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Author Topic: Roll to Be Doomed  (Read 3837 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Roll to Be Doomed
« on: October 02, 2024, 08:08:29 pm »

Time for a Halloweeny October game!

A horrible curse falls over the Kingdom of Light. The evil Lich King has cursed each and every inhabitant with a prophesied death! One that comes sooner than normal, that is. Unfortunately you are one such cursed soul. Your date with death is sealed, but perhaps you can use what time you have left to defeat the Evil Lich and save the Kingdom, and yourself!


Upon character creation your character will have 1d6 turns left to live. 1 turn is 1 day. No matter how well you roll, you will die when your date with date comes up. Or sooner!

You get 3 rolls per turn. This includes rolling for proactive actions like exploring or crafting items and reactive actions like defending yourself. Once you've used your rolls, you won't perform any additional actions and you won't protect yourself!

The game ends when the Lich King is vanquished, or on Halloween, when the Kingdom of Light will be swallowed forever!

Updates nightly in the evening EST. Remember to post! If no action is posted, your character is safe for the turn but you still lose a turn of life.

There's no limit on players, and you may make a new character immediately after death.

Use the character sheet:
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Please post your updated sheet with your action. Since I have to post from phone right now, it help a lot!

Monsters have their own attack and defend stats, which act as a malus to your own roll.

These are the roll results when defending:
6+: No negative effects.
5: You immediately counterattack, without using one of your rolls.
4: No negative effects.
3: You have a negative reroll on your next roll.
2: You lose a point in in a random rolling skill.
1: You lose a day of life. More is lost on a worse roll than 1.

These are the roll results when attacking:
6: The monster is slain.
5: The monster is slain and you get loot.
4, 3 or 2: Next time you roll this the monster is slain.
1: The monster immediately counterattacks!

Spoiler: the world! (click to show/hide)

Post an action with your character!
I may choose to be anything I wish. So I chose to be YOUR DOOM!!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Be Doomed
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2024, 08:16:12 pm »

Name: Rho-bha''rt (Pronounced Robert)
Description: A Necromancer, seeking immortality. He figures that if he can get to the lich king and kill him, he can steal his reasearch on immortality and pass it off as his own!
Days to Live: 1d6+2
Rolls per Turn: 3 rolls
Items: 1x bag of coin
(Spend 5 points:)
Vitality: 2
Attack: 1
Magic: 2

1. Research how this curse works, if it痴 only tied to the body I might be able to escape it with necromancy. Who knows?
2. Collect ingredients so that I can have enough for onhand lightning bolt spells, I think I値l need it if I知 going after this lich.
3. If anything attacks me, defend myself
« Last Edit: October 05, 2024, 02:04:37 pm by Megam0nkey »


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Re: Roll to Be Doomed
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2024, 12:47:31 am »

It occurs to me that in a game this minimalist wizards will probably try things like "use a spell to smite the Lich King from the comfort of my tower" and I'll have to either let them roll for it or just straight deny them and eat an action, so let's make some magic rules.

All magic falls into one of three schools. Any wizard can use all of these, but might choose not to.

Orderly Sorcery requires preparatory actions for research and gathering components. This lets you do any properly wizardy thing, but might need a lot of rolls to do so. This has the most potential for outright overpowered effects, but everything has its cost.

Wild Magic lets you do anything you can think of, with appropriately chaotic results, both in the effects and the side effects. You always get a mishap table effect, and your actual intended spell will be literal genie'd or just happen in a way which encourages chaos.

Light Miracles have neither restriction, by the grace of the Light King, but have a limited list of possible spells:
Light Spear, a magical attack that most corporeal monsters are strong against.
Purification, to destroy corruption. Purifying wide areas needs teamwork.
Illumination, to light dark areas and provide guidance.
Divination, to provide probably useless cryptic advice.
And Healing, which is obvious, but doesn't help against Doom.
I may choose to be anything I wish. So I chose to be YOUR DOOM!!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Be Doomed
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2024, 08:53:05 am »

Name: Bovark
Description: Grumpy Chainsmoking ninja
Days to Live: 7
Rolls per Turn: 3
Items: 1x bag of coin
(Spend 5 points:)
Vitality: 1
Stamina: 2
Attack: 2
Defend: 0
Adventure: 0
Craft: 0
Magic: 0
Social: 0

  • Train secret shadow smoke technique
  • Train secret thousand fanged viper technique
  • Train Secret Kenjutsu technique
  • Train Secret bodily enhancement technique
« Last Edit: October 03, 2024, 09:23:30 am by BlackPaladin99 »
Gouge out the chainsaw priest's eyes with my thumbs.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Be Doomed
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2024, 02:57:54 pm »

Name: Gigachid
Description: The extremely muscular unarmored raging barbarian of course, who uses brute fists to smash!
Days to Live: 1d6+1
Rolls per Turn: 3
Items: 1x bag of coin
(Spend 5 points:)
Vitality: 1
Stamina: 0
Attack: 2
Defend: 1
Adventure: 1
Craft: Adds rerolls.
Magic: Adds rerolls.
Social: Adds rerolls.

