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Author Topic: Embark Anywhere (2013.1.25.1)  (Read 58927 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Embark Anywhere (2009.10.02.2)
« Reply #90 on: November 12, 2010, 10:22:26 am »

Can someone explain what am I doing wrong, step-by-step?
1) I choose 'Select process to open'
2) Open File
3) I select embarkanywhere.exe
4) I copy 66 83 7F 1A FF in 'Value:' field and check 'Hex'
5) Two addresses appear on the left
6) I disassemble first one
7) Eight addresses below the selected there's a 'JE some numbers'
8) I change it to 'NOP', get a prompt about two-byte value, press 'yes'
9) ???
10) No profit :(


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dabbling DFer, Legendary Lazy, Proficient Sleeper
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Re: Embark Anywhere (2009.10.02.2)
« Reply #91 on: December 05, 2010, 09:22:18 am »

Get  yourself a memory editor with disassembly (I used Cheat Engine).

I looked for the search pattern in the Embark Anywhere source and found that only part of the code changes.

Search for (in hex) 66 83 7F 1A FF from the site selector in DF.

Should only find one memory address. Right click that and hit Disassemble.  Change the next instruction (should be JE and some numbers) to "NOP" (doubleclick it in Cheat Engine).  Since it's a two-byte instruction it'll prompt you to replace all of them with NOPs.  Do so.

Embark anywhere and enjoy!

This works in 31.16

ok, not a programmer here, so I'm really really lost, but I think I might be on the right track... if I knew what the track looked like. Anyway, trying to figure out how to utilize Cheat Engine 5.6.1, Doing what was said above, as well as the later posts about using "array of bytes", which found 2 lines of code with the Value listed above, at addresses 008C8383 and 77416C97. Both values of 66837F1AFF. I have no idea how to disassemble the code to change it, but well... I can't do more then kill the program so I'll post if I succeed [lol] or need a link for step by step. the tutorial... well its ok up to a point. I dont want to deal with it again right now though.

Edit 1[09:27:38 am]: huh, when i click the red arrow to "copy all selected items to the address list" [the lines of code that i can freeze like for infinite consistent hp in other games] it changes from 77416C97 to 5D0D6C97. totally different code. value also changes to 8B 40 0C 89 46. Yeah, I'm stumped again.

Edit 2[09:28:35 am]: 008C8383 stays consistant however. I'm going to try to play with that line of code.

Edit 3[09:32:41 am]:I think I'm on the same track Dariush is on, I dissassembled 008C8383 and found that it had the bytes of 74 04 and Opcode je 008c838e. Thats probably what he saw. it has an arrow to 008C838E with the bytes of 8b 57 54, the arrow pointing to the Opcode mov edx,[edi+54]. Am I even close to doing it right or am I on the other side of the map? Going to try to do what he did [or similar], not expecting anything to happen though.

Edit 4: eh, I'll try that next, I'll just go down the list of JE codes till I find the one that matches what you guys got in the forum. lets see, its... JE 0182838e, so if i find that, I should find the right line of code then. I hope.... yeah that was stupid. back to previous idea.

ok, not Last EDIT!!!!, successful one :3 [09:43:29 am]: I did it! it lets me embark in unembarkable zones!
ok 74 04 is what you have to notice, i kept missing it. it is 008C838E. when you dissassemble, the next line 008C8388 has the 74 04 code, just right click and do the replace with nothing code and it and 008C8389 will become 90. and it lets me embark! brb seeing what stupid i just put dwarves in.

This is the last edit: success! and... its a lot of mountain in snow. now to find something worth messing around with. also I'm gonna save this somewhere so I can do it when I want to reliably. hey Dariush, I figured it out  :P
« Last Edit: December 05, 2010, 09:45:43 am by Frosty_Dorf »

honestly, that was a ragequit moment.  The friggin thief just walked on past and grabbed it.  There were like 100+ floors yet to be placed.
My computer struggled to load all the demons.  Then, next frame, I check the unit list....
The last.... 4+ pages.... all demons.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Embark Anywhere (2009.10.02.2)
« Reply #92 on: January 12, 2014, 12:30:07 pm »

Windows XP SP3 is not supported?


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Embark Anywhere (2009.10.02.2)
« Reply #93 on: January 13, 2014, 04:42:33 am »

Windows XP SP3 is not supported?
Absent. In windows 7 is activated.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Embark Anywhere (2013.1.25.1)
« Reply #94 on: February 02, 2014, 04:32:37 am »

I tried embarking in the middle of a goblin fortress, and it just generated regular terrain. The same thing happened to me with a human town. What's wrong?
« Last Edit: February 02, 2014, 04:37:16 am by flarn2006 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Embark Anywhere (2013.1.25.1)
« Reply #95 on: January 09, 2019, 05:29:18 am »

As of January 9 2019 this still works.No viruses according to my scanner.
Kind of funny embarking in the middle of the ocean :)
Have you experienced the joys of a dwarven tantrum chain yet ?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Embark Anywhere (2013.1.25.1)
« Reply #96 on: January 09, 2019, 06:20:14 am »

As of January 9 2019 this still works.No viruses according to my scanner.
Kind of funny embarking in the middle of the ocean :)
And still buggy even when dwarves have NOBREATHE and AQUATIC.

I mean, The Game is still buggy. ;-)
Finis sanctificat media.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Embark Anywhere (2013.1.25.1)
« Reply #97 on: January 10, 2019, 06:14:32 am »

And still buggy even when dwarves have NOBREATHE and AQUATIC.
I mean, The Game is still buggy. ;-)
Everything fell into a 75 Zlevel pit right away.
I lost that game a lot faster than embarking on top of undead monstrosities.

I think next time, I'm just going to embark in the middle of a Goblin City ( assuming it's not just another pit of death ) !
Have you experienced the joys of a dwarven tantrum chain yet ?
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