For Planetary Life, I thought it would be really incredible if the beasties could be viewed in a biome like the ancient but uniquely great Odell Down Under did with the Great Barrier Reef. Each of the globe's tiles being a biome that could be zoomed into. Also, it looks like the demo was updated yesterday: stage will be in the next update.
Here are a few other demos I tried. I think they are still up, I still have the Play rather than Purchase button on most of the big batch of demos from the Nextfest (EDIT: most of these are now down, Play button gives error message with no liscences notification):
All in the Game - strategy game about gangs and crime built for multiplayer mostly. You spread influence and do crimes to supplement collecton monies from the territory, and buy buildings to set up enterprises in and launder dirty money from. You send lieutenants out to do stuff, these become temporarily visible if they do enough stuff and have a simple perk tree to advance in. The gang organizations also have perk trees to sort of describe an agenda of sorts using mutually exclusive trees. It also has a great music soundtrack and this is a big plus. I don't know if robots made it or not, but one beat in particular was excellent. I couldn't get the screenshots to upload to Steam for this demo for some reason.
Bedroom Battlegrounds - you move and fight units around a bedroom map. The demo computer player wasn't very good, but it's a demo after all. It could be viable for multiplayer I think.
Beyond These Stars - This one was really cool. It uses hexes and has some terraforming and stuff in it, where you can raise or lower elevation of hexes. The area is the back of a giant space whale. You build a colony on it's back. The spacewhales are kind of jerks who eat planets so that's why.
Eve of Calamity - This one reminded me of a modernized Final Fantasy 5, with classes and what-not. It seemed solid in design. I had a bug where the XP distribution screen usually did not proceed and required an alt-tab to kick it into working again. The dev said it's an RPGmaker thing, because that program is really old, that it's probably a hardware related thing, and that it will hopefully be fixed after release. Other than that, the demo was fine though I couldn't take screenshots.
Heart of the Machine - The story is that an ai became sentient and hid inside a robot during a dystopian future. It can take over multiple other robots and eventually builds a big spire on accident that alerts all the humans. It looked like you could be a bad robot or a nice robot if you preferred, and choose to improve or destroy all humans.
The robot statbox to the left is for the playable robots. This big one looked good and stompy though...

Last Dream Fishing Arcade - This is more like a mobile game but it shamed me with how addictive I found it despite it's relatiive simplicity.
Metal Slug Tactics - I tried this in a bad mood so I didn't screenshot it. However if you have ever seen other games with "Tactics" in it, it is of that genre. I haven't played those much, or any Metal Slug games, so I didn't spend much time on it, but it seemed pretty good from what little I know.
This Grand Life 2 - This was an awesome game. This should be part of the hypno-pods of the future, America. I hope there a bazillioon wacky mods for it too.
Wardens of Chaos - This is classic Might and Magic