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Favorite Match of Titan Fest 2024?

Round 1 - Erik Blank vs. an Unknown & Anonymous Masked Bay12 User?
- 3 (75%)
Round 3 - Erik Blank vs. Wolfkey
- 0 (0%)
Round 4 - Squamous vs. an Unknown & Anonymous Masked Bay12 User?
- 0 (0%)
Round 5 - FirePhoenix11 vs. an Unknown & Anonymous Masked Bay12 User?
- 0 (0%)
Round 9 - Erik Blank vs. FirePhoenix11
- 1 (25%)

Total Members Voted: 4

Voting closed: October 17, 2024, 08:28:00 pm

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Author Topic: [EXTREME MODDERS ONLY] T I T A N F E S T - 2024  (Read 4726 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #60 on: October 11, 2024, 01:43:40 am »

I continue to be disappointed. I definitely didn't push the limits hard enough here.
Ahhh, come on', don't be. Your titan really has added a lot of entertainment value to this thing. But yeah, in terms of raw power, it does feel a bit mid.
Here's an image that accurately depicts your win again the Lord of Flies in game 2.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Also man, your friggin' g2 win over the crab? Dude, that was absolutely GLORIOUS! A hyper-tuned creature doesn't seem as likely to be able pull off a stunning reversal like that.

Speaking of bad-ass mid-tier characters, have you been following Squamous's blue dude? I mean, this thing is BADASS, it turns you into a clone of itself, "pushes" you into a back alley, and then caps you in the head, with a bunch of its goons. And no one seems to have any idea why it does it actually does. Try to imagine the thought process behind this one:

Squab: "Ahh yes, MMHHMMMM, yes, yes, this is the TRUE path to victory and happiness. It all makes sense to me now... Its so perfectly clear! What greater joy can there be, but to be eaten by one's own clone-sire?
Yes, yes, I must share this with everyone! It is a gift to all modders!"
Proceeds to then tattoo every inch of his body with the creature raws for thing with ink pulled from an actual squid.
Then later gets arrested inside a 7Eleven at 4:00am for trying to "enlighten" random people.

Dude, I love the Supreme Profanity. And 100% would buy a shirt with its sprite artwork on it.

Edit: Phrasing. Also, added a modified image depicting g2 of Erik Blank vs. Dikbutdagrate.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2024, 12:25:34 pm by dikbutdagrate »


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #61 on: October 11, 2024, 08:55:45 pm »

Round 6 is in, and here's the vid, this video is the antithetical polar opposite of the last one, nothing really interesting happens, and the whole video is like 6 minutes long.
Or well, rather, it would have been six minutes long, but DPh Kraken's Black Pudding, bless its little weird sponge meaty heart, was trying so hard, I just didn't have it in me to to turn the camera off  for a little while. So the vid ends up being like 11 minutes. Half of it is just the Pudding trying the absolute best it can.

Round 6 Match Results:
I am still completely burnt to a crisp after the last video, so I feel like I lucked out in not having all that much to cover here, honestly.

                                                                  W -  L  -  T
Dikbutdagrate:                                2  -  0
An Anonymous Masked Bay12 User:  0  -  2

Game 1 - The Golden Kobold wins the die roll spawning in first. For the arena, both combatants spawn up in the air above water, and the golden kobold smashes into the sea floor, pretty and dies as a result of its wounds from the impact. Dikbutdagrate takes game 1.

Game 2 - The Golden Kobold spawns in with auto-syndrome this time, to help clinch a game 2 win, and spawns in as an extremely low-budgeted foreign film knock-off version of Erik Blank's Spellcaster Titan. As the titan, the kobold spawns a bunch of adamantine colossus dummies, but these are turned into clouds of "goodbye" and promptly dissipate. One of them appears to have thrown up though, based on the vomit that you can see in the video, and the combat log notes it. I'm not really certain how a creature without a mouth is able to vomit exactly, so that was pretty weird. Never seen cloud vomit actual vomit before. Alrighty then.

The Lord of Flies proceeds to engage the Golden Kobold/Titan in some wrestling, while repeatedly swiping the Titan in the head, about half the attacks glace away, and the other half chip the core, but all the secret interactions which are tethered to these melee strikes work all the same, providing the golden kobold with plenty of "bad bananas".

