the flood of water from the lake above arrived, but it was far too late, and useless inundated the hollowed geode and froze a number of magma smelters on accident.

Having seen the end of my own life, and the end of so many others, I was at a loss for words. Which didn't matter much because, as a ghostly spirit, I had no way of talking anyways. I drifted onwards to the afterlife..

So ends the diary of 'Mirrormirror', axe warrior.


that demon was broken, op , ridiculous . It possessed the dreaded triple fireball attack AS WELL AS the flame gout attack, and could use both simultaneously to paralyze the attacking dwarves. It was bad, we lost far too many warriors... I feel stupid but it was unexpected. We should be better prepared for future encounters as we now have a nice flooding mechanism to wash away the flames during these kinds of fights.

Might play a bit more but, this pump stack took 9 irl hours to construct and I'm a bit beat up after that kind of effort lol. also demons are scary damn. I don't want to be responsible for too many more deaths of our most experienced warriors.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Longnight the Umbral Souls: Building the largest world conquest fort series
« Reply #486 on: February 02, 2025, 09:47:47 am »

Oh wow, what a story... The dwarves got cursed to live through interesting times

It was mid-Summer when 'Shash' attacked, a great one-eyed firefly.

My squad was first on the scene, and I charged the midnight blue beast with my masterwork steel battleaxe. The giant insect was hacked to pieces with little effort.

I like how you didn’t question at all my bizarre decision to allow forgotten beasts direct access into the fort via the corridor behind the animal stockpile, lol…

The were descended upon 'Packmaster Jr', a six year old child. They died to the horrible claws of the transformed beast.

'Indy' and 'Sensualbowel' appeared on the scene, in full armor, yet the spider also instantly webbed and killed them. What horror!
My spirit left my desecrated corpse and continued to observe the rampage of the demon. Many more soldiers died. A small child, as well, 'Kesperan III', was caught out near the forges and burnt to a crisp.

NOOO Not the children

And Indy and Sensualbowel too, rip. Bad luck too: It was a snow beast with poison bite - but it had to be A SPIDER

It was in early Winter when 'Elfybeans' arrived and suggested Longnight had earned its right to establish itself as an official land of the realm.

It was decided to promote Otto_K III to the role of baron, as it only made sense after their years of service as Militia Commander of Longnight.

Yay, realm politics finally made their way into this fort! King's entourage next?

Why do my nicknamed dwarves keep getting all the glory when other players’ nickname dwarves die miserably…

Great work with the lava pumps! I think, next best action to better secure the surface, could be to relocate the barracks and the steel weapon/armor stockpiles into the surface tower? Assuming that we make it through these casualties. I hope so. Some fun and colorful imagery in this story too, like Astesh sleeping in the pipe, and ostrich chicks running around tripping up dwarves

By the way, when I played, I turned some of the siege settings in the difficulty menu all the way up, so if they carried over, then that could be why werebeasts show up all the time. Because I turned down the delay of how often they come.

(I assume we don't have any official difficulty setting that the game needs to be played on? Still, turning off sieges would be lame but having too difficult settings is also a pain)
« Last Edit: February 02, 2025, 09:51:05 am by Otto_K »
Succession fort runs!
Gateheaven Saga by Maloy
Bannerblunts / Fightquests / Dungeonrooms

Salvadaddy — 29.12.2023, Fightquests
A zombie butterfly man chitin in THE PIT got killed by a falling olm remains lmao


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Longnight the Umbral Souls: Building the largest world conquest fort series
« Reply #487 on: February 02, 2025, 12:50:29 pm »

I love how my trade depot access shaft is now a magma battle ramp.

RIP Kesperan III.
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Longnight the Umbral Souls: Building the largest world conquest fort series
« Reply #488 on: February 03, 2025, 11:30:50 am »

There is only one thing that has a chance of stopping us in our goal of building a safe and secure empire...



