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Author Topic: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.  (Read 6453 times)


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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #15 on: October 21, 2024, 07:46:01 pm »

So what's the plan guys, we're going to cut out those three engines and sell em off to wealthy city-states? No? We're going to keep it?

I think we have to all have our own Unicorn.

Because we all have our own personal ship upgrades, as well as sharing some universal ship upgrades; I think we all have our personal ships!

Maybe you can sell your engines :P

I'll use mine!
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #16 on: October 22, 2024, 02:42:11 am »

((For the record, I do believe there is only 1 ship and we all share it, we don't each get a big ship.

And yes, the first major thing will be to decide what we do with our find. Given that we're a bunch of blue spacecollar workers, selling it to the highest bidder and retiring fabulously wealthy would probably be the most in-character. Would be a hilarious nonstandard game over! The best one since the scuppered star wars game.))

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #17 on: October 22, 2024, 02:50:22 am »

The main issue I see with that is that we've stumbled not only onto a downright strategic resource, every single part we could cut out of it is itself a strategic resource. Which is to say, if we cut out the engines and try to find someone rich enough to buy them off us, like a large state or corporation, that party definitely has the resources to just murder us and steal the things without paying. And we wouldn't have a warship to fight them off, since we like, chopped it up already. The find is way too valuable to be able to sell it off safely.
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #18 on: October 22, 2024, 03:23:36 am »

((I had some thoughts on this, but I'll wait till the game kicks off properly so we can hash it out IC.))

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #19 on: October 22, 2024, 03:26:28 am »

I was treating it as an ooc hypothetical, since we probably want to use this baby to have a game and achieve strategic goals of our own rather than not have a game, but some IC hashing is acceptable!
I may choose to be anything I wish. So I chose to be YOUR DOOM!!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #20 on: October 22, 2024, 05:46:49 am »

((Yes, there is only one ship))

((TBH, there really aren't many states that can possibly buy this from you.  There are a few old imperial cruisers about, but those are late imperial cruisers, from well into the decline phase.  Less capable originally and usually worn down after centuries of service.  This baby is from the height of power.))

After the parade of insane riches, the AI rooms seem relatively mundane.  Multiple backups, synthetic automation systems, massive computation potential, and a wide range of tactical simulatiors and parallel processing systems.  In general, you will be able to operate this ship at a reasonable level of skill without it being properly crewed, as well as provide direction for hundreds of networked ships in-system.  There are also a number of deployable nodes, so you can operate probes and miners and such in different systems, should you leave a pod-deployed node behind for FTL communications.  There is one major problem.  One, it's an old navy system, and connecting units to the ship network requires certain cyptographic encoder/decoders.  And for security purposes, you do not have the schematics or the keys for building them.  You can't add new ships to the system except by disassembling old ships, or using the limited supply of extras.  It's also very large scale, so trying to modernize it will be complicated, to say the least... if you even want to.  There are many years of subroutines and notes for using it, as the various crews have expanded its capabilities over their terms of service.. should you manage to dredge through the huge pile of complicated programming-related files.

The ship's machine shop takes up a few hundred square meters nearer the stern, along with tool rooms and damage control rooms spread throughout the ship.  It's a gleaming mass of carefully polished walls and equipment with the capacity to manufacture basically any part on the ship from raw materials.  Well.. most parts.  On a ship of this vintage, there are some components that require molecule-scale manufacturing technology, which is lost technology among lost technology.  Some of the major manufacturing tools here are on that scale.  Still, for damage control purposes there's a complete database of substitution parts which can do the job, but with a slight loss of ability, more than enough to keep the ship in the fight or in the field for many, many years between refits.  It's also capable of churning out the munitions and crew resources necessary, with a full built-in database of a truly ridiculous amount of consumer, and in some cases, luxury goods.  The databases for the bombs and other exotic combat arms are in dedicated systems near the weapons magazines, but should you want anything other than that, from ten thousand Old Imperial handheld pulse lasers to a gold-plated space yacht to make millionaires jealous, you can make it here should you manage to fit in the resources.  On a second pass, you find the in-hull refining system, for fuel manufacturing.  Slow, but you can fill your tanks from any rich planetary nebula, or in a pinch, many gas giants.  Then fly away while the catalysts do their thing, keeping you topped up for months.

The ships has two main sensory systems.  The combat sensors, which are a large network of pods, and can be used deployed or tethered to the ship.  It's comprehensive.  Gravity sensors, exotic particle sensors, chromium variability detectors (these are fantastic at picking up shields), and a wide range of common telescopic and spectrographic devices.  These don't do you much good unless they're deployed, and when deployed they fill the space around you with a fairly insane amount of emissions, so..  well.. stealth isn't what you expect from a ship of this size, but then there's being a giant unstealthy battleship and then there's turning on the disco ball floodlights.