Eventually the Kobold is paralyzed and brought down, turning into an item corpse statue of a salmon.    Dikbut takes game 2, winning the match.

Erik Blank:  2  -  0
Jecowa:      0  -  2

Game 1 - Erik Blank wins the die roll, getting to spawn in first, while the arena is set to Jecowa's custom one. The Phoeball is pretty viscious here, but Erik pokes out its 25th center eye, or something, and the match starts to turn the other way. Jecowa's Phoeball eventually falls into an abyss after getting transformed into a kobold, which cannot fly and Erik takes game 1.

Game 2 - Erik Blank's Spellcaster Titan doesn't mess around this time, and goes for the Kobold win strat right off the bat. The Phoeball is turned into a kobold and is knocked back over the horizon. Erik takes the match 2 - 0

FirePhoenix:  2  -  0
Xzaxza:        0  -  2

Games 1 and 2 -  You know what happens here.

Squamous:  0  -  2
Wolfkey:      2  -  0

Game 1 - Squamous wins the die roll, but the crab wagonify's the Supreme Profanity just after the start. Wolfkey's the Scuttler takes game1.

Game 2 - Same deal. Where this crabs going, we don't need no wagons. And then the Supreme Profanity became a wagon. The crab wins.

DPh Kraken:        1   -  0  -  0 
The BYE Monster: 0   -  0  -  2

Game Whatever - Look, just don't ask. We're giving the black pudding an "A" for effort here.

Look, it TRIED as hard as it could, alright? I didn't think anyone would actually lose to the BYE creature, and it feels weird giving Kraken here a draw. I don't want to have to wait for another 1.5 years before finding out if it could even beat the BYE creature before having to call time, and neither do you, I think. Somehow, it did manage to take the BYE creature's foot off, or maybe the BYE creature was helping?

Look, we just went ahead and skipped game 2, and we're giving the Pudding the win, it deserves it.

DPh Kraken's the Black Pudding wins the match with an absolutely incredible 1 - 0 - 0!  And the crowd goes wild "AHHHHH! YEAHH!!! AHH!!!!"


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #62 on: October 11, 2024, 09:09:57 pm »

Round 7 Match Pairings are up!
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Just three rounds left, here are the Current Standings:

#1   FirePhoenix11                                    |  18 points

#2a  Dikbutdagrate                                    |  15 points

#2b  Wolfkey                                             |  15 points

#3   Erik Blank                                           |  10 points

#4a  Squamous                                          |  9 points

#4b   xzaxza                                               |  9 points

#5     jecowa                                               |  6 points

#6     An Annoymous masked Bay12 User      |  4 points

#7    DPh Kraken                                          |  3 points

#8    BYE Creature                                        |  1 points
« Last Edit: October 11, 2024, 09:56:12 pm by dikbutdagrate »


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« Reply #63 on: October 11, 2024, 11:01:38 pm »

I'd be interested in an exhibition match between Nightmare of Slade and Black Pudding. Maybe leave the game running a few hours overnight. Don't have to record, just screenshot the end of combat log when you come back. Maybe several hours will give one time to win.


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #64 on: October 12, 2024, 10:23:33 pm »

Vid for Round 7 is up, and its another short one.

Round 7 Match Results:

                                                                  W -  L  -  T
An anonymous masked bay12 user:  2  -  1
Xzaxza:                                          1  -  2   

Game 1 - The Golden Kobold wins the die roll, spawning in first. Interestingly, rather than transform near the start of the game, it blindly marches forward toward its demise, and is sheepified and then subsequently annihilated by dragonfire. Xzaxza's Adamantine Monster takes game 1.

Game 2 - The Golden Kobold, dialing it up a notch, spawns in using its Bogeyman Incarnate Syndrome for game 2. The RNG causes the Golden Kobold to spawn into the arena as a knock off clone of the Lord of Flies. The game is fast, and the Lord of Flies turns the Adamantine Monster into a "goodbye", and it promptly dissipates. The Golden Kobold wins game 2.

