IronyOwl vs. Crystalizedmire:
Speed Order:
-Kyle Seven (7) - Crystalizedmire
-Lancer (6) - IronyOwl
Turn 1:
Kyle Seven feels outmatched as he watches Lancer, but his fears are unfounded - Kyle is much better equipped.
He deals 4 damage to Lancer, using two Slashes. Lancer is reduced to 7 Health.
Lancer retaliates with two Flailing Punches, dealing (1d2=1, 1-1=0) no damage and (1d2=2, 2-1=1) 1 damage.
What would be painful blows have been cushioned by Kyle's armor, but he's still reduced to 6 Health.
Turn 2:
Kyle Seven moves with greater speed, cutting two more wounds into Lancer using two Slashes.
Lancer takes 4 damage, and is reduced to 3 Health.
Lancer keeps punching back, as best he can, using two Flailing Punches. This deals (1d2=2, 2-1=1) 1 damage and (1d2=1, 1-1=0) no damage.
Kyle is reduced to 5 Health, but that hardly matters. Even though his armor is completely expended now...
Turn 3:
Kyle Seven strikes Lancer with two final Slashes, dealing 4 damage, and dropping Lancer to 0 Health.
Lancer collapses, having been killed.
Crystalizedmire wins her matchup, and earns 1 Point for Battle Phase 1!
FiveBalesOfHay vs. Egan_BW:
Speed Order:
-Everyman (5) - Egan_BW
-Granite (2) - FiveBalesOfHay
Turn 1:
Everyman throws a pair of daggers into Granite's shin. The brute barely flinches, but still takes 4 damage, dropping him to 10 Health.
Granite retaliates with a Flailing Punch, dealing (1d2=2) 2 damage. Everyman is reduced to 9 Health...
Turn 2:
Everyman still has one more dagger to throw, and uses it, dealing 2 damage. He follows up with a Flailing Punch, dealing an additional (1d2=2) 2 damage.
Granite has 6 Health remaining, and retaliates with another Flailing Punch. It deals (1d2=1) 1 damage, forcing Everyman down to 8 Health.
It's just not enough, is it?
Turn 3:
Everyman moves in with the punches, dealing (1d2=1) (1d2=1) 2 damage, reducing Granite to 4 Health.
The rock-man endures, and retaliates with one more Flailing Punch, dealing (1d2=2) 2 damage. Everyman is still ahead of Granite, with 6 Health left.
Get these people some weapons, for crying out loud.
Turn 4:
Everyman, battered and bruised, still has more endurance left than the other guy. He swings twice more, dealing (1d2=2) (1d2=2) 4 damage.
Granite, at last, collapses, having been reduced to 0 Health.
Egan_BW wins their matchup, and wins 1 Point for Battle Phase 1!
Crystalizedmire: 1 Point
Egan_BW: 1 Point
IronyOwl: 0 Points
FiveBalesOfHay: 0 Points
Bidding Phase 2 will begin tomorrow, or tonight if I have enough energy.