Then there's the in-hull passive sensors.  Passive telescopes, passive particle detectors, radar pickups, and a few things that you don't recognize.  Some digging reveals that the old empire apparently figured out jump drive prediction, so you get a minute or two of warning should anything inside your zone be jumping in from outsystem.  You don't have any idea how that even works.. it's supposed to be impossible.  But you guess the Old Empire had a few tricks up their sleeves.

The pod system is somewhat of a relief, it's almost conventional.  Hypermagnetic relays for attaching hundreds of limpets, dedicated spaces for folding and unfolding the solid and force projections to create your very own swarm of tethered cargo pods.  And the large scale tractors required for playing Space Tetris and rearranging the hundreds of them.  Looks like overall capacity is about half the mass of the ship, so a few hundred thousand tons.  Similar to the munitions sector, there are some specialized manufacturing devices here for making more pods, as well as armed devices.. more sensors, remote missiles, stationary probes, mines, and bombs.

The jump drive system is another one of those fancy jobs.  You have a seven-node system, three of which are in-hull and required for keeping the ship together.  Or, well, one of them can do it, but you have two spares, each one with its own backup generator, bare-bones navigation system, and one shot exotic store for getting the ship the hell out of dodge, even if it's taken massive damage.  They're also hooked up to the proper navigation tables, capable of plotting a route across half the galaxy.  Except, of course, the maps are terribly out of date.  The system is capable of taking updates, and the format has not changed due to the absolute necessity of compatible mapping systems, but you, sadly, can't use this ancient near-perfect galactic navigation database.

The four outer nodes are for coordinating fleet jumps.  You can bring four more ships along with you into a jump, arriving in formation at the same time.  Or nearly the same time.. it looks like you can do a limited delay on things, giving you a minute or so to clear the space before the duckings arrive, or the reverse.  They also have the power capacity to simply not care about the receiving ships.  If you want to conduct Grand Theft Freighter, you can just fly next to a ship (or small station), hit the button, and bam, they're coming along with you no questions asked.

Last and not least are the three-layered particle/energy shields.  An outer field for mass deflections and neutralization, and two inner fields for stopping particles and energy beams.  As well as, thanks to the fancy hull, a final edge-of-armour field allowing for energy distribution around single points, reducing the risk of a single catastrophic hit.  You can understand how it works, with a few thousand projectors inside the hull, but these operate on a scale nobody is familiar with.  Raising and lowering them is easy, but beyond that don't expect anything fancy.  Do expect enough power to deflect dozens of hits before the projectors need to be replaced and recharged..  and there's fully automated systems capable of handling the load, as well as shield rooms for repairing and recharging them in bulk.

((I'll have a statsheet up for the ship with the next update, but I'll give you a few days to discuss plans and goals as well as ask setting-related questions.))
« Last Edit: October 22, 2024, 05:49:22 am by Devastator »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #21 on: October 22, 2024, 09:46:42 am »

I at least want to do a shakedown run, first. That's when navy engineers get to push ALL the buttons. For starters, the maps are out of date. Everything in the galaxy would have moved too far by now, and almost nothing would be named the same. Let's find some quiet, no-name system with some nickel-iron asteroids no one cares about, then put some of the no doubt impressive gunnery computers to work and sight everything in, to diagnose any potential problems well before we wind up in any real trouble. I want to put my Munitions skill to work checking the available ordnance, and make SURE we're not gonna have some unfortunate chain reaction event because the warheads were out of date or some antimatter/hydrogen mix was 0.0012 angstroms out of alignment. You do NOT mess around with vintage technology. That's why I still have all my fingers.

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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #22 on: October 22, 2024, 12:25:03 pm »

"Those are some good suggestions, Jake. I can definitely help out getting those maps sorted out. But perhaps we should also think about the greater picture for a moment?"

"We have found an amazing thing here, the kind of prize nations would go to war for to obtain. So where do we wanna go from here? We were all on this trip to do our jobs and earn some cash. Even if all we do is salvage a single grand engine and sell it somewhere, we could all retire in comfort. Is that what you guys want?"

"Personally, I think we can use this ship to do a lot of good is these troubled times, and explore the secrets of the cosmos!"

To help me get grounded a bit: suppose we had found some regular ol' salvage here instead of what appears to be Space Battleship Yamato, what would the next steps have been in order to turn a profit? Jump where (how does that go?), sell to who, etc. 