Game 3 - The Golden Kobold once again spawns in using its syndrome, and this time it spawns as a clone of Erik Blank's Spellcaster Titan. The Spellcaster Titan summons several adamantine Collosi as backup, but these don't appear to be needed. It then turns the Adamantine Monster into a kobold and pummels it into the ground. The Gold Kobold wins game 3, taking the match 2 - 1.

DPh Kraken:  0  -  2
Squamous:    2  -  0

Game 1 - Get cloned, get shot, get eatin', do a little dance. Squamous's Supreme Profanity takes game 1.

Game 2 - Get cloned, get bakdafukup'd, get skipped across the ground and leave your entrails behind you on the way out. 
Squamous 's Supreme Profanity takes the match  2 - 0.

Erik Blank: 2  -  0
BYE:          0  -  2

Game 1 - "Be very afraid of the light, kids." Now we know why we fear the sunlight. Erik Blank takes game 1

Game 2 - Erik Blank's Spellcaster Titan beats the Nightmare of Slade BYE Creature into a bloody pulp. Erik Blank takes the match 2 - 0.

FirePhoenix: 2  -  0
Wolfkey:       0  -  2

Game 1 - Wolfkey wins the die roll, but it avails the crab little, as it is turned to stone on tick 2 of game 1.  Its wagonmancy skills are no match for the " ".

Game 2 - FirePhoenix11 wins the game, taking the match 2 - 0.

Dikbutdagrate:  1  -  2
Jecowa:             2  - 1

Game 1 - I don't wanna talk about it. My creature was blindfolded, with one of its left hands, while riding a skateboard. And my little brother was using the computer. And a whole host of other things.

Mainly though, I just sort of forgot to toss flying back onto my dude after I had been experimenting with removal of the flying token for a counter strategy I had in mind for dealing with being encased in obsidian. And Iorgot to put flying back on.

I win the die roll, which means we spawn in Jecowa's custom arena for game 1. The Lord of Flies moose plummets into an abyss.

Game 2 - The radioactive rubber chicken ball, with googly eyes, is crushed like one of the giant insects that my creatures poops out every 0.1524 seconds.

Game 3 -
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #65 on: October 12, 2024, 10:31:47 pm »

Round 8 Match Pairings are up!
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With just two rounds left, perhaps a far more interesting question to ask now is, "who is the second, or perhaps even third strongest?", as the legendary " " takes the lead for first by a country mile.

Here are the Current Standings:

#1   FirePhoenix11                                    |  21 points

#2a  Dikbutdagrate                                    |  15 points

#2b  Wolfkey                                             |  15 points

#3   Erik Blank                                           |  13 points

#4  Squamous                                            |  12 points

#5a   xzaxza                                               |  9 points

#5b   jecowa                                               |  9 points

#6    An Annoymous masked Bay12 User       |  7 points

#7    DPh Kraken                                          |  3 points

#8    BYE Creature                                        |  1 points
« Last Edit: October 12, 2024, 10:33:47 pm by dikbutdagrate »


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #66 on: October 13, 2024, 02:47:38 am »

Here's my theory on Supreme Profanity. When I was making my creature, I kept checking the rules to see what the victory conditions were. I didn't know what would count as win. I think Supreme Profanity turns his opponents into himself so that no matter who wins, it's him.

Also, two theories on the masked submitter of the Golden Kobold– I think it's either dikbutdagrate (because who wouldn't want to enter more creatures? Dikbut probably had been thinking about running a monster tournament for a while and come up with several cool ideas for a contestant. lord of the flies as the one more likely to win, and golden kobold as a more fun one with underdog-appearl) or maybe it's Putnam (because as an employee, it might be uncomfortable entering, especially as a game programmer. If you win, it's because of insider knowledge. if you lose, it might be a little more embarrassing than for other people. it's just a no-win scenario. that could also explain why it's a kobold, just to be more fun and not too try-hard).

Also, I'm really curious about how everyone's monsters work. If people want to talk about their creatures, I think that would be cool. I would have asked earlier, but thought it would be kind of spoilery. But it's probably okay now that the tournament is winding down, and we've probably seen most everyone's moves.