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Longnight the Umbral Souls: Building the largest world conquest fort series
« Reply #489 on: February 04, 2025, 01:15:48 pm »

scraps of 'McCoy's personal journal discovered some time in the far flung future

a werecamel came and killed two elves then ran off

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

an ice demon emerged but was killed quickly by the squads

then, a giant lobster attacked and no one was around to stop it. it managed to wander into the elephant pasture, before retreating again. unfortunately 'Sisko' was in the hallway and was crushed by the terrible claws of the lobster.

the elves arrived again, but we were alerted early enough to lock the doors. Our wounded military needed rest from the constant sieges.

the goblins too brought their seasonal siege. yet they seemed content to camp on the far side of the stream and dance and laugh over their cookfires.

The elves poked and prodded our defenses, triggering a number of cage traps.

Digging through the obsidian spire continued, but progress was slow overall. Accidental breaches of the magma sea resulted in lost progress (but lots of spare obsidian).

In Winter, a giantess attacked, and she engaged with the goblins, who shot her dead with many of their arrows and bolts.

Yet, this fighting attracted the elves attention, and finally the two sieging forces clashed in an epic battle over the paved surface strewn with skeletal remains of their fellows. the elves were slaughtered by the metal-wielding goblins with little effort, though the war giant wombats proved surprisingly effective

some goblins were baited into the battle ramp and the magma was deployed to moderate success. The pump stack should be simultaneously turned on to generate enough flow to be properly deadly, as the cistern provides only moderate flow and the majority of goblins were able to run past the trap section. They were quickly defeated by our squads.

finally, the adamantine core of the large obsidian spire has been revealed and the surrounding magma frozen with water from the cavern lake.

it will be up to my successor to make the final mining designations and brave the unknown hollows of the kingly metal.



I like how you didn’t question at all my bizarre decision to allow forgotten beasts direct access into the fort via the corridor behind the animal stockpile, lol…

you know, I just assumed it was an oversight or something lol, but the path makes for plenty of time to react soo its not that bad after all

By the way, when I played, I turned some of the siege settings in the difficulty menu all the way up, so if they carried over, then that could be why werebeasts show up all the time. Because I turned down the delay of how often they come.

(I assume we don't have any official difficulty setting that the game needs to be played on? Still, turning off sieges would be lame but having too difficult settings is also a pain)

two sieges a year is a bit much, especially after losing so many warriors to that damn fire demon. The goblins remain outside but are in groups and can probably be fought successfully now by whoever is next in line. We NEED migrants to repopulate the squads and train and so on.. my apologies again for losing so many but. I didn't want to savescum what was a fairly epic battle.

werebeasts aint no thing really, they tend to just kill a few meandering poets and run away which is fine by me lol.

also the surface is covered in TRASH but if you get rid of the goblins and let people haul for a few seasons, they might manage to clean it up. but I also would consider mass magma application (though that might get laggy .. )

thanks all it was fun to magma stack this biatch and bring the holy liquid of armok to the surface. i expect great things..


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Longnight the Umbral Souls: Building the largest world conquest fort series
« Reply #490 on: February 05, 2025, 01:01:39 pm »

Oh my, this is total war... most of the dwarves that I cared about are dead, I hate this...

Get a load of this

In early summer of 184, the dwarf werebeast Udil `Rat' Metalchamber was struck down by the dwarf Unib Skinnyletters with UNKNOWN ARTIFACT in Longnight
In early autumn of 184, the elf Coce `Suitor' Velvetsuitor suffocated, slain by by the dwarf Ingiz Vaultfences in Longnight
In early spring of 185, the dwarf Astesh `Jschlatt' Graspingcobalt the Allied Mile suffocated, slain by by the elf Etile Beakseal with UNKNOWN ARTIFACT in Longnight
In early spring of 185, the dwarf Reg `Will Work For Hats' Walledwaded suffocated, slain by by the dwarf Atis Rushedtorches with UNKNOWN ARTIFACT in Longnight