1: Talk to the locals of the Kingdom of the Light about the fastest route towards the Evil Citadel
2: Adventure outside the Kingdom of Light seeking the fastest route towards the Evil Citadel
3: Gigachid defends himself.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2024, 06:23:38 pm by Shadowclaw777 »


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Re: Roll to Be Doomed
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2024, 03:09:43 pm »

Name: Baggy
Description: A bag animated through magic. It has legs and a pair of arms.
Days to Live: 1d6 + 1
Rolls per Turn: 4
Items: 1x bag of coin
(Spend 5 points:)
Vitality: 0
Stamina: 2
Attack: 0
Defend: 0
Adventure: 1
Craft: 1
Magic: 1
Social: 0


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Be Doomed
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2024, 05:47:10 pm »

Never mind about me having to post from my phone, the internet is back already as though purely to prove me wrong.
I may choose to be anything I wish. So I chose to be YOUR DOOM!!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Be Doomed
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2024, 06:33:39 pm »

Speak with scholars on rituals to make contact with Death of Alucard Chronicles fame.
Ask for aid from your Kingdom of Light.
Seek out noble heroes willing to party up.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Be Doomed
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2024, 06:46:16 pm »

1. Gather feathers
2. Gather rocks
3. Create the Portable Portals using feathers and rocks:
Quote from: Portable Portals
Description: Two stones with intriguing markings on it.
Effect: When one of the stone is activated, it teleports the activator to the other stone.
4. Ask locals where is the next stop to the evil citadel on the fastest route.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Be Doomed
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2024, 08:01:08 pm »

Name: Rho-bha''rt (Pronounced Robert)
Description: A Necromancer, seeking immortality. He figures that if he can get to the lich king and kill him, he can steal his reasearch on immortality and pass it off as his own!
Days to Live: 1d6+2
Rolls per Turn: 3 rolls
Items: 1x bag of coin
(Spend 5 points:)
Vitality: 2
Attack: 1
Magic: 2

1. Research how this curse works, if it痴 only tied to the body I might be able to escape it with necromancy. Who knows?
2. Collect ingredients so that I can have enough for onhand lightning bolt spells, I think I値l need it if I知 going after this lich.
3. If anything attacks me, defend myself

[3] The clatter of bones seals your fate. You have 5 days.

1: Magic [5, 5, 6] The curse is lethal, and cannot be avoided. Death in a final and personal sense, the end of your own existence.
2: Generic Acquisition [6] You manage to scavenge x5 unstable lightning crystal.
4 Days left.

Name: Bovark
Description: Grumpy Chainsmoking ninja
Days to Live: 7
Rolls per Turn: 3
Items: 1x bag of coin
(Spend 5 points:)
Vitality: 1
Stamina: 2
Attack: 2
Defend: 0
Adventure: 0
Craft: 0
Magic: 0
Social: 0

  • Train secret shadow smoke technique
  • Train secret thousand fanged viper technique
  • Train Secret Kenjutsu technique
  • Train Secret bodily enhancement technique
[2] you have 3 days.
1: Generic learning [1] You slip into the smoke dimension in an attempt to do a smoky dodge thing. There is not much air here, but you continue to train!
2: [5] You have practiced a deadly venomous technique. Anything you strike successful will die of exploding veins at dusk.
3: [1] You practice kenjitsu. I didn't know what that is, but you are attacked by a smoky kenjitsu master intent on protecting his techniques! They have 2 attack 1 defense.
You cannot protect yourself! You are pummeled and lose 1 day. Now 2. The matter wanders of into the smoky dusk.
4: [6] You learn Power Within!  You may enflame your inner heat, gaining 2 rolls today. On the following day you have 1 less roll and cannot enflame.
1 day left. Make your time.

Name: Gigachid
Description: The extremely muscular unarmored raging barbarian of course, who uses brute fists to smash!
Days to Live: 1d6+1
Rolls per Turn: 3
Items: 1x bag of coin
(Spend 5 points:)
Vitality: 1
Stamina: 0
Attack: 2
Defend: 1
Adventure: 1
Craft: Adds rerolls.
Magic: Adds rerolls.
Social: Adds rerolls.

