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Author Topic: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.  (Read 6559 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #105 on: December 01, 2024, 08:07:28 am »

Wouldn't my harvesting piloting roll be +3 rather than +1?
I may choose to be anything I wish. So I chose to be YOUR DOOM!!!

Radio Controlled

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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #106 on: December 01, 2024, 10:50:22 am »

Employ my engineering skills to make consumer goods we can use for trade later. Ideally things that would be valuable on any world and that are easily tradable, since we'll probably be hiring crew with this. (aka make sure we get more bang for our buck with the raw materials we have)

If this would not be useful, then instead ask the ship AI about the following:
  - What happened to this ship? What is its service history, what action did it see, why did it get mothballed here etc.
  - More broadly, what does this ship know about galactic history? At what point did it get mothballed, during the decline, before, after? We don't know why the empire fell, but maybe this ship can shed some light!

"Good work everyone, some close calls but we made it."

"Now, who wants to be in charge of our recruitment efforts? I can fly the ship if no better pilots want to, but I'd still need someone to do the talking, I'm not, ah, a people person."

"Oh, and Johanna, if you could take over my shift regarding producing things for trade, I could look into those extra internal security measures you were talking about."

New action: research ways we could increase our internal security. Main goal is against mutiny/internal sabotage, though if it also helps against boarders that's a nice bonus.

Here are some ideas to get started (but don't be constrained by these necessarily, if other things make more sense and the roll result allows for it):

Spoiler: research ideas (click to show/hide)

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« Last Edit: December 08, 2024, 05:57:53 pm by Radio Controlled »

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #107 on: December 01, 2024, 04:11:07 pm »

Wouldn't my harvesting piloting roll be +3 rather than +1?

You were busy with the one good mining roll, and as such weren't available for the salvager fails.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #108 on: December 01, 2024, 11:38:49 pm »

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"Hey, I feel way safer with those battle suits aboard.  They'll go far towards helping ensure whenever we let others onboard, if we disagree we can effectively say no - maybe.

Jake/Xvareon, and the rest of us, may I have access to one of those battle suits?  I'd like to see if I spot obvious ways to improve them further - or even make them with what our ship can handle manufacturing (if we have the materials, be nice to make one for each of us, I think), and I like the idea of personal armor that is extremely hard to get through about as much as I like our highest quality ship shields and armor.

Also, I discovered a way to help us remotely pilot one or more of our ships.  Here's notes about it, but what about allocating the costs, 15 enhanced materials, 6 electronics, and 2 communications to build one?  We could build more than one, but this should give us the option to fully remotely pilot those ships, be it for combat or salvage or harvest, or exploring.  And without penalties, even without enough crew.  Y'all had some rough moments out there, right?  I think this is worth the cost, but what do each of you think?

Also, do we have these 'enhanced materials' yet?  If not, what about I consider what we can maybe repurpose from the absolute least useful parts of the ship's extras, or maybe I just need to adjust the search function for how we go about noting what we have aboard.

I think Johanna/NJW, you were scooping those, but not sure about our internal manifests. If we haven't collected those yet, it may be worth the risk to go out again - but that's on you guys if we do, you're our pilots.  Maybe it's aboard and I missed it, but we'd need 15.

Electronics, we need 6.  If we have them stored, I just can't find where yet.  But I bet we can repurpose.

And 2 communications... again.  Gotta be repurposeful, or else it's in some nook I missed.

(our resources are listed as:  1 units of Weapons, 14 units of Exotics, 10 units of Advanced Materials, 215 units of Advanced Resources.  240/240    Egads.  We have unused barracks, surely we can store some things in even the unused or less-used corridors?  Ahh, 'pods can be used too'.  Let's check the pods for the stuff I can't find...  We have this giant ship and no space to hold anything, I am befuddled.)"

"Now, who wants to be in charge of our recruitment efforts? I can fly the ship if no better pilots want to, but I'd still need someone to do the talking, I'm not, ah, a people person."