In late spring of 185, the dwarf werebeast Kubuk `Packmaster Jr' Glowgilds was struck down by the goblin werebeast Nguslu Wastethief the Doused Saint in Longnight
In late spring of 185, the dwarf werebeast Tobul `Hartnell' Boltscontained bled to death, slain by by the goblin werebeast Nguslu Wastethief the Doused Saint in Longnight

In early summer of 185, the dwarf Alath `Gary' Crescentbrass was struck down by the blizzard banshee Lashedwastes the Bile of Vaults in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the human Luc Painteddrooped was struck down by the blizzard banshee Lashedwastes the Bile of Vaults in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the dwarf Iden `Indy' Wanemined was struck down by the blizzard banshee Lashedwastes the Bile of Vaults in  Longnight
In early summer of 185,  Sensualbowels was stored in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the dwarf Olon `Sensualbowel' Notchedcrypts was struck down by the blizzard banshee Lashedwastes the Bile of Vaults in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the dwarf Rovod `Dandelion' Violentropes was struck down by the blizzard banshee Lashedwastes the Bile of Vaults in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the dwarf Kubuk Anvilfloors was struck down by the blizzard banshee Lashedwastes the Bile of Vaults in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the blizzard banshee Lashedwastes the Bile of Vaults was struck down by the dwarf Iden Coallures with UNKNOWN ARTIFACT in  Longnight


In early summer of 185, the human Uso Spiregem was struck down by the chameleon devil Plaguepanted the Grease of Snails in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the dwarf Sigun `Whitaker' Drilledcloister bled to death, slain by by the chameleon devil Plaguepanted the Grease of Snails in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the elf Omo Bearwonder bled to death, slain by by the chameleon devil Plaguepanted the Grease of Snails with UNKNOWN ARTIFACT in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the dwarf Erush `Colin' Confinedgirder bled to death, slain by with UNKNOWN ARTIFACT in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the dwarf Bomrek `Gatwa' Taperdyes bled to death, slain by by the chameleon devil Plaguepanted the Grease of Snails with UNKNOWN ARTIFACT in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the goblin Atu Basinflies was struck down by the chameleon devil Plaguepanted the Grease of Snails with UNKNOWN ARTIFACT in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the dwarf Iden Coallures was struck down by the chameleon devil Plaguepanted the Grease of Snails with UNKNOWN ARTIFACT in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the dwarf Nil `Mirrormirror' Mirrorquested bled to death, slain by by the chameleon devil Plaguepanted the Grease of Snails in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the dwarf Stukos `Kesperan Iii' Ringeddots bled to death, slain by by the elf Coce Cloutivy with UNKNOWN ARTIFACT in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the dwarf Kadol `Eccleston' Findwheeled bled to death, slain by by the chameleon devil Plaguepanted the Grease of Snails with UNKNOWN ARTIFACT in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the dwarf Kivish `Smith' Doorstab bled to death, slain by by the chameleon devil Plaguepanted the Grease of Snails in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the dwarf Etur `Packmaster' Orbsboat bled to death, slain by by the chameleon devil Plaguepanted the Grease of Snails with UNKNOWN ARTIFACT in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the dwarf Ilral `Martin' Staticrock was struck down by the chameleon devil Plaguepanted the Grease of Snails with UNKNOWN ARTIFACT in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the dwarf Minkot `Billon' Craftdive bled to death, slain by by the chameleon devil Plaguepanted the Grease of Snails with UNKNOWN ARTIFACT in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the dwarf Ushrir `Oasis' Wanderwall the Fed Mirrors bled to death, slain by by the chameleon devil Plaguepanted the Grease of Snails with UNKNOWN ARTIFACT in  Longnight
In early summer of 185,  Serpentbend was stored in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the dwarf Tobul `Salmeuk' Brassknown was struck down by the chameleon devil Plaguepanted the Grease of Snails with UNKNOWN ARTIFACT in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the dwarf Mafol `Troughton' Hammerhairs the Helmed Corridor of Shriveling bled to death, slain by by the dwarf Zulban `Davison' Oldclasp the Faded Walls in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the dwarf Adil `Sueen' Flickeredwhips bled to death, slain by by the chameleon devil Plaguepanted the Grease of Snails with UNKNOWN ARTIFACT in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the dwarf Likot `Mayim' Bodicelobsters the Great Yell of Vaults bled to death, slain by in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the chameleon devil Plaguepanted the Grease of Snails bled to death, slain by by the dwarf Meng `Mechie' Rainshields with UNKNOWN ARTIFACT in  Longnight
In early summer of 185, the dwarf Likot `Fit' Hatchetmobs the Mechanical Unions of Alchemy suffocated, slain by by the dwarf Zulban `Davison' Oldclasp the Faded Walls in  Longnight


