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Author Topic: Full Metal Dress: The Denial of Creativity  (Read 7797 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Full Metal Dress: If I would fall...
« Reply #75 on: December 23, 2024, 05:48:48 pm »

It's what they deserve. Maybe I should lend a helping hand?
Seven takes half a second to eyeball the distance, before-
-trying to chain both of the bad rangers out from behind their rocks.
Seven then pushes past them, staying low, while moving towards the prison. Hopefully, Mx. Sniper will have found my actions agreeable enough to not turn me into paste.


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Re: Full Metal Dress: If I would fall...
« Reply #76 on: December 24, 2024, 10:09:38 pm »

"Alright, well...  celery I don't know what I'm doing."

"I wonder if the colours are like addictive."

"Right.. well, I should tell them.  They're going to know eventually.  But lets make it seem a bit safer."

Tell the relatives.  Let them know I can do awesome magic, but make it seem a lot more minor than it is, like if I think about things for a while, I can make a light from nothing.  Tell them that I made one that was way too bright and it burned me in the shoulder a bit, so I'm going to be carful with it.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Full Metal Dress: If I would fall...
« Reply #77 on: December 30, 2024, 07:28:08 pm »

Kora eyes the cylinder.

"What, really?"

She then glances back at the punks, grinning again.

"Lucky for you, I got somewhere to be. You're tough for a coward! Maybe I'll stop by some other time."

Follow the cylinder.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Full Metal Dress: Awake
« Reply #78 on: January 01, 2025, 03:54:04 pm »

Francesca kneels down next to Shadesoul, working to free the bodyguard's SMG from her arms. 

"Don't worry.  I have some medical training.  Little practical experience, just mice and a rabbit once.  But people are basically just big mice.  I'll need more supplies though.  Could you serve me just twenty milligrams?  Some proper bandages would be very nice as well, hemostatics, a couple tourniquets?  And not one of those terrible Kyran rubber bands!  Oh, oh, and can you make an Asclepian Bolga?  I've never used one, they're much too expensive, but they're very neat!"

Her rambling only stops as she finally pulls the gun free of Shadesoul's grasp.  "Hmm.  Could you wake up my bodyguard, please?  I promise, if she tries to hurt anyone she shouldn't, you can put her back to sleep.  And if you can make bolga, please give me more than twenty milligrams of morphine.  Just twenty would be inhumane."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Full Metal Dress: Awake
« Reply #79 on: January 01, 2025, 05:18:25 pm »

Francesca kneels down next to Shadesoul, working to free the bodyguard's SMG from her arms. 

"Don't worry.  I have some medical training.  Little practical experience, just mice and a rabbit once.  But people are basically just big mice.  I'll need more supplies though.  Could you serve me just twenty milligrams?  Some proper bandages would be very nice as well, hemostatics, a couple tourniquets?  And not one of those terrible Kyran rubber bands!  Oh, oh, and can you make an Asclepian Bolga?  I've never used one, they're much too expensive, but they're very neat!"

Her rambling only stops as she finally pulls the gun free of Shadesoul's grasp.  "Hmm.  Could you wake up my bodyguard, please?  I promise, if she tries to hurt anyone she shouldn't, you can put her back to sleep.  And if you can make bolga, please give me more than twenty milligrams of morphine.  Just twenty would be inhumane."
((What is "Asclepian Bolga"?))
Rest of the sigs
The helicopter is rent apart by the collision, its steel unable to resist its inevitable reunion with the ground, and the meat within is smashed by the crumpling cockpit beyond any practical hope of recovery. What comes up, must come down again. Ore and ape, returned to mother planet's embrace.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Full Metal Dress: If I would fall...
« Reply #80 on: January 03, 2025, 07:18:04 am »

((A fictional medical device of unknown function, made up on the spot as my med student friend was on vacation and I didn't want to interrupt and ask for his suggestion on what real device would fit.  The term references Asclepius, Greek god of healing, and the Gae Bolg, a mythological spear that kills in a ridiculously brutal way.  Implying that whatever the "Asclepian Bolga" does, it is a very painful way to do it.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Full Metal Dress: The Denial of Creativity
« Reply #81 on: January 06, 2025, 07:50:24 pm »

Icatrina asks the room if it's sure that she's a magical girl.

"You are Icatrina Shinrasia. Our communications with you prior to today have proven that you have the capacity for healing magic, among more complex abilities. The knowledge to do so usually manifests subconsciously, the needed actions emerging when needed. If the question is whether you have the capacity, the magic itself, there is no question, you are capable of this. However, some amount of knowledge is required, whether this comes with instinct or training. If you say that you lack the knowledge, then this is true. We will be able to teach you, of course, but the time required is greater than is now available. You can be assured that we will not ask you to do anything that you are not capable of."