"Heh.  So, it's not something I'm eager to do.  But diplomacy's my specialty, really what I'm best at.  I prefer to use it sweet talkin' tech and research ideas out of AI... but prompt engineerin' people's really the same skillset.  I don't love talkin' to strangers... but I am good at it.  If we decide we're going for people to add, yes.  I'd rather be involved than not (and I'd rather have a battle suit to help deal with the worst of any mistakes, if there's any mistakes that bad).

But yeah.  I can probably screen for people worth risking bringing on board, and if I do it I'll be way more okay with any problems that maybe come from it.

Nice call with making sellables, Zakharov/Radio. I love that idea more than nearly anything else we can sell, worth more than raws and we can make stuff easy aboard here.

In any free time I have, I start looking over those intriguing AI system 8/8 'Unresearched Notes'.  I want to understand at least something about what is contained in those.  I figure we're not even close to the people-recruiting stage yet, and I want to get some sense of this mystery understood before I go off ship and maybe never get back to puzzle some of this stuff out.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #109 on: December 02, 2024, 08:30:48 am »

In general, materials are basic, then enhanced, then advanced.  Materials are processed resources, such as refined metals, wiring, etcetera.  Constructed stuff.  Higher grades of materials can be substituted for lower grades.

Materials may be produced from the same resources, and substitutions can be made the same way.  Advanced resources can be made into enhanced materials.  You cannot go up, but you can substitute downwards.

Exotics are resources that can't be substituted, but are required for some of the more exotic uses.

Some stuff for ships requires non-standard materials, such as electronics and communications.  These are specialty products, and can be made from enhanced (or better) resources.  Most ship projects will require some of these materials.

As a non-exhaustive list, here are some examples:

Electronics (Most ship gear will require some of this, particularly with your weird mobile bulkheads.  Stuff will take less materials overall, but almost everything will take some electronics.)
Communications (Controls, comms gear, major repairs.  Not much used.)
High Tech (Engineering parts and Engine parts.  Also Jump Drives and basic AI computer systems.)
Sensors (Remote mines, missiles, sensor probes, ships)
Armour (Major armour repairs, fighters or other combat craft, strong ground vehicles.  Equipment you wear rather than ride doesn't require ship-grade armour plates.  Battlesuits fall into the ride category.)
Weapons (Weapons systems, armed ships, ground combat equipment or vehicles)

Some stuff will also require Chemicals, which come in the same basic, enhanced, advanced tiers.  Most ship equipment or major construction projects will require some generic materials, and some specialty resources.  Stuff that doesn't require specialty resources are things like your ammunition (which has specialized on-ship manufactories that do it all for you), and things like basic cargo carrying pods.

Pods are basically containers that travel tethered to the ship, and only require small amounts of basic materials to build.  You can make 20 units of pod storage space for 1x Basic Resources.  Not even materials.  Although fancy pods like sensor systems and minefields will require more advanced materials.

The specialty resources, like electronics and such, can be made on board.  You have a fully functioning engineering section with remnant-tech tools.  Your ship is fully capable of making what you need from raw resources.  The primary skill is Engineering, which is useful for all manufacturing projects, although others may be substituted like Munitions for making advanced rounds for the seige guns, missile launchers, or railguns, or Weapons for making weapon systems.

You can also totally make sellable goods.  I'll list that as 'consumer goods', with the same basic / enhanced / advanced tech levels.

Do note that manufacturing stuff will eventually wear out your engineering tools, and repairing them may be quite difficult.  They won't wear out fast, but wear does happen, and like everything else, it's easier to break stuff if you don't have a proper crew on board.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #110 on: December 03, 2024, 12:57:05 am »


I'm puzzled because I interpreted this:


Basic resources, >500,000 units
Enhanced resources, ~3400 units
Advanced resources, 240 units
Exotics, 14 units

Processed materials:

Basic materials, 5,200 units
Enhanced materials, 11 units.
Electronics, 8 units.
Weapons, 1 unit

Gases (for mining purposes)

Water, ~unlimited (high availability)
Hydrogen ~unlimited (high availability)
Heavy Gases, ~unlimited (high availability)
Basic Chemicals, ~unlimited (high availability)
Enhanced Chemicals, ~unlimited (Needs containers, moderate availability)

Fuel Radioactives, >500m fuel units (extraction rate moderate.)