In midsummer of 185, the dwarf Mobmu `Oneshot' Crowdsparkled was struck down by the dwarf Zulban `Davison' Oldclasp the Faded Walls in  Longnight
In early autumn of 185, the dwarf Aba `Leathery' Lineseers bled to death, slain by in Longnight

In midautumn of 185, the dwarf Kumil `Wetbeard' Laboredcults was struck down by the white devil Hellbreaches in Longnight
In midautumn of 185, the white devil Hellbreaches was struck down by the dwarf Atir `Otto_k Iii' Razorscars the Barricaded Kin of Skulls with UNKNOWN ARTIFACT in Longnight

 In late autumn of 185, the dwarf Zuntir Workbridged was struck down by the forgotten beast Zuspo Splashedbeaches in Longnight
In late autumn of 185, the goblin Dostngosp `Dante' Soulshexes was struck down by the forgotten beast Zuspo Splashedbeaches in Longnight
In late autumn of 185, the dwarf Muthkat `Mccoy Jnr' Cavewine was struck down by the forgotten beast Zuspo Splashedbeaches in Longnight
In late autumn of 185, the forgotten beast Zuspo Splashedbeaches was struck down by the dwarf Iteb `Hurt' Hamecrystal with UNKNOWN ARTIFACT in Longnight

 In late autumn of 185, the dwarf Lolor Handleoils was struck down by the forgotten beast Zuglar Siltsoil in Longnight
In late autumn of 185, the dwarf Led `Self-Defeating Jr' Laborwashed was struck down by the forgotten beast Zuglar Siltsoil in Longnight
In late autumn of 185, the elf Atera Clinchtalon was struck down by the forgotten beast Zuglar Siltsoil in Longnight
In late autumn of 185, the forgotten beast Zuglar Siltsoil was struck down by the goblin Osta Glummonstrous with Tunneledcave in Longnight


 In late autumn of 185, the dwarf Fikod `Arda' Friendlysmiths was struck down by the vomit brute Fatprowled in Longnight
In late autumn of 185, the vomit brute Fatprowled was struck down by the dwarf Udil `Sadsack' Glowedwheel with UNKNOWN ARTIFACT in Longnight
In late autumn of 185, the dwarf Iton Tonelashes was struck down by the vomit brute Fatprowled in Longnight
In late autumn of 185, the dwarf Bim `Petshop' Steelpets was struck down by the opossum brute Depressedlanguished in Longnight
In late autumn of 185, the opossum brute Depressedlanguished was struck down by the dwarf Kivish `Spikey' Bootgrave the Scorching Warrior of Lancers with UNKNOWN ARTIFACT in Longnight
In late autumn of 185, the dwarf Ral `Parn' Romancedpainted suffocated, slain by by the opossum brute Depressedlanguished in Longnight
In late autumn of 185, the dwarf Zulban `Davison' Oldclasp the Faded Walls drowned in Longnight

Astesh Gidthurletmos, Parn Romancedpainted, Sensualbowel Notchedcrypts, Mayim Bodicelobsters and other great warriors dead.

Salmeuk and his lover Martin both dead. Self-defeating and Self-defeating Jr. both dead, although her husband Victor and child Undefeated are still alive. Packmaster and Packmaster Jr are both dead.