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #67 on: October 13, 2024, 05:44:29 am »

Also, I'm really curious about how everyone's monsters work. If people want to talk about their creatures, I think that would be cool. I would have asked earlier, but thought it would be kind of spoilery. But it's probably okay now that the tournament is winding down, and we've probably seen most everyone's moves.
I started the whole process by making something natural. So I made a beast that's supposed to excel in melee combat. Then I turned it into adamantine and started giving it unnatural powers. I didn't have a proper idea what I was going to be against, but when I realized you can transform opponents with interactions that seemed like a winning condition. I maybe should've went full 100% on that route, but I didn't want to scrap the cool design I did, and all the hours tweaking things that ended up being completely irrelevant. I didn't even really go full op on it; like I didn't make mine able to fly or levitate because I didn't think that one made any sense for the creature.

I'm not sure it's shown all its tools yet, like it can cause syndromes that do nasty things over time. I also hoped its hide-in-smoke effect (inspired by squids) would've prevented it from being targeted. In my tests, if I took control of an opponent, I couldn't target my hidden monster. AI did seem to be able to do so though.

I maybe should've started with a creature that summons an army of a second creature that summon an army of a third creature that do do all sorts of vile things to any opponent they see.

It's a learning process, and I'm excited to see the raws when they're out.
Known issues
You may get a dwarf that likes bugged stockpiles.


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #68 on: October 13, 2024, 06:13:49 pm »

Also, a question: does DF v50 no longer allow you to access the combat logs in one of its output files? I know the Gladiator Tournament includes those in the posts somehow, instead of just through video.
Oh, I actually just found it. There's a complete gamelog.txt file that seems to get overwritten every 300,000 kb or so, and it includes the combat logs. If we do the tournament again next year, I can host those.
Hurray for having more chores to do for each match!

I'm not sure it's shown all its tools yet, like it can cause syndromes that do nasty things over time. I also hoped its hide-in-smoke effect (inspired by squids) would've prevented it from being targeted. In my tests, if I took control of an opponent, I couldn't target my hidden monster. AI did seem to be able to do so though.

I maybe should've started with a creature that summons an army of a second creature that summon an army of a third creature that do do all sorts of vile things to any opponent they see.

It's a learning process, and I'm excited to see the raws when they're out.
A lot of creatures have extravision to prevent that exact thing from being viable. And you gotta' be careful with summon recursion. Real easy way to crash the game, which would only score you a draw, instead of a win.


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #69 on: October 13, 2024, 07:27:26 pm »

Oh, I actually just found it. There's a complete gamelog.txt file that seems to get overwritten every 300,000 kb or so, and it includes the combat logs. If we do the tournament again next year, I can host those.
Hurray for having more chores to do for each match!
Maybe if the gamelog was being constantly displayed, you wouldn't have to pause to check it. Or is there a downside to that? If I was hosting a tournament, I think I'd prefer to be able to relax and not have to keep too close of a watch on what's going on. And with the gamelog always displayed in the video, there's be less need to upload it afterwards.


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« Reply #70 on: October 13, 2024, 07:37:28 pm »

Vid for Round 8 is up:

I was thinking about hosting a poll for people's favorite matches thus far, if you have any nominations go ahead and post them in the thread.

Personally, I'm nominating these three, if anyone wants to second them:
#1 Erik Blank vs. Wolfkey - game 2 during that match was wild. Eric's Titan managing to avoide wagonification, and then getting there, despite the crab surviving the initial onslaught was top tier.
#2 FirePhoenix11's " " vs. The Golden Kobold by an Anonymous Masked Bay12 User? - For game 1. I mean, what can one even say about this game, other than "Wow!"
#3 Probably one of the matches involving the Supreme Profanity, but I'm a little torn on which one to choose from.

Round 8 Match Results:

Dikbutdagrate:    2  -  0
Xzaxza:              0  -  2

Game 1 - Xzaxza's Adamantine Monster spawns in first, having won the die roll, and the arena is set to be fought in the water. This is a weird one, as the Adamantine Monster swims away and climbs out of the pool. The Lord of Flies sits there, chilling into the boiling hot mud, while the Adamantine monster roars from above atop of the nearby bridge. The two lock eyes for a brief while, and then the match goes haywire. The Lord of Flies summons a companion, and in very short order, the Adamantine Monster is turned into a cloud of "Goodbye" vapor. Before it can even evaporate though. The Lord of Flies sends the ephemeral cloud flying. It died after colliding with an obstacle before it can even evaporate.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Game 2 - The adamantine monster shoots projectiles, bellows smoke, and roars, before getting a case of the "bad bananas", and turned into a poofy sad looking cloud which promptly dissipates.