Icatrina can feel something different, for sure, tangled in her mind or heart or both. She's not sure when it started, but now feels different than yesterday. There's something new, something about her which defies any understanding of the world she may have used to have. Certainly, this must be either magic or some kind of hallucination. And whatever it is could be released... It would just require that she has faith that she can in fact do it.
Have faith, or don't? ((If Icatrina has no faith, she will "unlearn" Cheap Heal and Shield, but they can be learned for free later.))

Francesca requests several medical substances and devices while attempting to steal a deadly weapon.

"I cannot 'make' anything like that; I have collected a variety of common human foodstuffs since I am, after all, a bistro. Separately, I have collected this."
A large cloth bag appears on the counter. It's a rough fabric in a muted blue, and seems to be designed to be worn over the shoulder. It has one patch of the Acireman Hawk, and another of a green mint leaf, the symbol of medicine.

[Sleigh of Hand 3d6: 9 Agility+0 = 9]
Shadesoul awakens from a light nap to see Francesca pulling on her N5K. She yawns and casually scoots the girl out of her space.
"Hey hey, be careful girl. Guns ain't safe to mess with like that. Wouldn't want the boss's daughter getting hurt, eh?"

Just then, a rather rough-edged girl pushes open the door, setting its bells jingling merrily. She looks all bruised and a bit cut, as though she just walked in from a fight...
She is described like this:
Tall and athletic for her age, with shaggy silver and black hair and vibrant red eyes. Usually grinning and balling her fists, and covered in cuts and bruises.

"Ah, that was quick. Are you getting better at speaking to humans, Spice? Welcome, I am The Dragon."

"H-huh?" The punk sputters. "Hey, you can't be serious! We were in the middle of something! Get back here, punk!"

...As Kora turns and leaves, at a jog to keep up with the little flying cylinder. Which keeps picking up speed, until Kora finds herself running to keep up. Just about when she starts to feel her muscles burn and wonder if it really isn't worth keeping up with this strange thing, it stops, hovering outside of a small foreign-style restaurant. Its single blue eye regards Kora with a little polite bow.
"Thank you. This ah, isn't the fight yet. This-" -it points an arm at the building- "Is my lovely partner, The Dragon." It then zips into the building. Kora decides to follow, pushing open the glass door and shuffling into the dining room.

Inside the restaurant there are two relatively scrawny-looking girls, as though they both don't spend every day looking for street fights to get into. Additionally they are described like this:
pixie cut hair and tan skin, this girl wears cheap but practical and well-maintained shirts and trousers, secured by a simple belt. She remains generally wary of her surroundings, but is especially alert to the sounds of artillery, beginning to move to cover before she even has time for conscious thought.
and this:
Taller than average, and a little overweight.  She wears white pants, a heavy belt, and a long white coat, all festooned with many pockets and pouches--half of which tend to be filled at any given moment.  She only ever wears heavy boots (much to the chagrin of the maids), and of course, she's virtually always wearing a smile; you're never full dressed without one, after all!
There is also a groggy-looking cat-mercenary, with an SMG at her side, picking at a plate of eggs.

And then, seemingly the room itself speaks up. [color]"Ah, that was quick. Are you getting better at speaking to humans, Spice? Welcome, I am The Dragon."[/color]

Blinking away shiny stars in her eyes, Diane quickly makes her way to the apartment's small study-room, where her uncle is looking over some uninteresting papers of some sort.
"...Diane? What is it?" He's an older man, though with somewhat youthful-seeming messy ashen-colored hair; he's not Diane's relative by blood, her aunt and late parents all have blue hair like hers.

[Credulity 1d6: 3]
The man listens patiently while Diane explains, but ends up with a slight frown on his face.
"Have you been daydreaming, Diane? Well, it's better than nightmares." His expression becomes a slight smile, maybe a sad one. Which fades away when Diane rolls up her sleeve to show her shoulder.
"Ahh... You haven't been playing with fire, have you girl? I hope you know it's not your friend. Here, I have something to help with that."
He takes a pair of scissors and cuts off a piece from an aloe plant on his desk, rubbing the cut piece on Diane's burn. It does feel a bit better now.

Seven's hand extends towards the sand in between the two little rocks the soldiers are cowering behind. Her voice is a command which echos out into the earth, heard by the unliving and inorganic, an irresistible agenda to them.
[-2 Mana]
Grey and cracked chains emerge from the ground and promptly tackle the left soldier to the ground, winding and binding his limbs.
No, don't bind, pull. Pull them BOTH!