"And that's all.  Looks like there's an old cache of weapons here, might be something interesting."

to mean that we could hunt and peck for the better stuff, and I thought we tried to.

Johanna assists in using the gas scoop to gather enhanced resources, storing them in the internal cargo hold.

Since I have some piloting skill, and if it would help: go out with one of the mining ships (or the salvager?) and start mining materials. Focus on the processed materials first, basic => enhanced => electronics => weapons.
Then for raw resources it's the same idea: basic => enhanced => advanced => exotics.

More complicated than that, right?
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #111 on: December 03, 2024, 03:25:42 am »

Yeah, you did pick up the better stuff.  What you're carrying is the valuable materials.  It's just that those aren't the exact things you needed to build something, and you'll need to do some manufacturing to make the parts.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #112 on: December 08, 2024, 12:57:39 pm »

"I hope it's clear that we'll need a lot more hands to run this operation. That came close to disaster already.

"I'm fine with Aunaewan vetting new recruits... we don't want to bring spies or lunatics on board. We'll need people with a lot of different specialisms, so a handful of us will have to go looking for crew. Ideally from a lot of different places, to minimise risk. 

"I'd be most comfortable interviewing salvagers, support staff and engineers. Could take Zhakarov with me, let him find us technicians or pilots. And if anyone wants large scale purchasing done, just tell me what and how much."

Start turning the raw materials we've gathered into enhanced consumer goods that could be used to purchase supplies and hire crew.

Does Johanna know of many outer-ring planets or shipyards - places where engineers and support crew could be hired? Ideally ones with fair to good reputation.

"Oh, and Johanna, if you could take over my shift regarding producing things for trade, I could look into those extra internal security measures you were talking about."

"I'll get on it."

Spoiler: Johanna Goodwood (click to show/hide)

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Radio Controlled

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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #113 on: December 08, 2024, 01:33:31 pm »

I think this is worth the cost, but what do each of you think?

"For now, I think we'll want to plow all our resources into crew in one way or another, personally. At least until we reach minimal crew."

Nice call with making sellables, Zakharov/Radio. I love that idea more than nearly anything else we can sell, worth more than raws and we can make stuff easy aboard here.

"Why thank you. Are you also on board with selling our old salvager? Nobody seems to have commented on it, and while it won't get us as many people as a fancy mining ship, it should get us a decent number of crew and let us kickstart our operations a little."

"I'd be most comfortable interviewing salvagers, support staff and engineers. Could take Zhakarov with me, let him find us technicians or pilots. And if anyone wants large scale purchasing done, just tell me what and how much."

"I am willing to pilot and/or do technical interviewing when we go out searching for crew! As for purchases, just people and food is what we need right now I'd say."

"I'll get on it."


((Action edited))

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #114 on: December 10, 2024, 10:26:08 am »

(( Somehow I completely missed the updates of the past week and change because Bay12 would not give me an auto E-mail notification. If that happens again, someone please send me a PM, it usually pings me for those. ))

Okay, okay, those suits are obviously ground-pounders, and that's a problem. That kind of weaponry is NOT what you want to use in the bulk of a ship. You're gonna decompress the hull. I'm going to look into giving them something lower-caliber that won't damage the ship's internals as badly if they have to fend off boarders. Shotguns would be a good start, especially as they can be loaded with numerous different rounds, including less-lethal ones. We can plug the heavy stuff back in if we need them for something more. That's assuming their weaponry can be unequipped at all, though.

Can the battlesuits be slaved to network control/operated remotely? I want to know if we have to worry about someone/something hacking them and making them move around. Or, maybe we could give them to the AI to act as security guards for us.

"Jake/Xvareon, and the rest of us, may I have access to one of those battle suits?"
"Sure, you can take a good look at them—when I'm in the room. I need a good look at these monsters, too. Look, we're salvagers. The most I've piloted is one of those heavy-duty cargo hauler 'bots. The hell're we gonna do with these? Who even knows how to pilot one? Can we even touch anything without the ship blowing up? Let's focus on not blowing up first, mmkay?"

Spoiler: Jason "Jake" Esperanza (click to show/hide)
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