The Lord of Flies new companion monster will now forever change into a new sheep every tick for the rest of eternity. But dikbutdagrate and his Lord of Flies takes the match 2 - 0.

Erik Blank:          2  -  0
Squamous:          0  -  2

Game 1 - The combatants spawn atop of a pyramid surrounded by magma. Erik Blank wins the die roll spawning in first. There's a lot of projectiles, dragonfire, and summoning in this one, but ultimately the Spelltitan muscles through, turning several of the Supreme Profanities into kobolds, including the original. Erik Blank's Spelltitan slices into the Supreme Profanity 1 injecting the Spelltitan's poison into its blood stream, and sending the newly transformed kobold backwards, slaying it. Erik Blank takes game 1.

Game 2 - Absolute chaos. I don't know what's going on. Erik's Spelltitan once again manages to avoid being turned into a weakened Supreme Profanity, somehow, but its Adamantine Colossus ally summons manage to get targeted, they are then subsequently defeated after being clones of the Supreme Profanity. Erik Blank's Spellcaster Titan looks like its getting pushed back by an ever-growing population of allied Supreme Profanity clones. There are tons and tons and tons of projectiles being fired off everywhere. A massive cone of adamantine barbs and Supreme Profanity skin begins to form behind the Spelltitan, as it continues to dodge the massive barrage.

The Titan is mightier than the individual Supreme Profanities, and begins to hack its way through, through carnage, madness, and and blue dragonfire. The surrounding grassland is set ablaze during the fight. In the field of burning flowers and scattered corpses of the slain comrades and fellow conspirators of the Supreme Profanity, the Spelltitan finds its foe. The Supreme Profanity can no longer hide amongst its allies, and it is cursed, and turned into a weakened kobold, and the powerful sword arm of the Spelltitan comes crashing down. Erik Blank wins the match 2 - 0

FirePhoenix11:    0  -  2
DPh Kraken:        2  -  0

Game 1: Kraken's Black Pudding yet again shows us how overpowered it is, and takes down " " by tick "-329919321"

Game 2: Same thing.

... I'm kidding. You know what happened here.

An Anonymous masked Bay12 User:  2  -  1
Wolfkey:                                          1  -  2

Game 1 - The Golden Kobold doesn't have quite enough time to transform before being turned into a wagon, despite winning the die roll and spawning in first. Wolfkey takes game 1.

Game 2 - The Golden Kobold spawns in using its Bogeyman Incarnate syndrome, in order to turn the match around, which it does. It spawns in as a discount rental version of Erik's Spellcaster Titan, which prevents it from succumbing to the Crab's Wagonmancy interaction, although the Kobold/Titan's summoned help are still vulnerable. The Golden Kobold/Spellcaster Titan wallops the crab into the dirt. Although this does require something like several hits, it gets there. The Golden Kobold takes game 2.

Game 3 - A repeat of game 2. The Golden Kobold wins game 3, taking the match 2 - 1.

Jecowa:  2  -  0
BYE:       0  -  2

Game 1 - Jecowa autowins the die roll against the Nightmare of Slade BYE creature, getting to spawn in first. The furious orange chicken ball  of Satan leaps 2z levels into the air, before crashing back down into the Slade Nightmare creature. Phoeball rips the Slade Nightmare limb from limb in the blink of an eye.

Wow, some seriously impressive bite force here, with being able to chew through slade like it was paper.

Game 2 - The arena switches to Jecowa's custom arena. The Slade Nightmare BYE creature, can evidently fly, and Jecowa's Phoeball has to drag its butt across the entire arena in order to bite one of the nightmare's wings off. This causes the Nightmare to plummet into the abyss. Jecowa takes game 2, winning the match 2 - 0.


