So just to be clear, the existence of teams implies that "kill everything and everyone you see" is a lie, right? We're not supposed to kill our team mate? We probably shouldn't even consider it and see that as completely off the table, for the sake of good sportsmanship and not being mean to our fellow players?
I never lie, even when I am not telling the truth. Suffice to say, you will be killing other players at some point.

Don’t think of it as being mean, think of it as competition. Respawns will be allowed at designated points, but they will carry penalties.
Compiled Red team information and standardized the character sheets below, let me know if there's any errors or any tweaking to the sheet formats you'd like.
Red Team:
Name: Duh!
Description: I am Duh! Red team member, rawr! I wear a shirt proudly emblazoned with 'Duh!' across the front and 'Run to the Tank' across the back. My jeans have knee patches, also embroidered with 'Duh' and 'Hud' (my right knee, the one I took an arrow to, once).
Red team.
HP: 11/11
SP: 7/7
Strength/Speed: 10
Traits and Flaws:
- Competent: Natural sixes count as critical successes instead of overshoots
- Slow: You always act after anyone else. If someone else also has this trait, roll initiative against them as normal
Armor: Heavy
Weapon: An odd-seeming Hand and a Half sword
- When you look at this hand and a half sword, it seems to be always wiggling.
- 1d8 damage
- -1 to hit and +2 to damage when wielded with two hands
- 1-in-4 chance to deal 1d6 extra bleed damage as it rips the wound open when it leaves.
Gadget: A highly unusual lariat This highly unusual, fifteen-foot lariat excretes a white, sticky paste and will occasionally move on it's own
- Sticky: sticks to things like glue. -1d when trying to remove it unless your Strength/Speed is above seven
- Animate: you can verbally command it, and it does not require a hand to use
- Stretchy: Can be stretched to forty five feet, but it can't be used for combat in this form and is only sticky on the ends
Permanent Status:
Temporary Status:
Name: Lelia
Description: This small-framed, pale-skinned female has white hair and eyes, and wears a pink dress and white shirt with a dark blue hooded cape, the hood generally left down
Red team.
HP: 6/6
SP: 12/12
Strength/Speed: 2
Traits and Flaws:
- Agile: +1d to rolls that involve movement or staying on your feet
- Aware: +1d to observation rolls
- Weak: -1d to rolls that involve exerting physical force or power
Armor: Light
Weapon: Designated Marksman's Rifle
- This plain, boxy weapon has a really short clip, cone-shaped muzzle, and is coated with a thoroughly drab blue paint. The scope fixed on the top seems more like an afterthought, as does the stock. and the barrel. and really any part of the weapon for that matter.
- 2d6 damage, upgraded to 2d10 if you spend a round aiming beforehand.
- -1 to shooting it in melee/close range, no penalty due to long ranges.
- It has three shots, and three extra clips of ammo, which take a round to reload.
Gadget: Autoinjector array of concentrated magic
- This bulky device looks like a glorified wristwatch with two glowing aerosol cans strapped to it.
- Upon activation, you may treat your Strength/Speed as up to four points higher/lower as you choose for three rounds, changing the bonus each round if you want to.
- When the duration is up, or when you choose, the effect ends and you get -1d to all actions during the next round.
- Three turn cooldown, which starts when the effect ends.
- It is possible for Strength/Speed to go above 10/below 0
- Three spare magazines of ammo
Permanent Status:
Temporary Status:
- Three rounds in current magazine
Looks good to me!
Weapon: Pike
This long, composite hafted weapon has a large, spiked, axe like head. 1d12 damage, -1 to hit, requires two hands, one-in-three chance of knocking people over when they are hit.
Gadget: Floating book
This leather-bound book has strange runes inscribed in the surface, and a handful of pens tied to the back.
-Floating: This book can levitate straight up or down according to the owner’s wishes. It cannot float higher than 300 feet above ground level, cannot lift more than 500 pounds, and cannot move horizontally
-Pages: The book has 4d6 pages, replenished at the start of every mission. You can tear out as many pages as you wish. When you write on one of the torn out pages, that writing appears on all other torn out pages, in addition to appearing inside the front cover. You may give these pages to other people. Additionally, you may destroy up to six pages. When you do so, lightning leaps out and attacks a number of people equal to the number of pages you crushed, dealing 1d8 damage. When you use this function, you suffer -1d to your next action and you cannot use this ability for one turn.
You are on
blue team.
(Squints at trait list.)
Heh. Yep, your game was a big inspiration, and I’m not above stealing.

Weapon: Ivory Murakumo
This long, curved greatsword has a hilt wrapped with golden leather and an odd, whitish hue. 1d10+1 damage, requires two hands, +1 to the first attack on your next turn after you miss with this weapon. If you roll a one or a six on the attack roll, it has a 1 in 4 chance of breaking. If it breaks, you can pull out a 1d4 damage dagger from the hilt. If it breaks, it is automatically restored at the beginning of the next mission.
Gadget: Soccer Ball
A one-foot rubber ball covered in black and white polygons. You may kick this ball at a target, on a hit, it stuns the target for one round and has a one in three chance to knock them down. Additionally, you may choose to pop the ball, stunning you and everyone within ten feet, and knocking them all down. Once popped, the ball takes 1d3 turns to restore.
You are on
blue team.