Spoiler: Character Sheet (click to show/hide)

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #23 on: October 22, 2024, 12:36:54 pm »

"Retire in comfort?" Scoffs. "Who do we even trust with this? Why wouldn't anyone else think the same way and try to make a quick profit off it all? Sure, we can sell parts, but as soon as we do, think of everyone who's gonna come for the source. That's how it always is in tech-mining. At the very least I wanna be sure we ain't gonna sell some time bomb and kill some governor's kid and have a whole system out after us. We ain't no army—we're just men on a run of luck. But big picture? To me, that looks like muscling into bigger markets. That looks like expanding the salvage business. And buying out some navy and merc contracts to get some more talent. No reason we can't start off same as we've always done; it's all just scale, to me. You don't plunge into a derelict without knowing what you're up against."


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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #24 on: October 22, 2024, 02:56:44 pm »

"She's stayed together all this time, it'd be a shame t' take her apart now. If ya talkin' about retiring in comfort, we could use her to build our own station right here and flood it with comforts, an' nobody even has t' know. Fer me, though, I've already lived a good life. Why didn't we see how far we can push this luck?"
I may choose to be anything I wish. So I chose to be YOUR DOOM!!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #25 on: October 22, 2024, 04:38:35 pm »

To help me get grounded a bit: suppose we had found some regular ol' salvage here instead of what appears to be Space Battleship Yamato, what would the next steps have been in order to turn a profit? Jump where (how does that go?), sell to who, etc.

Depends on what you find.  Useful machinery can go anywhere.  Base metals and refined fuel have ready markets.. you can jump three or four systems away and trade two hundred tons of ship-grade titanium for a month of consumables.  Most planets and stations have some basic machinery for ship repairs, and the hordes of small, cobbled-together spaceships are always needing parts and resources.  So basic stuff can be sold most anywhere.

Usually, what you would do is go somewhere that has something you need.  A refinery station if you need to fill up.  A planet or agricultural station if you want to stock up on food or basic fittings.  A market or larger planet if you need something special or exotic.  Good salvage spends well in most places in the galaxy.

Mostly you don't deal with quantities large enough to sell to governments, as their money doesn't always spend very far from their home bases.  But a bureaucrat offering jump drive parts is no different than a salvage dealer, or a farmer's collective.  You can, and have, sold to any and all of them.

You do need to watch out for thieves and raiders, but the local area has been quite quiet, without the usual bands of pirates or raiders to deal with.  Not that you can imagine any pirate fleet being able to tangle with your prize.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #26 on: October 22, 2024, 06:01:46 pm »

"This ship could bring entire planets to heel," Vlad points out, "so it should. We can establish a series of satrapies paying us tribute, and then leverage said tribute to deploy more conventional control mechanisms in a self-sustaining cycle. It's a beautiful vessel, but it's built for war. It won't be fully suited to mere salvage or exploration."
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A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #27 on: October 22, 2024, 06:44:40 pm »

((Yes, there is only one ship))

((TBH, there really aren't many states that can possibly buy this from you.  There are a few old imperial cruisers about, but those are late imperial cruisers, from well into the decline phase.  Less capable originally and usually worn down after centuries of service.  This baby is from the height of power.))

I suppose if we wanted money for some reason, and wanted to sell for it (We could... do commissioned work, like protective escort service, or even turn to piracy ourself, we don't utterly have to be merchants)

We have a few easy options (I don't recommend any of them).

We could sell some of the smaller, least-useful craft in our hangar and/or other not-bolted down, in excess of predicted needs objects.

We could sell the right to come research for a time aboard the ship, with defined access limits and some means we think adequate to prevent abuse (we better really trust anyone we let try do this, a boarding party welcomed aboard could be the greatest danger we could face).

Hey, Dev, why'd you direct us to do this?

"As for the ship, assign four points to the following systems.  No system may have more than two points assigned to it."

How does/did that get used?
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #28 on: October 22, 2024, 06:55:51 pm »

"This ship could bring entire planets to heel," Vlad points out, "so it should. We can establish a series of satrapies paying us tribute, and then leverage said tribute to deploy more conventional control mechanisms in a self-sustaining cycle. It's a beautiful vessel, but it's built for war. It won't be fully suited to mere salvage or exploration."
"War, I can do." Kaitaryn nod. "What's the goal, though? We can build our own, little empire with this thing... but a whole fleet of ships like this weren't enough to keep the last empire standing. What's our legacy, a handful of systems brought to heel, to gradually be whittled down again in the generations to come, as this ship runs out of replacement parts?"
I may choose to be anything I wish. So I chose to be YOUR DOOM!!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #29 on: October 22, 2024, 07:18:49 pm »

Hey, Dev, why'd you direct us to do this?

"As for the ship, assign four points to the following systems.  No system may have more than two points assigned to it."

How does/did that get used?

((Ship bonuses:  Structure, Main Guns, Hangar Bay, Engines.

Particular systems were upgraded depending on your votes.))
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