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« Reply #71 on: October 13, 2024, 07:56:54 pm »

Round 9 FINAL Match Pairings are up!
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Going into the final round, here are the Current Standings & Current ( Win - Loss - Draw ) Records:

#1   FirePhoenix11                                    |  24 points      |  ( 8 - 0 - 0 )

#2  Dikbutdagrate                                     |  18 points      |  ( 6 - 2 - 0 )

#3   Erik Blank                                          |  16 points      |  ( 5 - 2 - 1 )

#4  Wolfkey                                               |  15 points     |  ( 5 - 3 - 0 )

#5a Squamous                                            |  12 points    |  ( 4 - 4 - 0 )

#5b  jecowa                                                 |  12 points   |  ( 4 - 4 - 0 )

#6   An Annoymous masked Bay12 User         |  10  points  |  ( 3 - 4 - 1 )

#7   xzaxza                                                   |  9 points    |  ( 3 - 5 - 0 )

#8    DPh Kraken                                            |  3 points   |  ( 1 - 7 - 0 ) [Note: Was granted a win, instead of draw against BYE creature]

#9    BYE Creature                                          |  1 points   |  ( 0 - 7 - 1 )

Eric Blank

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« Reply #72 on: October 13, 2024, 08:17:10 pm »

Spoiler: this got way too long (click to show/hide)
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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« Reply #73 on: October 13, 2024, 10:58:05 pm »

It might be because it was one of the first matches, but I the fight between the Golden Kobold and Spellcaster Titan is the most memorable. I was surprised that the fight went on so long, and they were able to roam around the largest arena during their fight. I still don't know why that happens.

A lot of the first-round matches were more interesting to me, because it was more confusing being unaware of all the creatures' abilities to transform and transform their opponents. I would rewind and try to figure out what happened.

In the second-round matches, I was excited to see the Scuttler use its ability for the first time.

I think I would need to go and rewatch them all to pick a favorite.

3☼ temperature is like below absolute zero, right? I wasn't sure if obsidian casting would work on my creature because I think, like your, is like max temperature.

I think some people didn't like obsidian casting, but I don't get what makes it so much different than scuttling or transforming into a sheep.


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« Reply #74 on: October 14, 2024, 04:00:59 am »

It might be because it was one of the first matches, but I the fight between the Golden Kobold and Spellcaster Titan is the most memorable. I was surprised that the fight went on so long, and they were able to roam around the largest arena during their fight. I still don't know why that happens.

A lot of the first-round matches were more interesting to me, because it was more confusing being unaware of all the creatures' abilities to transform and transform their opponents. I would rewind and try to figure out what happened.

I actually forgot about Spelltitan vs. Kobold. That was pretty fun to watch. That one is definitely up there.

I think some people didn't like obsidian casting, but I don't get what makes it so much different than scuttling or transforming into a sheep.
So I'm passing out atm, so maybe I'll explain it better in detail tomorrow or something. But basically, is that its virtually unstoppable atm. And when I say unstoppable, I mean unstoppable. The only ways of countering it are very confusing, and likely entail sabotaging your own start in such a way that it might inadvertently force a draw. And you end up having to draw matches you would have otherwise won.

So with polymorphing: You can counter it, by simply transforming your creature into another creature first, namely with the syndrome you can apply before the match starts. And while you are another creature, the game protects you from being transformed into something else. You can only be polymorphed into one thing. Its a little more confusing than that, as you can clearly see by what happens with xzaxza's sheepification ray, but this is the gist of it.

Whereas with the obsidian casting, you're just gone.  And its not that we "don't like it", per say, its cool that it can end matches that fast, that's fine by itself It just that it prevents things and creatures from interacting with one another in a way that might be a bit more interesting.

FirePhoenix11 did a lot of testing, and ultimately, every match ends up being decided by essentially a coin-flip of who gets to spawn in first; even if the game is paused when they're spawned in. The game will still determine who gets obsidian casted first by who spawns first. And that just isn't very interesting on a large scale tournament. So we were trying to find a way to fix that for next time, without actually ban anything, so as to continue to respect the sheer raw power and dominance of each of the creatures that enter, and the nature of the tournament's format.

Hence why in future events, players might need to have the unit kill be listed under your original creature's units slain count, in order to avoid a "draw" - This seems like a likely rules change for future events.
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