[Control 3d6: 10 Magical Form+1 Multiple Commands-1 = 10]
What? No, this isn't expected. Obligation binds, obligation is heavy, obligation creates stasis, obligation is focused, it has a target and it hits. Were you looking for some other power? Confusion.
However, while the chains are confused, the bound ranger is kept still, crumpled into the dirt and safe behind that rock. The other turns towards Seven. "You!-"

[Whose Marksmanship? 3d6: 5 Trained+1 = 6]
A massive impact hits the sand just a few feet from Seven, blasting her with an opaque cloud of glittering particles and sending a jolt through the planet which makes her feet jitter.
[Nerve 3d6: 6 Endurance+1 = 7]
Seven doesn't think; she simply finds herself on the ground, trying to hide under the cloud of sand, trying to make herself a small target from the marksman, whose weapon feels to her like some sort of cannon, the way it makes the floor tremble so. Involuntary jolts of fear burn through her nerves like hot water poured from a kettle, recent memories of what that weapon does to mortal flesh, questioning if it's really on her side.

"Shit!" The remaining Ranger shouts, rather simplistically. "S-stop that, little girl! Let him go!"
[Their Perception 3d6: 4]
He peers over his little rock desperately, then starts, apparently seeing something. "Get some!" He shouts, before beginning to unload his rifle towards the distance. A few moments later, the weapon clicks empty.
"...Did I get 'em?"

[Resist Order 3d6: 13]
The bound Ranger shouts and struggles against the chains, though he poses no threat of breaking free. However, if the chains weaken him, he doesn't show it, clutching for his weapon.

Spoiler: Seven - VermilionSkies (click to show/hide)
I may choose to be anything I wish. So I chose to be YOUR DOOM!!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Full Metal Dress: The Denial of Creativity
« Reply #82 on: January 06, 2025, 10:03:13 pm »

Breathe out.  Breathe in.  Breathe out.

Diane returns to her room, carefully, and easing down to the floor cross-legged, adjusting her dressing.

She then gathers her hair, closes her eyes, and begins brushing it.

"This is it, Diane. Just breathe. You can do this."


Rest for a time and practice.  One day, I will get the flaming sword.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Full Metal Dress: The Denial of Creativity
« Reply #83 on: January 11, 2025, 07:21:54 pm »

"I... Prior communications? I... what? Wait. That... that wasn't... just a dream? That was real? This... this is real? I... I can really just... just do... that? But... but how... But you're... We're..."
Icatrina turns to stare out the window, recalling the flight she experienced just moments ago. The proof that the impossible was not only possible. but really happening, right now, to her, for real. Right here.
"And I... But..."
"Can... are... when... when we have a moment, could... could we go back and... let me heal Violet?"
She then glanced down at the wood axe resting at her side.
"Um... also, I uh... gotta return this."
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Full Metal Dress: The Denial of Creativity
« Reply #84 on: January 11, 2025, 09:51:19 pm »

Kora looks around.

"Oh, hey. You really a dragon?"

She also glances at the other occupants, grinning at the merc.

"You here for the lapdog or the mouse too? Name's Kora."

She also glances at the merc's food.

"You got any spare chow? I'm broke, but if you want me fighting it might pay to feed me beforehand. I do have a guy on it, but he's a worthless weasel."
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Full Metal Dress: Awake
« Reply #85 on: January 15, 2025, 04:16:52 pm »

Francesca smiles down Shadesoul, nodding.

"You fell asleep holding it!  It wasn't safe.  I put it on safe for you, but even then.  Anyways, welcome back to the waking world!  I was just negotating a new contract.  I'm going to provide medical assistance for some violent people while they rescue a friend, and if you keep guarding me, I'll give you half the reward.  Or, more specifically, I'll give you fifteen ducats."

Francesca tilts her head to the side, her smile widening a little as she laughs.  "Does that sound good~?"

Try to convince bodyguard that this is a reasonable situation and that she'll get money if she helps.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Full Metal Dress: The Denial of Creativity
« Reply #86 on: January 15, 2025, 06:01:55 pm »

Wasn't that helicopter way larger than the space both of them are in? Couldn't you have just... wrapped around the whole area, then tightened into the center?
Seven sighs.
Thank you for trying, guys.
Seven dismisses her chains, not having the mana to keep them up.
Things seem like they're going poorly for the invaders, though. I just need to... get out of here!
Seven bolts, attempting to avoid being hit- not that she knows how to do that, really. She's running out of mana, running out of random lucky breaks, and absolutely running out of patience to try and negotiate with the manifested concept of orderly submission while being shot at.


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Re: Full Metal Dress: The Denial of Creativity
« Reply #87 on: January 15, 2025, 06:28:22 pm »

((The rations in your inventory are the currency, since the local currency of the Republic of Lysir isn't really worth anything to anyone. Stable food makes for a good enough trade good. Mercenaries like Shadesoul would probably be paid in foreign currencies, like the Acireman Dollar. I won't bother calling them Rallods or something. We can say that ducats are currency used by the Kyrans Empire, the other major power besides Acirema. They're old fashioned enough that they might still just use precious metal coins, so you may have offered Shadesoul a handful of small silver coins. Or great big copper ones?))
I may choose to be anything I wish. So I chose to be YOUR DOOM!!!
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