In fact, all the children are dead, except for Undefeated and Rhino the were-child. This fortress has failed as a generational fort

Petshop (Thob Maloy III's lover) dead, same as Fit (Atir Otto_K III's lover). It just goes on

I guess it shows how inhumane life can be in this crazy world we play. And we got what was coming after conquering and killing defenseless dwarves and digging too deep.

Still... man. I kinda want to call for discussion on another non-canon turn. So that like Jonathan Frakes said, "It never happened". But maybe it's fine, we can repopulate from migrants from Gateheaven and Earthenjungles etc. Losing the kids is the worst probably

« Last Edit: February 07, 2025, 11:29:54 am by Otto_K »
Succession fort runs!
Gateheaven Saga by Maloy
Bannerblunts / Fightquests / Dungeonrooms

Salvadaddy — 29.12.2023, Fightquests
A zombie butterfly man chitin in THE PIT got killed by a falling olm remains lmao


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Longnight the Umbral Souls: Building the largest world conquest fort series
« Reply #491 on: February 05, 2025, 01:07:36 pm »

the story was a bad dream? so be it. 

it comes down to philosophy and attachment - the dwarves died, more will come, time will pass, but I understand... community fortresses often leave one wonder wtf the other players were up to on their turn


  • Bay Watcher
  • [PREFSTRING:rugged beard]
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Re: Longnight the Umbral Souls: Building the largest world conquest fort series
« Reply #492 on: February 05, 2025, 06:09:55 pm »

The most shameful thing is that Kesperan III was killed by a knife-eared tree hugger.
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Longnight the Umbral Souls: Building the largest world conquest fort series
« Reply #493 on: February 06, 2025, 06:20:24 am »

The losses are sad, but to me that is part of the risk of dwarf fortress.

I'm fine with keeping it. Probably good encouragement for us to be more consciences about population breeding. I think most kids are usually born on my turn because I have rotating amounts of resting dwarves

We might even want to create marriage rooms or whatever they were called back in the day.

I'll throw up a poll about the non-canon save idea since I get how discouraging the losses can be


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Longnight the Umbral Souls: Building the largest world conquest fort series
« Reply #494 on: February 06, 2025, 08:23:53 am »

The most shameful thing is that Kesperan III was killed by a knife-eared tree hugger.

If i understood correctly, he was wounded by an elf at some point in the past, and then he was attacked by the chameleon demon, and died to a fireball or to being in fire. Because fire is "indirect" damage, whoever was the last creature to deal direct damage gets the kill, in this case the elf

The losses are sad, but to me that is part of the risk of dwarf fortress.

I'm fine with keeping it. Probably good encouragement for us to be more consciences about population breeding. I think most kids are usually born on my turn because I have rotating amounts of resting dwarves

We might even want to create marriage rooms or whatever they were called back in the day.

I'll throw up a poll about the non-canon save idea since I get how discouraging the losses can be

Good points. If you're good with it, i guess I'm also good with keeping it

I like the turn, i like the writeup, the pump stack is epic, and the adamantine is ready to be mined and melted. And high casualties can make the story more interesting. I'm not giving up on the fort or anything. We've already thrown out multiple turns and we shouldn't do it unless it's necessary, like the time when the strategists died

I'll have to look into the dwarven children topic. I think i had plenty of downtime between bigger jobs on my turn, and projects that didn't require the whole workforce. But locking some of the dwarves up for mandatory socialization could be smart, while the elves do the hauling and building. Of course, many dwarves lost their current lovers/husbands, will they remarry?

And if we need fighters, waiting a while or using force-migrants command should do the trick
Succession fort runs!
Gateheaven Saga by Maloy
Bannerblunts / Fightquests / Dungeonrooms

Salvadaddy — 29.12.2023, Fightquests
A zombie butterfly man chitin in THE PIT got killed by a falling olm remains lmao
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