1: Talk to the locals of the Kingdom of the Light about the fastest route towards the Evil Citadel
2: Adventure outside the Kingdom of Light seeking the fastest route towards the Evil Citadel
3: Gigachid defends himself.
[3] your date is sealed. You have 4 days.
1: Social [3] You are told to go wander into the Chairs Wilds and perish. Rude.
2: Adventure! [4, 4] You wander off and find yourself in Ominous Fields. The citadel feels closer...
1/6 encounter rate: fight!
A skeleton appears! It jangles it's home at you spookily. It has 0 attack 0 defense.
Defend! [1+1] The skeleton bonks you on the leg, making you lose 1 defense.
You run away and make camp for the night. In the morning the skeleton is still there to fight. Skeletons don't sleep!
3 days left.

Speak with scholars on rituals to make contact with Death of Alucard Chronicles fame.
Ask for aid from your Kingdom of Light.
Seek out noble heroes willing to party up.

[1] oof, this is your last day alive! What a time to find out, huh?
1: [6] I don't know which death you mean, so you're getting my own death. He's a big skeleton in a black cloak with a scythe. Cool guy, though. He shows up floating off your balcony with glowing red eyes.
"Yeah, good timing. Nice to meet you."
2: [6] The Kingdom quickly dispatch a legion of their finest knights to your aid, riding gleaming mounts.
3: [6] You trawl the taverns, seeking out brave chosen ones, crafty assassins, noble paladins, and powerful sorcerers. 6 such special people pledge themselves to your service.
0 days left.
As night fell, a Massive Skeleton Horde attacked the abode of Princess Stellar, jangling and being generally spooky and worrisome. The league of brave knights and the adventurers fought bravely to repel the attack, but sadly in the chaos Stellar tripped and fell into a well, drowning to death. The skeletons were soon repelled, but the survivors of the battle will be forever changed, rocking and muttering about spooky scary spooky scary scar-scar-scaryrayray and the bass drop.

1. Gather feathers
2. Gather rocks
3. Create the Portable Portals using feathers and rocks:
Quote from: Portable Portals
Description: Two stones with intriguing markings on it.
Effect: When one of the stone is activated, it teleports the activator to the other stone.
4. Ask locals where is the next stop to the evil citadel on the fastest route.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
[2] you have 2 days left.
Adventure [1, 6] You find some very nice feathers! Unfortunately you plucked them from the back of a doom-saying raven. It swears vengeance and disappears.
Adventure [3, 6] You dig up some shiny rocks from an ancient burial ground. Nobody appears to mind.
Craft [2, 6] Bashing the components together, you successfully create a paired set of portal stones! Which will surely have no side effects.
Social: [2] People don't seem to want to talk to a sentient bag.
1 day left. What will you make of it?
I may choose to be anything I wish. So I chose to be YOUR DOOM!!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Be Doomed
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2024, 08:36:25 pm »

1) Train teleportation
2)Train incredibly strong blows
3)Travel to the evil citadel
4) Power Within
4a)Kill the lich king's bodyguards
4b)Kill the lich king
Gouge out the chainsaw priest's eyes with my thumbs.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Be Doomed
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2024, 08:46:33 pm »

Chat Death up. So, get that I'm sorta fated to die via curse, but any chance I can get some karmic payback going? Really dig the look you got going on~


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Be Doomed
« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2024, 09:01:53 pm »

1. Gather some spell components to raise and take control of the undead plaguing this land! How dare this guy try to steal MY immortality with eternal death! I値l kill him with his own men!
2. Set out to the castle of the lich!
3. Defend myself, if needed. With magic of course! Tapping into the Light kings gifts and my Orderly LIGHTNING BOLTS should be enough to kill any monsters in my way! Undead monsters will instead be token control of, should I have the reasources to practice the spell without delving into wild magic.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2024, 09:16:29 pm by Megam0nkey »


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Re: Roll to Be Doomed
« Reply #13 on: October 03, 2024, 09:02:28 pm »

1. Convince the local merchants to plant my teleportation onto their next stop. Bribe them with my coins
2. Research time travel and write it on a scroll
3. Research animating inanimate objects and write it on a scroll
4. Plant the other teleportation stone in a safe yet accessible place with the scrolls. Write on a piece of paper the details of the device and place the paper under tbe scroll
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Re: Roll to Be Doomed
« Reply #14 on: October 03, 2024, 09:10:22 pm »

Chat Death up. So, get that I'm sorta fated to die via curse, but any chance I can get some karmic payback going? Really dig the look you got going on~
Your existence has ceased. It wouldn't be much of a death if you got to do things afterwards. Though the spookiness aspect of your soul will remain and allow your skeleton to do funny dances.
I may choose to be anything I wish. So I chose to be YOUR DOOM!!!
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